JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler Issue Tracker

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Issue tracker

This is the place where all feature requests and bug reports of JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler (FFDec) are handled.

To submit new issue or issue editation, you should login first.

Quick select: unfinished, everything, new bugs, new features, opened
Quick by label: ABC addFrameScript Adding script AIR Api versioning AS1/2 AS3 AVI BinaryData Blend modes Broken JPEG Broken SWF Build Bundles BUTTONCOND Buttons Canvas export Charset Clean ABC Clipping Commandline ConcurrentModification Cyclic tags Debugger Decompilation DefineInSprite Deobfuscation Direct Editation Documentation Duplicate pack Embed EXE Export External Viewer ExternalLink FFDec source Filters Find usages FLA export Flash EOL Flash Lite Flash Viewer FlashCC FlashDevelop Flex Fonts Formatting Frames Free transform GFX GIF Google Code GUI Harman HaXe Header Icon Iggy Images Import Import scripts ImportAssets Initializers Installation IntelliJ IDEA Java Java 9 JSyntaxPane Large SWF Letter spacing Library LineEndings Linux Loader LZMA Mac Memory search Miter join Monitor Morphshapes Multiple classes Namespaces Obfuscated Old FLA formats on(xxx) P-code Packers PDF Performance Pins Progress Proxy Raw Editation Read only SWF Rename identifiers RTL Scaling strokes Scenes Script execution Scrollbars Search Search Memory Shapes Simple editor Simplify expressions Site feature SOL Sound Special Sprites Stack size Startup Support SVG SWC SwfMovie SWFTools SymbolClass Tag position Tags Tamil Text Tools Translation Unicode Unknown instructions Update system Value Too Large Video VirusTotal VS Code XML Zoom
#58 ArrayIndexOutOfBound exception (AS3)ArrayIndexOutOfBound exception (AS3)bug closed user pepka
#57 Unknown instruction exception (AS3)Unknown instruction exception (AS3)bug closed user pepka
#56 Some test output is left in this releaseSome test output is left in this releaseother closed user pepka
#64 Resolving registers for DefineFunction2 in AS 1/2Resolving registers for DefineFunction2 in AS 1/2bug closed user pepka
#66 Decompress LZMA from commandlineDecompress LZMA from commandlinefeature closed admin JPEXS
#68 DefineBinaryData & SymbolClassDefineBinaryData & SymbolClassfeature closed admin JPEXS
#62 NullPointerExceptionNullPointerExceptionbug closed user wrr
#73 ParseExceptionParseExceptionbug closed user wrr
#72 first ternary operator expression is always truefirst ternary operator expression is always truebug closed user removs
#69 RawABC tag for AS3RawABC tag for AS3feature closed user pepka
#75 If ... return, Commands in while condition (comma operator)If ... return, Commands in while condition (comma operator)bug closed user pepka
#84 Can't decompile some classesCan't decompile some classesbug closed developer honfika
#86 Open file dialog should accept filenames in quotesOpen file dialog should accept filenames in quotesfeature closed developer honfika
#83 Transparent image broken after save modified swf fileTransparent image broken after save modified swf filebug closed user hungpq
#91 AVMgreaterthanAVMgreaterthanbug invalid user offyoufly
#85 Add capapbility to find in all classes as textAdd capapbility to find in all classes as textfeature closed developer honfika
#65 Text ExportText Exportfeature closed admin JPEXS
#95 AS2 while(true)AS2 while(true)bug closed user pepka
#94 AS2 ActionTry - register cast problemAS2 ActionTry - register cast problembug closed user pepka
#93 Switch + returnSwitch + returnbug closed user pepka
#79 DoInitAction decompilation problemDoInitAction decompilation problembug closed user pepka
#97 FFDec asks for Java 1.6.0FFDec asks for Java 1.6.0other closed user kuro
#99 getLogger first parameter is wrong in 2 classesgetLogger first parameter is wrong in 2 classesbug closed developer honfika
#96 Exporting FLA not working with the attached swfExporting FLA not working with the attached swfbug closed developer honfika
#100 StackOverflowErrorStackOverflowErrorbug closed user pepka
#98 Empty initializers causing empty lines in decompiled codeEmpty initializers causing empty lines in decompiled codebug closed developer honfika
#106 Remove static importsRemove static importsother closed developer honfika
#107 Separate the gui classes from the otherSeparate the gui classes from the otherother closed developer honfika
#109 Probably wrong parameter is passes to getASMSource functionProbably wrong parameter is passes to getASMSource functionbug closed developer honfika
#103 Missing blockMissing blockbug closed user pepka
#105 Infinite loopsInfinite loopsbug closed user pepka
#110 Issues with [CLASS] TagsIssues with [CLASS] Tagsbug closed user jduncanator
#120 P-CodP-Codfeature invalid user focus
#118 Site bug while subscribing to issueSite bug while subscribing to issuebug closed user focus
#115 exits with exception on mac osexits with exception on mac osbug closed user makc
#112 protected swf filesprotected swf filesquestion closed user djtrelos
#92 AVM greaterthan decompiles as "less than"AVM greaterthan decompiles as "less than"bug closed user offyoufly
#89 Illegal field names leads to decompilation issuesIllegal field names leads to decompilation issuesbug closed user jduncanator
#143 Allow sorting in the issues tableAllow sorting in the issues tablefeature closed developer honfika
#119 What the file ffdec.bat is needed for?What the file ffdec.bat is needed for?question closed user focus
#135 AS2 Decompilation errorAS2 Decompilation errorbug closed user focus
#141 AS2 Decompilation issueAS2 Decompilation issuebug closed user focus
#128 Missing import for getTimer() functionMissing import for getTimer() functionbug closed user focus
#124 Flash Plyer not found after opening swf from the command lineFlash Plyer not found after opening swf from the command linebug closed user focus
#133 FFDec can't open big obfuscated as3 swfFFDec can't open big obfuscated as3 swfbug closed user focus
#131 FFDec can't open obfuscated swfFFDec can't open obfuscated swfbug closed user focus
#140 Missing functionMissing functionbug closed user andy
#149 AS3 decompilation issue: empty if branchesAS3 decompilation issue: empty if branchesbug closed user focus
#150 AS3 decompilation "line too long" errorAS3 decompilation "line too long" errorbug closed user focus
#126 Rename identifiers issuesRename identifiers issuesbug ignored user focus
#101 AS 1/2 while + increment/decrementAS 1/2 while + increment/decrementbug closed user pepka
#104 AS3: inc/dec loc NullpointerException, Multiple conditions in loopsAS3: inc/dec loc NullpointerException, Multiple conditions in loopsbug closed user pepka
#147 escape filenames during (obfuscated) as exportescape filenames during (obfuscated) as exportbug closed developer honfika
#148 Tree contains incorrect, extra nodesTree contains incorrect, extra nodesbug closed developer honfika
#152 Empty "if" bracnhes Empty "if" bracnhes bug closed developer honfika
#157 method decomilation fails when deobfuscation is selectedmethod decomilation fails when deobfuscation is selectedbug closed developer honfika
#158 graph repaint problemgraph repaint problembug closed developer honfika
#163 swf file remains open afer loading itswf file remains open afer loading itbug closed developer honfika
#166 method is partially decompiledmethod is partially decompiledbug closed developer honfika
#156 FFDec freeze after second searchFFDec freeze after second searchbug closed user focus
#67 Rename identifiers to something more meaningful; Skipping rename occasionallyRename identifiers to something more meaningful; Skipping rename occasionallyfeature closed admin JPEXS
#117 Drag&Drop supportDrag&Drop supportfeature closed user focus
#127 Drag-drop exportable item from treeDrag-drop exportable item from treefeature closed user focus
#130 Save to FLA after names renaming still use obfuscated name as a document class.Save to FLA after names renaming still use obfuscated name as a document class.bug closed user focus
#132 Rename identifiers renames stringsRename identifiers renames stringsbug closed user focus
#134 Find main (document) classFind main (document) classfeature closed user focus
#145 Unicode symbols support neededUnicode symbols support neededfeature closed user focus
#146 See the as2 classes (symbols) names in the structure treeSee the as2 classes (symbols) names in the structure treefeature closed user focus
#155 Remember window and panels state between sessionsRemember window and panels state between sessionsfeature closed user focus
#194 Extra line endings in the Issues descriptionsExtra line endings in the Issues descriptionsbug closed user focus
#192 Rename invalid identifiers miss some invalid identifiersRename invalid identifiers miss some invalid identifiersbug invalid user focus
#154 AS3 Decompilation Issues / Obfuscated codeAS3 Decompilation Issues / Obfuscated codebug invalid user focus
#204 Sorting issues list not workingSorting issues list not workingbug closed developer honfika
#205 new "quick select" issues: modifiednew "quick select" issues: modifiedfeature closed developer honfika
#178 AS Subtract with negate problemAS Subtract with negate problembug closed user focus
#179 AS3 hasNext instead of foreach (wrong precontinue)AS3 hasNext instead of foreach (wrong precontinue)bug closed user focus
#173 No method body update after Globally rename identifierNo method body update after Globally rename identifierbug closed user focus
#153 Infinite search -> Obfuscated code, OutOfMemoryErrorInfinite search -> Obfuscated code, OutOfMemoryErrorbug closed user focus
#136 Export to FLA issuesExport to FLA issuesbug closed user focus
#129 obfuscated as2 code, not refreshing decompiled after renameobfuscated as2 code, not refreshing decompiled after renamebug closed user focus
#182 AS3 Decompilation issue - missing namespace importAS3 Decompilation issue - missing namespace importbug closed user focus
#181 AS3 object field missing quotesAS3 object field missing quotesbug closed user focus
#180 Exporting FLA... for everExporting FLA... for everbug closed user focus
#183 Export FLA issues: wrong stage sizeExport FLA issues: wrong stage sizebug closed user focus
#184 Export FLA issues: incorrect Linked Video objectExport FLA issues: incorrect Linked Video objectbug closed user focus
#191 Can't view DefineShape4 Tag using Internal viewerCan't view DefineShape4 Tag using Internal viewerbug closed user focus
#190 SWF works incorrectly after Rename invalid identifiers commandSWF works incorrectly after Rename invalid identifiers commandbug closed user focus
#189 SWF structure tree contains ... in names after Renаme invalid identifiers commandSWF structure tree contains ... in names after Renаme invalid identifiers commandbug closed user focus
#167 sprite tag name appears twice in the foldernaem when exportedsprite tag name appears twice in the foldernaem when exportedbug closed developer honfika
#168 export command in the tree context menuexport command in the tree context menufeature closed developer honfika
#195 AS2 Decompilation errorAS2 Decompilation errorbug closed user focus
#176 Option to show main document class on swf openOption to show main document class on swf openfeature closed user focus
