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#468 Translation : French

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Type: feature
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Labels: Translation
State: opened 

I have finished the complete translation into french.

thank you very much.
I have fixed it a little and added to FFDec.
It is in the repository and later a nightly build will be created.
Please check #354 in the future to see new strings to be translated.
Next time, please do not try to replace unicode characters with \U as when you do it
manually, you will probably do many mistakes in it. Save it normally all in utf-8
encoding, we will convert it.
honfika: would you please be so kind and create nightly build? thanks.
Title: Translation : French is ready→Translation : French
Thank you. Added. Yout can try the latest nightly build, but there were some problems in
MainFrame_fr.properties. I repleced the invalid characters with XXX:
menu.settings.internalflashviewer = Utiliser la visionneuse Flash intXXXgrXXXe
message.confirm.autodeobfuscate = La désobfuscation automatique permet de décompiler du
code crypté.\r\nLa désobfuscation ralentit la décompilation et certaines portions de
code pourraient XXXtre supprimés.\r\nSi le code n'est pas crypté, il est préférable de
désactiver la désobfuscation automatique.
message.font.add.exists = Le caractère %char% est déjXXX présent les étiquettes de
la police.\nVoulez-vous le remplacer ?
menu.advancedsettings.advancedsettings = Paramètres avancXXXs
Please fix them in the latest package: /www.free-decompiler.com/flash/download/ffdec_1.8.0u1_421166f9d6f3_lang.zip
Btw: \U should be \u (lowercase), so i changed them everywhere.
I was first :-).
For the invalid characters:
Most of them were in the text without the unicode escapes so I left them as are.
Only problematic was this one:
message.font.add.exists = Le caractère %char% est déjXXX ...
I changed it to "déjà". Is this correct?
State: new→opened
That's right !
Buttons ICONIFY, RESTORE, CLOSE and MAXIMIZE are not translated !
In the OPEN dialog box, the UP button must be modified. The correct translation is
"Monter d'un niveau" not "Monter d' niveau".
In Open dialog Box, the Desktop button must be "Bureau"
In the main menu, menu Setting must be "Paramètres" not "Paramétres"
In Source ActionScript, somme comment are not translated :
* Decompilation error
* Code may be obfuscated
* Error type: TranslateException
Must be :
* Erreur de décompilation
* Le code est probablement crypté
* Type d'erreur : Erreur de traduction
Please write the missing translations to #471, I know that there are a lot of not
translated texts, mostly error messages.
Btw: the "TranslateException" wont be translated, because it is a java class name.
there are 2 Monter d' niveau:
FileChooser.upFolderToolTipText = Monter d' niveau
FileChooser.upFolderAccessibleName = Monter d' niveau
should i change both?
"Ouvrir..." should be "Bureau..."?
Ok, i found the desktop button.
In the zip file, I have modified :
'Monter d' niveau ' by 'Monter d'un niveau'
And lot of error of translations and non unicode characters
I've added your modification. Please try the latest nightly build.
Next time please download the latest translation files from
/www.free-decompiler.com/flash/translations.html because there are some problems in your files, which are
fixed in the latest localization pack.
French translation can be ready in some days, or some hours...
Please wait.
The complete setup program is only english. Is it possible to translate it ? Maybe,
Dynamics Links Library are used native instruction...
Is it possible to modify Font Preview Dialog for add french version "the quick
In France, we use this sentence :
"Voix ambiguë d'un coeur qui au zéphyr préfère les jattes de kiwis. 1234567890"
"Voix ambigu\u00eb d'un c\u0153ur qui au z\u00e9phyr pr\u00e9f\u00e8re les jattes de
kiwis. 1234567890"
"Voix ambiguë d'un coeur qui au zéphyr préfère les jattes de kiwis. 1234567890" added
in the last nightly build.
ffdec_4.0.5_nightly367_lang.rar is not imported yet... I'll add it soon.
Is it normal french translation not working since nighty build 368 ?
Some windows are in english, whenever, there is exist old french version of translation.
All label of advanced settings in english instead french.
What happen ?
There are malformed \u encodings in your file:
config.name.guiFontPreviewSampleText = (Internal) Dernier aper\uooe7u texte de la police
de caract\u00e8re
config.description.guiFontPreviewSampleText = Dernier aper\uooe7u texte de la police de
=> JRE fails to load the resource file
\uooe7u is wrong, after \u you should write 4 hex digit characters
How did you create this file? Normally the text editor should do this encoding
automatically. I suggset you to use Netbeans or any java resource editor program.
\u00e7 is the 'ç' letter.
The complete word is 'aperçu'
=> aper\u00e7u seem good.
I use Notepad++.
OK, I have make errors :
\uooe7 insstead \u00e7.
I am sorry. Please check this file updated.

