JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler Issue Tracker

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Issue tracker

This is the place where all feature requests and bug reports of JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler (FFDec) are handled.

To submit new issue or issue editation, you should login first.

Quick select: unfinished, everything, new bugs, new features, opened
Quick by label: ABC addFrameScript Adding script AIR Api versioning AS1/2 AS3 AVI BinaryData Blend modes Broken JPEG Broken SWF Build Bundles BUTTONCOND Buttons Canvas export Charset Clean ABC Clipping Commandline ConcurrentModification Cyclic tags Debugger Decompilation DefineInSprite Deobfuscation Direct Editation Documentation Duplicate pack Embed EXE Export External Viewer ExternalLink FFDec source Filters Find usages FLA export Flash EOL Flash Lite Flash Viewer FlashCC FlashDevelop Flex Fonts Formatting Frames Free transform GFX GIF Google Code GUI Harman HaXe Header Icon Iggy Images Import Import scripts ImportAssets Initializers Installation IntelliJ IDEA Java Java 9 JSyntaxPane Large SWF Letter spacing Library LineEndings Linux Loader LZMA Mac Memory search Miter join Monitor Morphshapes Multiple classes Namespaces Obfuscated Old FLA formats on(xxx) P-code Packers PDF Performance Progress Proxy Raw Editation Read only SWF Rename identifiers RTL Scaling strokes Scenes Script execution Scrollbars Search Search Memory Shapes Simplify expressions Site feature Sound Special Sprites Stack size Startup Support SVG SWC SwfMovie SWFTools SymbolClass Tag position Tags Tamil Text Tools Translation Unicode Unknown instructions Update system Value Too Large Video VirusTotal VS Code XML Zoom
#8 Commandline ExportCommandline Exportfeature closed user googleCode
#48 Decompile only specified classDecompile only specified classfeature closed user googleCode
#65 Text ExportText Exportfeature closed admin JPEXS
#66 Decompress LZMA from commandlineDecompress LZMA from commandlinefeature closed admin JPEXS
#160 binaryData export from commandlinebinaryData export from commandlinebug closed user liandry
#269 command line parameters for switching on/off deobfuscation and paralellspeedupcommand line parameters for switching on/off deobfuscation and paralellspeedupfeature closed developer honfika
#274 show the elapsed time during export in the outputshow the elapsed time during export in the outputfeature closed developer honfika
#287 Typo in paralelSpeedUp config parameterTypo in paralelSpeedUp config parameterbug closed developer honfika
#313 command line parameter for ignore all errorscommand line parameter for ignore all errorsfeature closed developer honfika
#332 show exporting execution times for AS2, tooshow exporting execution times for AS2, toofeature closed developer honfika
#426 Possible to rename all identifiers in swf using command line? If no, i too much need this feature ;( Possible to rename all identifiers in swf using command line? If no, i too much need this feature ;( feature closed user devsaider
#438 Command line arguments renameInvalidIdentifiers and dumpSWF don't work anymoreCommand line arguments renameInvalidIdentifiers and dumpSWF don't work anymorebug closed user cattode
#487 Can I save a compressed file with decompressed data?Can I save a compressed file with decompressed data?question closed user poxyran
#508 Logging exception on GUI-less OSeS / SSH sessionsLogging exception on GUI-less OSeS / SSH sessionsbug closed user cattode
#512 Backslash before quote on commandline argumentsBackslash before quote on commandline argumentsquestion closed user megalol
#513 SWF extraction from ZIP/SWC/binary/EXE files with command line supportSWF extraction from ZIP/SWC/binary/EXE files with command line supportfeature closed user megalol
#584 [commandLine] -export  package[commandLine] -export packagefeature closed user cenadacoisa
#646 wildcard -selectas3classwildcard -selectas3classfeature new user bossfong
#650 replace binaryData from command linereplace binaryData from command linefeature closed user loki
#659 replacing multiple binaryData files in one command-line runreplacing multiple binaryData files in one command-line runfeature closed user loki
#669 AS3 P-code command-line replacement of static class variablesAS3 P-code command-line replacement of static class variablesquestion closed user loki
#774 Single file Action Script exportSingle file Action Script exportquestion closed user kurzedmetal
#883 -dumpSWF option does not work anymore-dumpSWF option does not work anymorebug closed user DaveZero
#906 -dumpAS3 commandline option not working-dumpAS3 commandline option not workingbug closed user jml
#936 Replace shapes with png image from the command lineReplace shapes with png image from the command linebug closed user laforet
#949 Replace alpha channel of JPEG images from the commandlineReplace alpha channel of JPEG images from the commandlinefeature closed user laforet
#967 Replace DefineText content from CLIReplace DefineText content from CLIfeature closed user Tyilo
#976 Export frame with zoom by commandExport frame with zoom by commandquestion closed user anhisme
#1071 Commandline doesn't workCommandline doesn't workbug closed user capasha
#1149 Replace in script commandline question.Replace in script commandline question.question closed user z4k
#1167 Second parameter after -replace has to be a local fileSecond parameter after -replace has to be a local filebug closed user z4k
#1170 Extract from Memory in Command LineExtract from Memory in Command Linefeature closed user goodffdecnameok
#1205 "-zoom" command line parameter for Frame export"-zoom" command line parameter for Frame exportfeature closed user alex
#1365 Command -importScript should be able to pass Flex SDK path as another optional command line argumentCommand -importScript should be able to pass Flex SDK path as another optional command line argumentfeature closed user buckybacon
#1503 Simple cli swf to fla export fails with java.lang.NullPointerExceptionSimple cli swf to fla export fails with java.lang.NullPointerExceptionbug closed user inkl
#1529 -selectid does not work on sprites and buttons-selectid does not work on sprites and buttonsbug closed user yoog290048
#1744 Replacing SVG shape from commandlineReplacing SVG shape from commandlinefeature closed user Wodkamelone
#1806 Addition of CLI -replace option to update bounds for shapesAddition of CLI -replace option to update bounds for shapesfeature closed user Zavar
#1814 Decompile a .as file from .swf command lineDecompile a .as file from .swf command linequestion opened user readix
#1864 Is it possible to pass an xml or swf in stdin memory to ffdec to export pdf frame?Is it possible to pass an xml or swf in stdin memory to ffdec to export pdf frame?feature closed user nissanjp
#1994 How do i use -replace in CLI to actually replace AS3 pcode?How do i use -replace in CLI to actually replace AS3 pcode?bug closed user Penteste27
#2101 JPEXS CLI is not working on WindowsJPEXS CLI is not working on Windowsquestion closed user rayyaw
#2102 Adding images via -importImages CLI is not workingAdding images via -importImages CLI is not workingquestion opened user rayyaw
#2113 SWF importScripts CLI returns exit code 0 on failureSWF importScripts CLI returns exit code 0 on failurebug closed user rayyaw
#2122 Negative integers are not supportedNegative integers are not supportedbug closed user lsq51201314
#2330 ffdec-cli doesn't respect current working directoryffdec-cli doesn't respect current working directorybug closed user phantasm
Filtered issues: 46