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NEW : We have got a new blog where we post some interesting SWF internals info.

#315 Translation: German

Date created:
Type: other
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: Translation
State: opened 

I am interested of translating to the german language.
Is it free or is already someone working on it?
it is free at the moment.
I have added it to the "preparing" list,
you can start working on it, thank you.
State: new→opened
Done with the translation, I hope I forgot no file in there.
Some points in the files weren't really clear, so I just translated world-by-word.
Maybe are there some grammar fails in it but it should be good enough for the beginning :)

Hi, thanks,but...
Looks like you forgot FFDec/abc and FFDec/proxy directories.
Also few strings at the end of MainFrame_de.properties are missing.
(Starting at error.occured)
New Strings (SelectLanguageDialog):
#after version 1.7.0:
# This language name translated (e. g. Čeština for Czech,...)
language = English
language.label = Language:
dialog.title = Select language
#after version 1.7.0u1:
menu.tools.searchmemory = Search SWFs in memory
+attached file

In ErrorLogFrame:
#after version 1.7.0u1:
clear = Clear
Please subscribe to issue #354,
I will post new strings there.
(Place translated strings here as previously)
There is the new one, tell if there are some hidden folders which need to get translated

Summary of the current transltation state.
The following texts/files are not translated:
de: Property not found in resource file: ExportDialog, property: actionscript.hex
de: Property not found in resource file: ExportDialog, property: actionscript.pcodehex
de: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property: contextmenu.closeSwf
de: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property: filter.exe
de: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property: filter.gfx
de: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property: filter.supported
de: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property:
de: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property: menu.file.saveasexe
de: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property: menu.recentFiles
de: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property:
de: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property:
de: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property: work.canceled
de: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property: work.restoringControlFlow
de: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property:
de: Resource file not found:
Please translate the following texts (You can skip AdvancedSettings if it is too much):
AboutDialog, property: translators=Translators:
AboutDialog, property: developers.others=+ others from GitHub and Google code
AboutDialog, property: developers=Developers:
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.overrideTextExportFileName=You can
customite the filename of the expoted text. Use {filename} placeholder to use the filename
of current SWF.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: advancedSettings.columns.name=Name
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.autoRenameIdentifiers=Automatic rename
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showCloseConfirmation=Show again SWF
close confirmation for modified files.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.textExportExportFontFace=Embed font
files in SVG using font-face instead of shapes
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.textExportExportFontFace=Use font-face in
SVG export
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: advancedSettings.columns.value=Value
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.resolveConstants=Turn this off to
show 'constantxx' instead of real values in P-code window
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showTraitSavedMessage=Show again
trait saved message
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.openMultipleFiles=Open multiple files
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.parallelSpeedUp=Parallelism can speed
up decompilation
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.description.import=Configuration of
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property:
config.description.decompilationTimeoutSingleMethod=Decompiler will stop ActionScript
decompilation after reaching this time in one method
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.autoDeobfuscate=Automatic deobfuscation
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.resolveConstants=Resolve constants in AS1/2
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.description.other=Other uncategorized
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.textImportResizeTextBoundsMode=Text bounds
resize mode
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.lastOpenDir=(Internal) Last open directory
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.lastRenameType=(Internal) Last rename type
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.gui.splitPane1.dividerLocation=(Internal)
Splitter location 1
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.getLocalNamesFromDebugInfo=AS3: Get local
register names from debug info
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.description.script=ActionScript
decompilation related
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.gui.fontPreviewWindow.width=(Internal) Last
font preview window width
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.displayFileName=Show SWF name in title
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.dumpTags=Dump tags to console on
reading SWF file
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showCloseConfirmation=Show again SWF close
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.debuggerPort=Debugger port
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.parallelThreadCount=Number of threads
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.description.ui=User intercace
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property:
config.name.textExportSingleFileRecordSeparator=Separator of records in one file text
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showCodeSavedMessage=Show again code saved
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.export.formats=Last used export
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.lastDebuggerReplaceFunction=Function
name which was last selected in replace trace function with debugger
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.packJavaScripts=Run JavaScript packer
on scripts created on Canvas Export.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.recentFiles=(Internal) Recent files
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showTraitSavedMessage=Show again trait saved
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.useHexColorFormat=Hex color format
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.warning.experimental.as12edit=Warn on AS1/2
direct edit
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.textExportSingleFileSeparator=Separator of
texts in one file text export
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.warning.experimental.as3edit=Show
warning on AS3 experimental direct editation
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.name.other=Other
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.openMultipleFiles=Allows opening
multiple files at once in one window
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.useDetailedLogging=Detailed Logging
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.registerNameFormat=Register variable format
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.formatting.indent.size=Characters per
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.useRibbonInterface=Ribbon interface
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.check.updates.nightly=Checking for
nightly version updates
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.useFrameCache=Cache frames before
rendering again
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.paramNamesEnable=Using parameter
names in decompiling may cause problems because official programs like Flash CS 5.5
inserts wrong parameter names indices
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.textExportSingleFile=Exporting texts
in one file instead of multiple
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.check.updates.stable=Checking for
stable version updates
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.displayDebuggerInfo=(Internal) Display
debugger info
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.gui.window.height=(Internal) Last window
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.name.display=Display
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.autoLoadEmbeddedSwfs=Automaticaly
load the embedded SWFs from DefineBinaryData tags.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.syntaxHighlightLimit=Maximum number
of characters to run syntax hilight on
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.gui.window.maximized.vertical=(Internal)
Window maximized vertically
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: advancedSettings.columns.description=Description
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.gotoMainClassOnStartup=Go to main class on
startup (AS3)
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.useDetailedLogging=Log detailed error
messages and info for debugging purposes
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.debuggerPort=Port used for socket
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.lastExportDir=Last used export
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.gui.fontPreviewWindow.height=(Internal) Last
font preview window height
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.decimalAddress=Use decimal addresses
instead of hexadecimal
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.fontPairing=Font pairs for importing
new characters
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.registerNameFormat=Format of local
register variable names. Use %d for register number.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.useRibbonInterface=Uncheck to use
classic interface without ribbon menu
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.cacheOnDisk=Use caching on disk
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.name.format=Formatting
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.name.decompilation=Decompilation
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.export.zoom=(Internal) Export zoom
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.gui.fontPreviewWindow.posY=(Internal) Last
font preview window Y
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.export.formats=(Internal) Export formats
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.useHexColorFormat=Show the colors in
hex format
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.gui.fontPreviewWindow.posX=(Internal) Last
font preview window X
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.warning.experimental.as12edit=Show
warning on AS1/2 experimental direct editation
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.description.decompilation=Global
decompilation related functions
