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NEW : We have got a new blog where we post some interesting SWF internals info.

#591 Translation: Catalan

Date created:
Type: other
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: Translation
State: opened 

I would like to contribute with a Catalan (ca) translation of FFDec.
I already downloaded the files, as explained, and I am working on it.
Ok, thank you.
JPEXS is on holiday now, but I'm sure, that he will update the Translations page when he
comes back from his holiday.
I can commit your changes to the Git repository, and create a new nihtly build, when you
finish the translation.
Thank you very much. Is there a way I could test the translation before submitting it?
Should I change/recompile something in FFDec?
yes, you can test it if you
- get the source from github,
- put the properties files next to the other language files
- and add your language code to the array in SelectLanguageDialog
But I think it is much easier for you if you submit the current state, and then i create a
a nightly build. It is not a problem if the translation is not perfect, this is only a
non-stable nightly build.
I am very sorry for the problems with issue tracker. My webhoster upgraded SQL database
and that caused triggers to not work.
I think now it should be ok.
Please post the files here again.
We love to see Catalan translation.
In past two weeks I was on my vacation in Spain, on tour through whole country including
Catalonia, Barcelona, Santa Susanna, etc. etc. It's a beatiful country.
Good, it works!
See you soon!
Is this diffrent from the package you sent me by email earlier? If not then please try the
latest nightly build.
State: new→opened
Please translate the following texts:
AboutDialog, property: translators=Translators:
AboutDialog, property: developers.others=+ others from GitHub and Google code
AboutDialog, property: developers=Developers:
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.overrideTextExportFileName=You can
customite the filename of the expoted text. Use {filename} placeholder to use the filename
of current SWF.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showCloseConfirmation=Show again SWF
close confirmation for modified files.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showTraitSavedMessage=Show again
trait saved message
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.description.import=Configuration of
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.textImportResizeTextBoundsMode=Text bounds
resize mode
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.getLocalNamesFromDebugInfo=AS3: Get local
register names from debug info
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showCloseConfirmation=Show again SWF close
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.debuggerPort=Debugger port
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showCodeSavedMessage=Show again code saved
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.lastDebuggerReplaceFunction=Function
name which was last selected in replace trace function with debugger
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showTraitSavedMessage=Show again trait saved
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.useHexColorFormat=Hex color format
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.displayDebuggerInfo=(Internal) Display
debugger info
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.autoLoadEmbeddedSwfs=Automaticaly
load the embedded SWFs from DefineBinaryData tags.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.debuggerPort=Port used for socket
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.export.zoom=(Internal) Export zoom
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.useHexColorFormat=Show the colors in
hex format
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.tagTreeShowEmptyFolders=Show empty
folders in tag tree.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showOldTextDuringTextEditing=Show old text
during text editing
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.textImportResizeTextBoundsMode=Text
bounds resize mode after text editing.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.dumpView=Dump View
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.getLocalNamesFromDebugInfo=If debug
info present, renames local registers from _loc_x_ to real names. This can be turned off
because some obfuscators use invalid register names there.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showCodeSavedMessage=Show again code
saved message
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.lzmaFastBytes=LZMA fast bytes (valid values:
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.randomDebuggerPackage=This renames
Debugger package to random string which makes debugger presence harder to detect by
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.displayDebuggerInfo=Display info
about debugger before switching it
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.updateProxyAddress=Http Proxy address for
checking updates
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.dumpView=View raw data dump
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.overrideTextExportFileName=Override text
export filename
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.deobfuscationMode=Deobfuscation mode
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.export.zoom=Last used export zoom
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.randomDebuggerPackage=Use random package
name for Debugger
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showMethodBodyId=Shows the id of the
methodbody for commandline import
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.updateProxyAddress=Http Proxy address
for checking updates. Format: example.com:8080
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.pluginPath=Plugin Path
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showMethodBodyId=Show method body id
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.deobfuscationMode=Run deobfuscation
on every file before ActionScript decompilation
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.name.import=Import
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showOldTextDuringTextEditing=Shows
the original text of the text tag with gray color in the preview area.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.lastDebuggerReplaceFunction=(Internal) Last
selected trace replacement
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.tagTreeShowEmptyFolders=Show empty folders
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.pluginPath=-
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.lzmaFastBytes=Fast bytes parameter of
the LZMA encoder