#177 Window maximized state savingWindow maximized state savingfeature closed user focus
#202 Remove DefineText, DefineEditText tagsRemove DefineText, DefineEditText tagsfeature closed user focus
#201 Main window never shows on Linux because of call to Advapi32Util.registryKeyExistsMain window never shows on Linux because of call to Advapi32Util.registryKeyExistsbug closed user greghnz
#198 DefineFont2TagDefineFont2Tagbug closed user pepka
#196 AS3 switch issue / automatic deobfuscationAS3 switch issue / automatic deobfuscationbug closed user pepka
#114 getPrecontinues(...) causes StackOverflowErrorgetPrecontinues(...) causes StackOverflowErrorbug closed user pepka
#170 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionbug closed user pepka
#215 Wrong language in the downloadable translator packWrong language in the downloadable translator packquestion closed user capasha
#218 Bug in bugtracker: long links are not fill in text areaBug in bugtracker: long links are not fill in text areabug closed user focus
#186 AS2 Decompilation: show on-clip actions more user-friendlyAS2 Decompilation: show on-clip actions more user-friendlyfeature closed user focus
#174 Rename invalid identifiers issueRename invalid identifiers issuebug closed user focus
#175 Incorrect decompilation (can't compile back)Incorrect decompilation (can't compile back)bug closed user focus
#185 Export FLA: no on-clip actions exportedExport FLA: no on-clip actions exportedbug closed user focus
#222 #218 bug is not fixed yet (link not wrapped)#218 bug is not fixed yet (link not wrapped)bug closed user focus
#212 Some as files are not exportedSome as files are not exportedbug closed developer honfika
#197 Switch with no breaksSwitch with no breaksbug closed user pepka
#172 AS1/2 checkPrecoNextParts() emptyness checks; not resolving constantsAS1/2 checkPrecoNextParts() emptyness checks; not resolving constantsbug closed user pepka
#228 bug invalid user focus
#138 Searching in file with 6Mb most of the times crashes JPEXSSearching in file with 6Mb most of the times crashes JPEXSbug closed user yabapolido
#234 Should I report if Rename invalid identifiers breaks not obfuscated swf?Should I report if Rename invalid identifiers breaks not obfuscated swf?question closed user focus
#206 AS3 switch problemAS3 switch problembug closed user focus
#171 Skipping invalid AS3 code - newobject, newarraySkipping invalid AS3 code - newobject, newarraybug closed user pepka
#208 Rename Invalid identifiers renames anonymous functionsRename Invalid identifiers renames anonymous functionsbug closed user focus
#209 Export to FLA: incorrect Static Fields Y position.Export to FLA: incorrect Static Fields Y position.bug closed user focus
#229 Export FLA issue with text fieldExport FLA issue with text fieldbug closed user focus
#221 Infinite searchInfinite searchbug closed user focus
#226 AS2 onClipAction indentation is absent in the Exported FLAAS2 onClipAction indentation is absent in the Exported FLAbug closed user focus
#227 gotoAndStop wrong frame indexgotoAndStop wrong frame indexbug closed user focus
#230 Export FLA issue with vector graphics strokeExport FLA issue with vector graphics strokebug closed user focus
#207 Update SWF preview after switching external to own Flash player view and vice versa.Update SWF preview after switching external to own Flash player view and vice versa.feature closed user focus
#151 option for caching in memory instead of temp filesoption for caching in memory instead of temp filesfeature closed developer honfika
#213 decompilation errorsdecompilation errorsbug closed developer honfika
#216 field orderfield orderquestion closed developer honfika
#160 binaryData export from commandlinebinaryData export from commandlinebug closed user liandry
#241 Can't start the program.Can't start the program.bug closed user megalol
#238 if block contents are missingif block contents are missingbug closed developer honfika
#239 Strange AS3 decompilation with obfuscated code.Strange AS3 decompilation with obfuscated code.bug closed developer honfika
#237 Parentheses in AS1/2Parentheses in AS1/2feature closed developer honfika
#240 wrong field initializers (all are "false")wrong field initializers (all are "false")bug closed developer honfika
#159 AS3: Improper rest parameter handling on MethodInfo tabAS3: Improper rest parameter handling on MethodInfo tabbug closed user djtrelos
#63 Possibility to globaly rename variable identifier after deobfuscationPossibility to globaly rename variable identifier after deobfuscationfeature closed user testic
#246 encoding problem in issue notification emailencoding problem in issue notification emailbug closed developer honfika
#249 //Decompilation skipped//Decompilation skippedquestion closed user mepmep
#255 Stuck when creating windowStuck when creating windowbug closed user vemilyus
#232 Automatically add .swf to filenameAutomatically add .swf to filenamefeature closed user focus
#253 FFDec doesn't show any error message after writing to the file opened in another appFFDec doesn't show any error message after writing to the file opened in another appbug closed user focus
#225 AS1/2 object literal does not permit quotes in namesAS1/2 object literal does not permit quotes in namesbug closed user focus
#236 Rename invalid identifiers breaks not obfuscated SWFRename invalid identifiers breaks not obfuscated SWFbug closed user focus
#247 Project tree is not scrolled to the selected Document Class position on startProject tree is not scrolled to the selected Document Class position on startbug closed user focus
#248 100% CPU usage on building script tree phase longer and longerr100% CPU usage on building script tree phase longer and longerrbug closed user focus
#256 AS3 Object literal in return clauseAS3 Object literal in return clausebug closed user focus
#137 hasNext problemhasNext problembug closed user csganja
#242 decompiltion error: EmptyStackExceptiondecompiltion error: EmptyStackExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#244 decompilaton errorsdecompilaton errorsbug closed developer honfika
#245 double spaces before and after "as" keyword in decomplied codedouble spaces before and after "as" keyword in decomplied codebug closed developer honfika
#273 open via proxy problemopen via proxy problemquestion closed user malik
#277 Decompiling FlasCC SWFsDecompiling FlasCC SWFsfeature postponed user paleozogt
#278 help mehelp mequestion ignored user serde
#283 help plshelp plsquestion ignored user serde
#264 "true" statements (with automatic deobfuscation, too)"true" statements (with automatic deobfuscation, too)bug closed developer honfika
#265 deobfuscation problemdeobfuscation problembug closed developer honfika
#274 show the elapsed time during export in the outputshow the elapsed time during export in the outputfeature closed developer honfika
#268 "register" parameter names instead "_loc*_""register" parameter names instead "_loc*_"bug closed developer honfika
#293 Extra line break on forums (again)Extra line break on forums (again)bug closed user focus
#233 Globally rename identifier deselects currently selected script in left treeGlobally rename identifier deselects currently selected script in left treebug closed user focus
#235 Export FLA: incorrect Dynamic Text Fields coordinates.Export FLA: incorrect Dynamic Text Fields coordinates.bug closed user focus
#251 Export FLA: drop shadow filter strength incorrectExport FLA: drop shadow filter strength incorrectbug closed user focus
#252 Export FLA: incorrect position and width of the text field with blur filterExport FLA: incorrect position and width of the text field with blur filterbug closed user focus
#257 Export AS2 swf to FLA: TextField export issuesExport AS2 swf to FLA: TextField export issuesbug closed user focus
#258 AS1/2 chained assignmentsAS1/2 chained assignmentsbug closed user focus
#259 Export FLA: exported image looks not same as originalExport FLA: exported image looks not same as originalbug closed user focus
#260 Export FLA: labels issuesExport FLA: labels issuesbug closed user focus
#261 Export FLA: place on-frame scripts in first separate layer, not last oneExport FLA: place on-frame scripts in first separate layer, not last onefeature closed user focus
#121 Progress indicationProgress indicationfeature closed user focus
#203 editing AS directly shows error when trying to saveediting AS directly shows error when trying to savebug closed developer honfika
#271 FFDEC 1.6.6u2 is faster than FFDEC 1.6.7FFDEC 1.6.6u2 is faster than FFDEC 1.6.7bug closed user capasha
#263 Infinite decompilation (AS3)Infinite decompilation (AS3)bug closed user focus
#139 Search only on selected classSearch only on selected classfeature closed user yabapolido
#280 help mehelp mequestion invalid user serde
#320 The while statement vanish after decompilingThe while statement vanish after decompilingquestion closed user freddie
#321 Changing size of  FFDec window and drop a file ends in crashChanging size of FFDec window and drop a file ends in crashbug closed user capasha
#281 Decompile .swf protected with secureSWFDecompile .swf protected with secureSWFfeature closed user megalol
#123 Context menu integrationContext menu integrationfeature closed user focus
#291 Language selection dialog is not translatableLanguage selection dialog is not translatablequestion closed user focus
#294 Cosmetic: labels are shifted in font parameters a bitCosmetic: labels are shifted in font parameters a bitbug closed user focus
#290 Default language selection dialog width is too smallDefault language selection dialog width is too smallbug closed user focus
#298 Reading SWF progress bar is not workingReading SWF progress bar is not workingbug closed user focus
#267 Start the program without choosing a fileStart the program without choosing a filefeature closed user capasha
#279 Could not view AS hide in BinaryDataCould not view AS hide in BinaryDataquestion closed user hungpq
#316 not editable panels accept ctrl-z (and ctrl-y)not editable panels accept ctrl-z (and ctrl-y)bug closed developer honfika
#296 Export save dialog goes upper and upper in the directory treeExport save dialog goes upper and upper in the directory treebug closed developer honfika
#220 Add changing fonts functionalityAdd changing fonts functionalityfeature closed user megalol
#314 some obfuscated class names are not escaped correctlysome obfuscated class names are not escaped correctlybug closed developer honfika
#287 Typo in paralelSpeedUp config parameterTypo in paralelSpeedUp config parameterbug closed developer honfika
#326 Automatic deobfuscasion malfunctionAutomatic deobfuscasion malfunctionbug closed user freddie
#319 AS3: Finally statement exit handling (switch)AS3: Finally statement exit handling (switch)bug closed user freddie
#343 P-code coding, I don't know what I does wrong.P-code coding, I don't know what I does wrong.question closed user capasha
#313 command line parameter for ignore all errorscommand line parameter for ignore all errorsfeature closed developer honfika
#332 show exporting execution times for AS2, tooshow exporting execution times for AS2, toofeature closed developer honfika
#333 Exporting is very slow, and generates a huge output file.Exporting is very slow, and generates a huge output file.bug closed developer honfika
