JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler Issue Tracker

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Issue tracker

This is the place where all feature requests and bug reports of JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler (FFDec) are handled.

To submit new issue or issue editation, you should login first.

Quick select: unfinished, everything, new bugs, new features, opened
Quick by label: ABC addFrameScript Adding script AIR Api versioning AS1/2 AS3 AVI BinaryData Blend modes Broken JPEG Broken SWF Build Bundles BUTTONCOND Buttons Canvas export Charset Clean ABC Clipping Commandline ConcurrentModification Cyclic tags Debugger Decompilation DefineInSprite Deobfuscation Direct Editation Documentation Duplicate pack Embed EXE Export External Viewer ExternalLink FFDec source Filters Find usages FLA export Flash EOL Flash Lite Flash Viewer FlashCC FlashDevelop Flex Fonts Formatting Frames Free transform GFX GIF Google Code GUI Harman HaXe Header Icon Iggy Images Import Import scripts ImportAssets Initializers Installation IntelliJ IDEA Java Java 9 JSyntaxPane Large SWF Letter spacing Library LineEndings Linux Loader LZMA Mac Memory search Miter join Monitor Morphshapes Multiple classes Namespaces Obfuscated Old FLA formats on(xxx) P-code Packers PDF Performance Pins Progress Proxy Raw Editation Read only SWF Rename identifiers RTL Scaling strokes Scenes Script execution Scrollbars Search Search Memory Shapes Simple editor Simplify expressions Site feature SOL Sound Special Sprites Stack size Startup Support SVG SWC SwfMovie SWFTools SymbolClass Tag position Tags Tamil Text Tools Translation Unicode Unknown instructions Update system Value Too Large Video VirusTotal VS Code XML Zoom
#96 Exporting FLA not working with the attached swfExporting FLA not working with the attached swfbug closed developer honfika
#136 Export to FLA issuesExport to FLA issuesbug closed user focus
#180 Exporting FLA... for everExporting FLA... for everbug closed user focus
#183 Export FLA issues: wrong stage sizeExport FLA issues: wrong stage sizebug closed user focus
#184 Export FLA issues: incorrect Linked Video objectExport FLA issues: incorrect Linked Video objectbug closed user focus
#185 Export FLA: no on-clip actions exportedExport FLA: no on-clip actions exportedbug closed user focus
#209 Export to FLA: incorrect Static Fields Y position.Export to FLA: incorrect Static Fields Y position.bug closed user focus
#226 AS2 onClipAction indentation is absent in the Exported FLAAS2 onClipAction indentation is absent in the Exported FLAbug closed user focus
#229 Export FLA issue with text fieldExport FLA issue with text fieldbug closed user focus
#230 Export FLA issue with vector graphics strokeExport FLA issue with vector graphics strokebug closed user focus
#235 Export FLA: incorrect Dynamic Text Fields coordinates.Export FLA: incorrect Dynamic Text Fields coordinates.bug closed user focus
#250 Export FLA: Static text spacing and marigins are not restored.Export FLA: Static text spacing and marigins are not restored.bug closed user focus
#251 Export FLA: drop shadow filter strength incorrectExport FLA: drop shadow filter strength incorrectbug closed user focus
#252 Export FLA: incorrect position and width of the text field with blur filterExport FLA: incorrect position and width of the text field with blur filterbug closed user focus
#257 Export AS2 swf to FLA: TextField export issuesExport AS2 swf to FLA: TextField export issuesbug closed user focus
#259 Export FLA: exported image looks not same as originalExport FLA: exported image looks not same as originalbug closed user focus
#260 Export FLA: labels issuesExport FLA: labels issuesbug closed user focus
#261 Export FLA: place on-frame scripts in first separate layer, not last oneExport FLA: place on-frame scripts in first separate layer, not last onefeature closed user focus
#262 Export FLA: dynamic text fields fonts not embeddedExport FLA: dynamic text fields fonts not embeddedfeature closed user focus
#282 FLA Export: Other formats than CS6FLA Export: Other formats than CS6feature closed user linajin
#288 Memory (RAM) leak (by javaw.exe) after .fla exportingMemory (RAM) leak (by javaw.exe) after .fla exportingbug closed user megalol
#295 Export FLA: wrong fontExport FLA: wrong fontbug closed user focus
#303 Open folder with exported FLAOpen folder with exported FLAfeature closed user focus
#305 Export FLA: empty sound layersExport FLA: empty sound layersbug closed user focus
#307 Export FLA: TextField's properties exported incorrectlyExport FLA: TextField's properties exported incorrectlybug closed user focus
#308 Export FLA: incorrect static text X coordinateExport FLA: incorrect static text X coordinatequestion closed user focus
#309 Export FLA: static text letter spacing is incorrectExport FLA: static text letter spacing is incorrectbug closed user focus
#310 Export FLA: exported shapes thinner that originalExport FLA: exported shapes thinner that originalbug closed user focus
#311 Export FLA: bitmap usage exported incorrectlyExport FLA: bitmap usage exported incorrectlybug closed user focus
#312 Export FLA: shape tween not exportedExport FLA: shape tween not exportedbug closed user focus
#360 Export FLA: empty sound layers (2)Export FLA: empty sound layers (2)bug closed user focus
#417 Deobfuscate: Exporting Fla ErrorDeobfuscate: Exporting Fla Errorbug closed user jenyene
#503 Invalid shapes in .flaInvalid shapes in .flabug closed user wewixosa
#523 Numerous decompilation errors for valid not obfuscated swf while exporting FLANumerous decompilation errors for valid not obfuscated swf while exporting FLAbug closed user focus
