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Issue tracker
This is the place where all feature requests and bug reports of JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler (FFDec) are handled.
To submit new issue or issue editation, you should login first.
Id | Title | | Type | State new: Initial state. As long as issue is in this state, the work on the issue has not yet begun. opened: Opened state means developer started working on the issue. Feature/Fix will probably be in the next release. postponed: This means developer is not working on it now, for some reason it cannot be implemented now. Issue may be opened again in the future. upgraded: Issue is in upgraded state when developer made changes to the program and new version was released. closed: This means the user is satisfied with issue results and no more changes are needed. invalid: These issues cannot be solved. ignored: Developer decided to take no action on this issue. returned: Program changes were made but user is not satisfied and returned the issue.
| Owner | Modified |
#63 |
Possibility to globaly rename variable identifier after deobfuscation | | feature |
closed |
testic |
#67 |
Rename identifiers to something more meaningful; Skipping rename occasionally | | feature |
closed |
#112 |
protected swf files | | question |
closed |
djtrelos |
#126 |
Rename identifiers issues | | bug |
ignored |
focus |
#157 |
method decomilation fails when deobfuscation is selected | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#174 |
Rename invalid identifiers issue | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#190 |
SWF works incorrectly after Rename invalid identifiers command | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#192 |
Rename invalid identifiers miss some invalid identifiers | | bug |
invalid |
focus |
#193 |
Rename all identifiers | | feature |
new |
focus |
#196 |
AS3 switch issue / automatic deobfuscation | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#208 |
Rename Invalid identifiers renames anonymous functions | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#211 |
Automatic deobfuscation | | feature |
closed |
pepka |
#234 |
Should I report if Rename invalid identifiers breaks not obfuscated swf? | | question |
closed |
focus |
#236 |
Rename invalid identifiers breaks not obfuscated SWF | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#326 |
Automatic deobfuscasion malfunction | | bug |
closed |
freddie |
#339 |
Deobsufcation: Fails | | bug |
closed |
macgeek |
#348 |
Obfuscated case operator | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#352 |
Deobfuscation rollback | | feature |
closed |
usroboticz |
#429 |
Disable/Enable rename identifiers feature (checkbox? button?). | | feature |
closed |
solodarkban |
#431 |
"Deobfuscating" time | | bug |
closed |
hojolo |
#590 |
Deobfuscation error : get what it was able to read | | question |
closed |
moonlightangel |
#685 |
Feature "Local variables and method parameters take name from debug" becomes a problem with some sources | | bug |
closed |
alvaromat |
#698 |
set,get,override fields unnecessarily debofuscated with § | | bug |
closed |
Berni11 |
#734 |
Support \xAB escape sequences in lexers | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#900 |
way of deobfuscation | | question |
closed |
galok |
#939 |
Switch default clause causes NullpointerException | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#941 |
Decompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsException | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#942 |
AS3 Deobfsucation - Stack owerflow exception in visitCode | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#946 |
Decompilation error - Invalid jump | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#947 |
Decompiletion timeouts (not cmodule) | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#954 |
Decompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsException | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1034 |
AVM2DeobfuscatorRegisters is slow | | feature |
new |
honfika |
#1064 |
AS3 decompilation problem | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1083 |
P-code deobfuscation breaks SWF | | bug |
closed |
Suuper |
#1150 |
Partial decompilation (in try catch?) | | bug |
closed |
Brandon |
#1197 |
Detect obfuscated files and show a warning to try deobfuscator | | feature |
closed |
raghu16 |
#1430 |
SWF File obfuscated with Leawo cannot be opened or deobfuscated. | | bug |
closed |
bennh |
#1989 |
it seems to break jpexs | | bug |
closed |
xxcoder |
#2052 |
Adding a class to the first DoABC adds it to the second DoABC tag + Automatic Deobfuscation issue | | bug |
closed |
Puzzlecube |
#2077 |
Some AS3 won't decompile in a certain swf | | bug |
closed |
Animu |
#2327 |
help me deobfuscation | | question |
opened |
min |
Filtered issues: 41