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.textExportSingleFileSeparator=Text to
insert between texts in single file text export
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.check.updates.delay=Updates check delay
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.check.updates.nightly=Check for nightly
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.lastOpenDir=Last used open directory
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.lastSaveDir=(Internal) Last save directory
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.tagTreeShowEmptyFolders=Show empty
folders in tag tree.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.paramNamesEnable=Enable parameter names in
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showOldTextDuringTextEditing=Show old text
during text editing
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.exportTimeout=Decompiler will stop
exporting after reaching this time
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.parallelSpeedUp=Parallel SpeedUp
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.gui.avm2.splitPane.dividerLocation=
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.textImportResizeTextBoundsMode=Text
bounds resize mode after text editing.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.guiActionSplitPaneDividerLocation=(Internal)
AS1/2 splitter location
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.sublimiter=Limit of code subs
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: default=default
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.decompile=Show ActionScript source
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.dumpView=Dump View
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.description.display=Flash objects display,
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.gui.splitPane2.dividerLocation=(Internal)
Splitter location 2
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.gui.fontPreviewWindow.width=
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.getLocalNamesFromDebugInfo=If debug
info present, renames local registers from _loc_x_ to real names. This can be turned off
because some obfuscators use invalid register names there.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.gui.window.height=Last saved window
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.gui.window.maximized.vertical=Last
window state - maximized vertically
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.debugCopy=Debug recompile
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showCodeSavedMessage=Show again code
saved message
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.saveAsExeScaleMode=Save as EXE scale mode
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.beginBlockOnNewLine=Curly brace on new line
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property:
config.name.gui.avm2.splitPane.dividerLocation=(Internal) AS3 Splitter location
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.gui.splitPane1.dividerLocation=
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.parallelThreadCount=Number of threads
for parallel speedup
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.formatting.indent.useTabs=Tabs for indent
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.name.update=Updates
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.recentFiles=Recent opened files
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.decimalAddress=Use decimal addresses
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.lastUpdatesCheckDate=(Internal) Last update
check date
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.formatting.indent.size=Number or
spaces(or tabs) for one indentation
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.sublimiter=Limit of code subs for
obfuscated code.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: advancedSettings.dialog.title=Advanced Settings
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.locale=Locales identifier
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.lzmaFastBytes=LZMA fast bytes (valid values:
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.description.format=ActionScript code
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.randomDebuggerPackage=This renames
Debugger package to random string which makes debugger presence harder to detect by
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.internalFlashViewer=Use own Flash viewer
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.saveAsExeScaleMode=Scaling mode for
EXE export
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.gui.window.maximized.horizontal=(Internal)
Window maximized horizontally
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.packJavaScripts=Pack JavaScripts
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.gotoMainClassOnStartup=Navigates to
document class of AS3 file on SWF opening
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.displayDebuggerInfo=Display info
about debugger before switching it
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.updateProxyAddress=Http Proxy address for
checking updates
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property:
config.description.textExportSingleFileRecordSeparator=Text to insert between text records
in single file text export
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.dumpView=View raw data dump
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.offeredAssociation=(Internal) Association
with SWF files displayed
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.locale=Language
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.guiActionSplitPaneDividerLocation=
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.decompilationTimeoutFile=Decompiler
will stop ActionScript decompilation after reaching this time in one file
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.overrideTextExportFileName=Override text
export filename
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.decompilationTimeoutFile=Single file
decompilation timeout (seconds)
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.debugMode=Debug mode
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.deobfuscationMode=Deobfuscation mode
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.cacheOnDisk=Cache already decompiled
parts on hard drive instead of memory
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.export.zoom=Last used export zoom
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.description.limit=Decompilation limits for
obfuscated code, etc.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.gui.window.width=Last saved window
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.gui.window.maximized.horizontal=Last
window state - maximized horizontally
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.randomDebuggerPackage=Use random package
name for Debugger
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.gui.fontPreviewWindow.posY=
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showMethodBodyId=Shows the id of the
methodbody for commandline import
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.gui.fontPreviewWindow.posX=
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.decompile=You can disable AS
decompilation, then only P-code is shown
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.name.export=Export
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.lastSaveDir=Last used save directory
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.check.updates.delay=Minimum time
between automatic checks for updates on application start
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.description.update=Checking for updates
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.updateProxyAddress=Http Proxy address
for checking updates. Format: example.com:8080
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.gui.splitPane2.dividerLocation=
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.pluginPath=Plugin Path
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.description.debug=Debugging settings
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.warning.experimental.as3edit=Warn on AS3
direct edit
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.debugCopy=Tries to compile SWF file
again just after opening to ensure it produces same binary code. Use for DEBUGGING only!
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.autoDeobfuscate=Run deobfuscation on
every file before ActionScript decompilation
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.useFrameCache=Use frame cache
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.formatting.indent.useTabs=Use tabs
instead of spaces for indentation
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.guiPreviewSplitPaneDividerLocation=
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.openFolderAfterFlaExport=Display
output directory after exporting FLA file
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.openFolderAfterFlaExport=Open folder after
FLA export
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.displayFileName=Display SWF file/url
name in the window title (You can make screenshots then)
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.name.limit=Limits
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showAllAddresses=Display all
ActionScript instruction addresses
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.gui.window.width=(Internal) Last window
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.offeredAssociation=Dialog about file
association was already displayed
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showMethodBodyId=Show method body id
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.lastUpdatesCheckDate=Date of last
checking for updates on server
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.lastExportDir=(Internal) Last export
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.deobfuscationMode=Run deobfuscation
on every file before ActionScript decompilation
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.beginBlockOnNewLine=Begin block with
curly brace on new line
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.name.import=Import
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.check.updates.enabled=Automatic
checking for updates on application start
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showOldTextDuringTextEditing=Shows
the original text of the text tag with gray color in the preview area.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.name.debug=Debug
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property:
config.name.guiPreviewSplitPaneDividerLocation=(Internal) Preview splitter location
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.lastDebuggerReplaceFunction=(Internal) Last
selected trace replacement
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.autoRenameIdentifiers=Automatically
rename invalid indentifiers on SWF load
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.maxRecentFileCount=Max recent count
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.gui.fontPreviewWindow.height=
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: advancedSettings.restartConfirmation=You must restart
the program for some modifications to take effect. Do you want to restart it now?
