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#940 JPEXS Flash Decompiler on Mac OS X Yosemite not running
Author: user Help
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Mac
State: closed Help

> What steps will reproduce the problem? Unzipping the Original file and running the .app file extracted does not run the application. > What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Im expecting to see the program run like on my windows machine, instead nothing happens. > What version of the product are you using? Is it "nighlty build"? Which operating system do you have? Running it on OS X YOSEMITE > Please provide any additional information below. If the problem is related to a SWF file, attach it here, otherwise we can't help you.
Also would like to include that file im extracting is
In the meantime, please try classic ZIP version - "" if you can run manually
Do you really need to extract the I never used maxosx before, but now i installed it (10.10 yosemite) to VMWare. Instaled JRE + JDK, downloaded the "zipped macosx application", right click and open. And everything works without any problem. (without extracting anything)
Title: JPEXS FLASH DECOMPILER ON OS X YOSEMITE MAC NOT RUNNING→JPEXS Flash Decompiler on Mac OS X Yosemite not running
Did you read "How to install" info on / ? Or how do you "Run" the application?
I know how to install applications and run them if they are unidentified developer apications , installing the Jre+Jdk I'm unfamiliar with, I just tried the said version I however dont know how to manually
Trying out "" , I ran "ffdec.jar" and it seems to be running the program, I don't believe this is the conventional way though?
I got the same problem on El Capitan running the thats in the nothing happens after double clicking the app
Hi, i just got the same problem with El Capitan
This is my comment copied from a similar stream, but here it is anyway. Ok, I had the exact same problem as you, however, I have solved it. First and foremost, right click the application icon (of FFDec) and go into the contents folder. Then go into the resource folder. There is a .jar file, and this is how i figured out the problem. The problem is that Macs don't have Java preinstalled, and haven't for a while, but to run this program you need Java. So what you need to do is go to either Oracle, or and download the latest version of Java. Then try opening up the app again. Wallah, it works. Btw, you're welcome, mac users
State: new→closed