JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler Issue Tracker

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Issue tracker

This is the place where all feature requests and bug reports of JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler (FFDec) are handled.

To submit new issue or issue editation, you should login first.

Quick select: unfinished, everything, new bugs, new features, opened
Quick by label: ABC addFrameScript Adding script AIR Api versioning AS1/2 AS3 AVI BinaryData Blend modes Broken JPEG Broken SWF Build Bundles BUTTONCOND Buttons Canvas export Charset Clean ABC Clipping Commandline ConcurrentModification Cyclic tags Debugger Decompilation DefineInSprite Deobfuscation Direct Editation Documentation Duplicate pack Embed EXE Export External Viewer ExternalLink FFDec source Filters Find usages FLA export Flash EOL Flash Lite Flash Viewer FlashCC FlashDevelop Flex Fonts Formatting Frames Free transform GFX GIF Google Code GUI Harman HaXe Header Icon Iggy Images Import Import scripts ImportAssets Initializers Installation IntelliJ IDEA Java Java 9 JSyntaxPane Large SWF Letter spacing Library LineEndings Linux Loader LZMA Mac Memory search Miter join Monitor Morphshapes Multiple classes Namespaces Obfuscated Old FLA formats on(xxx) P-code Packers PDF Performance Pins Progress Proxy Raw Editation Read only SWF Rename identifiers RTL Scaling strokes Scenes Script execution Scrollbars Search Search Memory Shapes Simple editor Simplify expressions Site feature SOL Sound Special Sprites Stack size Startup Support SVG SWC SwfMovie SWFTools SymbolClass Tag position Tags Tamil Text Tools Translation Unicode Unknown instructions Update system Value Too Large Video VirusTotal VS Code XML Zoom
#203 editing AS directly shows error when trying to saveediting AS directly shows error when trying to savebug closed developer honfika
#304 editing AS directly: local variable names are lostediting AS directly: local variable names are lostbug postponed developer honfika
#306 editing AS directly bugediting AS directly bugbug closed developer honfika
#382 Create new functionsCreate new functionsfeature closed user null
#388 AS3 Script editorAS3 Script editorbug invalid user g200
#396 add class membersadd class membersfeature closed user agos
#398 string expected at line 0string expected at line 0bug closed user strldr1
#406 cannot save filecannot save filebug closed user ise7845
#410 Cannot save the edited codeCannot save the edited codebug closed user yhaki
#425 loadVariables is compiled incorrectlyloadVariables is compiled incorrectlybug closed user svetlana
#485 editing AS directly: unary minus signediting AS directly: unary minus signbug closed developer honfika
#515 Edit AS3 directlyEdit AS3 directlyfeature closed user Requi
#517 AS1/2 direct editation: delete operator, etc.AS1/2 direct editation: delete operator, etc.bug closed user deleted-FjT5MDkkfQCbTmonyvIp
#518 Direct editing AS1/2: Cast operatorDirect editing AS1/2: Cast operatorbug closed developer honfika
#562 Editing ActionScript 3 codeEditing ActionScript 3 codefeature closed user ThomasSpeedrunner
#570 Direct AS3 Edition bugDirect AS3 Edition bugbug closed user realmaster42
#725 AS3 direct editation fails with as3.swf test fileAS3 direct editation fails with as3.swf test filebug closed developer honfika
#759 AS3 direct editation: variable declaration is missingAS3 direct editation: variable declaration is missingbug closed user realmaster42
#768 super calls not being correctly recognizedsuper calls not being correctly recognizedbug closed user Kodak
#775 AS3 Direction Edit Bug: Getter/Setter Traits don't auto update after savingAS3 Direction Edit Bug: Getter/Setter Traits don't auto update after savingbug closed user realmaster42
#781 AS3 Direct editation bugAS3 Direct editation bugbug closed user pdmit
#791 AS3 edit problemAS3 edit problembug closed user pdmit
#817 AS1/2 varible in expressionAS1/2 varible in expressionbug closed user Kodak
