JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler Issue Tracker

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Issue tracker

This is the place where all feature requests and bug reports of JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler (FFDec) are handled.

To submit new issue or issue editation, you should login first.

Quick select: unfinished, everything, new bugs, new features, opened
Quick by label: ABC addFrameScript Adding script AIR Api versioning AS1/2 AS3 AVI BinaryData Blend modes Broken JPEG Broken SWF Build Bundles BUTTONCOND Buttons Canvas export Charset Clean ABC Clipping Commandline ConcurrentModification Cyclic tags Debugger Decompilation DefineInSprite Deobfuscation Direct Editation Documentation Duplicate pack Embed EXE Export External Viewer ExternalLink FFDec source Filters Find usages FLA export Flash EOL Flash Lite Flash Viewer FlashCC FlashDevelop Flex Fonts Formatting Frames Free transform GFX GIF Google Code GUI Harman HaXe Header Icon Iggy Images Import Import scripts ImportAssets Initializers Installation IntelliJ IDEA Java Java 9 JSyntaxPane Large SWF Letter spacing Library LineEndings Linux Loader LZMA Mac Memory search Miter join Monitor Morphshapes Multiple classes Namespaces Obfuscated Old FLA formats on(xxx) P-code Packers PDF Performance Progress Proxy Raw Editation Read only SWF Rename identifiers RTL Scaling strokes Scenes Script execution Scrollbars Search Search Memory Shapes Simple editor Simplify expressions Site feature SOL Sound Special Sprites Stack size Startup Support SVG SWC SwfMovie SWFTools SymbolClass Tag position Tags Tamil Text Tools Translation Unicode Unknown instructions Update system Value Too Large Video VirusTotal VS Code XML Zoom
#2 Wrong code for chained assignments (AS3)Wrong code for chained assignments (AS3)bug closed user googleCode
#4 Stack overflow on large classes (decompile individual methods would be a nice feature)Stack overflow on large classes (decompile individual methods would be a nice feature)feature closed user googleCode
#6 wrong code for uncertain function parameterswrong code for uncertain function parametersbug closed user googleCode
#7 static variables, complex expressions, const initializationstatic variables, complex expressions, const initializationbug closed user googleCode
#11 Zero jumps in finally blocksZero jumps in finally blocksbug closed user googleCode
#12 logical computing  &  handling temporary variables generated by compiler  & if-elsif-else statement & NEED_ARGUMENTS  logical computing & handling temporary variables generated by compiler & if-elsif-else statement & NEED_ARGUMENTS bug closed user googleCode
#13, for, for differencebug closed user googleCode
#14 DoABC combobox sortingDoABC combobox sortingfeature closed user googleCode
#15 Inline functions as AVM instructionsInline functions as AVM instructionsbug closed user googleCode
#19 error for export code with * packageerror for export code with * packagebug ignored user googleCode
#20 Static variablesStatic variablesbug closed user googleCode
#21 Do-While and while loops inside ifDo-While and while loops inside ifbug closed user googleCode
#22 dup, setlocal issuedup, setlocal issuebug closed user googleCode
#23 Obfuscated package names don't get renamedObfuscated package names don't get renamedbug closed user googleCode
#24 switch by string in anonymous functionswitch by string in anonymous functionbug closed user googleCode
#25 Invalid importsInvalid importsbug closed user googleCode
#26 Merging DoABCTagsMerging DoABCTagsfeature ignored user googleCode
#28 ifne is ifeqifne is ifeqbug ignored user googleCode
#29 slot/const default value; syntax highlight problemslot/const default value; syntax highlight problembug closed user googleCode
#33 calling constructor in static const initializercalling constructor in static const initializerbug closed user googleCode
#34 instead of "while(_loc5_ < 65536)" we have " while(_loc5_ >= 65536)".instead of "while(_loc5_ < 65536)" we have " while(_loc5_ >= 65536)".bug closed user googleCode
#36 Inserting multiname with non existing indexInserting multiname with non existing indexbug closed user googleCode
#38 small indent problemsmall indent problembug closed user googleCode
#41 Edit of public static constants don't workEdit of public static constants don't workbug ignored user googleCode
#47 Decompiler do not produce AS script anymoreDecompiler do not produce AS script anymorebug closed user googleCode
#48 Decompile only specified classDecompile only specified classfeature closed user googleCode
#57 Unknown instruction exception (AS3)Unknown instruction exception (AS3)bug closed user pepka
#58 ArrayIndexOutOfBound exception (AS3)ArrayIndexOutOfBound exception (AS3)bug closed user pepka
#72 first ternary operator expression is always truefirst ternary operator expression is always truebug closed user removs
#84 Can't decompile some classesCan't decompile some classesbug closed developer honfika
#89 Illegal field names leads to decompilation issuesIllegal field names leads to decompilation issuesbug closed user jduncanator
#92 AVM greaterthan decompiles as "less than"AVM greaterthan decompiles as "less than"bug closed user offyoufly
