JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler Issue Tracker

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Issue tracker

This is the place where all feature requests and bug reports of JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler (FFDec) are handled.

To submit new issue or issue editation, you should login first.

Quick select: unfinished, everything, new bugs, new features, opened
Quick by label: ABC addFrameScript Adding script AIR Api versioning AS1/2 AS3 AVI BinaryData Blend modes Broken JPEG Broken SWF Build Bundles BUTTONCOND Buttons Canvas export Charset Clean ABC Clipping Commandline ConcurrentModification Cyclic tags Debugger Decompilation DefineInSprite Deobfuscation Direct Editation Documentation Duplicate pack Embed EXE Export External Viewer ExternalLink FFDec source Filters Find usages FLA export Flash EOL Flash Lite Flash Viewer FlashCC FlashDevelop Flex Fonts Formatting Frames Free transform GFX GIF Google Code GUI Harman HaXe Header Icon Iggy Images Import Import scripts ImportAssets Initializers Installation IntelliJ IDEA Java Java 9 JSyntaxPane Large SWF Letter spacing Library LineEndings Linux Loader LZMA Mac Memory search Miter join Monitor Morphshapes Multiple classes Namespaces Obfuscated Old FLA formats on(xxx) P-code Packers PDF Performance Pins Progress Proxy Raw Editation Read only SWF Rename identifiers RTL Scaling strokes Scenes Script execution Scrollbars Search Search Memory Shapes Simple editor Simplify expressions Site feature SOL Sound Special Sprites Stack size Startup Support SVG SWC SwfMovie SWFTools SymbolClass Tag position Tags Tamil Text Tools Translation Unicode Unknown instructions Update system Value Too Large Video VirusTotal VS Code XML Zoom
#3 AS2 decompilation fails on these filesAS2 decompilation fails on these filesbug closed user googleCode
#16 Decompiler hangs when a AS3 SWF contains a call to a method that does not existDecompiler hangs when a AS3 SWF contains a call to a method that does not existbug ignored user googleCode
#25 Invalid importsInvalid importsbug closed user googleCode
#30 Unreachable opcode deleteUnreachable opcode deletefeature closed user googleCode
#50 AS1/2 function body deobfuscation bugAS1/2 function body deobfuscation bugbug closed user googleCode
#52 CP with a wrong action lengthCP with a wrong action lengthbug closed user googleCode
#57 Unknown instruction exception (AS3)Unknown instruction exception (AS3)bug closed user pepka
#89 Illegal field names leads to decompilation issuesIllegal field names leads to decompilation issuesbug closed user jduncanator
#100 StackOverflowErrorStackOverflowErrorbug closed user pepka
#116 Can't decompile a class / Obfuscated codeCan't decompile a class / Obfuscated codebug closed user focus
#129 obfuscated as2 code, not refreshing decompiled after renameobfuscated as2 code, not refreshing decompiled after renamebug closed user focus
#130 Save to FLA after names renaming still use obfuscated name as a document class.Save to FLA after names renaming still use obfuscated name as a document class.bug closed user focus
#131 FFDec can't open obfuscated swfFFDec can't open obfuscated swfbug closed user focus
#132 Rename identifiers renames stringsRename identifiers renames stringsbug closed user focus
#133 FFDec can't open big obfuscated as3 swfFFDec can't open big obfuscated as3 swfbug closed user focus
#135 AS2 Decompilation errorAS2 Decompilation errorbug closed user focus
#137 hasNext problemhasNext problembug closed user csganja
#147 escape filenames during (obfuscated) as exportescape filenames during (obfuscated) as exportbug closed developer honfika
#148 Tree contains incorrect, extra nodesTree contains incorrect, extra nodesbug closed developer honfika
#149 AS3 decompilation issue: empty if branchesAS3 decompilation issue: empty if branchesbug closed user focus
#153 Infinite search -> Obfuscated code, OutOfMemoryErrorInfinite search -> Obfuscated code, OutOfMemoryErrorbug closed user focus
#157 method decomilation fails when deobfuscation is selectedmethod decomilation fails when deobfuscation is selectedbug closed developer honfika
#165 direct lookupswitch / alchemy not supported - hiddendirect lookupswitch / alchemy not supported - hiddenbug closed developer honfika