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.guiFontPreviewSampleText=Last font
preview sample text list index
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.name.script=Scripts
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.guiFontPreviewSampleText=(Internal) Last
font preview sample text
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.exportTimeout=Total export timeout
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.tagTreeShowEmptyFolders=Show empty folders
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.dumpTags=Dump tags to console
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.internalFlashViewer=Use JPEXS Flash
Viewer instead of standard Flash Player for flash parts display
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.lastRenameType=Last used rename
identifiers type
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.pluginPath=-
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.description.export=Configuration of
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.debugMode=Mode for debugging. Turns
on debug menu.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.lzmaFastBytes=Fast bytes parameter of
the LZMA encoder
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.textExportSingleFile=Export texts in single
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.name.ui=Interface
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showAllAddresses=Show all addresses
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.decompilationTimeoutSingleMethod=AS3: Single
method decompilation timeout (seconds)
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.check.updates.stable=Check for stable
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.maxRecentFileCount=Maximum number of
recent files
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.check.updates.enabled=Updates check enabled
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.autoLoadEmbeddedSwfs=Auto load embedded
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.syntaxHighlightLimit=Syntax hilight max
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.fontPairing=(Internal) Font pairs for
DebugLogDialog, property: dialog.title=Debugger Log
DebugLogDialog, property: msg.header=connection %clientid%:
DebugLogDialog, property: button.close=Close
DebugLogDialog, property: button.clear=Clear
ExportDialog, property: zoom.invalid=Invalid zoom value.
ExportDialog, property: frames.bmp=BMP
ExportDialog, property: frames.png=PNG
ExportDialog, property: frames.canvas=HTML5 Canvas
ExportDialog, property: frames.svg=SVG
ExportDialog, property: frames.avi=AVI
ExportDialog, property: scripts.pcode_hex=P-code with Hex
ExportDialog, property: zoom.percent=%
ExportDialog, property: fonts.ttf=TTF
ExportDialog, property: frames.pdf=PDF
ExportDialog, property: binaryData=Binary data
ExportDialog, property: frames=Frames
ExportDialog, property: sounds.mp3_wav=MP3/WAV
ExportDialog, property: shapes.canvas=HTML5 Canvas
ExportDialog, property: binaryData.raw=Raw
ExportDialog, property: morphshapes.gif=GIF
ExportDialog, property: morphshapes.canvas=HTML5 Canvas
ExportDialog, property: fonts.woff=WOFF
ExportDialog, property: morphshapes=Morphshapes
ExportDialog, property: fonts=Fonts
ExportDialog, property: scripts.hex=Hex
ExportDialog, property: zoom=Zoom
ExportDialog, property: frames.gif=GIF
ExportDialog, property: sounds.wav=WAV
ExportDialog, property: morphshapes.svg=SVG
ExportDialog, property: texts.svg=SVG
FontEmbedDialog, property: ttffile.selection=TTF file: %fontname% (%filename%)
FontEmbedDialog, property: installed=Installed:
FontEmbedDialog, property: error.invalidfontfile=Invalid font file
FontEmbedDialog, property: filter.ttf=True Type Font files (*.ttf)
FontEmbedDialog, property: button.loadfont=Load font from disk...
FontEmbedDialog, property: allcharacters=All characters (%available% characters)
FontEmbedDialog, property: ttffile.noselection=TTF file: <select>
FontEmbedDialog, property: error.cannotreadfontfile=Cannot read font file
FontPreviewDialog, property: fontPreview.dialog.title=Font preview
LoadFromMemoryFrame, property: column.pid=PID
LoadFromMemoryFrame, property: column.version=Version
LoadFromMemoryFrame, property: column.fileSize=File Size
LoadFromMemoryFrame, property: column.processName=Process Name
MainFrame, property: dialog.selectcolor.title=Select color
MainFrame, property: generictag.array.insertafter=Insert %item% after
MainFrame, property: work.restoringControlFlow=Restoring control flow
MainFrame, property: button.prev=Previous
MainFrame, property: preview.prevframe=Previous frame
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.jumpToCharacter=Jump to character
MainFrame, property: error.text.import=Error during text import. Do you want to continue?
MainFrame, property: button.snapshot.hint=Take snapshot into clipboard
MainFrame, property: menu.file.close=Close
MainFrame, property: menu.debugger=Debugger
MainFrame, property: fontName.name=Font display name:
MainFrame, property: header.version=SWF Version:
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.expandAll=Expand all
MainFrame, property: preview.nextframe=Next frame
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.parseInstructions=Parse AVM2 Instructions
MainFrame, property: menu.file.saveasexe=Save as Exe...
MainFrame, property: filter.swc=SWC component files (*.swc)
MainFrame, property: errors.warning=There are WARNINGS in the log. Click to view.
MainFrame, property: node.others=others
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.addTag=Add tag
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.closeSwf=Close SWF
MainFrame, property: message.confirm.closeAll=There are unsaved changes. Do you really
want to close all SWFs?
MainFrame, property: open.error.fileNotFound=File not found
MainFrame, property: filter.xml=XML
MainFrame, property: deobfuscation.comment.failed=Deobfuscation is activated but
decompilation still failed. If the file is NOT obfuscated, disable "Automatic
deobfucation" for better results.
MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.title=Goto frame
MainFrame, property: button.next=Next
MainFrame, property: errors.info=There are INFORMATIONS in the log. Click to view.
MainFrame, property: fontName.copyright=Font copyright:
MainFrame, property: disassemblingProgress.toString=toString
MainFrame, property: menu.settings.dumpView=Dump view
MainFrame, property: header.displayrect=Display rect:
MainFrame, property: message.confirm.close=There are unsaved changes. Do you really want
to close {swfName}?