#93 Switch + returnSwitch + returnbug closed user pepka
#98 Empty initializers causing empty lines in decompiled codeEmpty initializers causing empty lines in decompiled codebug closed developer honfika
#103 Missing blockMissing blockbug closed user pepka
#104 AS3: inc/dec loc NullpointerException, Multiple conditions in loopsAS3: inc/dec loc NullpointerException, Multiple conditions in loopsbug closed user pepka
#105 Infinite loopsInfinite loopsbug closed user pepka
#110 Issues with [CLASS] TagsIssues with [CLASS] Tagsbug closed user jduncanator
#114 getPrecontinues(...) causes StackOverflowErrorgetPrecontinues(...) causes StackOverflowErrorbug closed user pepka
#116 Can't decompile a class / Obfuscated codeCan't decompile a class / Obfuscated codebug closed user focus
#125 Class fields position in the decompilation listingClass fields position in the decompilation listingfeature closed user focus
#126 Rename identifiers issuesRename identifiers issuesbug ignored user focus
#128 Missing import for getTimer() functionMissing import for getTimer() functionbug closed user focus
#130 Save to FLA after names renaming still use obfuscated name as a document class.Save to FLA after names renaming still use obfuscated name as a document class.bug closed user focus
#131 FFDec can't open obfuscated swfFFDec can't open obfuscated swfbug closed user focus
#132 Rename identifiers renames stringsRename identifiers renames stringsbug closed user focus
#133 FFDec can't open big obfuscated as3 swfFFDec can't open big obfuscated as3 swfbug closed user focus
#134 Find main (document) classFind main (document) classfeature closed user focus
#137 hasNext problemhasNext problembug closed user csganja
#140 Missing functionMissing functionbug closed user andy
#147 escape filenames during (obfuscated) as exportescape filenames during (obfuscated) as exportbug closed developer honfika
#149 AS3 decompilation issue: empty if branchesAS3 decompilation issue: empty if branchesbug closed user focus
#150 AS3 decompilation "line too long" errorAS3 decompilation "line too long" errorbug closed user focus
#154 AS3 Decompilation Issues / Obfuscated codeAS3 Decompilation Issues / Obfuscated codebug invalid user focus
#157 method decomilation fails when deobfuscation is selectedmethod decomilation fails when deobfuscation is selectedbug closed developer honfika
#170 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionbug closed user pepka
#174 Rename invalid identifiers issueRename invalid identifiers issuebug closed user focus
#175 Incorrect decompilation (can't compile back)Incorrect decompilation (can't compile back)bug closed user focus
#178 AS Subtract with negate problemAS Subtract with negate problembug closed user focus
#179 AS3 hasNext instead of foreach (wrong precontinue)AS3 hasNext instead of foreach (wrong precontinue)bug closed user focus
#181 AS3 object field missing quotesAS3 object field missing quotesbug closed user focus
#182 AS3 Decompilation issue - missing namespace importAS3 Decompilation issue - missing namespace importbug closed user focus
#190 SWF works incorrectly after Rename invalid identifiers commandSWF works incorrectly after Rename invalid identifiers commandbug closed user focus
#196 AS3 switch issue / automatic deobfuscationAS3 switch issue / automatic deobfuscationbug closed user pepka
#197 Switch with no breaksSwitch with no breaksbug closed user pepka
#206 AS3 switch problemAS3 switch problembug closed user focus
#212 Some as files are not exportedSome as files are not exportedbug closed developer honfika
#221 Infinite searchInfinite searchbug closed user focus
#239 Strange AS3 decompilation with obfuscated code.Strange AS3 decompilation with obfuscated code.bug closed developer honfika
#240 wrong field initializers (all are "false")wrong field initializers (all are "false")bug closed developer honfika
#242 decompiltion error: EmptyStackExceptiondecompiltion error: EmptyStackExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#243 method is partially decompiledmethod is partially decompiledbug closed developer honfika
#244 decompilaton errorsdecompilaton errorsbug closed developer honfika
#245 double spaces before and after "as" keyword in decomplied codedouble spaces before and after "as" keyword in decomplied codebug closed developer honfika
#256 AS3 Object literal in return clauseAS3 Object literal in return clausebug closed user focus
#263 Infinite decompilation (AS3)Infinite decompilation (AS3)bug closed user focus
#266 decompiltion error: EmptyStackExceptiondecompiltion error: EmptyStackExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#272 Cannot edit class initializer / constantsCannot edit class initializer / constantsbug closed user capasha
#276 Anonymous functions are being instantiated with "new function()" instead of "function()"Anonymous functions are being instantiated with "new function()" instead of "function()"bug closed user soywiz
#277 Decompiling FlasCC SWFsDecompiling FlasCC SWFsfeature postponed user paleozogt
#281 Decompile .swf protected with secureSWFDecompile .swf protected with secureSWFfeature closed user megalol
#319 AS3: Finally statement exit handling (switch)AS3: Finally statement exit handling (switch)bug closed user freddie
