JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler Issue Tracker

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Issue tracker

This is the place where all feature requests and bug reports of JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler (FFDec) are handled.

To submit new issue or issue editation, you should login first.

Quick select: unfinished, everything, new bugs, new features, opened
Quick by label: ABC addFrameScript Adding script AIR Api versioning AS1/2 AS3 AVI BinaryData Blend modes Broken JPEG Broken SWF Build Bundles BUTTONCOND Buttons Canvas export Charset Clean ABC Clipping Commandline ConcurrentModification Cyclic tags Debugger Decompilation DefineInSprite Deobfuscation Direct Editation Documentation Duplicate pack Embed EXE Export External Viewer ExternalLink FFDec source Filters Find usages FLA export Flash EOL Flash Lite Flash Viewer FlashCC FlashDevelop Flex Fonts Formatting Frames Free transform GFX GIF Google Code GUI Harman HaXe Header Icon Iggy Images Import Import scripts ImportAssets Initializers Installation IntelliJ IDEA Java Java 9 JSyntaxPane Large SWF Letter spacing Library LineEndings Linux Loader LZMA Mac Memory search Miter join Monitor Morphshapes Multiple classes Namespaces Obfuscated Old FLA formats on(xxx) P-code Packers PDF Performance Pins Progress Proxy Raw Editation Read only SWF Rename identifiers RTL Scaling strokes Scenes Script execution Scrollbars Search Search Memory Shapes Simple editor Simplify expressions Site feature SOL Sound Special Sprites Stack size Startup Support SVG SWC SwfMovie SWFTools SymbolClass Tag position Tags Tamil Text Tools Translation Unicode Unknown instructions Update system Value Too Large Video VirusTotal VS Code XML Zoom
#14 DoABC combobox sortingDoABC combobox sortingfeature closed user googleCode
#17 Not savingNot savingbug ignored user googleCode
#27 "Cannot load SWF file" in the new 1.2.0 version"Cannot load SWF file" in the new 1.2.0 versionbug closed user googleCode
#35 Japanese stringsJapanese stringsbug closed user googleCode
#42 Showing flash opcodes in source code windows / edit windowShowing flash opcodes in source code windows / edit windowfeature closed user googleCode
#85 Add capapbility to find in all classes as textAdd capapbility to find in all classes as textfeature closed developer honfika
#86 Open file dialog should accept filenames in quotesOpen file dialog should accept filenames in quotesfeature closed developer honfika
#99 getLogger first parameter is wrong in 2 classesgetLogger first parameter is wrong in 2 classesbug closed developer honfika
#117 Drag&Drop supportDrag&Drop supportfeature closed user focus
#121 Progress indicationProgress indicationfeature closed user focus
#123 Context menu integrationContext menu integrationfeature closed user focus
#127 Drag-drop exportable item from treeDrag-drop exportable item from treefeature closed user focus
#134 Find main (document) classFind main (document) classfeature closed user focus
#138 Searching in file with 6Mb most of the times crashes JPEXSSearching in file with 6Mb most of the times crashes JPEXSbug closed user yabapolido
#139 Search only on selected classSearch only on selected classfeature closed user yabapolido
#146 See the as2 classes (symbols) names in the structure treeSee the as2 classes (symbols) names in the structure treefeature closed user focus
#148 Tree contains incorrect, extra nodesTree contains incorrect, extra nodesbug closed developer honfika
#150 AS3 decompilation "line too long" errorAS3 decompilation "line too long" errorbug closed user focus
#151 option for caching in memory instead of temp filesoption for caching in memory instead of temp filesfeature closed developer honfika
#155 Remember window and panels state between sessionsRemember window and panels state between sessionsfeature closed user focus
#156 FFDec freeze after second searchFFDec freeze after second searchbug closed user focus
#158 graph repaint problemgraph repaint problembug closed developer honfika
#159 AS3: Improper rest parameter handling on MethodInfo tabAS3: Improper rest parameter handling on MethodInfo tabbug closed user djtrelos
#161 Skip current fileSkip current filefeature closed user moonlightangel
#163 swf file remains open afer loading itswf file remains open afer loading itbug closed developer honfika
#168 export command in the tree context menuexport command in the tree context menufeature closed developer honfika
#169 edit method body raw bytesedit method body raw bytesfeature closed developer honfika
#173 No method body update after Globally rename identifierNo method body update after Globally rename identifierbug closed user focus