#832 AS3 Direct Edit - Other ABCs resolvingAS3 Direct Edit - Other ABCs resolvingbug closed user realmaster42
#836 swf file won't run after changing some text in main classswf file won't run after changing some text in main classbug closed user eosdttve
#849 Can't recompile (experimental function)Can't recompile (experimental function)bug closed user Psychocrysma
#855 AS3 Direct editation - For in variable declarationAS3 Direct editation - For in variable declarationbug closed user Psychocrysma
#896 AS3 direct edit: Method info deletion failsAS3 direct edit: Method info deletion failsbug closed user IceDarkness
#899 Show script after AS3 Direct editationShow script after AS3 Direct editationbug closed admin JPEXS
#923 Inline edit breaks code consistencyInline edit breaks code consistencybug closed user phantasm
#931 Direct editation: (¬A) ∧ B = ¬(A ∧ B) ??Direct editation: (¬A) ∧ B = ¬(A ∧ B) ??bug closed user Anthony973
#933 Error Upon Declaring ArraysError Upon Declaring Arraysbug closed user Anthony973
#934 problem when editingproblem when editingbug closed user BYakaS
#945 Direct editation bugDirect editation bugbug closed user myztikrice
#1057 Editing as in editor results in package name moving. Editing as in editor results in package name moving. bug closed user Rymez2K
#1058 Direct editing as results in corrupt abc code.Direct editing as results in corrupt abc code.bug closed user Rymez2K
#1063 method_info array content becomes 0x00 after directly editing ac3method_info array content becomes 0x00 after directly editing ac3bug closed user jameswang
#1065 Not a type on line X errorNot a type on line X errorbug closed user angrydweller
#1067 Possible bug with AS3 direct editPossible bug with AS3 direct editbug ignored user DV8FromTheWorld
#1074 AS3 Direct Edit Case-Switch not correctly togglingAS3 Direct Edit Case-Switch not correctly togglingbug closed user icepegasus
#1097 /regexp/ compilation in AS3 direct editation/regexp/ compilation in AS3 direct editationbug closed user lyravega
#1101 Failed to compile [BUG PROGRAM]Failed to compile [BUG PROGRAM]bug closed user joseckz
#1123 AS3 direct edit problem - 3rd argument of "for" statement stould support ","AS3 direct edit problem - 3rd argument of "for" statement stould support ","bug closed developer honfika
#1169 Not able to save swf file after edited updateNot able to save swf file after edited updatebug closed user dazfaz
#1198 Making small modifications to script causes game to crashMaking small modifications to script causes game to crashbug closed user tgp1994
#1201 Editing code with switch/case seems to corrupt the SWF.Editing code with switch/case seems to corrupt the SWF.bug closed user junebeetle
#1235 Parent Close Comma ErrorParent Close Comma Errorbug closed user rhp1989
#1270 convert_i: adding extra cast with each saveconvert_i: adding extra cast with each savebug closed user koen
#1271 AS3 Direct Edit breaks P-CodeAS3 Direct Edit breaks P-Codebug closed user realmaster42
#1277 Decompile&Edit bug - JPEXS v9.0.0Decompile&Edit bug - JPEXS v9.0.0bug closed user ultra_xerox
#1280 Direct editation of traits (methods, fields) with same nameDirect editation of traits (methods, fields) with same namefeature closed admin JPEXS
#1283 Unbounded Vector<*> direct editation problemUnbounded Vector<*> direct editation problembug closed user Marek.47
#1285 JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler v.9.0.0 is removing flash.external.ExternalInterface; on saving the file. I want to communicate SWF through JS.JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler v.9.0.0 is removing flash.external.ExternalInterface; on saving the file. I want to communicate SWF through JS.bug ignored user Adee
#1295 IDENTIFIER or THIS or SUPER or STRING_OP expected but BRACKET_OPEN foundIDENTIFIER or THIS or SUPER or STRING_OP expected but BRACKET_OPEN foundbug postponed user babypandas
#1298 Issue With RecompilingIssue With Recompilingbug closed user vorta4