#320 The while statement vanish after decompilingThe while statement vanish after decompilingquestion closed user freddie
#323 The default case of switch statement vanish in decompiled resultThe default case of switch statement vanish in decompiled resultbug closed user freddie
#326 Automatic deobfuscasion malfunctionAutomatic deobfuscasion malfunctionbug closed user freddie
#339 Deobsufcation: FailsDeobsufcation: Failsbug closed user macgeek
#340 Class too large to decompile.Class too large to decompile.question closed user layola
#341 Unnecessary removing setlocal (kill removes temporary registers)Unnecessary removing setlocal (kill removes temporary registers)bug closed user poxyran
#347 AS3 for loop with return decompiled as while inversedAS3 for loop with return decompiled as while inversedquestion closed user pepka
#348 Obfuscated case operatorObfuscated case operatorbug closed user pepka
#349 Registers not properly declaredRegisters not properly declaredbug closed user pjwendy
#356 Stackoverflow Exception. Stackoverflow Exception. question closed user arthur_dong
#370 Decompilation error,for this swf ,has many erros,Decompilation error,for this swf ,has many erros,bug closed user xuanhun
#372 Decompilation error Timeout (1 minute) was reachedDecompilation error Timeout (1 minute) was reachedother closed user zap
#376 Decompilation errorsDecompilation errorsbug closed user megalol
#382 Create new functionsCreate new functionsfeature closed user null
#391 Native methodsNative methodsfeature closed user henke37
#396 add class membersadd class membersfeature closed user agos
#398 string expected at line 0string expected at line 0bug closed user strldr1
#400 program stop workingprogram stop workingbug closed user djtrelos
#402 Can't decompile Flash Antidecompiler 6.9 obfuscated codeCan't decompile Flash Antidecompiler 6.9 obfuscated codebug closed user focus
#405 Another Can't decompile a class / Obfuscated codeAnother Can't decompile a class / Obfuscated codebug closed user pkedpker
#409 Skin Part of Flex is not decompiledSkin Part of Flex is not decompiledbug closed user freddie
#410 Cannot save the edited codeCannot save the edited codebug closed user yhaki
#412 Weird Text Bug after editing script.Weird Text Bug after editing script.question closed user justcallmelewis
#413 secureSWF 4secureSWF 4feature invalid user charles
#414 exportActionScript but get starkoverflow error or nullexportActionScript but get starkoverflow error or nullbug closed user dingo
#415 HaXe compiled SWF support.HaXe compiled SWF support.feature closed user yanrishatum
#418 FFDec can't deobfuscate some tricks used in SecureSWF 4.5FFDec can't deobfuscate some tricks used in SecureSWF 4.5bug closed user focus
#421 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and TimeoutExceptionArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and TimeoutExceptionbug closed user mpuels
#422 help me pleasehelp me pleaseother closed user chat
#431 "Deobfuscating" time"Deobfuscating" timebug closed user hojolo
#433 EmptyStackException - Code may be obfuscatedEmptyStackException - Code may be obfuscatedbug closed user asd26
#436 saving modifications to action script does not work currently (ffdec_1.7.4u1)saving modifications to action script does not work currently (ffdec_1.7.4u1)bug closed user leancode
#446 incorrect decompiled code incorrect decompiled code bug closed user helmy
#448 Go to document class is not working Go to document class is not working bug closed user helmy
#472 getlex vs getlex Qname isn't the samegetlex vs getlex Qname isn't the samebug closed user capasha
#509 EmptyStackException at decompilationEmptyStackException at decompilationbug closed user Requi
#515 Edit AS3 directlyEdit AS3 directlyfeature closed user Requi
#516 AS3 p-code: Editing namespaces with null names (index 0)AS3 p-code: Editing namespaces with null names (index 0)bug closed user capasha
#535 Decompilation error Code may be obfuscatedDecompilation error Code may be obfuscatedbug closed user acid0
#537 IllegalOperationError is used without importing flash.errors.IllegalOperationErrorIllegalOperationError is used without importing flash.errors.IllegalOperationErrorbug closed user ether
#538 Interface are sometimes dynamicInterface are sometimes dynamicbug closed user ether
#539 for each loops does not generates "var" declarationfor each loops does not generates "var" declarationbug closed user ether
#540 Saving SWF changes very large static uint valuesSaving SWF changes very large static uint valuesbug closed user koen
#549 lessequals instead of greaterequals p-code editinglessequals instead of greaterequals p-code editingbug closed user capasha
#552 TimeoutException, max recursion level reachedTimeoutException, max recursion level reachedbug closed user end0re
#557 java.lang.NUllPointerExceptionjava.lang.NUllPointerExceptionbug closed user capasha
#562 Editing ActionScript 3 codeEditing ActionScript 3 codefeature closed user ThomasSpeedrunner
#570 Direct AS3 Edition bugDirect AS3 Edition bugbug closed user realmaster42
#585 Missed decompiled source when using expression: a && b();Missed decompiled source when using expression: a && b();bug closed user Alexander