#171 Skipping invalid AS3 code - newobject, newarraySkipping invalid AS3 code - newobject, newarraybug closed user pepka
#172 AS1/2 checkPrecoNextParts() emptyness checks; not resolving constantsAS1/2 checkPrecoNextParts() emptyness checks; not resolving constantsbug closed user pepka
#175 Incorrect decompilation (can't compile back)Incorrect decompilation (can't compile back)bug closed user focus
#189 SWF structure tree contains ... in names after Renаme invalid identifiers commandSWF structure tree contains ... in names after Renаme invalid identifiers commandbug closed user focus
#190 SWF works incorrectly after Rename invalid identifiers commandSWF works incorrectly after Rename invalid identifiers commandbug closed user focus
#195 AS2 Decompilation errorAS2 Decompilation errorbug closed user focus
#213 decompilation errorsdecompilation errorsbug closed developer honfika
#221 Infinite searchInfinite searchbug closed user focus
#239 Strange AS3 decompilation with obfuscated code.Strange AS3 decompilation with obfuscated code.bug closed developer honfika
#242 decompiltion error: EmptyStackExceptiondecompiltion error: EmptyStackExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#243 method is partially decompiledmethod is partially decompiledbug closed developer honfika
#263 Infinite decompilation (AS3)Infinite decompilation (AS3)bug closed user focus
#264 "true" statements (with automatic deobfuscation, too)"true" statements (with automatic deobfuscation, too)bug closed developer honfika
#265 deobfuscation problemdeobfuscation problembug closed developer honfika
#266 decompiltion error: EmptyStackExceptiondecompiltion error: EmptyStackExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#277 Decompiling FlasCC SWFsDecompiling FlasCC SWFsfeature postponed user paleozogt
#281 Decompile .swf protected with secureSWFDecompile .swf protected with secureSWFfeature closed user megalol
#314 some obfuscated class names are not escaped correctlysome obfuscated class names are not escaped correctlybug closed developer honfika
#339 Deobsufcation: FailsDeobsufcation: Failsbug closed user macgeek
#340 Class too large to decompile.Class too large to decompile.question closed user layola
#341 Unnecessary removing setlocal (kill removes temporary registers)Unnecessary removing setlocal (kill removes temporary registers)bug closed user poxyran
#348 Obfuscated case operatorObfuscated case operatorbug closed user pepka
#368 Deobfuscation: AS2 Decompilation issuesDeobfuscation: AS2 Decompilation issuesbug closed user focus
#370 Decompilation error,for this swf ,has many erros,Decompilation error,for this swf ,has many erros,bug closed user xuanhun
#376 Decompilation errorsDecompilation errorsbug closed user megalol
#401 DComSoft  SWF Protector 4: Error during tag readingDComSoft SWF Protector 4: Error during tag readingbug closed user focus
#402 Can't decompile Flash Antidecompiler 6.9 obfuscated codeCan't decompile Flash Antidecompiler 6.9 obfuscated codebug closed user focus
#403 Deobfuscation: SWF Encrypt 7.0: SEVERE nullDeobfuscation: SWF Encrypt 7.0: SEVERE nullbug closed user focus
#405 Another Can't decompile a class / Obfuscated codeAnother Can't decompile a class / Obfuscated codebug closed user pkedpker
#413 secureSWF 4secureSWF 4feature invalid user charles
#415 HaXe compiled SWF support.HaXe compiled SWF support.feature closed user yanrishatum
#417 Deobfuscate: Exporting Fla ErrorDeobfuscate: Exporting Fla Errorbug closed user jenyene
#418 FFDec can't deobfuscate some tricks used in SecureSWF 4.5FFDec can't deobfuscate some tricks used in SecureSWF 4.5bug closed user focus
#422 help me pleasehelp me pleaseother closed user chat
#431 "Deobfuscating" time"Deobfuscating" timebug closed user hojolo
#441 Obfuscated code, can't decompile swf fileObfuscated code, can't decompile swf filebug closed user hungpq
#473 Deobfuscation: doesn't works with lot of swf filesDeobfuscation: doesn't works with lot of swf filesbug closed user gamuti
#535 Decompilation error Code may be obfuscatedDecompilation error Code may be obfuscatedbug closed user acid0
#552 TimeoutException, max recursion level reachedTimeoutException, max recursion level reachedbug closed user end0re
