JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler Issue Tracker

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Issue tracker

This is the place where all feature requests and bug reports of JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler (FFDec) are handled.

To submit new issue or issue editation, you should login first.

Quick select: unfinished, everything, new bugs, new features, opened
Quick by label: ABC addFrameScript Adding script AIR Api versioning AS1/2 AS3 AVI BinaryData Blend modes Broken JPEG Broken SWF Build Bundles BUTTONCOND Buttons Canvas export Charset Clean ABC Clipping Commandline ConcurrentModification Cyclic tags Debugger Decompilation DefineInSprite Deobfuscation Direct Editation Documentation Duplicate pack Embed EXE Export External Viewer ExternalLink FFDec source Filters Find usages FLA export Flash EOL Flash Lite Flash Viewer FlashCC FlashDevelop Flex Fonts Formatting Frames Free transform GFX GIF Google Code GUI Harman HaXe Header Icon Iggy Images Import Import scripts ImportAssets Initializers Installation IntelliJ IDEA Java Java 9 JSyntaxPane Large SWF Letter spacing Library LineEndings Linux Loader LZMA Mac Memory search Miter join Monitor Morphshapes Multiple classes Namespaces Obfuscated Old FLA formats on(xxx) P-code Packers PDF Performance Pins Progress Proxy Raw Editation Read only SWF Rename identifiers RTL Scaling strokes Scenes Script execution Scrollbars Search Search Memory Shapes Simple editor Simplify expressions Site feature SOL Sound Special Sprites Stack size Startup Support SVG SWC SwfMovie SWFTools SymbolClass Tag position Tags Tamil Text Tools Translation Unicode Unknown instructions Update system Value Too Large Video VirusTotal VS Code XML Zoom
#2 Wrong code for chained assignments (AS3)Wrong code for chained assignments (AS3)bug closed user googleCode
#4 Stack overflow on large classes (decompile individual methods would be a nice feature)Stack overflow on large classes (decompile individual methods would be a nice feature)feature closed user googleCode
#5 FSCommand2 not supportedFSCommand2 not supportedfeature closed user googleCode
#6 wrong code for uncertain function parameterswrong code for uncertain function parametersbug closed user googleCode
#7 static variables, complex expressions, const initializationstatic variables, complex expressions, const initializationbug closed user googleCode
#8 Commandline ExportCommandline Exportfeature closed user googleCode
#9 Caching for code positions while decompilingCaching for code positions while decompilingfeature closed user googleCode
#10 Missing "default" code block when decompiling switch .. case sometimesMissing "default" code block when decompiling switch .. case sometimesbug closed user googleCode
#11 Zero jumps in finally blocksZero jumps in finally blocksbug closed user googleCode
#12 logical computing  &  handling temporary variables generated by compiler  & if-elsif-else statement & NEED_ARGUMENTS  logical computing & handling temporary variables generated by compiler & if-elsif-else statement & NEED_ARGUMENTS bug closed user googleCode
#13, for, for differencebug closed user googleCode
#15 Inline functions as AVM instructionsInline functions as AVM instructionsbug closed user googleCode
#16 Decompiler hangs when a AS3 SWF contains a call to a method that does not existDecompiler hangs when a AS3 SWF contains a call to a method that does not existbug ignored user googleCode
#18 On loading of file JPAD v.beta1 never completes loadingOn loading of file JPAD v.beta1 never completes loadingbug ignored user googleCode
#19 error for export code with * packageerror for export code with * packagebug ignored user googleCode
#20 Static variablesStatic variablesbug closed user googleCode
#21 Do-While and while loops inside ifDo-While and while loops inside ifbug closed user googleCode
#22 dup, setlocal issuedup, setlocal issuebug closed user googleCode
#24 switch by string in anonymous functionswitch by string in anonymous functionbug closed user googleCode
#25 Invalid importsInvalid importsbug closed user googleCode