#524 Export FLA: mask layer is not applied to the child layerExport FLA: mask layer is not applied to the child layerbug closed user focus
#527 Pretty print error "linkageExportForAS"Pretty print error "linkageExportForAS"bug closed user DrMefistO
#575 Rename assets based on linked classRename assets based on linked classfeature new user henke37
#766 [error] Can't extract all resources from the swf[error] Can't extract all resources from the swfbug closed user capasha
#903 FLA export - null fontName, missing ShowFrameTagFLA export - null fontName, missing ShowFrameTagbug closed user intidigital
#943 Export to CS4 and lowerExport to CS4 and lowerfeature upgraded user myztikrice
#980 Export to Fla ProblemsExport to Fla Problemsbug closed user dbk
#1011 Graphical errors in the FLA file after decompilingGraphical errors in the FLA file after decompilingbug returned user Joeee
#1076 Error during export java null pointer exceptionError during export java null pointer exceptionbug closed user TheWatcher
#1147 XML Content of the shape data is exported twiceXML Content of the shape data is exported twicebug returned user Brandon
#1151 Text filters are not saved in exported FLAText filters are not saved in exported FLAbug closed user Brandon
#1156 9-slice scaling support (DefineScalingGrid)9-slice scaling support (DefineScalingGrid)feature closed user Brandon
#1171 Unable to set stroke scaling in the fla file decompiled from a file with swf version 5 Unable to set stroke scaling in the fla file decompiled from a file with swf version 5 bug closed user c200210018
#1172 Text content is wrong after decompilationText content is wrong after decompilationbug closed user c200210018
#1179 Button sound doesn't appear in the exported fla fileButton sound doesn't appear in the exported fla filebug closed user c200210018
#1194 Wrong sound effects in flaWrong sound effects in flabug closed user c200210018
#1254 Decoding AS3 timeline scripsDecoding AS3 timeline scripsfeature closed user turkeybaster5723
#1257 When I decompile an SWF using FFDEC, some of the filling (colours of drawn objects) is removedWhen I decompile an SWF using FFDEC, some of the filling (colours of drawn objects) is removedbug closed user Polearm22
#1396 [BOUNTY] Add to FLA output[BOUNTY] Add to FLA outputfeature opened user wwmikes
#1503 Simple cli swf to fla export fails with java.lang.NullPointerExceptionSimple cli swf to fla export fails with java.lang.NullPointerExceptionbug closed user inkl
#1651 Incorrect merging of mask layers with content layersIncorrect merging of mask layers with content layersbug closed user henke37
#1679 Problem with MorphShapesProblem with MorphShapesbug closed user BDslick
#1732 FLA Export missing addFrameScript() callsFLA Export missing addFrameScript() callsbug closed user wolf_haley
#1782 Export to FLA not workingExport to FLA not workingbug closed user amusedpenguin
#1812 Export to older FLA versionsExport to older FLA versionsfeature upgraded user drenched_cabbage
#1836 FLA Export failsFLA Export failsbug closed user atrus
#1837 Expression lost in MovieClips' constructor.Expression lost in MovieClips' constructor.bug closed user CoolBreeze
#1860 Export to FLA not workingExport to FLA not workingbug closed user Puzzlecube
#1866 Decompiler corrupts SWF when exporting to FLADecompiler corrupts SWF when exporting to FLAbug closed user djmrFunnyMan
#1902 FLA export does not include some shape fill stylesFLA export does not include some shape fill stylesbug closed user nosamu
#1903 FLA export of character is missing an eyeFLA export of character is missing an eyebug closed user nosamu
#1922 DefineBitsJPEG3 tags exported as JPEG with .png extension in FLA/XFLDefineBitsJPEG3 tags exported as JPEG with .png extension in FLA/XFLbug closed user nosamu
#1970 Empty frames missing in decompiled fla, Auto rename identifiers not working without deobfuscationEmpty frames missing in decompiled fla, Auto rename identifiers not working without deobfuscationbug closed user Grubsic
#1995 The decompiled fla project cannot be opened in adobe flash pro cs 5The decompiled fla project cannot be opened in adobe flash pro cs 5bug closed user lulu1085
#2031 Morphshapes exporting incorrectly when using fla exportMorphshapes exporting incorrectly when using fla exportbug closed user ItsJay
#2048 broken .flabroken .flabug closed user wox
#2107 Restore linkageClassName for object extending flash.display.BitmapRestore linkageClassName for object extending flash.display.Bitmapquestion opened user Cupral
#2123 stuck at Exporting FLA loading barstuck at Exporting FLA loading barbug closed user GreatFunk
#2135 Exported FLA is missing FrameScripts on the symbolsExported FLA is missing FrameScripts on the symbolsbug closed user wolf_haley
#2175 Issue with Decompiling a Modified Flash 8 SWFIssue with Decompiling a Modified Flash 8 SWFbug upgraded user Crazyfs
#2184 Cannot Export FLA when placeFlagMove is trueCannot Export FLA when placeFlagMove is truebug closed user Luxe3710
#2287 Export to FLA CS4 or lower in a specific swfExport to FLA CS4 or lower in a specific swffeature upgraded user GreatFunk
#2293 .fla error..fla error.bug closed user GreatFunk
#2294 Can't export to FLACan't export to FLAbug closed user Yivensky
#2341 Asset Import/Export properties are lost when exported to FLAAsset Import/Export properties are lost when exported to FLAfeature closed user PainRunner
#2344 Error Message when opening SWF with Flash 8Error Message when opening SWF with Flash 8bug upgraded user chriscc17
#2357 Export to FLA - Add option to not generate Script LayersExport to FLA - Add option to not generate Script Layersbug upgraded user hyacinth.white
Filtered issues: 81