MainFrame, property: menu.tools.otherTools=Other
MainFrame, property: button.zoomin.hint=Zoom in
MainFrame, property: button.setAdvanceValues=Set advance values
MainFrame, property: header.displayrect.value.pixels=%xmin%,%ymin% => %xmax%,%ymax%
MainFrame, property: menu.debugger.showlog=Show Log
MainFrame, property: disassemblingProgress.deobfuscating=Deobfuscating
MainFrame, property: font.name.intag=Font name in tag:
MainFrame, property: menu.file.import.text=Import text
MainFrame, property: menu.advancedsettings.advancedsettings=Advanced Settings
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.removeWithDependencies=Remove with dependencies
MainFrame, property: menu.file.deobfuscation.old=Old style
MainFrame, property: menu.recentFiles=Recent files
MainFrame, property: deobfuscation.comment.tryenable=Tip: You can try enabling "Automatic
deobfucation" in Settings
MainFrame, property: button.preview=Preview
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.moveTag=Move tag to
MainFrame, property: button.selectcolor.hint=Click to select color
MainFrame, property: error.sound.invalid=Invalid sound.
MainFrame, property: menu.file.closeAll=Close all
MainFrame, property: filter.sounds=Supported sound formats (*.wav, *.mp3)
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.rawEdit=Raw edit
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.parseABC=Parse ABC
MainFrame, property: open.error=Error
MainFrame, property: header.framerate=Frame rate:
MainFrame, property: menu.tools.otherTools.clearRecentFiles=Clear recent files
MainFrame, property: filter.supported=All supported filetypes
MainFrame, property: abc.action.find-usages=Find usages
MainFrame, property: button.zoomfit.hint=Zoom to fit
MainFrame, property: header.displayrect.value.twips=%xmin%,%ymin% => %xmax%,%ymax% twips
MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe=Goto frame...
MainFrame, property: binarydata.swfInside=It looks like there is SWF inside this binary
data tag. Click here to load it as subtree.
MainFrame, property: menu.tools.replace=Text Replace
MainFrame, property: menu.import=Import
MainFrame, property: filter.exe=Executable files (*.exe)
MainFrame, property: header.signature=Signature:
MainFrame, property: menu.debugger.replacetrace=Replace trace calls
MainFrame, property: message.confirm.donotshowagain=Do not show again
MainFrame, property: generictag.array.item=item
MainFrame, property: menu.debugger.switch=Debugger
MainFrame, property: header.framecount=Frame count:
MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.frame.error=Invalid frame number. It must be
number between %min% and %max%.
MainFrame, property: abc.action.find-declaration=Find declaration
MainFrame, property: button.zoomnone.hint=Zoom to 1:1
MainFrame, property: menu.view=View
MainFrame, property: button.reset=Reset
MainFrame, property: message.confirm.recentFileNotFound=File not found. Do you want to
remove it from the recent file list?
MainFrame, property: decompilationError=Decompilation error
MainFrame, property: disassemblingProgress.reading=Reading
MainFrame, property: header.compression.zlib=ZLIB
MainFrame, property: filter.sounds.wav=Wave file format (*.wav)
MainFrame, property: message.action.playerglobal.needed=For ActionScript 3 direct
editation, a library called "PlayerGlobal.swc" needs to be downloaded from Adobe
Press OK to go to the download page.
MainFrame, property: generictag.array.insertbefore=Insert %item% before
MainFrame, property: filter.sounds.mp3=MP3 compressed format (*.mp3)
MainFrame, property: menu.deobfuscation=AS1/2 Deobfuscation
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.importSwfXml=Import SWF XML
MainFrame, property: menu.file.view.resources=Resources
MainFrame, property: error.text.invalid.continue=Invalid text: %text% on line %line%. Do
you want to continue?
MainFrame, property: fit=fit
MainFrame, property: header.compression.lzma=LZMA
MainFrame, property: filter.gfx=ScaleForm GFx files (*.gfx)
MainFrame, property: message.debugger=This SWF Debugger can only be used to print messages
to log window, browser console or alerts.
It is NOT designed for features like step code, breakpoints etc.
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.parseActions=Parse actions
MainFrame, property: font.updateTexts=Update texts
MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.message=Enter frame number (%min% - %max%)
MainFrame, property: open.error.cannotOpen=Cannot open file
MainFrame, property: generictag.array.remove=Remove %item%
MainFrame, property: generictag.array.insertend=Insert %item% at the end
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.exportSwfXml=Export SWF as XML
MainFrame, property: header.compression.none=No compression
MainFrame, property: message.action.playerglobal.place=Download the library called
PlayerGlobal(.swc), and place it to directory
Press OK to continue.
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.saveToFile=Save to File
MainFrame, property: node.header=header
MainFrame, property: generictag.array.insertbeginning=Insert %item% at the beginning
MainFrame, property: menu.tools.timeline=Timeline
MainFrame, property: button.zoomout.hint=Zoom out
MainFrame, property: header.compression=Compression:
MainFrame, property: menu.file.view.hex=Hex dump
MainFrame, property: filter.zip=ZIP compressed files (*.zip)
MainFrame, property: work.restoringControlFlow.complete=Control flow restored
MainFrame, property: header.filesize=File size:
MainFrame, property: message.confirm.experimental.function=This function is EXPERIMENTAL.