#28 ifne is ifeqifne is ifeqbug ignored user googleCode
#29 slot/const default value; syntax highlight problemslot/const default value; syntax highlight problembug closed user googleCode
#30 Unreachable opcode deleteUnreachable opcode deletefeature closed user googleCode
#31 i need help it wont let me open a file that ive used before in asdeci need help it wont let me open a file that ive used before in asdecbug closed user googleCode
#33 calling constructor in static const initializercalling constructor in static const initializerbug closed user googleCode
#34 instead of "while(_loc5_ < 65536)" we have " while(_loc5_ >= 65536)".instead of "while(_loc5_ < 65536)" we have " while(_loc5_ >= 65536)".bug closed user googleCode
#37 While conditions are incorrect, always opposite then the required. (Maybe only when the swf was obfuctated)While conditions are incorrect, always opposite then the required. (Maybe only when the swf was obfuctated)bug closed user googleCode
#39 AS 1/2 New MethodAS 1/2 New Methodbug closed user googleCode
#40 AS1/2 No logging + decompilationAS1/2 No logging + decompilationbug closed user googleCode
#43 Ternaty operator decompilation problemTernaty operator decompilation problembug closed user googleCode
#44 Text decompile bugText decompile bugbug closed user googleCode
#46 if then else with empty branches gets ignoredif then else with empty branches gets ignoredbug closed user googleCode
#47 Decompiler do not produce AS script anymoreDecompiler do not produce AS script anymorebug closed user googleCode
#48 Decompile only specified classDecompile only specified classfeature closed user googleCode
#50 AS1/2 function body deobfuscation bugAS1/2 function body deobfuscation bugbug closed user googleCode
#51 AS1/2 decompilation defectAS1/2 decompilation defectbug closed user googleCode
#52 CP with a wrong action lengthCP with a wrong action lengthbug closed user googleCode
#53 first ternary operator expression is always truefirst ternary operator expression is always truefeature closed user googleCode
#57 Unknown instruction exception (AS3)Unknown instruction exception (AS3)bug closed user pepka
#58 ArrayIndexOutOfBound exception (AS3)ArrayIndexOutOfBound exception (AS3)bug closed user pepka
#62 NullPointerExceptionNullPointerExceptionbug closed user wrr
#64 Resolving registers for DefineFunction2 in AS 1/2Resolving registers for DefineFunction2 in AS 1/2bug closed user pepka
#72 first ternary operator expression is always truefirst ternary operator expression is always truebug closed user removs
#75 If ... return, Commands in while condition (comma operator)If ... return, Commands in while condition (comma operator)bug closed user pepka
#79 DoInitAction decompilation problemDoInitAction decompilation problembug closed user pepka
#84 Can't decompile some classesCan't decompile some classesbug closed developer honfika
#92 AVM greaterthan decompiles as "less than"AVM greaterthan decompiles as "less than"bug closed user offyoufly
#93 Switch + returnSwitch + returnbug closed user pepka
#94 AS2 ActionTry - register cast problemAS2 ActionTry - register cast problembug closed user pepka
#95 AS2 while(true)AS2 while(true)bug closed user pepka
#98 Empty initializers causing empty lines in decompiled codeEmpty initializers causing empty lines in decompiled codebug closed developer honfika
#100 StackOverflowErrorStackOverflowErrorbug closed user pepka
#101 AS 1/2 while + increment/decrementAS 1/2 while + increment/decrementbug closed user pepka
#103 Missing blockMissing blockbug closed user pepka
#104 AS3: inc/dec loc NullpointerException, Multiple conditions in loopsAS3: inc/dec loc NullpointerException, Multiple conditions in loopsbug closed user pepka
#105 Infinite loopsInfinite loopsbug closed user pepka
#110 Issues with [CLASS] TagsIssues with [CLASS] Tagsbug closed user jduncanator
#114 getPrecontinues(...) causes StackOverflowErrorgetPrecontinues(...) causes StackOverflowErrorbug closed user pepka
#125 Class fields position in the decompilation listingClass fields position in the decompilation listingfeature closed user focus