#336 Graph window is too smallGraph window is too smallbug closed developer honfika
#328 bugged behavior after replacing DefineBitsJPEGX imagesbugged behavior after replacing DefineBitsJPEGX imagesbug closed user megalol
#330 protection against adding the same multiple cyrillic characters doesn't workprotection against adding the same multiple cyrillic characters doesn't workbug closed user megalol
#344 Reload opened swf featureReload opened swf featurefeature closed user focus
#338 Cosmetic: Errors log expand (+) icon doesn't switch back after expand->collapse (remains "-")Cosmetic: Errors log expand (+) icon doesn't switch back after expand->collapse (remains "-")bug closed user focus
#295 Export FLA: wrong fontExport FLA: wrong fontbug closed user focus
#307 Export FLA: TextField's properties exported incorrectlyExport FLA: TextField's properties exported incorrectlybug closed user focus
#309 Export FLA: static text letter spacing is incorrectExport FLA: static text letter spacing is incorrectbug closed user focus
#310 Export FLA: exported shapes thinner that originalExport FLA: exported shapes thinner that originalbug closed user focus
#269 command line parameters for switching on/off deobfuscation and paralellspeedupcommand line parameters for switching on/off deobfuscation and paralellspeedupfeature closed developer honfika
#272 Cannot edit class initializer / constantsCannot edit class initializer / constantsbug closed user capasha
#275 returnvoid as last statementreturnvoid as last statementfeature closed user soywiz
#276 Anonymous functions are being instantiated with "new function()" instead of "function()"Anonymous functions are being instantiated with "new function()" instead of "function()"bug closed user soywiz
#286 Saving file ended in 0 KB fileSaving file ended in 0 KB filebug closed user capasha
#311 Export FLA: bitmap usage exported incorrectlyExport FLA: bitmap usage exported incorrectlybug closed user focus
#371 Search in memory : Seeing file names and foldersSearch in memory : Seeing file names and foldersfeature ignored user davidd3112
#373 Save files from memorySave files from memoryfeature ignored user raghu
#379 Go to DefinitionGo to Definitionfeature ignored user cenadacoisa
#378 FFDec reload doesn't applies translation to the context menuFFDec reload doesn't applies translation to the context menubug closed user focus
#367 Search in memory: save selected SWFs in some folderSearch in memory: save selected SWFs in some folderfeature closed user focus
#292 Change background color in SWF previewChange background color in SWF previewfeature closed user megalol
#375 Replacing DefineBitLossless images bugReplacing DefineBitLossless images bugbug closed user megalol
#383 Search browser cache is not working for meSearch browser cache is not working for mebug closed user focus
#386 Whole SWF display bugWhole SWF display bugbug closed user megalol
#384 Cannot stop sound playingCannot stop sound playingbug closed user capasha
#297 Too bright color on Minimize, Maximize and close buttonsToo bright color on Minimize, Maximize and close buttonsfeature closed user capasha
#219 Translation: HungarianTranslation: Hungarianother opened developer honfika
#395 Decompile/Edit GFx fontsDecompile/Edit GFx fontsfeature closed user michalss
#334 importing to fonts characters presetsimporting to fonts characters presetsfeature closed user megalol
#382 Create new functionsCreate new functionsfeature closed user null
#331 previewing fonts (that in import list)previewing fonts (that in import list)feature closed user megalol
#357 Play selected sound (DefineSound tag)Play selected sound (DefineSound tag)feature closed user focus
#301 Clear errors logClear errors logfeature closed user focus
#380 Displaying big .png images is very slowDisplaying big .png images is very slowbug closed user sydd
#122 More documentation!More documentation!feature closed user focus
#169 edit method body raw bytesedit method body raw bytesfeature closed developer honfika
#416 Issues list: Show the attachment size next to the attachmentsIssues list: Show the attachment size next to the attachmentsfeature closed developer honfika
#335 last opened files listlast opened files listfeature closed user megalol
#407 _loc1_ instead of register1 ?_loc1_ instead of register1 ?question closed user ripper5555
#419 Cand open(decompile)SWF fileCand open(decompile)SWF filequestion invalid user solodarkban
#329 paralellSpeedUp switch seems not working & decompilation is much slower in 1.7.0u1 than in 1.7.0paralellSpeedUp switch seems not working & decompilation is much slower in 1.7.0u1 than in 1.7.0bug closed developer honfika
#435 sound cant be editedsound cant be editedfeature ignored user ociebieda
#289 Support for Aero SnapSupport for Aero Snapfeature new user focus
#193 Rename all identifiersRename all identifiersfeature new user focus
#450 why jsyntaxpane causing so many build errors?why jsyntaxpane causing so many build errors?question closed user helmy
#445 opening a SWF with binary data causes the application to freezeopening a SWF with binary data causes the application to freezebug closed user helmy
#436 saving modifications to action script does not work currently (ffdec_1.7.4u1)saving modifications to action script does not work currently (ffdec_1.7.4u1)bug closed user leancode
#440 What would it take to decompile attached file without errorsWhat would it take to decompile attached file without errorsquestion closed user leancode
#345 Unity3D swf: infinite decompilationUnity3D swf: infinite decompilationbug closed user focus
#398 string expected at line 0string expected at line 0bug closed user strldr1
#430 v1.7.4 & WinXP: Export doesn't workv1.7.4 & WinXP: Export doesn't workbug closed user rekrul2
#438 Command line arguments renameInvalidIdentifiers and dumpSWF don't work anymoreCommand line arguments renameInvalidIdentifiers and dumpSWF don't work anymorebug closed user cattode
#443 unable to move window under KDE linuxunable to move window under KDE linuxbug new user helmy
#451 Dialogue windows are not showing on the center of the screen on a multi-monitor configurationDialogue windows are not showing on the center of the screen on a multi-monitor configurationbug closed user helmy
#454 No syntax highlight since v1.8.0 in Texts section (Define*)No syntax highlight since v1.8.0 in Texts section (Define*)bug closed user megalol
#453 refresh (edit+save action) all texts buttonrefresh (edit+save action) all texts buttonfeature closed user megalol
#303 Open folder with exported FLAOpen folder with exported FLAfeature closed user focus
#459 Remember/save panel width for Text panelsRemember/save panel width for Text panelsfeature closed user megalol
#460 Disable text horizontal autoscroll to the endDisable text horizontal autoscroll to the endfeature closed user megalol
#462 Font embedding horizontal scrollingFont embedding horizontal scrollingfeature closed user megalol
#390 Reload list of fonts to importReload list of fonts to importfeature closed user megalol
#458 Saving font settings to preserve font panel selection after program restartSaving font settings to preserve font panel selection after program restartfeature closed user megalol
#461 Shift left Font UI elements at parameters panelShift left Font UI elements at parameters panelfeature closed user megalol
#465 Make editable font parameters (bold and italic) in DefineFont*Make editable font parameters (bold and italic) in DefineFont*feature closed user megalol
#469 DefineFont* parameters buttons problem since 8857665003a9 nightlyDefineFont* parameters buttons problem since 8857665003a9 nightlybug closed user megalol
#467 Lock parameters panelLock parameters panelfeature closed user megalol
#406 cannot save filecannot save filebug closed user ise7845
#472 getlex vs getlex Qname isn't the samegetlex vs getlex Qname isn't the samebug closed user capasha
#426 Possible to rename all identifiers in swf using command line? If no, i too much need this feature ;( Possible to rename all identifiers in swf using command line? If no, i too much need this feature ;( feature closed user devsaider
#400 program stop workingprogram stop workingbug closed user djtrelos
#397 Long decompilationLong decompilationbug closed user fusix
#429 Disable/Enable rename identifiers feature (checkbox? button?).Disable/Enable rename identifiers feature (checkbox? button?).feature closed user solodarkban
#391 Native methodsNative methodsfeature closed user henke37
#396 add class membersadd class membersfeature closed user agos
#421 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and TimeoutExceptionArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and TimeoutExceptionbug closed user mpuels
#410 Cannot save the edited codeCannot save the edited codebug closed user yhaki
#477 Log window uses Russian localization file evein if I select English language.Log window uses Russian localization file evein if I select English language.bug closed user focus
#480 Define*texts export doesn't works in latest nightlyDefine*texts export doesn't works in latest nightlybug closed user megalol
#483 "printGraph max recursion level reached" exception"printGraph max recursion level reached" exceptionbug invalid user freddie
#474 Changing language only available one timeChanging language only available one timebug closed user gamuti
#486 Impossible to search text in parameters under all DefineTextImpossible to search text in parameters under all DefineTextfeature ignored user gamuti
#487 Can I save a compressed file with decompressed data?Can I save a compressed file with decompressed data?question closed user poxyran
#299 Replacing DefineBits imagesReplacing DefineBits imagesfeature closed user megalol
#481 Exporting Exporting bug closed user ishra
#498 Chinese language translationChinese language translationbug invalid user rendu2mai
#388 AS3 Script editorAS3 Script editorbug invalid user g200
#508 Logging exception on GUI-less OSeS / SSH sessionsLogging exception on GUI-less OSeS / SSH sessionsbug closed user cattode
#512 Backslash before quote on commandline argumentsBackslash before quote on commandline argumentsquestion closed user megalol
#471 Some texts are hardcoded, not localizedSome texts are hardcoded, not localizedbug closed developer honfika
#394 Replacement of binary data (DefineBinaryData)Replacement of binary data (DefineBinaryData)feature closed user cpupower
#305 Export FLA: empty sound layersExport FLA: empty sound layersbug closed user focus
#312 Export FLA: shape tween not exportedExport FLA: shape tween not exportedbug closed user focus
#360 Export FLA: empty sound layers (2)Export FLA: empty sound layers (2)bug closed user focus
#485 editing AS directly: unary minus signediting AS directly: unary minus signbug closed developer honfika
#518 Direct editing AS1/2: Cast operatorDirect editing AS1/2: Cast operatorbug closed developer honfika
#361 FFDec icon is not visible on application startFFDec icon is not visible on application startbug closed developer honfika
#502 [PATCH] font name encoding[PATCH] font name encodingbug closed user tamachan
#372 Decompilation error Timeout (1 minute) was reachedDecompilation error Timeout (1 minute) was reachedother closed user zap