It means that you should not trust the results and the SWF file can be disfunctional after
MainFrame, property: message.action.playerglobal.title=PlayerGlobal library needed
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.copyTag=Copy tag to
MainFrame, property: editorTruncateWarning=Text truncated at position %chars% in debug
MainFrame, property: menu.settings.autoRenameIdentifiers=Auto rename identifiers
MainFrame, property: filter.binary=Binary search - all files (*.*)
MainFrame, property: header.gfx=GFX:
MainFrame, property: menu.tools.search=Text Search
MainFrame, property: menu.file.deobfuscation.new=New style
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.openswfinside=Open SWF inside
MainFrame, property: work.canceled=Canceled
MainFrame, property: import.select.directory=Select directory to import
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.exportJavaSource=Export Java Source
ReplaceTraceDialog, property: dialog.title=Replace Trace function calls
ReplaceTraceDialog, property: function.debugConsole=debugConsole - web browser javascript
ReplaceTraceDialog, property: function.debugAlert=debugAlert - web browser javascript
ReplaceTraceDialog, property: function.debugSocket=debugSocket - socket connection to the
SearchDialog, property: checkbox.searchText=Search in texts
SearchDialog, property: dialog.title=Text search
SearchDialog, property: checkbox.searchAS=Search in AS
SearchDialog, property: label.replacementtext=Replacement text:
SearchDialog, property: checkbox.replaceInParameters=Replace in parameters
SearchDialog, property: dialog.title.replace=Text replace
SearchResultsDialog, property: dialog.title=Search results: %text%
SearchResultsDialog, property: button.goto=Go to
SearchResultsDialog, property: button.close=Close
UsageFrame, property: dialog.title.declaration=Declaration:
ProxyFrame, property: column.url=URL
ProxyFrame, property: copy.url=Copy URL
ProxyFrame, property: column.size=Size
ProxyFrame, property: error.save.as=Cannot save file
ProxyFrame, property: error.start.server=Cannot start server on port %port%. Please check
if port is not blocked by other application.
ProxyFrame, property: error.replace=Cannot replace data
ProxyFrame, property: column.accessed=Accessed
ProxyFrame, property: save.as=Save as...
ProxyFrame, property: replace=Replace...
Missing German translations:
developers = Developers:
developers.others = + others from GitHub and Google code
translators = Translators:
advancedSettings.dialog.title = Advanced Settings
advancedSettings.restartConfirmation = You must restart the program for some modifications
to take effect. Do you want to restart it now?
advancedSettings.columns.name = Name
advancedSettings.columns.value = Value
advancedSettings.columns.description = Description
default = default
config.group.name.export = Export
config.group.description.export = Configuration of exports
config.group.name.script = Scripts
config.group.description.script = ActionScript decompilation related
config.group.name.update = Updates
config.group.description.update = Checking for updates
config.group.name.format = Formatting
config.group.description.format = ActionScript code formatting
config.group.name.limit = Limits
config.group.description.limit = Decompilation limits for obfuscated code, etc.
config.group.name.ui = Interface
config.group.description.ui = User interface configuration
config.group.name.debug = Debug
config.group.description.debug = Debugging settings
config.group.name.display = Display
config.group.description.display = Flash objects display, etc.
config.group.name.decompilation = Decompilation
config.group.description.decompilation = Global decompilation related functions
config.group.name.other = Other
config.group.description.other = Other uncategorized configs
config.name.openMultipleFiles = Open multiple files
config.description.openMultipleFiles = Allows opening multiple files at once in one
config.name.decompile = Show ActionScript source
config.description.decompile = You can disable AS decompilation, then only P-code is
config.name.dumpView = Dump View
config.description.dumpView = View raw data dump
config.name.useHexColorFormat = Hex color format
config.description.useHexColorFormat = Show the colors in hex format
config.name.parallelSpeedUp = Parallel SpeedUp
config.description.parallelSpeedUp = Parallelism can speed up decompilation
config.name.parallelSpeedUpThreadCount = Number of threads
config.description.parallelSpeedUpThreadCount = Number of threads for parallel speedup
config.name.autoDeobfuscate = Automatic deobfuscation
config.description.autoDeobfuscate = Run deobfuscation on every file before ActionScript
config.name.cacheOnDisk = Use caching on disk
config.description.cacheOnDisk = Cache already decompiled parts on hard drive instead of
config.name.internalFlashViewer = Use own Flash viewer
config.description.internalFlashViewer = Use JPEXS Flash Viewer instead of standard Flash
Player for flash parts display
config.name.gotoMainClassOnStartup = Go to main class on startup (AS3)
config.description.gotoMainClassOnStartup = Navigates to document class of AS3 file on SWF
config.name.autoRenameIdentifiers = Automatic rename identifiers
config.description.autoRenameIdentifiers = Automatically rename invalid indentifiers on
SWF load
config.name.offeredAssociation = (Internal) Association with SWF files displayed
config.description.offeredAssociation = Dialog about file association was already
config.name.decimalAddress = Use decimal addresses
config.description.decimalAddress = Use decimal addresses instead of hexadecimal
config.name.showAllAddresses = Show all addresses
config.description.showAllAddresses = Display all ActionScript instruction addresses
config.name.useFrameCache = Use frame cache
config.description.useFrameCache = Cache frames before rendering again
config.name.useRibbonInterface = Ribbon interface
config.description.useRibbonInterface = Uncheck to use classic interface without ribbon
config.name.openFolderAfterFlaExport = Open folder after FLA export
config.description.openFolderAfterFlaExport = Display output directory after exporting FLA
config.name.useDetailedLogging = Detailed Logging
config.description.useDetailedLogging = Log detailed error messages and info for debugging
config.name.debugMode = Debug mode
config.description.debugMode = Mode for debugging. Turns on debug menu.
config.name.resolveConstants = Resolve constants in AS1/2 p-code
config.description.resolveConstants = Turn this off to show 'constantxx' instead of real
values in P-code window
config.name.sublimiter = Limit of code subs
config.description.sublimiter = Limit of code subs for obfuscated code.
config.name.exportTimeout = Total export timeout (seconds)
config.description.exportTimeout = Decompiler will stop exporting after reaching this
config.name.decompilationTimeoutFile = Single file decompilation timeout (seconds)
config.description.decompilationTimeoutFile = Decompiler will stop ActionScript
decompilation after reaching this time in one file
config.name.paramNamesEnable = Enable parameter names in AS3
config.description.paramNamesEnable = Using parameter names in decompiling may cause
problems because official programs like Flash CS 5.5 inserts wrong parameter names
config.name.displayFileName = Show SWF name in title
config.description.displayFileName = Display SWF file/url name in the window title (You
can make screenshots then)
config.name.debugCopy = Debug recompile
config.description.debugCopy = Tries to compile SWF file again just after opening to
ensure it produces same binary code. Use for DEBUGGING only!