#176 Option to show main document class on swf openOption to show main document class on swf openfeature closed user focus
#177 Window maximized state savingWindow maximized state savingfeature closed user focus
#189 SWF structure tree contains ... in names after Renаme invalid identifiers commandSWF structure tree contains ... in names after Renаme invalid identifiers commandbug closed user focus
#201 Main window never shows on Linux because of call to Advapi32Util.registryKeyExistsMain window never shows on Linux because of call to Advapi32Util.registryKeyExistsbug closed user greghnz
#207 Update SWF preview after switching external to own Flash player view and vice versa.Update SWF preview after switching external to own Flash player view and vice versa.feature closed user focus
#211 Automatic deobfuscationAutomatic deobfuscationfeature closed user pepka
#220 Add changing fonts functionalityAdd changing fonts functionalityfeature closed user megalol
#232 Automatically add .swf to filenameAutomatically add .swf to filenamefeature closed user focus
#233 Globally rename identifier deselects currently selected script in left treeGlobally rename identifier deselects currently selected script in left treebug closed user focus
#241 Can't start the program.Can't start the program.bug closed user megalol
#247 Project tree is not scrolled to the selected Document Class position on startProject tree is not scrolled to the selected Document Class position on startbug closed user focus
#248 100% CPU usage on building script tree phase longer and longerr100% CPU usage on building script tree phase longer and longerrbug closed user focus
#249 //Decompilation skipped//Decompilation skippedquestion closed user mepmep
#253 FFDec doesn't show any error message after writing to the file opened in another appFFDec doesn't show any error message after writing to the file opened in another appbug closed user focus
#255 Stuck when creating windowStuck when creating windowbug closed user vemilyus
#267 Start the program without choosing a fileStart the program without choosing a filefeature closed user capasha
#270 P-Code deobfuscation progressP-Code deobfuscation progressfeature closed user focus
#286 Saving file ended in 0 KB fileSaving file ended in 0 KB filebug closed user capasha
#289 Support for Aero SnapSupport for Aero Snapfeature new user focus
#290 Default language selection dialog width is too smallDefault language selection dialog width is too smallbug closed user focus
#291 Language selection dialog is not translatableLanguage selection dialog is not translatablequestion closed user focus
#292 Change background color in SWF previewChange background color in SWF previewfeature closed user megalol
#294 Cosmetic: labels are shifted in font parameters a bitCosmetic: labels are shifted in font parameters a bitbug closed user focus
#296 Export save dialog goes upper and upper in the directory treeExport save dialog goes upper and upper in the directory treebug closed developer honfika
#297 Too bright color on Minimize, Maximize and close buttonsToo bright color on Minimize, Maximize and close buttonsfeature closed user capasha
#298 Reading SWF progress bar is not workingReading SWF progress bar is not workingbug closed user focus
#301 Clear errors logClear errors logfeature closed user focus
#302 Comfortable code navigationComfortable code navigationfeature new user focus
#303 Open folder with exported FLAOpen folder with exported FLAfeature closed user focus
#316 not editable panels accept ctrl-z (and ctrl-y)not editable panels accept ctrl-z (and ctrl-y)bug closed developer honfika
#317 Detailed log filesDetailed log filesfeature closed user end0re
#321 Changing size of  FFDec window and drop a file ends in crashChanging size of FFDec window and drop a file ends in crashbug closed user capasha
#324 Search and load SWF embedded files in OLE objects (Word, Excel files)Search and load SWF embedded files in OLE objects (Word, Excel files)feature closed user poxyran
#331 previewing fonts (that in import list)previewing fonts (that in import list)feature closed user megalol
#335 last opened files listlast opened files listfeature closed user megalol
#336 Graph window is too smallGraph window is too smallbug closed developer honfika
#337 search panel barely visible in same casessearch panel barely visible in same casesbug closed user megalol
#338 Cosmetic: Errors log expand (+) icon doesn't switch back after expand->collapse (remains "-")Cosmetic: Errors log expand (+) icon doesn't switch back after expand->collapse (remains "-")bug closed user focus