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.autoLoadEmbeddedSwfs=Auto load embedded
DebugLogDialog, property: dialog.title=Debugger Log
DebugLogDialog, property: msg.header=connection %clientid%:
DebugLogDialog, property: button.close=Close
DebugLogDialog, property: button.clear=Clear
ExportDialog, property: zoom.invalid=Invalid zoom value.
ExportDialog, property: zoom.percent=%
ExportDialog, property: images.bmp=BMP
ExportDialog, property: zoom=Zoom
FontEmbedDialog, property: ttffile.selection=TTF file: %fontname% (%filename%)
FontEmbedDialog, property: installed=Installed:
FontEmbedDialog, property: error.invalidfontfile=Invalid font file
FontEmbedDialog, property: filter.ttf=True Type Font files (*.ttf)
FontEmbedDialog, property: button.loadfont=Load font from disk...
FontEmbedDialog, property: allcharacters=All characters (%available% characters)
FontEmbedDialog, property: ttffile.noselection=TTF file: <select>
FontEmbedDialog, property: error.cannotreadfontfile=Cannot read font file
MainFrame, property: preview.prevframe=Previous frame
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.jumpToCharacter=Jump to character
MainFrame, property: button.snapshot.hint=Take snapshot into clipboard
MainFrame, property: menu.debugger=Debugger
MainFrame, property: header.version=SWF Version:
MainFrame, property: preview.nextframe=Next frame
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.parseInstructions=Parse AVM2 Instructions
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.addTag=Add tag
MainFrame, property: message.confirm.closeAll=There are unsaved changes. Do you really
want to close all SWFs?
MainFrame, property: filter.xml=XML
MainFrame, property: deobfuscation.comment.failed=Deobfuscation is activated but
decompilation still failed. If the file is NOT obfuscated, disable "Automatic
deobfucation" for better results.
MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.title=Goto frame
MainFrame, property: menu.settings.dumpView=Dump view
MainFrame, property: header.displayrect=Display rect:
MainFrame, property: message.confirm.close=There are unsaved changes. Do you really want
to close {swfName}?
MainFrame, property: button.zoomin.hint=Zoom in
MainFrame, property: button.setAdvanceValues=Set advance values
MainFrame, property: header.displayrect.value.pixels=%xmin%,%ymin% => %xmax%,%ymax%
MainFrame, property: menu.debugger.showlog=Show Log
MainFrame, property: font.name.intag=Font name in tag:
MainFrame, property: menu.file.deobfuscation.old=Old style
MainFrame, property: deobfuscation.comment.tryenable=Tip: You can try enabling "Automatic
deobfucation" in Settings
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.rawEdit=Raw edit
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.parseABC=Parse ABC
MainFrame, property: header.framerate=Frame rate:
MainFrame, property: button.zoomfit.hint=Zoom to fit
MainFrame, property: header.displayrect.value.twips=%xmin%,%ymin% => %xmax%,%ymax% twips
MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe=Goto frame...
MainFrame, property: binarydata.swfInside=It looks like there is SWF inside this binary
data tag. Click here to load it as subtree.
MainFrame, property: menu.tools.replace=Text Replace
MainFrame, property: header.signature=Signature:
MainFrame, property: menu.debugger.replacetrace=Replace trace calls
MainFrame, property: menu.debugger.switch=Debugger
MainFrame, property: header.framecount=Frame count:
MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.frame.error=Invalid frame number. It must be
number between %min% and %max%.
MainFrame, property: button.zoomnone.hint=Zoom to 1:1
MainFrame, property: menu.view=View
MainFrame, property: header.compression.zlib=ZLIB
MainFrame, property: menu.deobfuscation=AS1/2 Deobfuscation
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.importSwfXml=Import SWF XML
MainFrame, property: menu.file.view.resources=Resources
MainFrame, property: error.text.invalid.continue=Invalid text: %text% on line %line%. Do
you want to continue?
MainFrame, property: fit=fit
MainFrame, property: header.compression.lzma=LZMA
MainFrame, property: message.debugger=This SWF Debugger can only be used to print messages
to log window, browser console or alerts.
It is NOT designed for features like step code, breakpoints etc.
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.parseActions=Parse actions
MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.message=Enter frame number (%min% - %max%)
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.exportSwfXml=Export SWF as XML
MainFrame, property: header.compression.none=No compression
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.saveToFile=Save to File
MainFrame, property: node.header=header
MainFrame, property: button.zoomout.hint=Zoom out
MainFrame, property: header.compression=Compression:
MainFrame, property: menu.file.view.hex=Hex dump
MainFrame, property: header.filesize=File size:
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.copyTag=Copy tag to
MainFrame, property: editorTruncateWarning=Text truncated at position %chars% in debug
MainFrame, property: header.gfx=GFX:
MainFrame, property: menu.file.deobfuscation.new=New style
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.openswfinside=Open SWF inside
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.exportJavaSource=Export Java Source
ReplaceTraceDialog, property: dialog.title=Replace Trace function calls
ReplaceTraceDialog, property: function.debugConsole=debugConsole - web browser javascript
ReplaceTraceDialog, property: function.debugAlert=debugAlert - web browser javascript
ReplaceTraceDialog, property: function.debugSocket=debugSocket - socket connection to the
SearchDialog, property: label.replacementtext=Replacement text:
SearchDialog, property: checkbox.replaceInParameters=Replace in parameters
SearchDialog, property: dialog.title.replace=Text replace
ProxyFrame, property: column.url=URL
ProxyFrame, property: copy.url=Copy URL
ProxyFrame, property: column.size=Size
ProxyFrame, property: error.save.as=Cannot save file
ProxyFrame, property: error.start.server=Cannot start server on port %port%. Please check
if port is not blocked by other application.
ProxyFrame, property: error.replace=Cannot replace data
ProxyFrame, property: column.accessed=Accessed
ProxyFrame, property: save.as=Save as...
ProxyFrame, property: replace=Replace...
You can skip AdvancedSettings if it is too much.
Hi all you people; it's been a long time since my last intervention...
I am attacching an update of my catalan translation to version 4.1.1. Hope it is OK.

Included in the latest nightly buld
I've been out of sight for a while...
Here you have my catalab translation updated to 9.0.0

Included in nightly 1606 or newer.