config.name.dumpTags = Dump tags to console
config.description.dumpTags = Dump tags to console on reading SWF file
config.name.decompilationTimeoutSingleMethod = AS3: Single method decompilation timeout
config.description.decompilationTimeoutSingleMethod = Decompiler will stop ActionScript
decompilation after reaching this time in one method
config.name.lastRenameType = (Internal) Last rename type
config.description.lastRenameType = Last used rename identifiers type
config.name.lastSaveDir = (Internal) Last save directory
config.description.lastSaveDir = Last used save directory
config.name.lastOpenDir = (Internal) Last open directory
config.description.lastOpenDir = Last used open directory
config.name.lastExportDir = (Internal) Last export directory
config.description.lastExportDir = Last used export directory
config.name.locale = Language
config.description.locale = Locales identifier
config.name.registerNameFormat = Register variable format
config.description.registerNameFormat = Format of local register variable names. Use %d
for register number.
config.name.maxRecentFileCount = Max recent count
config.description.maxRecentFileCount = Maximum number of recent files
config.name.recentFiles = (Internal) Recent files
config.description.recentFiles = Recent opened files
config.name.fontPairingMap = (Internal) Font pairs for import
config.description.fontPairingMap = Font pairs for importing new characters
config.name.lastUpdatesCheckDate = (Internal) Last update check date
config.description.lastUpdatesCheckDate = Date of last checking for updates on server
config.name.gui.window.width = (Internal) Last window width
config.description.gui.window.width = Last saved window width
config.name.gui.window.height = (Internal) Last window height
config.description.gui.window.height = Last saved window height
config.name.gui.window.maximized.horizontal = (Internal) Window maximized horizontally
config.description.gui.window.maximized.horizontal = Last window state - maximized
config.name.gui.window.maximized.vertical = (Internal) Window maximized vertically
config.description.gui.window.maximized.vertical = Last window state - maximized
config.name.gui.avm2.splitPane.dividerLocationPercent = (Internal) AS3 Splitter location
config.description.gui.avm2.splitPane.dividerLocationPercent =
config.name.gui.actionSplitPane.dividerLocationPercent = (Internal) AS1/2 splitter
config.description.gui.actionSplitPane.dividerLocationPercent =
config.name.gui.previewSplitPane.dividerLocationPercent = (Internal) Preview splitter
config.description.gui.previewSplitPane.dividerLocationPercent =
config.name.gui.splitPane1.dividerLocationPercent = (Internal) Splitter location 1
config.description.gui.splitPane1.dividerLocationPercent =
config.name.gui.splitPane2.dividerLocationPercent = (Internal) Splitter location 2
config.description.gui.splitPane2.dividerLocationPercent =
config.name.saveAsExeScaleMode = Save as EXE scale mode
config.description.saveAsExeScaleMode = Scaling mode for EXE export
config.name.syntaxHighlightLimit = Syntax hilight max chars
config.description.syntaxHighlightLimit = Maximum number of characters to run syntax
hilight on
config.name.guiFontPreviewSampleText = (Internal) Last font preview sample text
config.description.guiFontPreviewSampleText = Last font preview sample text list index
config.name.gui.fontPreviewWindow.width = (Internal) Last font preview window width
config.description.gui.fontPreviewWindow.width =
config.name.gui.fontPreviewWindow.height = (Internal) Last font preview window height
config.description.gui.fontPreviewWindow.height =
config.name.gui.fontPreviewWindow.posX = (Internal) Last font preview window X
config.description.gui.fontPreviewWindow.posX =
config.name.gui.fontPreviewWindow.posY = (Internal) Last font preview window Y
config.description.gui.fontPreviewWindow.posY =
config.name.formatting.indent.size = Characters per indent
config.description.formatting.indent.size = Number or spaces(or tabs) for one indentation
config.name.formatting.indent.useTabs = Tabs for indent
config.description.formatting.indent.useTabs = Use tabs instead of spaces for indentation
config.name.beginBlockOnNewLine = Curly brace on new line
config.description.beginBlockOnNewLine = Begin block with curly brace on new line
config.name.check.updates.delay = Updates check delay
config.description.check.updates.delay = Minimum time between automatic checks for updates
on application start
config.name.check.updates.stable = Check for stable versions
config.description.check.updates.stable = Checking for stable version updates
config.name.check.updates.nightly = Check for nightly versions
config.description.check.updates.nightly = Checking for nightly version updates
config.name.check.updates.enabled = Updates check enabled
config.description.check.updates.enabled = Automatic checking for updates on application
config.name.export.formats = (Internal) Export formats
config.description.export.formats = Last used export formats
config.name.textExportSingleFile = Export texts to single file
config.description.textExportSingleFile = Exporting texts to one file instead of multiple
config.name.textExportSingleFileSeparator = Separator of texts in one file text export
config.description.textExportSingleFileSeparator = Text to insert between texts in single
file text export
config.name.textExportSingleFileRecordSeparator = Separator of records in one file text
config.description.textExportSingleFileRecordSeparator = Text to insert between text
records in single file text export
config.name.warning.experimental.as12edit = Warn on AS1/2 direct edit
config.description.warning.experimental.as12edit = Show warning on AS1/2 experimental
direct editation
config.name.warning.experimental.as3edit = Warn on AS3 direct edit
config.description.warning.experimental.as3edit = Show warning on AS3 experimental direct
config.name.packJavaScripts = Pack JavaScripts
config.description.packJavaScripts = Run JavaScript packer on scripts created on Canvas
config.name.textExportExportFontFace = Use font-face in SVG export
config.description.textExportExportFontFace = Embed font files in SVG using font-face
instead of shapes
config.name.lzmaFastBytes = LZMA fast bytes (valid values: 5-255)
config.description.lzmaFastBytes = Fast bytes parameter of the LZMA encoder
config.name.pluginPath = Plugin Path
config.description.pluginPath = -
config.name.showMethodBodyId = Show method body id
config.description.showMethodBodyId = Shows the id of the methodbody for commandline
config.name.export.zoom = (Internal) Export zoom
config.description.export.zoom = Last used export zoom
config.name.debuggerPort = Debugger port
config.description.debuggerPort = Port used for socket debugging
config.name.displayDebuggerInfo = (Internal) Display debugger info
config.description.displayDebuggerInfo = Display info about debugger before switching it
config.name.randomDebuggerPackage = Use random package name for Debugger
config.description.randomDebuggerPackage = This renames Debugger package to random string
which makes debugger presence harder to detect by ActionScript
config.name.lastDebuggerReplaceFunction = (Internal) Last selected trace replacement
config.description.lastDebuggerReplaceFunction = Function name which was last selected in
replace trace function with debugger
config.name.getLocalNamesFromDebugInfo = AS3: Get local register names from debug info
config.description.getLocalNamesFromDebugInfo = If debug info present, renames local
registers from _loc_x_ to real names. This can be turned off because some obfuscators use
invalid register names there.