#344 Reload opened swf featureReload opened swf featurefeature closed user focus
#345 Unity3D swf: infinite decompilationUnity3D swf: infinite decompilationbug closed user focus
#350 Configuration setting for opening new swfs in the existing FFDec instance.Configuration setting for opening new swfs in the existing FFDec instance.feature closed user poxyran
#351 Too much text for the GUI to show?Too much text for the GUI to show?feature closed user usroboticz
#357 Play selected sound (DefineSound tag)Play selected sound (DefineSound tag)feature closed user focus
#361 FFDec icon is not visible on application startFFDec icon is not visible on application startbug closed developer honfika
#378 FFDec reload doesn't applies translation to the context menuFFDec reload doesn't applies translation to the context menubug closed user focus
#379 Go to DefinitionGo to Definitionfeature ignored user cenadacoisa
#380 Displaying big .png images is very slowDisplaying big .png images is very slowbug closed user sydd
#384 Cannot stop sound playingCannot stop sound playingbug closed user capasha
#390 Reload list of fonts to importReload list of fonts to importfeature closed user megalol
#404 P-code and HexP-code and Hexfeature closed user cenadacoisa
#427 setLookAndFeel throws exception on linuxsetLookAndFeel throws exception on linuxbug closed user devsaider
#429 Disable/Enable rename identifiers feature (checkbox? button?).Disable/Enable rename identifiers feature (checkbox? button?).feature closed user solodarkban
#443 unable to move window under KDE linuxunable to move window under KDE linuxbug new user helmy
#444 Add FFDec to SWF files context menu is not working under linux KDEAdd FFDec to SWF files context menu is not working under linux KDEfeature new user helmy
#447 standard non ribbon interfacestandard non ribbon interfacefeature closed user helmy
#448 Go to document class is not working Go to document class is not working bug closed user helmy
#451 Dialogue windows are not showing on the center of the screen on a multi-monitor configurationDialogue windows are not showing on the center of the screen on a multi-monitor configurationbug closed user helmy
#454 No syntax highlight since v1.8.0 in Texts section (Define*)No syntax highlight since v1.8.0 in Texts section (Define*)bug closed user megalol
#455 Classic interface issuesClassic interface issuesbug closed user helmy
#456 gotoMainClassOnStartup = true  advanced setting is not being applied when using the classic interfacegotoMainClassOnStartup = true advanced setting is not being applied when using the classic interfacebug closed user helmy
#457 Clear all recent opened filesClear all recent opened filesfeature closed user capasha
#458 Saving font settings to preserve font panel selection after program restartSaving font settings to preserve font panel selection after program restartfeature closed user megalol
#459 Remember/save panel width for Text panelsRemember/save panel width for Text panelsfeature closed user megalol
#460 Disable text horizontal autoscroll to the endDisable text horizontal autoscroll to the endfeature closed user megalol
#461 Shift left Font UI elements at parameters panelShift left Font UI elements at parameters panelfeature closed user megalol
#462 Font embedding horizontal scrollingFont embedding horizontal scrollingfeature closed user megalol
#466 Source font preview (from DefineFont* parameters panel)Source font preview (from DefineFont* parameters panel)feature closed user megalol
#467 Lock parameters panelLock parameters panelfeature closed user megalol
#469 DefineFont* parameters buttons problem since 8857665003a9 nightlyDefineFont* parameters buttons problem since 8857665003a9 nightlybug closed user megalol
#470 Keep original Define*Texts and DefineFonts panels size after resizing from full screen to windowed and backKeep original Define*Texts and DefineFonts panels size after resizing from full screen to windowed and backfeature closed user megalol
#471 Some texts are hardcoded, not localizedSome texts are hardcoded, not localizedbug closed developer honfika
#474 Changing language only available one timeChanging language only available one timebug closed user gamuti
#475 Advanded settings and language buttons are not centerAdvanded settings and language buttons are not centerfeature postponed user gamuti
#477 Log window uses Russian localization file evein if I select English language.Log window uses Russian localization file evein if I select English language.bug closed user focus
#489 Hex decode very large integersHex decode very large integersfeature closed user henke37