#593 AS3 Return object newline problemAS3 Return object newline problembug closed user focus
#631 Allow renaming parameters and locals.Allow renaming parameters and locals.feature new user Mateon1
#642 AS3 imported classes outside SWF (?)AS3 imported classes outside SWF (?)bug postponed user marianux
#663 AS3: Missing imports from implemented interfacesAS3: Missing imports from implemented interfacesquestion closed user dexer
#665 Missed decompiled source when using expression: <expression> && <expression>;Missed decompiled source when using expression: <expression> && <expression>;bug closed user Alexander
#691 Problem with v3 when editing SWF already edited in prevs versionsProblem with v3 when editing SWF already edited in prevs versionsbug closed user marianux
#694 Cant decompile SeafightMain.swfCant decompile SeafightMain.swffeature closed user sinlyu
#715 Force Save helpForce Save helpquestion closed user LayneBasom
#725 AS3 direct editation fails with as3.swf test fileAS3 direct editation fails with as3.swf test filebug closed developer honfika
#729 Cannot decompile obfuscated 'scripts\com\adobe\utils\'Cannot decompile obfuscated 'scripts\com\adobe\utils\'bug invalid user 1nd1g0
#735 Decompilation errorsDecompilation errorsbug closed user bls1999
#740 debugConsole call fails when multiple parameter is passed to this functiondebugConsole call fails when multiple parameter is passed to this functionbug closed developer honfika
#759 AS3 direct editation: variable declaration is missingAS3 direct editation: variable declaration is missingbug closed user realmaster42
#761 switch bugswitch bugbug closed user andydufresne
#768 super calls not being correctly recognizedsuper calls not being correctly recognizedbug closed user Kodak
#774 Single file Action Script exportSingle file Action Script exportquestion closed user kurzedmetal
#775 AS3 Direction Edit Bug: Getter/Setter Traits don't auto update after savingAS3 Direction Edit Bug: Getter/Setter Traits don't auto update after savingbug closed user realmaster42
#779 AS Variable name not being lostAS Variable name not being lostfeature new user realmaster42
#781 AS3 Direct editation bugAS3 Direct editation bugbug closed user pdmit
#791 AS3 edit problemAS3 edit problembug closed user pdmit
#792 Decompiled code cannot be ran because of RegExp.Decompiled code cannot be ran because of RegExp.bug closed user zhengdk
#813 Cannot edit public static constCannot edit public static constquestion closed user negus
#816 P-code not shown after selecting "class initializer" traitP-code not shown after selecting "class initializer" traitbug closed user JackB
#830 Decompilation errors with certain nested if-then-else and logical operatorsDecompilation errors with certain nested if-then-else and logical operatorsbug closed user JackB
#832 AS3 Direct Edit - Other ABCs resolvingAS3 Direct Edit - Other ABCs resolvingbug closed user realmaster42
#834 Application crash when load swf file.Application crash when load swf file.bug closed user nhattuanbl
#835 static var value assign bugstatic var value assign bugbug closed user galok
#836 swf file won't run after changing some text in main classswf file won't run after changing some text in main classbug closed user eosdttve
#838 Missing default case in switch statementMissing default case in switch statementbug closed user devbn
#842 Recover for loopsRecover for loopsfeature opened user henke37
#843 Recover += and friends (Compound assignments)Recover += and friends (Compound assignments)feature closed user henke37
#848 Random Reversion to Unedited Code when Toggling the 3 switches (at Top Left) on the Right Hand Pane!Random Reversion to Unedited Code when Toggling the 3 switches (at Top Left) on the Right Hand Pane!bug closed user 1nd1g0
#849 Can't recompile (experimental function)Can't recompile (experimental function)bug closed user Psychocrysma
#850 AS3 static intializer wrong matching const multinamesAS3 static intializer wrong matching const multinamesbug closed user layola
#855 AS3 Direct editation - For in variable declarationAS3 Direct editation - For in variable declarationbug closed user Psychocrysma
#896 AS3 direct edit: Method info deletion failsAS3 direct edit: Method info deletion failsbug closed user IceDarkness
#899 Show script after AS3 Direct editationShow script after AS3 Direct editationbug closed admin JPEXS
#902 Incorrect line on debuggingIncorrect line on debuggingquestion closed user albfan
#917 CPU Spikes to 100% on This FileCPU Spikes to 100% on This Filebug closed user CraigP
#929 Import Script?Import Script?question closed user Sandor
#933 Error Upon Declaring ArraysError Upon Declaring Arraysbug closed user Anthony973
#934 problem when editingproblem when editingbug closed user BYakaS
#939 Switch default clause causes NullpointerExceptionSwitch default clause causes NullpointerExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#941 Decompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionDecompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#942 AS3 Deobfsucation - Stack owerflow exception in visitCodeAS3 Deobfsucation - Stack owerflow exception in visitCodebug closed developer honfika