config.name.tagTreeShowEmptyFolders = Show empty folders
config.description.tagTreeShowEmptyFolders = Show empty folders in tag tree.
config.name.autoLoadEmbeddedSwfs = Auto load embedded SWFs
config.description.autoLoadEmbeddedSwfs = Automatically load the embedded SWFs from
DefineBinaryData tags.
config.name.overrideTextExportFileName = Override text export filename
config.description.overrideTextExportFileName = You can customize the filename of the
exported text. Use {filename} placeholder to use the filename of current SWF.
config.name.showOldTextDuringTextEditing = Show old text during text editing
config.description.showOldTextDuringTextEditing = Shows the original text of the text tag
with gray color in the preview area.
config.group.name.import = Import
config.group.description.import = Configuration of imports
config.name.textImportResizeTextBoundsMode = Text bounds resize mode
config.description.textImportResizeTextBoundsMode = Text bounds resize mode after text
config.name.showCloseConfirmation = Show again SWF close confirmation
config.description.showCloseConfirmation = Show again SWF close confirmation for modified
config.name.showCodeSavedMessage = Show again code saved message
config.description.showCodeSavedMessage = Show again code saved message
config.name.showTraitSavedMessage = Show again trait saved message
config.description.showTraitSavedMessage = Show again trait saved message
config.name.updateProxyAddress = Http Proxy address for checking updates
config.description.updateProxyAddress = Http Proxy address for checking updates. Format:
config.name.editorMode = Editor Mode
config.description.editorMode = Make text areas editable automatically when you select a
Text or Script node
config.name.autoSaveTagModifications = Auto save tag modifications
config.description.autoSaveTagModifications = Save the changes when you select a new tag
in the tree
config.name.saveSessionOnExit = Save session on exit
config.description.saveSessionOnExit = Save the current session and reopens it after FFDec
restart (works only with real files)
config.name.showDebugMenu = Show debug menu
config.description.showDebugMenu = Shows debug menu in the ribbon
config.name.allowOnlyOneInstance = Allow only one FFDec instance (Only Windows OS)
config.description.allowOnlyOneInstance = FFDec can be then run only once, all files
opened will be added to one window. It works only with Windows operating system.
config.name.scriptExportSingleFile = Export scripts to single file
config.description.scriptExportSingleFile = Exporting scripts to one file instead of
config.name.setFFDecVersionInExportedFont = Set FFDec version number in exported font
config.description.setFFDecVersionInExportedFont = When this setting is disabled, FFDec
won't add the current FFDec version number to the exported font.
config.name.gui.skin = User Interface Skin
config.description.gui.skin = Look and feel skin
config.name.lastSessionFiles = Last session files
config.description.lastSessionFiles = Contains the opened files from the last session
config.name.lastSessionSelection = Last session selection
config.description.lastSessionSelection = Contains the selection from the last session
config.name.loopMedia = Loop sounds and sprites
config.description.loopMedia = Automatically restarts the playing of the sounds and
config.name.gui.timeLineSplitPane.dividerLocationPercent = (Internal) Timeline Splitter
config.description.gui.timeLineSplitPane.dividerLocationPercent =
config.name.cacheImages = Cache images
config.description.cacheImages = Cache the decoded image objects
config.name.swfSpecificConfigs = SWF specific configurations
config.description.swfSpecificConfigs = Contains the SWF specific configurations
config.name.exeExportMode = EXE export mode
config.description.exeExportMode = EXE export mode
config.name.ignoreCLikePackages = Ignore FlashCC / Alchemy or similar packages
config.description.ignoreCLikePackages = FlashCC/Alchemy packages cannot usually be
decompiled correctly. You can disable them to speedup other packages decompilation.
config.name.overwriteExistingFiles = Overwrite the existing files
config.description.overwriteExistingFiles = Overwrite the existing files during export.
Currently only for AS2/3 scripts
config.name.smartNumberFormatting = Use smart number formatting
config.description.smartNumberFormatting = Format special numbers (for example colors and
config.name.enableScriptInitializerDisplay = Display script initializers
config.description.enableScriptInitializerDisplay = Enable script initializers display and
editation. This setting may add one newline to each class file for highlighting.
config.name.autoOpenLoadedSWFs = Open loaded SWFs during run (External viewer = WIN only)
config.description.autoOpenLoadedSWFs = Opens automatically all SWFs loaded by AS3 class
Loader by running SWF when played in FFDec external player. This feature is Windows only.
config.name.lastSessionFileTitles = Last session file titles
config.description.lastSessionFileTitles = Contains the opened file titles from the last
session (for example when loaded from URL etc.)
config.group.name.paths = Paths
config.group.description.paths = Location of needed files
config.group.tip.paths = You can download these files on adobe webpage
config.group.link.paths = https://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/debug_downloads.html
config.group.linkText.paths = [visit]
config.name.playerLocation = 1) Flash Player projector path
config.description.playerLocation = Location of standalone flash player executable. Used
for Run action.
config.name.playerDebugLocation = 2) Flash Player projector content debugger path
config.description.playerDebugLocation = Location of standalone debug flash player
executable. Used for Debug action.
config.name.playerLibLocation = 3) PlayerGlobal (.swc) path
config.description.playerLibLocation = Location of playerglobal.swc flash player library.