#572 Unsupported by decompiler:Empty stack;Unsupported by decompiler:Empty stack;bug closed user Player
#694 Cant decompile SeafightMain.swfCant decompile SeafightMain.swffeature closed user sinlyu
#729 Cannot decompile obfuscated 'scripts\com\adobe\utils\'Cannot decompile obfuscated 'scripts\com\adobe\utils\'bug invalid user 1nd1g0
#735 Decompilation errorsDecompilation errorsbug closed user bls1999
#770 Possible Incorrect Code?Possible Incorrect Code?question closed user calculuswhiz
#830 Decompilation errors with certain nested if-then-else and logical operatorsDecompilation errors with certain nested if-then-else and logical operatorsbug closed user JackB
#917 CPU Spikes to 100% on This FileCPU Spikes to 100% on This Filebug closed user CraigP
#944 AS3 PCode reading problem (not deobfuscation)AS3 PCode reading problem (not deobfuscation)bug closed developer honfika
#946 Decompilation error - Invalid jumpDecompilation error - Invalid jumpbug closed developer honfika
#954 Decompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionDecompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#971 forgotten assignment for increment in first lineforgotten assignment for increment in first linebug closed user BeniBela
#1053 Error when save edit.Error when save edit.bug closed user nhattuan
#1077 not a valid instance name after export to flanot a valid instance name after export to flabug closed user winxalex
#1131 §§dup left in the code§§dup left in the codebug closed user snowalice
#1162 Not showing all the swf contentsNot showing all the swf contentsbug closed user digdug
#1185 #970 Imports of variables#970 Imports of variablesbug closed user BeniBela
#1188 order of static fieldsorder of static fieldsbug closed user BeniBela
#1277 Decompile&Edit bug - JPEXS v9.0.0Decompile&Edit bug - JPEXS v9.0.0bug closed user ultra_xerox
#1279 Decompilation of traits (methods, fields) with same nameDecompilation of traits (methods, fields) with same namefeature closed admin JPEXS
#1280 Direct editation of traits (methods, fields) with same nameDirect editation of traits (methods, fields) with same namefeature closed admin JPEXS
#1324 P-code deobfuscation may yield incorrect decompilation(++ operator side effect overlooked)P-code deobfuscation may yield incorrect decompilation(++ operator side effect overlooked)bug closed user vonchun
#1426 unicode class name, function name, variable nameunicode class name, function name, variable namebug ignored user pin
#1430 SWF File obfuscated with Leawo cannot be opened or deobfuscated.SWF File obfuscated with Leawo cannot be opened or deobfuscated.bug closed user bennh
#1445 Export obscuration swf fail  when class path have spaceExport obscuration swf fail when class path have spacebug closed user xf5464
#1474 Decompiled output is somewhat confusingDecompiled output is somewhat confusingbug closed user DoomTay
#1496 How can I get rid of the spaces in the identifier name?How can I get rid of the spaces in the identifier name?question closed user LeoStitch
#1538 Obfuscated names in SWFObfuscated names in SWFquestion closed user VladD
#1541 Unknown tags XML import/export, deobfuscate whole AS1/2 fileUnknown tags XML import/export, deobfuscate whole AS1/2 filequestion closed user pongstylin
#1583 Not a typeNot a typebug ignored user nttzx
#1842 StackOverflowError when decompiling scriptStackOverflowError when decompiling scriptbug closed user nosamu
#1970 Empty frames missing in decompiled fla, Auto rename identifiers not working without deobfuscationEmpty frames missing in decompiled fla, Auto rename identifiers not working without deobfuscationbug closed user Grubsic
#1989 it seems to break jpexsit seems to break jpexsbug closed user xxcoder
#2007 Add support for a specific deobfuscation typeAdd support for a specific deobfuscation typefeature opened user Gamedroit
#2077 Some AS3 won't decompile in a certain swfSome AS3 won't decompile in a certain swfbug closed user Animu
#2175 Issue with Decompiling a Modified Flash 8 SWFIssue with Decompiling a Modified Flash 8 SWFbug upgraded user Crazyfs
#2296 deobfuscation problem with strike force heroesdeobfuscation problem with strike force heroesbug upgraded user AppleManSunny
#2338 ffdec hangs on swf with exceptionffdec hangs on swf with exceptionbug upgraded user Sembiance
Filtered issues: 99