JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler Issue Tracker

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Issue tracker

This is the place where all feature requests and bug reports of JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler (FFDec) are handled.

To submit new issue or issue editation, you should login first.

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Quick by label: ABC addFrameScript Adding script AIR Api versioning AS1/2 AS3 AVI BinaryData Blend modes Broken JPEG Broken SWF Build Bundles BUTTONCOND Buttons Canvas export Charset Clean ABC Clipping Commandline ConcurrentModification Cyclic tags Debugger Decompilation DefineInSprite Deobfuscation Direct Editation Documentation Duplicate pack Embed EXE Export External Viewer ExternalLink FFDec source Filters Find usages FLA export Flash EOL Flash Lite Flash Viewer FlashCC FlashDevelop Flex Fonts Formatting Frames Free transform GFX GIF Google Code GUI Harman HaXe Header Icon Iggy Images Import Import scripts ImportAssets Initializers Installation IntelliJ IDEA Java Java 9 JSyntaxPane Large SWF Letter spacing Library LineEndings Linux Loader LZMA Mac Memory search Miter join Monitor Morphshapes Multiple classes Namespaces Obfuscated Old FLA formats on(xxx) P-code Packers PDF Performance Pins Progress Proxy Raw Editation Read only SWF Rename identifiers RTL Scaling strokes Scenes Script execution Scrollbars Search Search Memory Shapes Simple editor Simplify expressions Site feature SOL Sound Special Sprites Stack size Startup Support SVG SWC SwfMovie SWFTools SymbolClass Tag position Tags Tamil Text Tools Translation Unicode Unknown instructions Update system Value Too Large Video VirusTotal VS Code XML Zoom
#28 ifne is ifeqifne is ifeqbug ignored user googleCode
#32 ParseExceptionParseExceptionbug closed user googleCode
#36 Inserting multiname with non existing indexInserting multiname with non existing indexbug closed user googleCode
#42 Showing flash opcodes in source code windows / edit windowShowing flash opcodes in source code windows / edit windowfeature closed user googleCode
#73 ParseExceptionParseExceptionbug closed user wrr
#89 Illegal field names leads to decompilation issuesIllegal field names leads to decompilation issuesbug closed user jduncanator
#272 Cannot edit class initializer / constantsCannot edit class initializer / constantsbug closed user capasha
#343 P-code coding, I don't know what I does wrong.P-code coding, I don't know what I does wrong.question closed user capasha
#404 P-code and HexP-code and Hexfeature closed user cenadacoisa
#516 AS3 p-code: Editing namespaces with null names (index 0)AS3 p-code: Editing namespaces with null names (index 0)bug closed user capasha
#548 Can JPEXS show fully dis-assembled class files like rabcdasm does? Can JPEXS show fully dis-assembled class files like rabcdasm does? question closed user pmolson
#549 lessequals instead of greaterequals p-code editinglessequals instead of greaterequals p-code editingbug closed user capasha
#669 AS3 P-code command-line replacement of static class variablesAS3 P-code command-line replacement of static class variablesquestion closed user loki
#687 P-code comments on separate lineP-code comments on separate linefeature opened user loki
#690 jump addresses to use when adding if statements to P-codejump addresses to use when adding if statements to P-codequestion closed user loki
#691 Problem with v3 when editing SWF already edited in prevs versionsProblem with v3 when editing SWF already edited in prevs versionsbug closed user marianux
#762 Replace P-Code from command lineReplace P-Code from command linefeature closed user 163gal
#770 Possible Incorrect Code?Possible Incorrect Code?question closed user calculuswhiz
#848 Random Reversion to Unedited Code when Toggling the 3 switches (at Top Left) on the Right Hand Pane!Random Reversion to Unedited Code when Toggling the 3 switches (at Top Left) on the Right Hand Pane!bug closed user 1nd1g0
#944 AS3 PCode reading problem (not deobfuscation)AS3 PCode reading problem (not deobfuscation)bug closed developer honfika
#1008 "Short" type is decompiled incorrectly."Short" type is decompiled incorrectly.bug closed user Michael
#1040 Probably a P-Code reading bugProbably a P-Code reading bugbug closed developer honfika
#1173 How is P-code ofsXXX generated?How is P-code ofsXXX generated?question closed user capasha
#1180 Save pcode edit, null pointer exception on decompiling, work lost.Save pcode edit, null pointer exception on decompiling, work lost.bug closed user Mgamerz
#1229 Changing the script via P-Code/HEX not work correctlyChanging the script via P-Code/HEX not work correctlybug ignored user GAMELASTER
#1403 Can't import an exported pcodes using the -importScript commandCan't import an exported pcodes using the -importScript commandbug new user kenma9123
#1594 Disable padding in p-code, use oldstyle getlocal_xDisable padding in p-code, use oldstyle getlocal_xfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1597 Use oldstyle lookupswithUse oldstyle lookupswithfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1605 P-code stackP-code stackquestion closed user Kuroneko
#1717 Option to hide P-code window ?Option to hide P-code window ?feature closed user uzer0
#1777 -importScript doesn't work as expected-importScript doesn't work as expectedbug new user yukkerike
#1795 AS3 Options bugAS3 Options bugbug closed user Kuroneko
#1859 Error when editing ActionScript 3 P-CodeError when editing ActionScript 3 P-Codebug closed user nosamu
#1994 How do i use -replace in CLI to actually replace AS3 pcode?How do i use -replace in CLI to actually replace AS3 pcode?bug closed user Penteste27
#2008 Editing a specific function's p-code throws an unexpected errorEditing a specific function's p-code throws an unexpected errorbug closed user dimusLV
#2062 jump addresses when editing P-codejump addresses when editing P-codequestion opened user 3plus4i
#2127 GetURL2 loadTargetFlag and loadVariablesFlag swapped on P-code panelGetURL2 loadTargetFlag and loadVariablesFlag swapped on P-code panelbug closed user nosamu
#2221 Is it possible in the future to add functions inside functions?Is it possible in the future to add functions inside functions?feature closed user capasha
#2334 Export P-code is exporting invalid codeExport P-code is exporting invalid codebug upgraded user Jishh_
#2393 P-Code BrokenP-Code Brokenbug upgraded user thenickman100
Filtered issues: 40