#1304 CURLY_CLOSE expected but IF found on line 145CURLY_CLOSE expected but IF found on line 145question closed user mockingbird
#1310 Modulo Order of Operations IncorrectModulo Order of Operations Incorrectbug closed user RobinHood70
#1328 CURLY_CLOSE expected but IDENTIFIER found in as3.swf test fileCURLY_CLOSE expected but IDENTIFIER found in as3.swf test filebug closed developer honfika
#1330 Issues with direct editing of Actionscript 3Issues with direct editing of Actionscript 3bug closed user StormReaper
#1336 regex, and too much int() unint()regex, and too much int() unint()bug closed user undifine0909
#1338 [Edit ActionScript] Vector.<uint> would be replaced with ApplyTypeAVM2Iteam[Edit ActionScript] Vector.<uint> would be replaced with ApplyTypeAVM2Iteamquestion closed user michaelpdu
#1339 Unable to use targetPath functionUnable to use targetPath functionbug closed user idk
#1392 Corrupted compiled script after modifying or just saving.Corrupted compiled script after modifying or just saving.bug closed user jeff
#1417 Edit actionScript needs fixingEdit actionScript needs fixingbug invalid user RadiatedFox
#1421 Internal error when trying to click 'Save' in the 'Edit Actionscript' panelInternal error when trying to click 'Save' in the 'Edit Actionscript' panelbug closed user NafrayuMiriyu
#1423 Cant edit some action scripts in this swfCant edit some action scripts in this swfbug closed user RadiatedFox
#1431 Function Beginning being removed in Button's codeFunction Beginning being removed in Button's codequestion closed user obs1d1an
#1438 Support for editing BUTTONCOND - on(xx)Support for editing BUTTONCOND - on(xx)feature closed user noname
#1450 AS3 direct editation save ErrorAS3 direct editation save Errorbug closed user kevoting2
#1467 Direct editing of AS2 doesn't save properlyDirect editing of AS2 doesn't save properlybug closed user SomebodyOnceToldMe
#1470 No register or slot setNo register or slot setbug closed user WesleySales3d
#1489 Problems with negation and for each loops in the AS2 compilerProblems with negation and for each loops in the AS2 compilerbug closed user figStuff
#1490 PARENT_CLOSE EXPECTED but THIS found - Editing Cast opPARENT_CLOSE EXPECTED but THIS found - Editing Cast opbug closed user Owyn
#1491 Save AS edit with a problem?Save AS edit with a problem?question closed user Hamrhed
#1493 Compile CastOp not being used problemCompile CastOp not being used problembug closed user Owyn
#1494 Compile GetURL2 not being used problemCompile GetURL2 not being used problembug closed user Owyn
#1496 How can I get rid of the spaces in the identifier name?How can I get rid of the spaces in the identifier name?question closed user LeoStitch
#1505 Replacing Scripts in FramesReplacing Scripts in Framesquestion closed user radzo73
#1507 "§§" symbols mess everything up"§§" symbols mess everything upbug closed user Evgen
#1516 When trying to save after editsWhen trying to save after editsbug closed user kinggully123
#1517 ok now when i edit i get ah greyed out when starting gameok now when i edit i get ah greyed out when starting gamebug invalid user kinggully123
#1560 Error on compiling - $$goto is not availableError on compiling - $$goto is not availablebug closed user teliosmetonma
#1569 java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException on actionscript editingjava.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException on actionscript editingbug closed user crit
#1583 Not a typeNot a typebug ignored user nttzx
#1667 error on save AS scripterror on save AS scriptbug closed user x29r
#1686 Decompilation and direct editation of nested tellTargetDecompilation and direct editation of nested tellTargetbug closed user Badfitz66
#1692 Namespace "mx_internal" unresolved at line -1 error when trying to compile script after edit, despite not doing any modification while editNamespace "mx_internal" unresolved at line -1 error when trying to compile script after edit, despite not doing any modification while editbug closed user Blitz