#944 AS3 PCode reading problem (not deobfuscation)AS3 PCode reading problem (not deobfuscation)bug closed developer honfika
#946 Decompilation error - Invalid jumpDecompilation error - Invalid jumpbug closed developer honfika
#947 Decompiletion timeouts (not cmodule)Decompiletion timeouts (not cmodule)bug closed developer honfika
#950 Variables added using Add Trait don't saveVariables added using Add Trait don't savebug closed user sdfsdf
#954 Decompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionDecompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#969 how to decompile and recompile?how to decompile and recompile?question closed user BeniBela
#970 Imports of variablesImports of variablesbug closed user BeniBela
#971 forgotten assignment for increment in first lineforgotten assignment for increment in first linebug closed user BeniBela
#972 wrong package name in static function callwrong package name in static function callbug closed user BeniBela
#973 Pointless §§dupPointless §§dupbug closed user BeniBela
#974 Assignment in ifAssignment in ifbug closed user BeniBela
#975 Return traceReturn tracequestion closed user BeniBela
#979 Unnecessary/missing fully qualified nameUnnecessary/missing fully qualified namebug closed developer honfika
#980 Export to Fla ProblemsExport to Fla Problemsbug closed user dbk
#986 wrong typewrong typebug closed user BeniBela
#987 assignment in for each lostassignment in for each lostbug closed user BeniBela
#991 Serious Bug in Decompiler!Serious Bug in Decompiler!bug closed user 1nd1g0
#1002 CASE / IF EILSE substitution on decomilation CASE / IF EILSE substitution on decomilation bug closed user RoverWhite
#1006  Warning: Function value used where type Boolean was expected.  Possibly the parentheses () are missing after this function reference. Warning: Function value used where type Boolean was expected. Possibly the parentheses () are missing after this function reference.feature closed user BeniBela
#1008 "Short" type is decompiled incorrectly."Short" type is decompiled incorrectly.bug closed user Michael
#1030 AS3 decompilation error - StackOverflowErrorAS3 decompilation error - StackOverflowErrorbug closed developer honfika
#1053 Error when save edit.Error when save edit.bug closed user nhattuan
#1054 Something about traits - Problem with as3 direct eidtSomething about traits - Problem with as3 direct eidtbug closed user realmaster42
#1057 Editing as in editor results in package name moving. Editing as in editor results in package name moving. bug closed user Rymez2K
#1058 Direct editing as results in corrupt abc code.Direct editing as results in corrupt abc code.bug closed user Rymez2K
#1060 Wrong and / or  when compiled as push false / push trueWrong and / or when compiled as push false / push truebug closed user Brandon
#1062 Static variables are not inititalized from script initializerStatic variables are not inititalized from script initializerbug closed user Brandon
#1063 method_info array content becomes 0x00 after directly editing ac3method_info array content becomes 0x00 after directly editing ac3bug closed user jameswang
#1064 AS3 decompilation problemAS3 decompilation problembug closed developer honfika
#1065 Not a type on line X errorNot a type on line X errorbug closed user angrydweller
#1066 Script tree parent foldersScript tree parent foldersquestion closed user angrydweller
#1067 Possible bug with AS3 direct editPossible bug with AS3 direct editbug ignored user DV8FromTheWorld
#1074 AS3 Direct Edit Case-Switch not correctly togglingAS3 Direct Edit Case-Switch not correctly togglingbug closed user icepegasus
#1083 P-code deobfuscation breaks SWFP-code deobfuscation breaks SWFbug closed user Suuper
#1093 wrong code in AS3wrong code in AS3bug closed user refgd
#1097 /regexp/ compilation in AS3 direct editation/regexp/ compilation in AS3 direct editationbug closed user lyravega
#1101 Failed to compile [BUG PROGRAM]Failed to compile [BUG PROGRAM]bug closed user joseckz
#1104 AS3 Script Importation shown false "not supported" messageAS3 Script Importation shown false "not supported" messagebug closed user realmaster42
#1123 AS3 direct edit problem - 3rd argument of "for" statement stould support ","AS3 direct edit problem - 3rd argument of "for" statement stould support ","bug closed developer honfika
#1125 Missing finally block when decompiling try{}finally{} blockMissing finally block when decompiling try{}finally{} blockbug closed user devbn
#1126 AS3 decompiled with wrong setter and illegal break statementAS3 decompiled with wrong setter and illegal break statementbug closed user devbn
#1131 §§dup left in the code§§dup left in the codebug closed user snowalice
#1135 Missing offset label for try codeMissing offset label for try codebug closed user Suuper
#1150 Partial decompilation (in try catch?)Partial decompilation (in try catch?)bug closed user Brandon
#1155 Remove trait property or methodRemove trait property or methodfeature closed user midius
#1157 Deobfuscation: evaluate arithmetic constantsDeobfuscation: evaluate arithmetic constantsfeature closed user thiht
#1162 Not showing all the swf contentsNot showing all the swf contentsbug closed user digdug