Ouch !!!!
I have make a lot of changes into some files.
This RAR file contain all change.

content of the last rar file added
I have seen some text without translation.
See attached files.
The first 2 screenshot is from the installer. It doesn't support localization currently.
I'll check the 3rd.
Added to AboutDialog.properties file
I have seen a java search dialog box where there is an error in a word.
See attached file.
It's seem not a FFDEC dialog box but a java dialog box.
The error is : "Remplaceer" must be "Remplacer".
I have selected English version language but this dialog box is only French.
For information, java virtual machine is french and my computer itou.
Maybe I must create a new issue...

FFDEC put a small time to change language...
Search Dialog box is in english when I select Change language English.
End, I would like to modify the word in the attached file in the previously post.
It is in Bundle_fr.proerties file:
But it was already fixed by you... I'll rebuild jSyntaxPane component, and include the fix
in the next nightly build.
Same escaping problem in FontEmbedDialog_ffr.properties as in AdvancedSettings and
AboutDialog files:
button.loadfont = Charger les polices de caract\u0e8res \u00e0 partir du disque...
\u0e8 is wrong
I've changed it to:
button.loadfont = Charger les polices de caract\u00e8res \u00e0 partir du disque...
Please let me know if this fix is wrong.
You have the following untranslated texts:
AboutDialog, property: developers.others=+ others from GitHub and Google code
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showTraitSavedMessage=Show again
trait saved message
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showCodeSavedMessage=Show again code saved
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showTraitSavedMessage=Show again trait saved
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showCodeSavedMessage=Show again code
saved message
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.updateProxyAddress=Http Proxy address for
checking updates
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.updateProxyAddress=Http Proxy address
for checking updates. Format: example.com:8080
AboutDialog, property:
developers.others=et tous les autres utilisateurs de GitHub et de Google code
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property:
config.description.showTraitSavedMessage=Afficher un message d'avertissement lors de
l'enregistrement d'une caract\u00e9ristique
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property:
config.name.showCodeSavedMessage=Afficher un message d'avertissement lors de
l'enregistrement du code
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showTraitSavedMessage=Afficher un message
lors de l'enregistrement de la caract\u00e9ristique
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showCodeSavedMessage=Afficher un
message d'avertissement lors de l'enregistrement du code
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.updateProxyAddress=Adresse du Proxy http
pour v\u00e9rifier les mises \u00e0 jour
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.updateProxyAddress=Adresse du Proxy
http pour v\u00e9rifier les mises \u00e0 jour. Format : example.com:8080
And now ... Ladies and Gentleman, since one year... here ... new version of french
translation !!!

revision 94bb61c9b3c18fee9c56afb122f6b8ce075eedd4:
message.warning.outOfMemeory32BitJre = M\u00e9moire insuffisante. Vous utilisez une
version 32 bits de Java sur un syst\u00e8me 64 bits. Veuillez utiliser Java 64 bits.
update :
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property:
config.description.updateProxyAddress=Adresse du Proxy http pour v\u00e9rifier les mises
\u00e0 jour. Format : exemple.com:8080
WOUH !!!
There are too enought texts was english !!!
See Advanced settings (french language mode) : whole texts are english only !
Also, NSIS texts appears english.
Maybe compilating of french texts is generated erros...
I think you checked it too early, not released yet:)
Ok, nightly released just now...., nightly 1302, please try it
NSIS is OK with 1302. But Advanced settings is english only spoken instead french.
A best translation about NSIS string :
!insertmacro LANG_STRING STRING_SECTION_SWC "T\u00e9l\u00e9chargement de la librairie
FlashPlayer depuis le site web d'Adobe - Toutes les fonctionnalit\u00e9s d'\u00e9dition et
de modification du code ActionScript seront disponibles"
please do not use \u escaping in nsh file (or when you write here the text, because when i
copy it from here and paste it to netbeans, it will be automatically escaped), so it is
only a double work for me to remove the escaping...
This line is not translated in French.nsh file:
!insertmacro LANG_STRING STRING_SWC_CHECK "Checking Adobe site for newest PlayerGlobal.swc
- I think you should not translate the example.com domain name, because it is the official
example domain name specified in RFCs. http://example.com exists, but
http://exemple.com is a commercial domain name, which is for sale
currently:) But i don't mind if you buy it, we can use it:)
advanced settigns updated, please try the nexrt nightly (in some minutes)
Here is the advanced settings fix, please check it, is it ok?
Yes, that's right ! I have make some errors in this file. Sorry !
I understand about "example.com"
1304 is more translated.
I will make a best translation of advanced settings because there are some bad letters and
some sentences was not translated.
New version of advanced settings.
Bad letters and some sentences are fixed.

