JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler Issue Tracker

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Issue tracker

This is the place where all feature requests and bug reports of JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler (FFDec) are handled.

To submit new issue or issue editation, you should login first.

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Quick by label: ABC addFrameScript Adding script AIR Api versioning AS1/2 AS3 AVI BinaryData Blend modes Broken JPEG Broken SWF Build Bundles BUTTONCOND Buttons Canvas export Charset Clean ABC Clipping Commandline ConcurrentModification Cyclic tags Debugger Decompilation DefineInSprite Deobfuscation Direct Editation Documentation Duplicate pack Embed EXE Export External Viewer ExternalLink FFDec source Filters Find usages FLA export Flash EOL Flash Lite Flash Viewer FlashCC FlashDevelop Flex Fonts Formatting Frames Free transform GFX GIF Google Code GUI Harman HaXe Header Icon Iggy Images Import Import scripts ImportAssets Initializers Installation IntelliJ IDEA Java Java 9 JSyntaxPane Large SWF Letter spacing Library LineEndings Linux Loader LZMA Mac Memory search Miter join Monitor Morphshapes Multiple classes Namespaces Obfuscated Old FLA formats on(xxx) P-code Packers PDF Performance Progress Proxy Raw Editation Read only SWF Rename identifiers RTL Scaling strokes Scenes Script execution Scrollbars Search Search Memory Shapes Simplify expressions Site feature Sound Special Sprites Stack size Startup Support SVG SWC SwfMovie SWFTools SymbolClass Tag position Tags Tamil Text Tools Translation Unicode Unknown instructions Update system Value Too Large Video VirusTotal VS Code XML Zoom
#198 DefineFont2TagDefineFont2Tagbug closed user pepka
#220 Add changing fonts functionalityAdd changing fonts functionalityfeature closed user megalol
#300 Font export (in FFDec and in .fla)Font export (in FFDec and in .fla)feature closed user megalol
#330 protection against adding the same multiple cyrillic characters doesn't workprotection against adding the same multiple cyrillic characters doesn't workbug closed user megalol
#334 importing to fonts characters presetsimporting to fonts characters presetsfeature closed user megalol
#389 Importing from subFonts (choose from one of family Font)Importing from subFonts (choose from one of family Font)feature closed user megalol
#390 Reload list of fonts to importReload list of fonts to importfeature closed user megalol
#395 Decompile/Edit GFx fontsDecompile/Edit GFx fontsfeature closed user michalss
#458 Saving font settings to preserve font panel selection after program restartSaving font settings to preserve font panel selection after program restartfeature closed user megalol
#461 Shift left Font UI elements at parameters panelShift left Font UI elements at parameters panelfeature closed user megalol
#462 Font embedding horizontal scrollingFont embedding horizontal scrollingfeature closed user megalol
#465 Make editable font parameters (bold and italic) in DefineFont*Make editable font parameters (bold and italic) in DefineFont*feature closed user megalol
#466 Source font preview (from DefineFont* parameters panel)Source font preview (from DefineFont* parameters panel)feature closed user megalol
#469 DefineFont* parameters buttons problem since 8857665003a9 nightlyDefineFont* parameters buttons problem since 8857665003a9 nightlybug closed user megalol
#470 Keep original Define*Texts and DefineFonts panels size after resizing from full screen to windowed and backKeep original Define*Texts and DefineFonts panels size after resizing from full screen to windowed and backfeature closed user megalol
#491 Import a fontImport a fontfeature closed user gamuti
#502 [PATCH] font name encoding[PATCH] font name encodingbug closed user tamachan
#526 Add font to a swfAdd font to a swfquestion closed user arsay
#531 Still Chinese font adding problemStill Chinese font adding problembug closed user rendu2mai
#545 How to identify which fonts AS scripts is usingHow to identify which fonts AS scripts is usingquestion closed user rendu2mai
#567 DefineText editing is not working with DefineFontDefineText editing is not working with DefineFontbug closed user francesco
#695 How to add new font to a swf fileHow to add new font to a swf filequestion closed user drajwer86
#701 Import/replace TTFImport/replace TTFfeature closed user michalss
#728 Large fontsLarge fontsbug closed user strelokhalfer
#744 Simple Error , Please help me.Simple Error , Please help me.question closed user djakman
#769 Extracting resources twice makes them differentExtracting resources twice makes them differentquestion closed user capasha
#790 Impossible to change letters under a fontImpossible to change letters under a fontbug closed user gamuti
#794 Font extraction fails sometimesFont extraction fails sometimesbug closed user Anon
#795 The issue with the width of font chars which I want to import.The issue with the width of font chars which I want to import.question closed user krovin
#797 [Bug] Can't export files[Bug] Can't export filesbug closed user capasha
#857 Please add scroll on DefineFont3Please add scroll on DefineFont3feature closed user Jerky
#901 A lot of space after adding/replacing characters in fontsA lot of space after adding/replacing characters in fontsbug closed user Solomon
#903 FLA export - null fontName, missing ShowFrameTagFLA export - null fontName, missing ShowFrameTagbug closed user intidigital
#1239 Bug with font preview, after glyph insertBug with font preview, after glyph insertbug closed user strelokhalfer
#1524 I want to change font but I don't have knowledge about gfx at all :(I want to change font but I don't have knowledge about gfx at all :(question closed user wnsip
#1536 How to import a font into an SWFHow to import a font into an SWFquestion closed user murkalurk2099
#1548 DefineFont3 tag cannot be dumpedDefineFont3 tag cannot be dumpedbug closed user nissansz
#1550 Font Missing name. Font Missing name. bug closed user nissansz
#1561 Import font data (kerning, ascent, descent, etc.)Import font data (kerning, ascent, descent, etc.)feature closed user RadRussianRus
#1581 Font export, some symbols are not correct like 。? though they can be shown correctlyFont export, some symbols are not correct like 。? though they can be shown correctlybug closed user nissansz
#1674 Text not displayable in SWFText not displayable in SWFquestion closed user nissanjp
#1677 Get a "severe" error when opening a file.Get a "severe" error when opening a file.bug closed user STA20
#1711 Convert attached swf to pdf. There is font issue. And sometimes may even not display any text. Convert attached swf to pdf. There is font issue. And sometimes may even not display any text. bug closed user nissanjp
#1831 texts dont display when selected, every text in every font in SFWtexts dont display when selected, every text in every font in SFWbug closed user rafaelhndz
#1863 export frame errorexport frame errorbug closed user nissanjp
#2083 Cannot output text with specified Vietnamese characters/lettersCannot output text with specified Vietnamese characters/lettersquestion closed user Intelparcel11
#2094 Some problems with "Export embedded assets via [Embed]"Some problems with "Export embedded assets via [Embed]"bug closed user RenderDragon
#2108 Can't change textCan't change textbug closed user Pipis
#2176 Text search does not work for text with custom spacingText search does not work for text with custom spacingbug closed user nosamu
#2239 Unable to export embedded font from swf on linux but works on windowsUnable to export embedded font from swf on linux but works on windowsbug closed user xrtxn
#2332 Imported SWF font assets do not workImported SWF font assets do not workbug closed user rxfhdyj
Filtered issues: 51