#492 Add new Hotkeys (all can post here what they want to add)Add new Hotkeys (all can post here what they want to add)feature closed user megalol
#494 "Check for updates" is not working with nighty build but is working with official release"Check for updates" is not working with nighty build but is working with official releasefeature closed user gamuti
#495 When embed lots characters, ffdec crashedWhen embed lots characters, ffdec crashedbug closed user rendu2mai
#497 Tree is not visible - It's not enought largeTree is not visible - It's not enought largebug closed user gamuti
#504 Script editor does not display Japanese charactersScript editor does not display Japanese charactersbug closed user strelokhalfer
#506 Alt-Tab - switching to another windowAlt-Tab - switching to another windowbug closed user FareakyTinkerton
#510 WrapAround in 'Find and Replace' Dialog is DisFunctional! 'Find' always WrapsAroundWrapAround in 'Find and Replace' Dialog is DisFunctional! 'Find' always WrapsAroundbug closed user 1nd1g0
#520 Stuck at "Creating window..."Stuck at "Creating window..."bug closed user Meelkor
#530 Parameters windows cannot display Chinese character after 1.8u1Parameters windows cannot display Chinese character after 1.8u1bug closed user rendu2mai
#556 gotoMainClassOnSturtup buggotoMainClassOnSturtup bugbug closed user Alexander
#566 #566 weird bug with external flash player window in latest nightly after FFDec closing#566 weird bug with external flash player window in latest nightly after FFDec closingbug closed user megalol
#577 cant copy and paste when edit p-codecant copy and paste when edit p-codebug closed user medz
#578 Search...Search...other new user ipb
#613 Ribbon Preferred WidthRibbon Preferred Widthbug closed user thekeydesign
#618 Zoom barreZoom barrefeature closed user gamuti
#624 Actionscript search restrictionsActionscript search restrictionsfeature closed user redone
#627 Filter swf not workingFilter swf not workingbug closed user bossfong
#631 Allow renaming parameters and locals.Allow renaming parameters and locals.feature new user Mateon1
#635 Cannot properly place text cursor with Japanese charactersCannot properly place text cursor with Japanese charactersbug closed user Varq
#644 Search only in subfolder/namespaceSearch only in subfolder/namespacefeature closed user bossfong
#657 Global string searchGlobal string searchquestion closed user object
#660 Switchable "Method/Getter/Setter Trait" PanelSwitchable "Method/Getter/Setter Trait" Panelfeature closed user Troman
#672 Transparent SWF backgroundTransparent SWF backgroundquestion closed user Trevorgall
#674 strange bug with AS2 DefineSprite(DoAction) viewstrange bug with AS2 DefineSprite(DoAction) viewbug closed user megalol
#689 Ignore Case not correctly toggledIgnore Case not correctly toggledbug closed user koen
#692 Search Tool has an Annoying FeatureSearch Tool has an Annoying Featurequestion closed user 1nd1g0
#711 Folder preview is slow when there are 21000 items in the folderFolder preview is slow when there are 21000 items in the folderbug closed developer honfika
#722 Go to next/previous frameGo to next/previous framefeature closed user ondra
#726 Selection bagSelection bagbug closed user strelokhalfer
#728 Large fontsLarge fontsbug closed user strelokhalfer
#732 Random FreezingRandom Freezingbug closed user bls1999
#736 Switching the nodes in the tag tree (e.g shapes) not wokring after external flash panel is clickedSwitching the nodes in the tag tree (e.g shapes) not wokring after external flash panel is clickedbug postponed developer honfika
#745 Copy tag toCopy tag tofeature closed user focus
#752 Sound is not stopped when you change the selectin in he tag tree from SWF to e.g any shapeSound is not stopped when you change the selectin in he tag tree from SWF to e.g any shapebug closed developer honfika
#753 Reload "saved as" swfReload "saved as" swffeature closed user focus
#756 Impossible to edit scripts after playing swfImpossible to edit scripts after playing swfbug closed user gamuti
#758 Allow zooming to bigger than the preview areaAllow zooming to bigger than the preview areafeature closed developer honfika
#764 Save and Cancel Buttons appears again when save button is pressedSave and Cancel Buttons appears again when save button is pressedbug closed user gamuti
#772 JPEXs CrashesJPEXs Crashesbug closed user realmaster42
#776 FFDec stop working at all after setting "number of threads" to 0 FFDec stop working at all after setting "number of threads" to 0 bug closed user kurzedmetal