#457 Clear all recent opened filesClear all recent opened filesfeature closed user capasha
#505 How to export DefineBinaryDataHow to export DefineBinaryDataquestion closed user rendu2mai
#317 Detailed log filesDetailed log filesfeature closed user end0re
#447 standard non ribbon interfacestandard non ribbon interfacefeature closed user helmy
#516 AS3 p-code: Editing namespaces with null names (index 0)AS3 p-code: Editing namespaces with null names (index 0)bug closed user capasha
#366 Search in memory: sort found SWFs by size and by SWF version.Search in memory: sort found SWFs by size and by SWF version.feature closed user focus
#369 Shapes in internal viewer and SVG exportShapes in internal viewer and SVG exportbug closed user psykauze
#517 AS1/2 direct editation: delete operator, etc.AS1/2 direct editation: delete operator, etc.bug closed user deleted-FjT5MDkkfQCbTmonyvIp
#529 Larger binaryData files slow or impossible to view (in order to replace)Larger binaryData files slow or impossible to view (in order to replace)bug closed user Kev
#479 No email notification from nonpublic (but accessible to me) issuesNo email notification from nonpublic (but accessible to me) issuesbug closed developer honfika
#530 Parameters windows cannot display Chinese character after 1.8u1Parameters windows cannot display Chinese character after 1.8u1bug closed user rendu2mai
#532 Timeline.getOutline throws IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionTimeline.getOutline throws IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#533 "ObjectUnderCursor" shows wrong tagnames"ObjectUnderCursor" shows wrong tagnamesbug closed developer honfika
#540 Saving SWF changes very large static uint valuesSaving SWF changes very large static uint valuesbug closed user koen
#541 How to calculate GlyphAdvanceHow to calculate GlyphAdvancequestion closed user rendu2mai
#340 Class too large to decompile.Class too large to decompile.question closed user layola
#161 Skip current fileSkip current filefeature closed user moonlightangel
#324 Search and load SWF embedded files in OLE objects (Word, Excel files)Search and load SWF embedded files in OLE objects (Word, Excel files)feature closed user poxyran
#346 SWC supportSWC supportfeature closed user soywiz
#365 Search in memory: Filter fake SWFsSearch in memory: Filter fake SWFsfeature closed user focus
#496 French date formatFrench date formatother closed user gamuti
#499 Cannot save via ProxyCannot save via Proxybug closed user mybottt
#491 Import a fontImport a fontfeature closed user gamuti
#427 setLookAndFeel throws exception on linuxsetLookAndFeel throws exception on linuxbug closed user devsaider
#497 Tree is not visible - It's not enought largeTree is not visible - It's not enought largebug closed user gamuti
#456 gotoMainClassOnStartup = true  advanced setting is not being applied when using the classic interfacegotoMainClassOnStartup = true advanced setting is not being applied when using the classic interfacebug closed user helmy
#448 Go to document class is not working Go to document class is not working bug closed user helmy
#446 incorrect decompiled code incorrect decompiled code bug closed user helmy
#441 Obfuscated code, can't decompile swf fileObfuscated code, can't decompile swf filebug closed user hungpq
#437 SWF unable to load 20mb file?SWF unable to load 20mb file?bug closed user super
#431 "Deobfuscating" time"Deobfuscating" timebug closed user hojolo
#405 Another Can't decompile a class / Obfuscated codeAnother Can't decompile a class / Obfuscated codebug closed user pkedpker
#300 Font export (in FFDec and in .fla)Font export (in FFDec and in .fla)feature closed user megalol
#387 Frames preview buggedFrames preview buggedbug closed user megalol
#531 Still Chinese font adding problemStill Chinese font adding problembug closed user rendu2mai
#551 Which parameter decide the xoffset of text in DefineText?Which parameter decide the xoffset of text in DefineText?question closed user rendu2mai
#549 lessequals instead of greaterequals p-code editinglessequals instead of greaterequals p-code editingbug closed user capasha
#513 SWF extraction from ZIP/SWC/binary/EXE files with command line supportSWF extraction from ZIP/SWC/binary/EXE files with command line supportfeature closed user megalol
#555 no effect after pressing OK button in new version available dialog in nigthly eed3d652178ano effect after pressing OK button in new version available dialog in nigthly eed3d652178abug closed user megalol
#554 Critical bug - saving of edited AS has no effect since 2.0.0_6ab392f5ff25Critical bug - saving of edited AS has no effect since 2.0.0_6ab392f5ff25bug closed user megalol
#557 java.lang.NUllPointerExceptionjava.lang.NUllPointerExceptionbug closed user capasha
#374 Replace selected sound (DefineSound tag)Replace selected sound (DefineSound tag)feature closed user megalol
#553 Exporting slows down the closer it gets to finishExporting slows down the closer it gets to finishbug invalid user end0re
#564 Export Define*Texts to one text file (with separator)Export Define*Texts to one text file (with separator)feature closed user megalol
#566 #566 weird bug with external flash player window in latest nightly after FFDec closing#566 weird bug with external flash player window in latest nightly after FFDec closingbug closed user megalol
#569 swf methods decompiled partiallyswf methods decompiled partiallybug closed user TheRabbitFlash
#250 Export FLA: Static text spacing and marigins are not restored.Export FLA: Static text spacing and marigins are not restored.bug closed user focus
#308 Export FLA: incorrect static text X coordinateExport FLA: incorrect static text X coordinatequestion closed user focus
#565 Trying to edit ImageTrying to edit Imagequestion closed user Andrewb
#575 Rename assets based on linked classRename assets based on linked classfeature new user henke37
#574 Crash after editing scriptsCrash after editing scriptsbug invalid user realmaster42
#581 Cannot save fileCannot save filebug closed user PeroO
#337 search panel barely visible in same casessearch panel barely visible in same casesbug closed user megalol
#578 Search...Search...other new user ipb
#586 Filter rendering bugFilter rendering bugbug closed developer honfika
#556 gotoMainClassOnSturtup buggotoMainClassOnSturtup bugbug closed user Alexander
#567 DefineText editing is not working with DefineFontDefineText editing is not working with DefineFontbug closed user francesco
#538 Interface are sometimes dynamicInterface are sometimes dynamicbug closed user ether
#536 Asset handling - modifying spritesAsset handling - modifying spritesquestion closed user James
#558 Frames as SVGFrames as SVGfeature closed user psykauze
#546 Importing previously-exported PNG filesImporting previously-exported PNG filesfeature closed user ThomasSpeedrunner
#282 FLA Export: Other formats than CS6FLA Export: Other formats than CS6feature closed user linajin
#424 ActionScriptParser.treeFromString generates unnecessary GetMember actionActionScriptParser.treeFromString generates unnecessary GetMember actionbug closed user l12436
#425 loadVariables is compiled incorrectlyloadVariables is compiled incorrectlybug closed user svetlana
#507 editing AS directly: object literal problemediting AS directly: object literal problembug closed user karl
#504 Script editor does not display Japanese charactersScript editor does not display Japanese charactersbug closed user strelokhalfer
#537 IllegalOperationError is used without importing flash.errors.IllegalOperationErrorIllegalOperationError is used without importing flash.errors.IllegalOperationErrorbug closed user ether
#510 WrapAround in 'Find and Replace' Dialog is DisFunctional! 'Find' always WrapsAroundWrapAround in 'Find and Replace' Dialog is DisFunctional! 'Find' always WrapsAroundbug closed user 1nd1g0
#527 Pretty print error "linkageExportForAS"Pretty print error "linkageExportForAS"bug closed user DrMefistO
#414 exportActionScript but get starkoverflow error or nullexportActionScript but get starkoverflow error or nullbug closed user dingo
#433 EmptyStackException - Code may be obfuscatedEmptyStackException - Code may be obfuscatedbug closed user asd26
#509 EmptyStackException at decompilationEmptyStackException at decompilationbug closed user Requi
#420 Decompilation error, EmptyStackExceptionDecompilation error, EmptyStackExceptionbug closed user freddie
#356 Stackoverflow Exception. Stackoverflow Exception. question closed user arthur_dong
#262 Export FLA: dynamic text fields fonts not embeddedExport FLA: dynamic text fields fonts not embeddedfeature closed user focus
#545 How to identify which fonts AS scripts is usingHow to identify which fonts AS scripts is usingquestion closed user rendu2mai
#520 Stuck at "Creating window..."Stuck at "Creating window..."bug closed user Meelkor
#514 applicationg hangs after a simple click on the flashname in treeviewapplicationg hangs after a simple click on the flashname in treeviewbug closed user capasha
#412 Weird Text Bug after editing script.Weird Text Bug after editing script.question closed user justcallmelewis
#594 "Curly brace on new line" doesn't affect starting method brace"Curly brace on new line" doesn't affect starting method bracebug closed user focus
#593 AS3 Return object newline problemAS3 Return object newline problembug closed user focus
#494 "Check for updates" is not working with nighty build but is working with official release"Check for updates" is not working with nighty build but is working with official releasefeature closed user gamuti
#570 Direct AS3 Edition bugDirect AS3 Edition bugbug closed user realmaster42
#614 Saving problemsSaving problemsbug invalid user FaceHunter
#515 Edit AS3 directlyEdit AS3 directlyfeature closed user Requi
#552 TimeoutException, max recursion level reachedTimeoutException, max recursion level reachedbug closed user end0re
#547 stll Chinese text display errorstll Chinese text display errorbug closed user Moemoe
#506 Alt-Tab - switching to another windowAlt-Tab - switching to another windowbug closed user FareakyTinkerton
#401 DComSoft  SWF Protector 4: Error during tag readingDComSoft SWF Protector 4: Error during tag readingbug closed user focus
#562 Editing ActionScript 3 codeEditing ActionScript 3 codefeature closed user ThomasSpeedrunner
#455 Classic interface issuesClassic interface issuesbug closed user helmy
#413 secureSWF 4secureSWF 4feature invalid user charles
#616 Export sprite as pngExport sprite as pngbug closed user Player
#628 saved files bigger than originalsaved files bigger than originalquestion closed user tribalart
#629 Program won't start under Windows or LinuxProgram won't start under Windows or Linuxbug closed user Mateon1
#631 Allow renaming parameters and locals.Allow renaming parameters and locals.feature new user Mateon1
#627 Filter swf not workingFilter swf not workingbug closed user bossfong
#634 Cannot save fileCannot save filebug closed user Kirbyofdeath
#637 Compiling source codeCompiling source codequestion closed user myztikrice
#639 Can't open anything except imagesCan't open anything except imagesbug closed user Masocrate
#623 should be executable and have UNIX line should be executable and have UNIX line endingsbug closed user rvighne