#1169 Not able to save swf file after edited updateNot able to save swf file after edited updatebug closed user dazfaz
#1180 Save pcode edit, null pointer exception on decompiling, work lost.Save pcode edit, null pointer exception on decompiling, work lost.bug closed user Mgamerz
#1184 Invalid regular expression generatedInvalid regular expression generatedbug closed user BeniBela
#1185 #970 Imports of variables#970 Imports of variablesbug closed user BeniBela
#1186 #972 missing import#972 missing importbug closed user BeniBela
#1187 named break in switch or try/catchnamed break in switch or try/catchquestion closed user BeniBela
#1188 order of static fieldsorder of static fieldsbug closed user BeniBela
#1189 imports sortingimports sortingfeature closed user BeniBela
#1190 §§nextName and §§nextValue§§nextName and §§nextValuebug closed user BeniBela
#1191 assignment missingassignment missingbug closed user BeniBela
#1198 Making small modifications to script causes game to crashMaking small modifications to script causes game to crashbug closed user tgp1994
#1201 Editing code with switch/case seems to corrupt the SWF.Editing code with switch/case seems to corrupt the SWF.bug closed user junebeetle
#1227 Stack overflow when decompiling large actionscriptStack overflow when decompiling large actionscriptbug closed user TheQueenOfBlades
#1235 Parent Close Comma ErrorParent Close Comma Errorbug closed user rhp1989
#1254 Decoding AS3 timeline scripsDecoding AS3 timeline scripsfeature closed user turkeybaster5723
#1270 convert_i: adding extra cast with each saveconvert_i: adding extra cast with each savebug closed user koen
#1271 AS3 Direct Edit breaks P-CodeAS3 Direct Edit breaks P-Codebug closed user realmaster42
#1279 Decompilation of traits (methods, fields) with same nameDecompilation of traits (methods, fields) with same namefeature closed admin JPEXS
#1280 Direct editation of traits (methods, fields) with same nameDirect editation of traits (methods, fields) with same namefeature closed admin JPEXS
#1283 Unbounded Vector<*> direct editation problemUnbounded Vector<*> direct editation problembug closed user Marek.47
#1285 JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler v.9.0.0 is removing flash.external.ExternalInterface; on saving the file. I want to communicate SWF through JS.JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler v.9.0.0 is removing flash.external.ExternalInterface; on saving the file. I want to communicate SWF through JS.bug ignored user Adee
#1295 IDENTIFIER or THIS or SUPER or STRING_OP expected but BRACKET_OPEN foundIDENTIFIER or THIS or SUPER or STRING_OP expected but BRACKET_OPEN foundbug postponed user babypandas
#1304 CURLY_CLOSE expected but IF found on line 145CURLY_CLOSE expected but IF found on line 145question closed user mockingbird
#1328 CURLY_CLOSE expected but IDENTIFIER found in as3.swf test fileCURLY_CLOSE expected but IDENTIFIER found in as3.swf test filebug closed developer honfika
#1330 Issues with direct editing of Actionscript 3Issues with direct editing of Actionscript 3bug closed user StormReaper
#1336 regex, and too much int() unint()regex, and too much int() unint()bug closed user undifine0909
#1338 [Edit ActionScript] Vector.<uint> would be replaced with ApplyTypeAVM2Iteam[Edit ActionScript] Vector.<uint> would be replaced with ApplyTypeAVM2Iteamquestion closed user michaelpdu
#1360 Local register postincrement, decrement precedenceLocal register postincrement, decrement precedencebug closed user Daniel
#1375 Decompiling failsDecompiling failsbug invalid user froheweihnachten
#1379 postincrement in parameter list confuses JPEXSpostincrement in parameter list confuses JPEXSbug closed user svdb
#1392 Corrupted compiled script after modifying or just saving.Corrupted compiled script after modifying or just saving.bug closed user jeff
#1421 Internal error when trying to click 'Save' in the 'Edit Actionscript' panelInternal error when trying to click 'Save' in the 'Edit Actionscript' panelbug closed user NafrayuMiriyu
#1426 unicode class name, function name, variable nameunicode class name, function name, variable namebug ignored user pin
#1445 Export obscuration swf fail  when class path have spaceExport obscuration swf fail when class path have spacebug closed user xf5464
#1450 AS3 direct editation save ErrorAS3 direct editation save Errorbug closed user kevoting2
#1470 No register or slot setNo register or slot setbug closed user WesleySales3d
#1474 Decompiled output is somewhat confusingDecompiled output is somewhat confusingbug closed user DoomTay
#1495 decompilerdecompilerbug closed user Bestie
#1538 Obfuscated names in SWFObfuscated names in SWFquestion closed user VladD
#1560 Error on compiling - $$goto is not availableError on compiling - $$goto is not availablebug closed user teliosmetonma
#1565 Trying to edit a file, but it is not saving.Trying to edit a file, but it is not saving.bug closed user Big_Guy_Number_2312
#1569 java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException on actionscript editingjava.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException on actionscript editingbug closed user crit