#783 No OK box when edited script or text was saved (show messages only if it was't saved or with errors)No OK box when edited script or text was saved (show messages only if it was't saved or with errors)feature closed user megalol
#784 Is it possible to disable spash screen at program start?Is it possible to disable spash screen at program start?question closed user megalol
#798 ffdec doesn't show what it's exportingffdec doesn't show what it's exportingfeature closed user capasha
#805 Editor mode for Define*TextsEditor mode for Define*Textsfeature closed user megalol
#821 make bookmarks for DefineTexts (and maybe for scripts too)make bookmarks for DefineTexts (and maybe for scripts too)feature closed user megalol
#833 Sidebar doesn't expandSidebar doesn't expandbug closed user jbzdarkid
#841 Loop control for sound previewLoop control for sound previewfeature closed user henke37
#848 Random Reversion to Unedited Code when Toggling the 3 switches (at Top Left) on the Right Hand Pane!Random Reversion to Unedited Code when Toggling the 3 switches (at Top Left) on the Right Hand Pane!bug closed user 1nd1g0
#856 Can't load any SWFsCan't load any SWFsbug closed user capasha
#865 TagTree font size problem on high resolution screensTagTree font size problem on high resolution screensbug closed user anhisme
#871 Show the needed character idsShow the needed character idsfeature closed developer honfika
#873 Brainstorming about tag tree context menuBrainstorming about tag tree context menufeature closed developer honfika
#877 A small glitch after search in ASA small glitch after search in ASbug closed user megalol
#881 Define*Texts parameters panel disappearing (in some cases) bugDefine*Texts parameters panel disappearing (in some cases) bugbug closed user megalol
#886 Cancel button is disabled in editor mode. I'd like to reset the change.Cancel button is disabled in editor mode. I'd like to reset the change.bug closed admin JPEXS
#888 Panel width problem in JSyntaxPane with chinese charactersPanel width problem in JSyntaxPane with chinese charactersbug closed developer honfika
#897 FFDec is not starting when classic (non-ribbon) UI is selectedFFDec is not starting when classic (non-ribbon) UI is selectedbug closed user vs.
#899 Show script after AS3 Direct editationShow script after AS3 Direct editationbug closed admin JPEXS
#905 Show codec details for sound itemsShow codec details for sound itemsfeature closed user henke37
#918 Can't start FFDecCan't start FFDecbug postponed user capasha
#932 Logo Flash onscreen and then nothingLogo Flash onscreen and then nothingquestion closed user kevorkien
#950 Variables added using Add Trait don't saveVariables added using Add Trait don't savebug closed user sdfsdf
#951 Cancel script search is not workingCancel script search is not workingbug closed admin JPEXS
#1047 6.0.2 open all scripts folders6.0.2 open all scripts foldersbug closed user capasha
#1091 AS 1/2 direct editation saving changes bugAS 1/2 direct editation saving changes bugbug closed user megalol
#1110 Failed to start JPEXSFailed to start JPEXSbug closed user XELAD2
#1114 Search result dialog remains open after cloing the SWFsSearch result dialog remains open after cloing the SWFsbug closed developer honfika
#1130 programm keeps opening on the wrong monitor/displayprogramm keeps opening on the wrong monitor/displayquestion closed user Rookie
#1142 Installer localization files are not included in ffdex_xx_lang.zipInstaller localization files are not included in ffdex_xx_lang.zipbug closed developer honfika
#1159 regex syntax hiligthing for non regex expressionsregex syntax hiligthing for non regex expressionsbug closed developer honfika
#1163 Clicking on Open > File will make the program buggyClicking on Open > File will make the program buggybug postponed user capasha
#1174 Method/Getter/Setter Trait is in swedish after changing language to englishMethod/Getter/Setter Trait is in swedish after changing language to englishbug closed user capasha
#1181 Remember the answer to the "Do you want the assets to be loaded" questoin when the FFDec session is reloadedRemember the answer to the "Do you want the assets to be loaded" questoin when the FFDec session is reloadedfeature closed developer honfika
#1200 Previous search text should be selected when quick find toolbar opensPrevious search text should be selected when quick find toolbar opensfeature closed developer honfika
#1202 Detect file change and ask the user to reloadDetect file change and ask the user to reloadfeature closed developer honfika
#1221 Separate icons for different actionscript objectsSeparate icons for different actionscript objectsfeature closed user henke37