#612 bgcolor and width & heightbgcolor and width & heightfeature closed user ipb
#577 cant copy and paste when edit p-codecant copy and paste when edit p-codebug closed user medz
#563 Import DefineTexts (formatted [and plain if possible]) from exported .txt filesImport DefineTexts (formatted [and plain if possible]) from exported .txt filesfeature closed user megalol
#641 Updated from old version to 2.1.2 and can't decompile fileUpdated from old version to 2.1.2 and can't decompile filebug closed user misiek
#368 Deobfuscation: AS2 Decompilation issuesDeobfuscation: AS2 Decompilation issuesbug closed user focus
#649 Freezing when opening .gfx filesFreezing when opening .gfx filesbug closed user lostprophet
#657 Global string searchGlobal string searchquestion closed user object
#650 replace binaryData from command linereplace binaryData from command linefeature closed user loki
#327 AS1/2 disassembly error (readActionList) stops whole applicationAS1/2 disassembly error (readActionList) stops whole applicationbug closed developer honfika
#653 Linux start script line endig problemLinux start script line endig problembug closed user loki
#659 replacing multiple binaryData files in one command-line runreplacing multiple binaryData files in one command-line runfeature closed user loki
#626 swf after save doens't workswf after save doens't workquestion closed user vinnitu
#585 Missed decompiled source when using expression: a && b();Missed decompiled source when using expression: a && b();bug closed user Alexander
#654 backslash-escaped file names on command line cause error in Linuxbackslash-escaped file names on command line cause error in Linuxbug closed user loki
#664 Cannot expand fillStyles in DefineShape tags in raw editCannot expand fillStyles in DefineShape tags in raw editbug closed user Varq
#666 Can'Can'other invalid user jennagirl85
#669 AS3 P-code command-line replacement of static class variablesAS3 P-code command-line replacement of static class variablesquestion closed user loki
#674 strange bug with AS2 DefineSprite(DoAction) viewstrange bug with AS2 DefineSprite(DoAction) viewbug closed user megalol
#632 Cannot save fileCannot save filebug closed user myztikrice
#568 dissappeared DefineText AS edit button in latest nightly + FlashPlayer.exe window after FFDec closing bug (again)dissappeared DefineText AS edit button in latest nightly + FlashPlayer.exe window after FFDec closing bug (again)bug closed user megalol
#699 bug invalid user t.xiaoyaozi
#696 Publish FFDec library in Maven CentralPublish FFDec library in Maven Centralother new user izstas
#691 Problem with v3 when editing SWF already edited in prevs versionsProblem with v3 when editing SWF already edited in prevs versionsbug closed user marianux
#667 Cant open fileCant open fileother invalid user jennagirl85
#703 Changes do not get savedChanges do not get savedbug invalid user mentalist
#389 Importing from subFonts (choose from one of family Font)Importing from subFonts (choose from one of family Font)feature closed user megalol
#701 Import/replace TTFImport/replace TTFfeature closed user michalss
#711 Folder preview is slow when there are 21000 items in the folderFolder preview is slow when there are 21000 items in the folderbug closed developer honfika
#304 editing AS directly: local variable names are lostediting AS directly: local variable names are lostbug postponed developer honfika
#351 Too much text for the GUI to show?Too much text for the GUI to show?feature closed user usroboticz
#404 P-code and HexP-code and Hexfeature closed user cenadacoisa
#428 Save as .pdfSave as .pdffeature closed user tartas
#466 Source font preview (from DefineFont* parameters panel)Source font preview (from DefineFont* parameters panel)feature closed user megalol
#524 Export FLA: mask layer is not applied to the child layerExport FLA: mask layer is not applied to the child layerbug closed user focus
#648 Exporting binary data in embedded swfExporting binary data in embedded swfbug closed user bossfong
#590 Deobfuscation error : get what it was able to readDeobfuscation error : get what it was able to readquestion closed user moonlightangel
#652 2.1.4 startup script broken 2.1.4 startup script broken bug closed user physicist
#656 Load SWF from memory: 64 bit problems (Chrome)Load SWF from memory: 64 bit problems (Chrome)question closed user cenadacoisa
#655 Compile errorCompile errorquestion closed user coody
#660 Switchable "Method/Getter/Setter Trait" PanelSwitchable "Method/Getter/Setter Trait" Panelfeature closed user Troman
#643 remove or replace image,swf should be damagedremove or replace image,swf should be damagedbug closed user xuanhun
#684 SoundStreams not showing when inside DefineSpriteSoundStreams not showing when inside DefineSpritebug closed user Dave_Word
#677 Exporting Sprites, Higher ResolutionExporting Sprites, Higher Resolutionfeature closed user Farsha
#618 Zoom barreZoom barrefeature closed user gamuti
#678 Windows .bat launcher errors out if started from a different dirWindows .bat launcher errors out if started from a different dirbug closed user loki
#681 Linux quoted parameters from other script not parsed as single fileLinux quoted parameters from other script not parsed as single filebug closed user loki
#686 Rightclick on FlashPlayer preview disappearingRightclick on FlashPlayer preview disappearingbug closed user Florin
#663 AS3: Missing imports from implemented interfacesAS3: Missing imports from implemented interfacesquestion closed user dexer
#464 Javaw and ffdec open and closesJavaw and ffdec open and closesbug closed user capasha
#548 Can JPEXS show fully dis-assembled class files like rabcdasm does? Can JPEXS show fully dis-assembled class files like rabcdasm does? question closed user pmolson
#718 Show size of all captured swf files in ProxyShow size of all captured swf files in Proxyfeature closed user focus
#716 Copy url of the swf caught by ProxyCopy url of the swf caught by Proxyfeature closed user focus
#705 Actionscript-decompilation externalActionscript-decompilation externalfeature ignored user KurtWagner
#719 null swf name in Proxy after cancelling rename dialognull swf name in Proxy after cancelling rename dialogbug closed user focus
#690 jump addresses to use when adding if statements to P-codejump addresses to use when adding if statements to P-codequestion closed user loki
#495 When embed lots characters, ffdec crashedWhen embed lots characters, ffdec crashedbug closed user rendu2mai
#670 Replacing DefineBitsJPEG3 with DefineBitsLossless2 on PNG importReplacing DefineBitsJPEG3 with DefineBitsLossless2 on PNG importbug closed user blless
#671 DefineSprite.PlaceObject linebreakDefineSprite.PlaceObject linebreakquestion closed user TomVerkerk
#672 Transparent SWF backgroundTransparent SWF backgroundquestion closed user Trevorgall
#542 Temporary variable is not declared in generated codeTemporary variable is not declared in generated codebug ignored user ether
#521 ActionScript2 decompilation problemActionScript2 decompilation problembug closed developer honfika
#725 AS3 direct editation fails with as3.swf test fileAS3 direct editation fails with as3.swf test filebug closed developer honfika
#727 z-index value of "privacy policy" link is too high:)z-index value of "privacy policy" link is too high:)bug closed developer honfika
#635 Cannot properly place text cursor with Japanese charactersCannot properly place text cursor with Japanese charactersbug closed user Varq
#726 Selection bagSelection bagbug closed user strelokhalfer
#734 Support \xAB escape sequences in lexersSupport \xAB escape sequences in lexersbug closed developer honfika
#738 Frame export fails with EndOfStreamException: Premature end of the stream reachedFrame export fails with EndOfStreamException: Premature end of the stream reachedbug closed user Peter
#730 Doesn't work if Flash ActiveX not installedDoesn't work if Flash ActiveX not installedbug closed user usroboticz
#403 Deobfuscation: SWF Encrypt 7.0: SEVERE nullDeobfuscation: SWF Encrypt 7.0: SEVERE nullbug closed user focus
#302 Comfortable code navigationComfortable code navigationfeature new user focus
#748 languagelanguagequestion closed user ahmadahmar
#745 Copy tag toCopy tag tofeature closed user focus
#753 Reload "saved as" swfReload "saved as" swffeature closed user focus
#747 Move tag to adds extra frameMove tag to adds extra framebug closed user focus
#752 Sound is not stopped when you change the selectin in he tag tree from SWF to e.g any shapeSound is not stopped when you change the selectin in he tag tree from SWF to e.g any shapebug closed developer honfika
#707 Debug HookDebug Hookfeature closed user cenadacoisa
#685 Feature "Local variables and method parameters take name from debug" becomes a problem with some sourcesFeature "Local variables and method parameters take name from debug" becomes a problem with some sourcesbug closed user alvaromat
#695 How to add new font to a swf fileHow to add new font to a swf filequestion closed user drajwer86
#708 Add ability to auto load binary data as subtree if it looks like there is SWF insideAdd ability to auto load binary data as subtree if it looks like there is SWF insidefeature closed user unv_annihilator
#288 Memory (RAM) leak (by javaw.exe) after .fla exportingMemory (RAM) leak (by javaw.exe) after .fla exportingbug closed user megalol
#539 for each loops does not generates "var" declarationfor each loops does not generates "var" declarationbug closed user ether
#714 Exporting frames as HTML Canvas throws error - "java.lang.NullPointerException: null "Exporting frames as HTML Canvas throws error - "java.lang.NullPointerException: null "bug closed user bradnyk
#720 swf no save after i replace image png for DefineSharpswf no save after i replace image png for DefineSharpbug closed user dontlookbackds
#700 Work with a large file GFX (Lag and Crashed)Work with a large file GFX (Lag and Crashed)bug closed user t.xiaoyaozi
#526 Add font to a swfAdd font to a swfquestion closed user arsay
#757 SWF to EXESWF to EXEfeature closed user gamuti
#766 [error] Can't extract all resources from the swf[error] Can't extract all resources from the swfbug closed user capasha
#769 Extracting resources twice makes them differentExtracting resources twice makes them differentquestion closed user capasha
#744 Simple Error , Please help me.Simple Error , Please help me.question closed user djakman
#742 Can't edit framesCan't edit framesbug closed user Zizi17
#722 Go to next/previous frameGo to next/previous framefeature closed user ondra
#732 Random FreezingRandom Freezingbug closed user bls1999
#715 Force Save helpForce Save helpquestion closed user LayneBasom
#768 super calls not being correctly recognizedsuper calls not being correctly recognizedbug closed user Kodak
#698 set,get,override fields unnecessarily debofuscated with §set,get,override fields unnecessarily debofuscated with §bug closed user Berni11
#764 Save and Cancel Buttons appears again when save button is pressedSave and Cancel Buttons appears again when save button is pressedbug closed user gamuti
#774 Single file Action Script exportSingle file Action Script exportquestion closed user kurzedmetal
#776 FFDec stop working at all after setting "number of threads" to 0 FFDec stop working at all after setting "number of threads" to 0 bug closed user kurzedmetal