#128 Missing import for getTimer() functionMissing import for getTimer() functionbug closed user focus
#129 obfuscated as2 code, not refreshing decompiled after renameobfuscated as2 code, not refreshing decompiled after renamebug closed user focus
#133 FFDec can't open big obfuscated as3 swfFFDec can't open big obfuscated as3 swfbug closed user focus
#140 Missing functionMissing functionbug closed user andy
#141 AS2 Decompilation issueAS2 Decompilation issuebug closed user focus
#152 Empty "if" bracnhes Empty "if" bracnhes bug closed developer honfika
#275 returnvoid as last statementreturnvoid as last statementfeature closed user soywiz
#347 AS3 for loop with return decompiled as while inversedAS3 for loop with return decompiled as while inversedquestion closed user pepka
#349 Registers not properly declaredRegisters not properly declaredbug closed user pjwendy
#397 Long decompilationLong decompilationbug closed user fusix
#420 Decompilation error, EmptyStackExceptionDecompilation error, EmptyStackExceptionbug closed user freddie
#835 static var value assign bugstatic var value assign bugbug closed user galok
#850 AS3 static intializer wrong matching const multinamesAS3 static intializer wrong matching const multinamesbug closed user layola
#939 Switch default clause causes NullpointerExceptionSwitch default clause causes NullpointerExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#941 Decompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionDecompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#942 AS3 Deobfsucation - Stack owerflow exception in visitCodeAS3 Deobfsucation - Stack owerflow exception in visitCodebug closed developer honfika
#946 Decompilation error - Invalid jumpDecompilation error - Invalid jumpbug closed developer honfika
#947 Decompiletion timeouts (not cmodule)Decompiletion timeouts (not cmodule)bug closed developer honfika
#954 Decompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionDecompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#955 AS2 decompilation problem - IllegalArgumentExceptionAS2 decompilation problem - IllegalArgumentExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#970 Imports of variablesImports of variablesbug closed user BeniBela
#971 forgotten assignment for increment in first lineforgotten assignment for increment in first linebug closed user BeniBela
#972 wrong package name in static function callwrong package name in static function callbug closed user BeniBela
#973 Pointless §§dupPointless §§dupbug closed user BeniBela
#974 Assignment in ifAssignment in ifbug closed user BeniBela
#975 Return traceReturn tracequestion closed user BeniBela
#979 Unnecessary/missing fully qualified nameUnnecessary/missing fully qualified namebug closed developer honfika
#986 wrong typewrong typebug closed user BeniBela
#987 assignment in for each lostassignment in for each lostbug closed user BeniBela
#991 Serious Bug in Decompiler!Serious Bug in Decompiler!bug closed user 1nd1g0
#1002 CASE / IF EILSE substitution on decomilation CASE / IF EILSE substitution on decomilation bug closed user RoverWhite
#1004 rename invalid identifiers renames "this", toorename invalid identifiers renames "this", toobug closed user uragan1987
#1006  Warning: Function value used where type Boolean was expected.  Possibly the parentheses () are missing after this function reference. Warning: Function value used where type Boolean was expected. Possibly the parentheses () are missing after this function reference.feature closed user BeniBela
#1030 AS3 decompilation error - StackOverflowErrorAS3 decompilation error - StackOverflowErrorbug closed developer honfika
#1041 FFDec (java) package names in decompiled AS codeFFDec (java) package names in decompiled AS codebug closed developer honfika
#1060 Wrong and / or  when compiled as push false / push trueWrong and / or when compiled as push false / push truebug closed user Brandon
#1062 Static variables are not inititalized from script initializerStatic variables are not inititalized from script initializerbug closed user Brandon
#1067 Possible bug with AS3 direct editPossible bug with AS3 direct editbug ignored user DV8FromTheWorld