#1232 Basic tag info improvementsBasic tag info improvementsfeature closed user megalol
#1239 Bug with font preview, after glyph insertBug with font preview, after glyph insertbug closed user strelokhalfer
#1246 Minimum gui-pane widths (since version 8) make FFDEC unusable on small monitorsMinimum gui-pane widths (since version 8) make FFDEC unusable on small monitorsbug closed user stan
#1306 Unable to maximize window on secondary monitorUnable to maximize window on secondary monitorbug closed user Llednar
#1309 recent files not getting updatesrecent files not getting updatesbug closed user Owyn
#1313 Font Change Font Change feature closed user shared_login
#1344 Save session + internal viewer bug (again but now with scripts instead texts)Save session + internal viewer bug (again but now with scripts instead texts)bug closed user megalol
#1355  Ribbon's menu does not fit into the screen (1280px) Ribbon's menu does not fit into the screen (1280px)bug closed user Nemo
#1371 goto character idgoto character idfeature closed user Owyn
#1393 View ASCII in HEX modeView ASCII in HEX modebug closed user BiosNod
#1407 Unable to save changes to an SWF when opened as subtreeUnable to save changes to an SWF when opened as subtreebug closed user Mist
#1414 Way to stop in-progress exportationWay to stop in-progress exportationfeature closed user RafatRifaie
#1437 garbled text in GUIgarbled text in GUIbug closed user Pons
#1440 3) PlayerGlobal (.swc) path  where do i find that??? ( 2. flash player projector content debugger path doesn't work)3) PlayerGlobal (.swc) path where do i find that??? ( 2. flash player projector content debugger path doesn't work)question closed user Nao
#1456 JSyntaxPane editor not loading on Java 10JSyntaxPane editor not loading on Java 10bug closed user Help
#1458 Find bar is overlaying horizontal scrollbarFind bar is overlaying horizontal scrollbarbug closed user fwr11
#1465 Stop swf from autoplaying when opening with FFDECStop swf from autoplaying when opening with FFDECfeature closed user Help
#1476 On a hi-DPI monitor, any newly created windows will appear behind the main windowOn a hi-DPI monitor, any newly created windows will appear behind the main windowbug closed user DoomTay
#1485 GUI Night modeGUI Night modefeature closed user Owyn
#1557 Screenshots appear everywhere on JPEXSScreenshots appear everywhere on JPEXSbug closed user ifyoudarethenpizzait
#1559 Shape ReplaceShape Replacebug ignored user LorDograh
#1568 Reset Everything to default settings Automatically In SettingsReset Everything to default settings Automatically In Settingsfeature closed user BecauseitsAitme
#1590 scrolling p code compartment make the software freezescrolling p code compartment make the software freezebug closed user inoika
#1591 Alt-Tab: main window constantly steals focusAlt-Tab: main window constantly steals focusbug closed user FareakyTinkerton
#1595 Save search resultsSave search resultsfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1599 Swf preview not working in new versions ffdecSwf preview not working in new versions ffdecquestion closed user Kuroneko
#1606 Replace files from BinaryDataReplace files from BinaryDatabug closed user FuriousCreeper
#1611 Checkbox to not show notification againCheckbox to not show notification againfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1612 Hide search params to additional params sectionHide search params to additional params sectionfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1616 Close and search buttonsClose and search buttonsfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1622 Slowing scrolling in search results windowSlowing scrolling in search results windowbug closed user Kuroneko
#1623 Gray line in p-code edit windowGray line in p-code edit windowbug closed user Kuroneko
#1624 Ffdec saved only one search resultFfdec saved only one search resultbug closed user Kuroneko
#1634 Missed focus after edit button in varsMissed focus after edit button in varsbug closed user Kuroneko
#1639 Deleting recents search results in swfDeleting recents search results in swffeature closed user Kuroneko
#1644 Save all buttonSave all buttonfeature upgraded user Kuroneko
#1645 Scrolling search resultScrolling search resultfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1647 Copying to Clipboard no longer supports transparencyCopying to Clipboard no longer supports transparencybug closed user radzo73
#1660 thumbnail view context menu remove function not working thumbnail view context menu remove function not working bug returned user aiglove
#1670 Popup windows not visiblePopup windows not visiblequestion returned user CPU