#755 Decompilation TimeOut FeatureDecompilation TimeOut Featurefeature closed user realmaster42
#683 Linkage name for extracted imagesLinkage name for extracted imagesfeature closed user jdibbert
#492 Add new Hotkeys (all can post here what they want to add)Add new Hotkeys (all can post here what they want to add)feature closed user megalol
#783 No OK box when edited script or text was saved (show messages only if it was't saved or with errors)No OK box when edited script or text was saved (show messages only if it was't saved or with errors)feature closed user megalol
#765 Cannot download ( for windows)Cannot download ( for windows)other closed user goel.suraj5
#777 Check for Nighty build update is no workingCheck for Nighty build update is no workingbug closed user gamuti
#790 Impossible to change letters under a fontImpossible to change letters under a fontbug closed user gamuti
#795 The issue with the width of font chars which I want to import.The issue with the width of font chars which I want to import.question closed user krovin
#799 Who is the Danish translator ?Who is the Danish translator ?bug closed user gamuti
#800 Unexpected deleted carrier return in DefineEditTextUnexpected deleted carrier return in DefineEditTextbug closed user gamuti
#630 Translation: PolishTranslation: Polishother opened user Mateon1
#363 Translation: PortugeseTranslation: Portugeseother opened user cenadacoisa
#813 Cannot edit public static constCannot edit public static constquestion closed user negus
#808 Installer downloads and installs Java 6, then it shows Old JRE foundInstaller downloads and installs Java 6, then it shows Old JRE foundbug closed developer honfika
#814 Exporting with scale problemExporting with scale problembug closed user kallavun
#811 Export ActionScript failExport ActionScript failbug closed user uragan1987
#819 Documentation for FFDECDocumentation for FFDECquestion new user yogicxl
#816 P-code not shown after selecting "class initializer" traitP-code not shown after selecting "class initializer" traitbug closed user JackB
#809 Move left, right buttons for DefineTexts using translatex parameterMove left, right buttons for DefineTexts using translatex parameterfeature closed user megalol
#823 translatex buttons (FFDec freezes on large files when pressing these buttons)translatex buttons (FFDec freezes on large files when pressing these buttons)bug closed user megalol
#803 Align text (left, right, center) in Define*TextAlign text (left, right, center) in Define*Textfeature closed user megalol
#825 hot keys (and maybe new buttons on new panel) to switch to next or previous DefineTexthot keys (and maybe new buttons on new panel) to switch to next or previous DefineTextfeature closed user megalol
#587 Please add Swf->XML, XML->Swf convertorPlease add Swf->XML, XML->Swf convertorfeature closed user adrianchiq
#834 Application crash when load swf file.Application crash when load swf file.bug closed user nhattuanbl
#794 Font extraction fails sometimesFont extraction fails sometimesbug closed user Anon
#798 ffdec doesn't show what it's exportingffdec doesn't show what it's exportingfeature closed user capasha
#782 I need to replace a shape with another shape from SWF without loosing quality of image, how to?I need to replace a shape with another shape from SWF without loosing quality of image, how to?question closed user devsaider
#243 method is partially decompiledmethod is partially decompiledbug closed developer honfika
#844 lowercase/uppercase convertion in DefineTexts (in right click menu of selected text at Parameters panel)lowercase/uppercase convertion in DefineTexts (in right click menu of selected text at Parameters panel)feature closed user megalol
#854 Windows style line ends in follow upWindows style line ends in follow upbug ignored user physicist
#849 Can't recompile (experimental function)Can't recompile (experimental function)bug closed user Psychocrysma
#851 [Site] Can't subscribe[Site] Can't subscribebug closed user capasha
#838 Missing default case in switch statementMissing default case in switch statementbug closed user devbn
#856 Can't load any SWFsCan't load any SWFsbug closed user capasha
#859 This Programm Breaks Swfs on Winodows 8 and Higher!This Programm Breaks Swfs on Winodows 8 and Higher!bug invalid user satoshifurude
#860 stuck at creating windows with 5.0 versionstuck at creating windows with 5.0 versionbug closed user Aikan
#861 [ REQUEST ] Save as exe with more feature[ REQUEST ] Save as exe with more featurefeature new user StandbyPort4
#759 AS3 direct editation: variable declaration is missingAS3 direct editation: variable declaration is missingbug closed user realmaster42
#613 Ribbon Preferred WidthRibbon Preferred Widthbug closed user thekeydesign
#868 AS exporting bug (?)AS exporting bug (?)bug closed user megalol
#713 Installer for 4.0 fails to access Adobe WebsiteInstaller for 4.0 fails to access Adobe Websitebug closed user 1nd1g0
#857 Please add scroll on DefineFont3Please add scroll on DefineFont3feature closed user Jerky
#826 should have UNIX-style line endings (again) should have UNIX-style line endings (again)bug closed user loki
#770 Possible Incorrect Code?Possible Incorrect Code?question closed user calculuswhiz
#767 [Error] Can't download PlayerGlobal.SWC[Error] Can't download PlayerGlobal.SWCbug closed user capasha
#842 Recover for loopsRecover for loopsfeature opened user henke37
#840 Noticable audio decrease between .wav and .mp3 files exportedNoticable audio decrease between .wav and .mp3 files exportedbug closed user latias1290
#833 Sidebar doesn't expandSidebar doesn't expandbug closed user jbzdarkid
#864 Export and Replace ShapesExport and Replace Shapesfeature closed user Pluckerpluck
#877 A small glitch after search in ASA small glitch after search in ASbug closed user megalol
#876 update check bug (?)update check bug (?)bug closed user megalol
#878 small glitch after saving P-code or swf filesmall glitch after saving P-code or swf filebug closed user megalol
#881 Define*Texts parameters panel disappearing (in some cases) bugDefine*Texts parameters panel disappearing (in some cases) bugbug closed user megalol
#470 Keep original Define*Texts and DefineFonts panels size after resizing from full screen to windowed and backKeep original Define*Texts and DefineFonts panels size after resizing from full screen to windowed and backfeature closed user megalol
#845 Import exported AS1/2 (DefineButton2&DefineSprite) buttonImport exported AS1/2 (DefineButton2&DefineSprite) buttonfeature closed user megalol
#815 Re-enable Code coverageRe-enable Code coveragefeature closed developer honfika
#737 Exporting ScriptsExporting Scriptsfeature closed user ankilla
#882 Canvas export border sizeCanvas export border sizebug closed developer honfika
#760 Internal viewer line linear gradient fill is not workingInternal viewer line linear gradient fill is not workingbug closed developer honfika
#886 Cancel button is disabled in editor mode. I'd like to reset the change.Cancel button is disabled in editor mode. I'd like to reset the change.bug closed admin JPEXS
#892 bug with nightlys update checkbug with nightlys update checkbug closed user megalol
#817 AS1/2 varible in expressionAS1/2 varible in expressionbug closed user Kodak
#846 Procedure to run in net beansProcedure to run in net beansquestion closed user chinmayvb
#821 make bookmarks for DefineTexts (and maybe for scripts too)make bookmarks for DefineTexts (and maybe for scripts too)feature closed user megalol
#895 CMYK JPEG image decoded wronglyCMYK JPEG image decoded wronglybug closed developer honfika
#898 [Translation] new text to translate?[Translation] new text to translate?question closed user capasha
#1 good job,mangood job,manother closed user googleCode
#2 Wrong code for chained assignments (AS3)Wrong code for chained assignments (AS3)bug closed user googleCode
#3 AS2 decompilation fails on these filesAS2 decompilation fails on these filesbug closed user googleCode
#4 Stack overflow on large classes (decompile individual methods would be a nice feature)Stack overflow on large classes (decompile individual methods would be a nice feature)feature closed user googleCode
#5 FSCommand2 not supportedFSCommand2 not supportedfeature closed user googleCode
#6 wrong code for uncertain function parameterswrong code for uncertain function parametersbug closed user googleCode
#7 static variables, complex expressions, const initializationstatic variables, complex expressions, const initializationbug closed user googleCode
#8 Commandline ExportCommandline Exportfeature closed user googleCode
#9 Caching for code positions while decompilingCaching for code positions while decompilingfeature closed user googleCode
#10 Missing "default" code block when decompiling switch .. case sometimesMissing "default" code block when decompiling switch .. case sometimesbug closed user googleCode
#11 Zero jumps in finally blocksZero jumps in finally blocksbug closed user googleCode
#12 logical computing  &  handling temporary variables generated by compiler  & if-elsif-else statement & NEED_ARGUMENTS  logical computing & handling temporary variables generated by compiler & if-elsif-else statement & NEED_ARGUMENTS bug closed user googleCode
#13, for, for differencebug closed user googleCode
#14 DoABC combobox sortingDoABC combobox sortingfeature closed user googleCode
#15 Inline functions as AVM instructionsInline functions as AVM instructionsbug closed user googleCode
#16 Decompiler hangs when a AS3 SWF contains a call to a method that does not existDecompiler hangs when a AS3 SWF contains a call to a method that does not existbug ignored user googleCode
#17 Not savingNot savingbug ignored user googleCode
#18 On loading of file JPAD v.beta1 never completes loadingOn loading of file JPAD v.beta1 never completes loadingbug ignored user googleCode
#19 error for export code with * packageerror for export code with * packagebug ignored user googleCode
#20 Static variablesStatic variablesbug closed user googleCode
#21 Do-While and while loops inside ifDo-While and while loops inside ifbug closed user googleCode
#22 dup, setlocal issuedup, setlocal issuebug closed user googleCode
#23 Obfuscated package names don't get renamedObfuscated package names don't get renamedbug closed user googleCode
#24 switch by string in anonymous functionswitch by string in anonymous functionbug closed user googleCode
#25 Invalid importsInvalid importsbug closed user googleCode
#26 Merging DoABCTagsMerging DoABCTagsfeature ignored user googleCode
#27 "Cannot load SWF file" in the new 1.2.0 version"Cannot load SWF file" in the new 1.2.0 versionbug closed user googleCode
#28 ifne is ifeqifne is ifeqbug ignored user googleCode
#29 slot/const default value; syntax highlight problemslot/const default value; syntax highlight problembug closed user googleCode
#30 Unreachable opcode deleteUnreachable opcode deletefeature closed user googleCode
#31 i need help it wont let me open a file that ive used before in asdeci need help it wont let me open a file that ive used before in asdecbug closed user googleCode
#32 ParseExceptionParseExceptionbug closed user googleCode