It is used mostly for AS3 compilation.
config.name.debugHalt = Halt execution od debug start
config.description.debugHalt = Pause SWF on start of debugging.
config.name.gui.avm2.splitPane.vars.dividerLocationPercent = (Internal) Debug menu
splitter location
config.description.gui.avm2.splitPane.vars.dividerLocationPercent =
tip = Tip:
config.name.gui.action.splitPane.vars.dividerLocationPercent = (Internal) AS1/2 Debug menu
splitter location
config.description.gui.action.splitPane.vars.dividerLocationPercent =
config.name.setMovieDelay = Delay before changing the SWF in external player in ms
config.description.setMovieDelay = Not recommended to change this value below 1000ms
config.name.warning.svgImport = Warn on SVG import
config.description.warning.svgImport =
config.name.shapeImport.useNonSmoothedFill = Use non-smoothed fill when a shape is
replaced with an image
config.description.shapeImport.useNonSmoothedFill =
config.name.internalFlashViewer.execute.as12 = AS1/2 in own flash viewer (Experimental)
config.description.internalFlashViewer.execute.as12 = Try to execute ActionScript 1/2
during SWF playback using FFDec flash viewer
dialog.title = Debugger Log
button.clear = Clear
button.close = Close
msg.header = connection %clientid%:
shapes.canvas = HTML5 Canvas
texts.svg = SVG
sounds.mp3_wav = MP3/WAV
sounds.wav = WAV
scripts.pcode_hex = P-code with Hex
scripts.hex = Hex
scripts.constants = Constants
binaryData = Binary data
binaryData.raw = Raw
morphshapes = Morphshapes
morphshapes.gif = GIF
morphshapes.svg = SVG
morphshapes.canvas = HTML5 Canvas
frames = Frames
frames.png = PNG
frames.gif = GIF
frames.avi = AVI
frames.svg = SVG
frames.canvas = HTML5 Canvas
frames.pdf = PDF
frames.bmp = BMP
sprites = Sprites
sprites.png = PNG
sprites.gif = GIF
sprites.avi = AVI
sprites.svg = SVG
sprites.canvas = HTML5 Canvas
sprites.pdf = PDF
sprites.bmp = BMP
buttons = Buttons
buttons.png = PNG
buttons.svg = SVG
buttons.bmp = BMP
fonts = Fonts
fonts.ttf = TTF
fonts.woff = WOFF
zoom = Zoom
zoom.percent = %
zoom.invalid = Invalid zoom value.
symbolclass = Symbol-Class mapping
symbolclass.csv = CSV
button.loadfont = Load font from disk...
filter.ttf = True Type Font files (*.ttf)
error.invalidfontfile = Invalid font file
error.cannotreadfontfile = Cannot read font file
installed = Installed:
ttffile.noselection = TTF file: <select>
ttffile.selection = TTF file: %fontname% (%filename%)
allcharacters = All characters (%available% characters)
fontPreview.dialog.title = Font preview
column.version = Version
column.fileSize = File Size
column.pid = PID
column.processName = Process Name
contextmenu.saveUncompressedToFile = Save to Uncompressed File
abc.traitslist.scriptinitializer = script initializer
menu.settings.autoOpenLoadedSWFs = Open loaded SWFs while playing
menu.file.start = Start
menu.file.start.run = Run
menu.file.start.stop = Stop
menu.file.start.debug = Debug
menu.debugging = Debugging
menu.debugging.debug = Debug
menu.debugging.debug.stop = Stop
menu.debugging.debug.pause = Pause
menu.debugging.debug.stepOver = Step over
menu.debugging.debug.stepInto = Step into
menu.debugging.debug.stepOut = Step out
menu.debugging.debug.continue = Continue
menu.debugging.debug.stack = Stack...
menu.debugging.debug.watch = New watch...
message.playerpath.notset = Flash Player projector not found. Please configure its path in
Advanced Settings / Paths (1).
message.playerpath.debug.notset = Flash Player projector content debugger not found.
Please configure its path in Advanced Settings / Paths (2).
message.playerpath.lib.notset = PlayerGlobal (.SWC) not found. Please configure its path
in Advanced Settings / Paths (3).
debugpanel.header = Debugging
variables.header.registers = Registers
variables.header.locals = Locals
variables.header.arguments = Arguments
variables.header.scopeChain = Scope chain
variables.column.name = Name
variables.column.type = Type
variables.column.value = Value
callStack.header = Call stack
callStack.header.file = File
callStack.header.line = Line
stack.header = Stack
stack.header.item = Item
constantpool.header = Constant pool
constantpool.header.id = Id
constantpool.header.value = Value
work.running = Running
work.debugging = Debugging
work.debugging.instrumenting = Preparing SWF for debugging
work.breakat = Breat at
work.halted = Debugging started, execution halted. Add breakpoints and click Continue (F5)
to resume running.
debuglog.header = Log
debuglog.button.clear = Clear
work.debugging.wait = Waiting for Flash debug projector to connect
error.debug.listen = Cannot listen on port %port%. There might be other flash debugger
debug.break.reason.unknown = (Unknown)
debug.break.reason.breakpoint = (Breakpoint)
debug.break.reason.watch = (Watch)
debug.break.reason.fault = (Fault)
debug.break.reason.stopRequest = (Stop request)
debug.break.reason.step = (Step)
debug.break.reason.halt = (Halt)
debug.break.reason.scriptLoaded = (Script loaded)
menu.file.start.debugpcode = Debug P-code
button.replaceNoFill = Replace - Update bounds...
message.warning.svgImportExperimental = Not all SVG features are supported. Only solid
color fill mode is supported. Please check the log after import.
de: Resource file not found:
dialog.title = Replace Trace function calls
function.debugAlert = debugAlert - web browser javascript alert
function.debugConsole = debugConsole - web browser javascript console.log
function.debugSocket = debugSocket - socket connection to the decompiler
label.replacementtext = Replacement text:
dialog.title = Text search
dialog.title.replace = Text replace
checkbox.searchText = Search in texts
checkbox.searchAS = Search in AS
checkbox.replaceInParameters = Replace in parameters
button.goto = Go to
button.close = Close
dialog.title = Search results: %text%
dialog.title.declaration = Declaration:
copy.url = Copy URL
save.as = Save as...
replace = Replace...
error.save.as = Cannot save file
error.replace = Cannot replace data
error.start.server = Cannot start server on port %port%. Please check if port is not
blocked by other application.
column.accessed = Accessed
column.size = Size
column.url = URL
There are some strange characters in the German texts.
Please check the attached image. Could you please fix it?