#1680 Quick tabs for active scriptsQuick tabs for active scriptsfeature closed user BiosNod
#1717 Option to hide P-code window ?Option to hide P-code window ?feature closed user uzer0
#1718 Show progress on "preparing swf for debugging"Show progress on "preparing swf for debugging"feature closed user File
#1770 "Needed characters / Dependent characters" font unreadable in most themes"Needed characters / Dependent characters" font unreadable in most themesbug closed user STA20
#1862 I canno export from multiple filesI canno export from multiple filesbug closed user fjasdhkjha
#1865 ConcurrentModificationException on SWF closeConcurrentModificationException on SWF closebug closed user STA20
#1869 "Replace references with other character ID" not working on Images"Replace references with other character ID" not working on Imagesbug closed user STA20
#1871 Toggle buttons for enable/disable preview and subsprite animationsToggle buttons for enable/disable preview and subsprite animationsfeature closed user STA20
#1901 Double Click to Edit - Feature RequestDouble Click to Edit - Feature Requestfeature closed user Streaks225
#1905 DEL key not working on thumbnailsDEL key not working on thumbnailsbug closed user STA20
#1941 Export SWF XML button does not work without selecting an item firstExport SWF XML button does not work without selecting an item firstbug closed user nosamu
#1944 Scroll position in tag list is not retained when selecting multiple itemsScroll position in tag list is not retained when selecting multiple itemsbug closed user nosamu
#2013 Code panel vanishing after global identifier renamingCode panel vanishing after global identifier renamingbug closed user RenderDragon
#2014 Cannot save .as3 file Cannot save .as3 file bug closed user LifeHaxGamer_
#2015 Globally rename identifierGlobally rename identifierbug closed user RenderDragon
#2016 Cannot save AS3 after editationCannot save AS3 after editationbug closed user RenderDragon
#2105 Include fileName string into Basic tag info tab.Include fileName string into Basic tag info tab.feature closed user Mokkor
#2172 Log window thinks that the year is 2024 when the date is set to 31 Dec 2023Log window thinks that the year is 2024 when the date is set to 31 Dec 2023bug closed user ljcool2006
#2179 Add a way to collapse an item treeAdd a way to collapse an item treefeature closed user RenderDragon
#2182 window panels reset at launchwindow panels reset at launchbug closed user STA20
#2189 Option to search in the Replace Sprites panel.Option to search in the Replace Sprites panel.feature closed user LordShadow505
#2192 Method is decompiled to one enormous line, with overlapping textMethod is decompiled to one enormous line, with overlapping textbug upgraded user Aaron1011
#2206 Some values in Hex dump mode have wrong data typeSome values in Hex dump mode have wrong data typebug upgraded user Mikhail
#2248 how to launch another copy of ffdec?how to launch another copy of ffdec?question closed user demos
#2253 Free transform is non-functional/buggy on linuxFree transform is non-functional/buggy on linuxbug closed user WorstCC
#2295 AS2 p-code docs panel freezes the decompiler in a specific scenarioAS2 p-code docs panel freezes the decompiler in a specific scenariobug closed user dimusLV
#2298 Problems of Ffdec new versionsProblems of Ffdec new versionsbug opened user Kuroneko
#2303 Export to FLA dies on a Java exceptionExport to FLA dies on a Java exceptionbug upgraded user GrizBane
#2305 [QOL] Color Selector - Custom values in "recent" swatch (colours)[QOL] Color Selector - Custom values in "recent" swatch (colours)feature upgraded user ColourEnjoyer
#2311 AS2 decompile on save freezes program in specific scenariosAS2 decompile on save freezes program in specific scenariosbug closed user WorstCC
#2315 File disappears on accidental double editationFile disappears on accidental double editationbug closed user Thisguy248
#2320 Boldness indicating modified files disappear if error popupsBoldness indicating modified files disappear if error popupsbug closed user Thisguy248
#2363 Mulitple GUI buttons produce an 'AWT-EventQueue-0' exceptionMulitple GUI buttons produce an 'AWT-EventQueue-0' exceptionbug closed user basquet
#2366 recent ffdec versions are far more laggy (v21.1.2+)recent ffdec versions are far more laggy (v21.1.2+)bug closed user jo912345
#2371 Simple Editor LaggingSimple Editor Laggingbug new user primary.19122
#2374 Sugestion to help DesignersSugestion to help Designersfeature upgraded user willian913
#2378 AnimationAnimationfeature new user willian913
Filtered issues: 257