#33 calling constructor in static const initializercalling constructor in static const initializerbug closed user googleCode
#34 instead of "while(_loc5_ < 65536)" we have " while(_loc5_ >= 65536)".instead of "while(_loc5_ < 65536)" we have " while(_loc5_ >= 65536)".bug closed user googleCode
#35 Japanese stringsJapanese stringsbug closed user googleCode
#36 Inserting multiname with non existing indexInserting multiname with non existing indexbug closed user googleCode
#37 While conditions are incorrect, always opposite then the required. (Maybe only when the swf was obfuctated)While conditions are incorrect, always opposite then the required. (Maybe only when the swf was obfuctated)bug closed user googleCode
#38 small indent problemsmall indent problembug closed user googleCode
#39 AS 1/2 New MethodAS 1/2 New Methodbug closed user googleCode
#40 AS1/2 No logging + decompilationAS1/2 No logging + decompilationbug closed user googleCode
#41 Edit of public static constants don't workEdit of public static constants don't workbug ignored user googleCode
#42 Showing flash opcodes in source code windows / edit windowShowing flash opcodes in source code windows / edit windowfeature closed user googleCode
#43 Ternaty operator decompilation problemTernaty operator decompilation problembug closed user googleCode
#44 Text decompile bugText decompile bugbug closed user googleCode
#45 Unicode character cannot save.Unicode character cannot save.bug closed user googleCode
#46 if then else with empty branches gets ignoredif then else with empty branches gets ignoredbug closed user googleCode
#47 Decompiler do not produce AS script anymoreDecompiler do not produce AS script anymorebug closed user googleCode
#49 should have UNIX-style line should have UNIX-style line endingsbug closed user googleCode
#50 AS1/2 function body deobfuscation bugAS1/2 function body deobfuscation bugbug closed user googleCode
#51 AS1/2 decompilation defectAS1/2 decompilation defectbug closed user googleCode
#52 CP with a wrong action lengthCP with a wrong action lengthbug closed user googleCode
#53 first ternary operator expression is always truefirst ternary operator expression is always truefeature closed user googleCode
#885 Categories in issue trackerCategories in issue trackerfeature closed developer honfika
#899 Show script after AS3 Direct editationShow script after AS3 Direct editationbug closed admin JPEXS
#841 Loop control for sound previewLoop control for sound previewfeature closed user henke37
#772 JPEXs CrashesJPEXs Crashesbug closed user realmaster42
#848 Random Reversion to Unedited Code when Toggling the 3 switches (at Top Left) on the Right Hand Pane!Random Reversion to Unedited Code when Toggling the 3 switches (at Top Left) on the Right Hand Pane!bug closed user 1nd1g0
#780 Edit ButtonEdit Buttonfeature new user realmaster42
#789 Add links to the issues to the profile pageAdd links to the issues to the profile pagefeature closed developer honfika
#872 Tutorial pageTutorial pagefeature new developer honfika
#874 Notifiactions about guestbook commentsNotifiactions about guestbook commentsfeature closed developer honfika
#214 Uploading more than 100%Uploading more than 100%bug closed developer honfika
#805 Editor mode for Define*TextsEditor mode for Define*Textsfeature closed user megalol
#836 swf file won't run after changing some text in main classswf file won't run after changing some text in main classbug closed user eosdttve
#835 static var value assign bugstatic var value assign bugbug closed user galok
#853 Windows style line ends in ffdec.shWindows style line ends in ffdec.shbug closed user physicist
#733 JavactiveX output not being captured?JavactiveX output not being captured?bug closed user CyberFoxx
#781 AS3 Direct editation bugAS3 Direct editation bugbug closed user pdmit
#865 TagTree font size problem on high resolution screensTagTree font size problem on high resolution screensbug closed user anhisme
#728 Large fontsLarge fontsbug closed user strelokhalfer
#762 Replace P-Code from command lineReplace P-Code from command linefeature closed user 163gal
#350 Configuration setting for opening new swfs in the existing FFDec instance.Configuration setting for opening new swfs in the existing FFDec instance.feature closed user poxyran
#904 I can't export imagesI can't export imagesbug closed user capasha
#871 Show the needed character idsShow the needed character idsfeature closed developer honfika
#717 Completely replace swf caught by ProxyCompletely replace swf caught by Proxyfeature closed user focus
#870 Editing shapeBoundsEditing shapeBoundsbug closed user yoburg
#830 Decompilation errors with certain nested if-then-else and logical operatorsDecompilation errors with certain nested if-then-else and logical operatorsbug closed user JackB
#807 ActiveX and PlayerGlobal fail to download (during 4.1.0 install)ActiveX and PlayerGlobal fail to download (during 4.1.0 install)bug closed user PARQ
#797 [Bug] Can't export files[Bug] Can't export filesbug closed user capasha
#773 scripts associated with ClipActions are not shown anymorescripts associated with ClipActions are not shown anymorebug closed user JackB
#908 "Replacing" Image/Shape and then Saving SWF will corrupt SWF."Replacing" Image/Shape and then Saving SWF will corrupt SWF.bug closed user leeuniverse
#909 text editig problemtext editig problemquestion closed user cspyder
#920 Export instance name to SVG use elementExport instance name to SVG use elementfeature closed user lroos
#922 Edit text rendering: position is wrongEdit text rendering: position is wrongbug closed developer honfika
#883 -dumpSWF option does not work anymore-dumpSWF option does not work anymorebug closed user DaveZero
#858 Allowto edit header propertiesAllowto edit header propertiesfeature closed developer honfika
#916 Replacing "Shape" will corrupt the SWF.Replacing "Shape" will corrupt the SWF.bug closed user leeuniverse
#905 Show codec details for sound itemsShow codec details for sound itemsfeature closed user henke37
#903 FLA export - null fontName, missing ShowFrameTagFLA export - null fontName, missing ShowFrameTagbug closed user intidigital
#901 A lot of space after adding/replacing characters in fontsA lot of space after adding/replacing characters in fontsbug closed user Solomon
#897 FFDec is not starting when classic (non-ribbon) UI is selectedFFDec is not starting when classic (non-ribbon) UI is selectedbug closed user vs.
#896 AS3 direct edit: Method info deletion failsAS3 direct edit: Method info deletion failsbug closed user IceDarkness
#894 internal use of libraryinternal use of libraryquestion closed user chinmayvb
#913 Translations : Korean, JapaneseTranslations : Korean, Japaneseother opened user BaDaLim
#661 Scripts not showingScripts not showingbug closed user anti91
#944 AS3 PCode reading problem (not deobfuscation)AS3 PCode reading problem (not deobfuscation)bug closed developer honfika
#165 direct lookupswitch / alchemy not supported - hiddendirect lookupswitch / alchemy not supported - hiddenbug closed developer honfika
#266 decompiltion error: EmptyStackExceptiondecompiltion error: EmptyStackExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#942 AS3 Deobfsucation - Stack owerflow exception in visitCodeAS3 Deobfsucation - Stack owerflow exception in visitCodebug closed developer honfika
#941 Decompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionDecompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#936 Replace shapes with png image from the command lineReplace shapes with png image from the command linebug closed user laforet
#939 Switch default clause causes NullpointerExceptionSwitch default clause causes NullpointerExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#952 FFDec not loading SWF without file extensionFFDec not loading SWF without file extensionbug closed user poxyran
#953 Cannot start FFDec.appCannot start FFDec.appbug returned user goberlin
#946 Decompilation error - Invalid jumpDecompilation error - Invalid jumpbug closed developer honfika
#947 Decompiletion timeouts (not cmodule)Decompiletion timeouts (not cmodule)bug closed developer honfika
#949 Replace alpha channel of JPEG images from the commandlineReplace alpha channel of JPEG images from the commandlinefeature closed user laforet
#954 Decompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionDecompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#951 Cancel script search is not workingCancel script search is not workingbug closed admin JPEXS
#624 Actionscript search restrictionsActionscript search restrictionsfeature closed user redone
#957 AS2 decompilation error -  IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionAS2 decompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#739 AS2 decompilation failsAS2 decompilation failsbug closed developer honfika
#306 editing AS directly bugediting AS directly bugbug closed developer honfika
#956 AS3 decompilation error - Invalid jumpAS3 decompilation error - Invalid jumpbug closed developer honfika
#959 AS3 decompilation error - StackOverflowErrorAS3 decompilation error - StackOverflowErrorbug closed developer honfika
#962 Code formatting issueCode formatting issuebug closed developer honfika
#961 Invalid recursion in Graph.finalProcessInvalid recursion in Graph.finalProcessbug closed developer honfika
#958 Remove and Replace character tag of items from CLIRemove and Replace character tag of items from CLIfeature closed user laforet
#964 as3 script decompiling is not deterministicas3 script decompiling is not deterministicbug closed developer honfika
#976 Export frame with zoom by commandExport frame with zoom by commandquestion closed user anhisme
#965 Typo in issue trackerTypo in issue trackerbug closed developer honfika
#955 AS2 decompilation problem - IllegalArgumentExceptionAS2 decompilation problem - IllegalArgumentExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#978 Class names are case sensitive, but filenames are not, so they are overwritten sometimes during exportClass names are case sensitive, but filenames are not, so they are overwritten sometimes during exportbug closed developer honfika
#48 Decompile only specified classDecompile only specified classfeature closed user googleCode
#584 [commandLine] -export  package[commandLine] -export packagefeature closed user cenadacoisa
#646 wildcard -selectas3classwildcard -selectas3classfeature new user bossfong
#983 Anti-aliasing in shape (+sprite) bitmap and html5 exportAnti-aliasing in shape (+sprite) bitmap and html5 exportfeature new developer honfika
#968 Sprites export with wrong coloringSprites export with wrong coloringbug closed user Topkek
#984 Replacement of shapes with images have issues in 6.0.1Replacement of shapes with images have issues in 6.0.1bug closed user laforet
#994 Cannot replace alpha channelCannot replace alpha channelbug closed user laforet
#990 Incorrect colors after exporting imageIncorrect colors after exporting imagebug closed user Serj
#995 How to read that decompile result?How to read that decompile result?bug closed user Serj
#985 Features request: Stretch shape to fit image. JPEG tags with transparency. Features request: Stretch shape to fit image. JPEG tags with transparency. feature closed user laforet
#998 -format argument is not working in commandline-format argument is not working in commandlinebug closed user laforet