#1093 wrong code in AS3wrong code in AS3bug closed user refgd
#1125 Missing finally block when decompiling try{}finally{} blockMissing finally block when decompiling try{}finally{} blockbug closed user devbn
#1126 AS3 decompiled with wrong setter and illegal break statementAS3 decompiled with wrong setter and illegal break statementbug closed user devbn
#1135 Missing offset label for try codeMissing offset label for try codebug closed user Suuper
#1145 consecutive NOT(!)s are being merged, altering the code behavior at timesconsecutive NOT(!)s are being merged, altering the code behavior at timesbug closed user ilufang
#1161 decompile/deoobfus file faileddecompile/deoobfus file failedbug closed user uragan1987
#1183 New AS2 decompilation problems, it was wokring in version 7.1.1New AS2 decompilation problems, it was wokring in version 7.1.1bug closed developer honfika
#1184 Invalid regular expression generatedInvalid regular expression generatedbug closed user BeniBela
#1185 #970 Imports of variables#970 Imports of variablesbug closed user BeniBela
#1186 #972 missing import#972 missing importbug closed user BeniBela
#1188 order of static fieldsorder of static fieldsbug closed user BeniBela
#1189 imports sortingimports sortingfeature closed user BeniBela
#1190 §§nextName and §§nextValue§§nextName and §§nextValuebug closed user BeniBela
#1191 assignment missingassignment missingbug closed user BeniBela
#1192 Multiple default case in switchMultiple default case in switchbug closed developer honfika
#1225 Simplify expressions does not use +=Simplify expressions does not use +=feature closed user henke37
#1227 Stack overflow when decompiling large actionscriptStack overflow when decompiling large actionscriptbug closed user TheQueenOfBlades
#1277 Decompile&Edit bug - JPEXS v9.0.0Decompile&Edit bug - JPEXS v9.0.0bug closed user ultra_xerox
#1279 Decompilation of traits (methods, fields) with same nameDecompilation of traits (methods, fields) with same namefeature closed admin JPEXS
#1283 Unbounded Vector<*> direct editation problemUnbounded Vector<*> direct editation problembug closed user Marek.47
#1321 No obfuscation, Broken code?No obfuscation, Broken code?bug ignored user Xploit
#1324 P-code deobfuscation may yield incorrect decompilation(++ operator side effect overlooked)P-code deobfuscation may yield incorrect decompilation(++ operator side effect overlooked)bug closed user vonchun
#1360 Local register postincrement, decrement precedenceLocal register postincrement, decrement precedencebug closed user Daniel
#1379 postincrement in parameter list confuses JPEXSpostincrement in parameter list confuses JPEXSbug closed user svdb
#1496 How can I get rid of the spaces in the identifier name?How can I get rid of the spaces in the identifier name?question closed user LeoStitch
#1560 Error on compiling - $$goto is not availableError on compiling - $$goto is not availablebug closed user teliosmetonma
#1596 Searching not show results automatically - inifite loop in traits reorderingSearching not show results automatically - inifite loop in traits reorderingbug closed user Kuroneko
#1686 Decompilation and direct editation of nested tellTargetDecompilation and direct editation of nested tellTargetbug closed user Badfitz66
#1699 Script decompilation stucks in new versionsScript decompilation stucks in new versionsbug closed user uranreactor
#1726 P-code to AS3 issue with continue before breakP-code to AS3 issue with continue before breakbug closed user moecazzell
#1772 Decompiling Timeout / Stack OverflowDecompiling Timeout / Stack Overflowbug closed user Shuckle
#1807 Error #1064, maybe related to constructprop vs callproperty?Error #1064, maybe related to constructprop vs callproperty?bug closed user NoobTracker
#1920 Script decompilation much slower than beforeScript decompilation much slower than beforebug closed user dimusLV
#1933 Missing variable names in decompiled codeMissing variable names in decompiled codebug closed user pim
#1957 Illegal operation error when it translate back the scriptIllegal operation error when it translate back the scriptbug closed user FemLol