Small fix:
Nightly will be released soon, please try it. I think you should wait to 1307, but if it
is not released in 20 minutes, then only 1306:)
Yes ! \u00c9 must be 'E' with accent
Oh !! Another fix :
config.name.simplifyExpressions = Simplifier les expressions
Fixed, will be released soon (1308)
12 GIT commits a day, almost a record, 2 more needed:D
Sorry !
no problem:)
12 GIT because I have'nt translate this soft since one year. Then, there are a lot of fix.
There are some strings witch are not possible to translate.
Maybe, can you introduce them into advancedsettings.properties file (see pictures).

This one is in your fr file:
config.name.gui.timeLineSplitPane.dividerLocationPercent = (Internal) Timeline Splitter
The others are internal settings, you can't translate them. What should we do with them,
JPEXS? Hide them on the UI?
Colors can't bee translated currently, could you pleaswe create a feature request?
The few internal settings are experimental and they would probably be removed in future
releases. Translating them would be wasting your time.
If we decide these options are not experimental anymore, we will rename them to something
meaningful and set correct english description and allow translation.
I know french people do not like english at all, but please let us have these internal
options, thanks :-). Or we can name them x1, x2, x3 :-)
Maybe we can hide them and display only in debug mode,.. that's a good point.
Timeline SPlitter Location ... what is it ?
Ia have not translated this line because I don't know this function. Can you explain me ?
See attached files witch are contain new translation.

This config settings stores the position (percent) of the splitter in the timeline view.
Similar to the other splitter positions.
Open an swf, select Tools/Timeline
You can drag the splitter to make the timeline (left) panel bigger or smaller.
The position is saved to this config setting, and it will be restored if you close and
reload the application.
OK !
Then, I think a good translation for this string may be :
Timeline Splitter Location = Position du \u00e9parateur de la fen\u00eatre du chronogramme
There is a new french translation about "main properties" file :
menu.file.reloadAll = Recharger tout
message.confirm.reloadAll = Cette action annule tous les changements qui n'ont pas
\u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9s dans les fichiers SWF et recharge tous les fichiers dans
l'application.\nContinuer ?
Thanks, I'll add your new translations in the weekend
Added, try it when you have time
OUH !!! I have lost 's' letter in a string. Can you update this string :
Timeline Splitter Location = Position du s\u00e9parateur de la fen\u00eatre du
's' added
message.warning.outOfMemory32BitJre = Erreur de dépassement de capacité. Vous utilisez
une version 32 bits de Java sur une machine 64 bits. Utilisez plutôt la version 64 bits
de Java.
column.address = Adresse
export.script.singleFilePallelModeWarning = L'export d'un fichier n'est pas supporté
lorsque le parallélisme est actif
button.showOriginalBytesInPcodeHex = Afficher les octets d'origine
button.remove = Enlever
generic.editor.amf3.title = Éditeur AMF3
generic.editor.amf3.help = Syntaxe de la valeur AMF3 :
button.showFileOffsetInPcodeHex = Show file offset
What is "file offset" ?
absolute instuction address
the normal address for the first instuction in the current method is 0, the file offset
contains the absolute address in the swf file.
OK. But I don't know how to translate this sentence. There is no french equivalent.
Maybe... keep english version. Wait some weeks before I'll found a version.
It is absolute position in the file, number of previous bytes before the instruction.
Also note that generic.editor.amf3.help is multiline, we need the rest of lines (see #354)
revision 80b000b82b3995ae2b9ffcedb0f29ab3f8a74587:
MainFrame generic.editor.amf3.title = Éditeur AMF3
generic.editor.amf3.help = Syntaxe de la valeur :
types de scalaire :
%autres types :
Notes: * les types de données non scalaires peuvent faire référence à des "id"
précédemment déclarés avec les attributs #
%reference_sample% * =
Keys in Dictionary entries can be any type
revision 80b000b82b3995ae2b9ffcedb0f29ab3f8a74587:
MainFrame generic.editor.amf3.title = Éditeur AMF3
generic.editor.amf3.help = Syntaxe de la valeur :
types de scalaire :
%autres types :
% Notes: * les types de données non scalaires peuvent faire référence à des "id"
précédemment déclarés avec les attributs #
syntaxe :
%reference_sample% * = les entrées du dictionnaire peuvent être de tous types
revision 234ed1c9159490280583a3a44adab3cdc455d4b4:
contextmenu.showInResources = Afficher dans les resources