#1594 Disable padding in p-code, use oldstyle getlocal_xDisable padding in p-code, use oldstyle getlocal_xfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1596 Searching not show results automatically - inifite loop in traits reorderingSearching not show results automatically - inifite loop in traits reorderingbug closed user Kuroneko
#1597 Use oldstyle lookupswithUse oldstyle lookupswithfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1602 Delete traits buttonDelete traits buttonfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1611 Checkbox to not show notification againCheckbox to not show notification againfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1638 RegExp doubleslash highlighting like commentRegExp doubleslash highlighting like commentquestion closed user Kuroneko
#1681 Creating packages after clicking on a subfolderCreating packages after clicking on a subfolderfeature closed user BiosNod
#1692 Namespace "mx_internal" unresolved at line -1 error when trying to compile script after edit, despite not doing any modification while editNamespace "mx_internal" unresolved at line -1 error when trying to compile script after edit, despite not doing any modification while editbug closed user Blitz
#1719 AS3 direct edit compound increment fails to saveAS3 direct edit compound increment fails to savebug closed user NicolasC
#1726 P-code to AS3 issue with continue before breakP-code to AS3 issue with continue before breakbug closed user moecazzell
#1730 Is there any way I can force save the actionscript editor?Is there any way I can force save the actionscript editor?bug opened user AzurBlue
#1732 FLA Export missing addFrameScript() callsFLA Export missing addFrameScript() callsbug closed user wolf_haley
#1756 Extending or Implementing classesExtending or Implementing classesfeature new user PDEVI2
#1766 Recompiling a script breaks the gameRecompiling a script breaks the gamebug closed user bertoldo
#1788 Im very new to moddingIm very new to moddingquestion opened user JamJamOne
#1795 AS3 Options bugAS3 Options bugbug closed user Kuroneko
#1798 Difference between opcodes in AS3Difference between opcodes in AS3question closed user Kuroneko
#1807 Error #1064, maybe related to constructprop vs callproperty?Error #1064, maybe related to constructprop vs callproperty?bug closed user NoobTracker
#1808 Illegal overrideIllegal overridebug closed user NoobTracker
#1810 AS3 Decompiling problem + Source code of the file so you can see what to fixAS3 Decompiling problem + Source code of the file so you can see what to fixbug closed user Colly
#1837 Expression lost in MovieClips' constructor.Expression lost in MovieClips' constructor.bug closed user CoolBreeze
#1838 AS3 editor assumes that default value integers are signed even when the corresponding parameter is uintAS3 editor assumes that default value integers are signed even when the corresponding parameter is uintbug closed user pizzaeater1000
#1859 Error when editing ActionScript 3 P-CodeError when editing ActionScript 3 P-Codebug closed user nosamu
#1860 Export to FLA not workingExport to FLA not workingbug closed user Puzzlecube
#1870 extends class return Error #1014: Class xxxx could not be foundextends class return Error #1014: Class xxxx could not be foundbug closed user irajab
#1920 Script decompilation much slower than beforeScript decompilation much slower than beforebug closed user dimusLV
#1921 Using AS Editor for AS3 (experimental) throws SEVERE error when savingUsing AS Editor for AS3 (experimental) throws SEVERE error when savingbug closed user tsyuay
#1924 Composite sprite seems to loop subsprites of shorter lengthComposite sprite seems to loop subsprites of shorter lengthbug postponed user pim
#1933 Missing variable names in decompiled codeMissing variable names in decompiled codebug closed user pim
#1938 ''this.'' placements in appropriate areas.''this.'' placements in appropriate areas.bug closed user pv_sol
#1951 Rename Invalid Identifiers breaks SWFRename Invalid Identifiers breaks SWFbug closed user nosamu
#1972 Renaming invalid identifiers makes SWF brokenRenaming invalid identifiers makes SWF brokenbug closed user RenderDragon
#1977 Cannot see usages of class or functionCannot see usages of class or functionbug closed user RenderDragon
#1989 it seems to break jpexsit seems to break jpexsbug closed user xxcoder
#1994 How do i use -replace in CLI to actually replace AS3 pcode?How do i use -replace in CLI to actually replace AS3 pcode?bug closed user Penteste27
#1999 Valid code not able to saveValid code not able to savebug closed user OBR
#2003 COLON expected but DOT foundCOLON expected but DOT foundbug closed user Mostafa
#2008 Editing a specific function's p-code throws an unexpected errorEditing a specific function's p-code throws an unexpected errorbug closed user dimusLV
#2013 Code panel vanishing after global identifier renamingCode panel vanishing after global identifier renamingbug closed user RenderDragon
#2014 Cannot save .as3 file Cannot save .as3 file bug closed user LifeHaxGamer_
#2016 Cannot save AS3 after editationCannot save AS3 after editationbug closed user RenderDragon
#2017 Classes in same package displayed as FQN, why?Classes in same package displayed as FQN, why?bug closed user smartcube