#1966 Duplicate case labelDuplicate case labelbug closed user ngocchinhlqd
#1986 (ActionScript2) "Not decompiled due to error" - message in decompilation(ActionScript2) "Not decompiled due to error" - message in decompilationbug closed user jd1337
#1999 Valid code not able to saveValid code not able to savebug closed user OBR
#2003 COLON expected but DOT foundCOLON expected but DOT foundbug closed user Mostafa
#2017 Classes in same package displayed as FQN, why?Classes in same package displayed as FQN, why?bug closed user smartcube
#2052 Adding a class to the first DoABC adds it to the second DoABC tag + Automatic Deobfuscation issueAdding a class to the first DoABC adds it to the second DoABC tag + Automatic Deobfuscation issuebug closed user Puzzlecube
#2066 NullPointerException in ScriptInfo.getPacks when attempting to load api-versioned SWFNullPointerException in ScriptInfo.getPacks when attempting to load api-versioned SWFfeature closed user Aaron1011
#2085 java.lang.NullPointerExceptionjava.lang.NullPointerExceptionbug closed user zolaz
#2093 New version often uses fully qualified names on exportNew version often uses fully qualified names on exportbug closed user ODAKAB
#2094 Some problems with "Export embedded assets via [Embed]"Some problems with "Export embedded assets via [Embed]"bug closed user RenderDragon
#2099 ActionScript decompiler altering numbers in the codeActionScript decompiler altering numbers in the codebug closed user 3plus4i
#2114 compiler ignores parenthesis important for order of executioncompiler ignores parenthesis important for order of executionquestion opened user 3plus4i
#2183 Variable usages named "newline" get compiled into "\n"Variable usages named "newline" get compiled into "\n"bug closed user kjarosh
#2190 CURLY_CLOSE expected but COLON found on line 700CURLY_CLOSE expected but COLON found on line 700bug closed user umbra
#2207 The method that could be decompiled in ffdec_18.5.0 and ffdec_19.0.0 versions cannot be decompiled in ffdec_20.1.0. The configurations for all versions of ffdec are exactly the same.The method that could be decompiled in ffdec_18.5.0 and ffdec_19.0.0 versions cannot be decompiled in ffdec_20.1.0. The configurations for all versions of ffdec are exactly the same.bug opened user zzidex
#2216 AS2/AS1 Methods being decompiled all in lowercase instead of camelCaseAS2/AS1 Methods being decompiled all in lowercase instead of camelCasequestion closed user Grubsic
#2226 continue; keyword is removed when editing & saving a file in JPEXS | script execution timeoutcontinue; keyword is removed when editing & saving a file in JPEXS | script execution timeoutbug closed user ReactX
#2228 Prefer hexadecimal representation if context is masking bytesPrefer hexadecimal representation if context is masking bytesfeature closed user ODAKAB
#2231 Unnecessary String conversionUnnecessary String conversionbug closed user Aivaz
#2234 Unnecessary extra inserted into ActionScript codeUnnecessary extra inserted into ActionScript codebug closed user Llama
#2267 21.0.0 regression: class contains instructions, 20.1.0 decompilation works fine21.0.0 regression: class contains instructions, 20.1.0 decompilation works finebug closed user xrtxn
#2270 Value assignment and if checkingValue assignment and if checkingbug closed user shadow
#2291 AS2 direct edit renames local variables incorrectlyAS2 direct edit renames local variables incorrectlybug upgraded user dimusLV
#2296 deobfuscation problem with strike force heroesdeobfuscation problem with strike force heroesbug upgraded user AppleManSunny
#2299 Decompilation error: NullPointerException (null)Decompilation error: NullPointerException (null)bug closed user liquidbydesign
#2319 Divide equals operator bugs on decomp in newer versionDivide equals operator bugs on decomp in newer versionbug closed user Thisguy248
#2322 Dot operator appears after save and causes errorDot operator appears after save and causes errorbug upgraded user Thisguy248
#2329 ReferenceError with Proxy type after saveReferenceError with Proxy type after savebug upgraded user Thisguy248
Filtered issues: 160