#1719 AS3 direct edit compound increment fails to saveAS3 direct edit compound increment fails to savebug closed user NicolasC
#1730 Is there any way I can force save the actionscript editor?Is there any way I can force save the actionscript editor?bug opened user AzurBlue
#1741 Cannot save AS1/2 new String(xx) callCannot save AS1/2 new String(xx) callbug closed user sombraguerrero
#1756 Extending or Implementing classesExtending or Implementing classesfeature new user PDEVI2
#1766 Recompiling a script breaks the gameRecompiling a script breaks the gamebug closed user bertoldo
#1788 Im very new to moddingIm very new to moddingquestion opened user JamJamOne
#1790 about actionscript editingabout actionscript editingquestion opened user utopissed
#1808 Illegal overrideIllegal overridebug closed user NoobTracker
#1810 AS3 Decompiling problem + Source code of the file so you can see what to fixAS3 Decompiling problem + Source code of the file so you can see what to fixbug closed user Colly
#1855 Ffdec 15.0 is slower than ffdec 14.6Ffdec 15.0 is slower than ffdec 14.6question opened user Kshatriya
#1921 Using AS Editor for AS3 (experimental) throws SEVERE error when savingUsing AS Editor for AS3 (experimental) throws SEVERE error when savingbug closed user tsyuay
#1938 ''this.'' placements in appropriate areas.''this.'' placements in appropriate areas.bug closed user pv_sol
#1963 ActionScript source codeActionScript source codebug closed user deleted-TkolAyMRNBDiAfcSzYbD
#2014 Cannot save .as3 file Cannot save .as3 file bug closed user LifeHaxGamer_
#2072 issue with fully qualified namesissue with fully qualified namesbug closed user 3plus4i
#2077 Some AS3 won't decompile in a certain swfSome AS3 won't decompile in a certain swfbug closed user Animu
#2086 Adding AS3 class and extending it from another user created class breaks SWFAdding AS3 class and extending it from another user created class breaks SWFbug closed user Enrico
#2088 game crashes just on adding a line breakgame crashes just on adding a line breakquestion closed user edynce
#2111 Flex SDK 4.6Flex SDK 4.6question upgraded user akatsukicoline
#2209 Importing a packageImporting a packagequestion opened user adingy2
#2237 Can't add an import to a classCan't add an import to a classbug closed user xrtxn
#2291 AS2 direct edit renames local variables incorrectlyAS2 direct edit renames local variables incorrectlybug upgraded user dimusLV
#2297 Branching Optimization Bug When SavingBranching Optimization Bug When Savingbug closed user Thisguy248
#2301 Compile generates incorrect code when editting ActionSciptCompile generates incorrect code when editting ActionSciptbug closed user GrizBane
#2313 Robotlegs Inject bugs out on save in newer versionRobotlegs Inject bugs out on save in newer versionbug closed user Thisguy248
#2314 const init section within class has no surrounding brackets after decompconst init section within class has no surrounding brackets after decompbug closed user Thisguy248
#2315 File disappears on accidental double editationFile disappears on accidental double editationbug closed user Thisguy248
#2316 Stack Underflow when editing AS file with multiple classesStack Underflow when editing AS file with multiple classesbug closed user Thisguy248
#2317 Adding more params to functions messes with loc vars unless loc renamedAdding more params to functions messes with loc vars unless loc renamedbug closed user Thisguy248
#2319 Divide equals operator bugs on decomp in newer versionDivide equals operator bugs on decomp in newer versionbug closed user Thisguy248
#2323 Assignment appears in constructor on saveAssignment appears in constructor on savebug closed user Thisguy248
#2324 Resulting code is different after save removes loop labelResulting code is different after save removes loop labelbug closed user Thisguy248
#2325 Save broken with XMLSave broken with XMLbug closed user Thisguy248
#2335 Type Coercion error after saveType Coercion error after savebug closed user Thisguy248
Filtered issues: 121