#2052 Adding a class to the first DoABC adds it to the second DoABC tag + Automatic Deobfuscation issueAdding a class to the first DoABC adds it to the second DoABC tag + Automatic Deobfuscation issuebug closed user Puzzlecube
#2057 Some resources/assets are not decompiledSome resources/assets are not decompiledbug closed user RenderDragon
#2066 NullPointerException in ScriptInfo.getPacks when attempting to load api-versioned SWFNullPointerException in ScriptInfo.getPacks when attempting to load api-versioned SWFfeature closed user Aaron1011
#2072 issue with fully qualified namesissue with fully qualified namesbug closed user 3plus4i
#2077 Some AS3 won't decompile in a certain swfSome AS3 won't decompile in a certain swfbug closed user Animu
#2085 java.lang.NullPointerExceptionjava.lang.NullPointerExceptionbug closed user zolaz
#2088 game crashes just on adding a line breakgame crashes just on adding a line breakquestion closed user edynce
#2093 New version often uses fully qualified names on exportNew version often uses fully qualified names on exportbug closed user ODAKAB
#2094 Some problems with "Export embedded assets via [Embed]"Some problems with "Export embedded assets via [Embed]"bug closed user RenderDragon
#2111 Flex SDK 4.6Flex SDK 4.6question upgraded user akatsukicoline
#2170 Cannot find class within same packageCannot find class within same packagebug new user ReactX
#2207 The method that could be decompiled in ffdec_18.5.0 and ffdec_19.0.0 versions cannot be decompiled in ffdec_20.1.0. The configurations for all versions of ffdec are exactly the same.The method that could be decompiled in ffdec_18.5.0 and ffdec_19.0.0 versions cannot be decompiled in ffdec_20.1.0. The configurations for all versions of ffdec are exactly the same.bug opened user zzidex
#2209 Importing a packageImporting a packagequestion opened user adingy2
#2221 Is it possible in the future to add functions inside functions?Is it possible in the future to add functions inside functions?feature closed user capasha
#2224 Export embedded assets: Not all embeds are exported correctly.Export embedded assets: Not all embeds are exported correctly.bug closed user ReactX
#2226 continue; keyword is removed when editing & saving a file in JPEXS | script execution timeoutcontinue; keyword is removed when editing & saving a file in JPEXS | script execution timeoutbug closed user ReactX
#2231 Unnecessary String conversionUnnecessary String conversionbug closed user Aivaz
#2237 Can't add an import to a classCan't add an import to a classbug closed user xrtxn
#2270 Value assignment and if checkingValue assignment and if checkingbug closed user shadow
#2292 ABCOpenException: Invalid ABC file.ABCOpenException: Invalid ABC file.bug closed user Ylazy
#2296 deobfuscation problem with strike force heroesdeobfuscation problem with strike force heroesbug upgraded user AppleManSunny
#2297 Branching Optimization Bug When SavingBranching Optimization Bug When Savingbug closed user Thisguy248
#2300 Java NPE while trying to export scriptsJava NPE while trying to export scriptsbug upgraded user GrizBane
#2301 Compile generates incorrect code when editting ActionSciptCompile generates incorrect code when editting ActionSciptbug closed user GrizBane
#2302 Changes to AS3 Class Association for a Sprite disappearChanges to AS3 Class Association for a Sprite disappearbug upgraded user GrizBane
#2306 Export VSCode ProjectExport VSCode Projectfeature closed user Ylazy
#2313 Robotlegs Inject bugs out on save in newer versionRobotlegs Inject bugs out on save in newer versionbug closed user Thisguy248
#2314 const init section within class has no surrounding brackets after decompconst init section within class has no surrounding brackets after decompbug closed user Thisguy248
#2315 File disappears on accidental double editationFile disappears on accidental double editationbug closed user Thisguy248
#2316 Stack Underflow when editing AS file with multiple classesStack Underflow when editing AS file with multiple classesbug closed user Thisguy248
#2317 Adding more params to functions messes with loc vars unless loc renamedAdding more params to functions messes with loc vars unless loc renamedbug closed user Thisguy248
#2319 Divide equals operator bugs on decomp in newer versionDivide equals operator bugs on decomp in newer versionbug closed user Thisguy248
#2320 Boldness indicating modified files disappear if error popupsBoldness indicating modified files disappear if error popupsbug closed user Thisguy248
#2322 Dot operator appears after save and causes errorDot operator appears after save and causes errorbug upgraded user Thisguy248
#2323 Assignment appears in constructor on saveAssignment appears in constructor on savebug closed user Thisguy248
#2324 Resulting code is different after save removes loop labelResulting code is different after save removes loop labelbug closed user Thisguy248
#2325 Save broken with XMLSave broken with XMLbug closed user Thisguy248
#2329 ReferenceError with Proxy type after saveReferenceError with Proxy type after savebug upgraded user Thisguy248
#2335 Type Coercion error after saveType Coercion error after savebug closed user Thisguy248
Filtered issues: 346