#1000 Images export fails for malformed JPEG3 tagsImages export fails for malformed JPEG3 tagsbug closed user laforet
#935 Java files in git repository are not eol-normalizedJava files in git repository are not eol-normalizedquestion closed user JackB
#997 read as2 coderead as2 codebug closed user uragan1987
#999 save as FLAsave as FLAbug closed user uragan1987
#993 Your app won't loadYour app won't loadbug invalid user heartaz
#1007 Allow to replace binary data (ByteArrayRange) in raw editingAllow to replace binary data (ByteArrayRange) in raw editingfeature closed developer honfika
#779 AS Variable name not being lostAS Variable name not being lostfeature new user realmaster42
#832 AS3 Direct Edit - Other ABCs resolvingAS3 Direct Edit - Other ABCs resolvingbug closed user realmaster42
#960 Consider changeing the decompile method timeout to a lower valueConsider changeing the decompile method timeout to a lower valuefeature new developer honfika
#927 JNA problems - Crash Does not start & UnsatisfiedLinkError with java V 1.8JNA problems - Crash Does not start & UnsatisfiedLinkError with java V 1.8bug closed user codydbgt
#1031 Application Won't Run if JAVA 64bit is installed (alongside with 32bit)Application Won't Run if JAVA 64bit is installed (alongside with 32bit)bug closed user SandBird
#1034 AVM2DeobfuscatorRegisters is slowAVM2DeobfuscatorRegisters is slowfeature new developer honfika
#963 Decompilation timeoutsDecompilation timeoutsbug opened developer honfika
#1039 hhquestion invalid user swfdc
#1030 AS3 decompilation error - StackOverflowErrorAS3 decompilation error - StackOverflowErrorbug closed developer honfika
#1044 Add Offset number to exported DoAction filenamesAdd Offset number to exported DoAction filenamesfeature closed user kurzedmetal
#1045 an error occured while starting the applicationan error occured while starting the applicationbug closed user hasnat
#1043 PNG Images come out at lower resolutionPNG Images come out at lower resolutionbug new user SDragon
#1047 6.0.2 open all scripts folders6.0.2 open all scripts foldersbug closed user capasha
#812 decompile faildecompile failbug closed user uragan1987
#1051 Exporting multiple filesExporting multiple filesquestion closed user loert423
#1057 Editing as in editor results in package name moving. Editing as in editor results in package name moving. bug closed user Rymez2K
#1040 Probably a P-Code reading bugProbably a P-Code reading bugbug closed developer honfika
#1046 I want to run two ffdecI want to run two ffdecfeature closed user capasha
#339 Deobsufcation: FailsDeobsufcation: Failsbug closed user macgeek
#347 AS3 for loop with return decompiled as while inversedAS3 for loop with return decompiled as while inversedquestion closed user pepka
#824 Add OS X Application downloadAdd OS X Application downloadfeature returned user Tyilo
#791 AS3 edit problemAS3 edit problembug closed user pdmit
#855 AS3 Direct editation - For in variable declarationAS3 Direct editation - For in variable declarationbug closed user Psychocrysma
#850 AS3 static intializer wrong matching const multinamesAS3 static intializer wrong matching const multinamesbug closed user layola
#921 Export of html DefineEditText to SVGExport of html DefineEditText to SVGfeature closed user lroos
#929 Import Script?Import Script?question closed user Sandor
#928 Ability to edit linkage namesAbility to edit linkage namesfeature closed user Sandor
#950 Variables added using Add Trait don't saveVariables added using Add Trait don't savebug closed user sdfsdf
#967 Replace DefineText content from CLIReplace DefineText content from CLIfeature closed user Tyilo
#970 Imports of variablesImports of variablesbug closed user BeniBela
#972 wrong package name in static function callwrong package name in static function callbug closed user BeniBela
#996 "Go to document class" does nothing when the document class name is obfuscated"Go to document class" does nothing when the document class name is obfuscatedbug closed user der
#489 Hex decode very large integersHex decode very large integersfeature closed user henke37
#1012 Downloaded lastest version it says cannot read swf file. The file has not got the SWF extension (.swf) in its nameDownloaded lastest version it says cannot read swf file. The file has not got the SWF extension (.swf) in its namebug closed user lordbarby
#1017 store alchemy opcodes have wrong orderstore alchemy opcodes have wrong orderbug closed user soywiz2
#1026 Streams are not the same at pos 0000000aStreams are not the same at pos 0000000abug closed user hotlynks
#1035 Windows filename/-path case insensitivityWindows filename/-path case insensitivityfeature closed user bossfong
#1042 Embed iframe to swf flash fileEmbed iframe to swf flash filefeature closed user nimeshramani
#1041 FFDec (java) package names in decompiled AS codeFFDec (java) package names in decompiled AS codebug closed developer honfika
#1062 Static variables are not inititalized from script initializerStatic variables are not inititalized from script initializerbug closed user Brandon
#992 Issue Tracker needs the ability to be reset. Label cannot be cleared except by clearing cookies!Issue Tracker needs the ability to be reset. Label cannot be cleared except by clearing cookies!question closed user 1nd1g0
#1037 ConstructIns: xmlMult.isXML called 2 times with the same parameter. Why?ConstructIns: xmlMult.isXML called 2 times with the same parameter. Why?question closed developer honfika
#1060 Wrong and / or  when compiled as push false / push trueWrong and / or when compiled as push false / push truebug closed user Brandon
#740 debugConsole call fails when multiple parameter is passed to this functiondebugConsole call fails when multiple parameter is passed to this functionbug closed developer honfika
#1066 Script tree parent foldersScript tree parent foldersquestion closed user angrydweller
#1065 Not a type on line X errorNot a type on line X errorbug closed user angrydweller
#1059 Removing a label has a strange behavior.Removing a label has a strange behavior.bug closed developer honfika
#979 Unnecessary/missing fully qualified nameUnnecessary/missing fully qualified namebug closed developer honfika
#687 P-code comments on separate lineP-code comments on separate linefeature opened user loki
#1071 Commandline doesn't workCommandline doesn't workbug closed user capasha
#1079 How to Globally rename identifier?How to Globally rename identifier?question opened user Suuper
#1085 Invalid SWF Wrong SignatureInvalid SWF Wrong Signaturequestion closed user will123
#1087 Translation : ArabicTranslation : Arabicother opened user zLib
#1033 AS3 deobfuscation removes useful codesAS3 deobfuscation removes useful codesbug closed developer honfika
#1091 AS 1/2 direct editation saving changes bugAS 1/2 direct editation saving changes bugbug closed user megalol
#1082 Export Frame as avi fileExport Frame as avi filebug closed user jayaramu
#1080 Export movie not workingExport movie not workingbug closed user jayaramu
#1005 AS2 code, first line with "§§push(false)"AS2 code, first line with "§§push(false)"bug closed user uragan1987
#1099 Extract swf that is inside a swf binary.Extract swf that is inside a swf binary.question closed user appleseed
#1108 Recover include statementsRecover include statementsfeature new user henke37
#1106 New Shapes added to SWF files do not have their images added properly when using the replace function.New Shapes added to SWF files do not have their images added properly when using the replace function.feature closed user Necromunger
#1109 SVG Import functionality.SVG Import functionality.feature closed user Necromunger
#1104 AS3 Script Importation shown false "not supported" messageAS3 Script Importation shown false "not supported" messagebug closed user realmaster42
#1107 Text Offset IncorrectText Offset Incorrectbug closed user realmaster42
#1110 Failed to start JPEXSFailed to start JPEXSbug closed user XELAD2
#1076 Error during export java null pointer exceptionError during export java null pointer exceptionbug closed user TheWatcher
#1056 deltaY missing when adding a new StraightEdgeRecorddeltaY missing when adding a new StraightEdgeRecordbug closed user koen
#473 Deobfuscation: doesn't works with lot of swf filesDeobfuscation: doesn't works with lot of swf filesbug closed user gamuti
#523 Numerous decompilation errors for valid not obfuscated swf while exporting FLANumerous decompilation errors for valid not obfuscated swf while exporting FLAbug closed user focus
#991 Serious Bug in Decompiler!Serious Bug in Decompiler!bug closed user 1nd1g0
#1053 Error when save edit.Error when save edit.bug closed user nhattuan
#417 Deobfuscate: Exporting Fla ErrorDeobfuscate: Exporting Fla Errorbug closed user jenyene
#689 Ignore Case not correctly toggledIgnore Case not correctly toggledbug closed user koen
#1038 IDENTIFIER or THIS or SUPER or STRING_OP expected but LENGTH found on line 92IDENTIFIER or THIS or SUPER or STRING_OP expected but LENGTH found on line 92bug closed user jstar88
#1069 playerglobal.swc missingplayerglobal.swc missingquestion closed user BlossomStein
#1068 Export to Flash failed with message of java casting problem GRADIENT to FOCAL GRADIENTExport to Flash failed with message of java casting problem GRADIENT to FOCAL GRADIENTbug closed user winxalex
#1058 Direct editing as results in corrupt abc code.Direct editing as results in corrupt abc code.bug closed user Rymez2K
#1008 "Short" type is decompiled incorrectly."Short" type is decompiled incorrectly.bug closed user Michael
#1004 rename invalid identifiers renames "this", toorename invalid identifiers renames "this", toobug closed user uragan1987
#945 Direct editation bugDirect editation bugbug closed user myztikrice
#933 Error Upon Declaring ArraysError Upon Declaring Arraysbug closed user Anthony973
#761 switch bugswitch bugbug closed user andydufresne
#665 Missed decompiled source when using expression: <expression> && <expression>;Missed decompiled source when using expression: <expression> && <expression>;bug closed user Alexander
#370 Decompilation error,for this swf ,has many erros,Decompilation error,for this swf ,has many erros,bug closed user xuanhun
#1054 Something about traits - Problem with as3 direct eidtSomething about traits - Problem with as3 direct eidtbug closed user realmaster42
#1077 not a valid instance name after export to flanot a valid instance name after export to flabug closed user winxalex
#1115 Issue tracker: text search is slowIssue tracker: text search is slowbug closed developer honfika
#1112 Blur when I replace a "DefineShape" with a PNG imageBlur when I replace a "DefineShape" with a PNG imagefeature closed user Orsos
#1090 SWF to Frames convertionSWF to Frames convertionbug invalid user RamBala
#775 AS3 Direction Edit Bug: Getter/Setter Traits don't auto update after savingAS3 Direction Edit Bug: Getter/Setter Traits don't auto update after savingbug closed user realmaster42
#1121 Ability to save binary data by its nameAbility to save binary data by its namefeature closed user Brandon
#1120 Change shape sizeChange shape sizequestion closed user peroncho
#1025 .swf.tmp.swf.tmpquestion closed user Midway
#931 Direct editation: (¬A) ∧ B = ¬(A ∧ B) ??Direct editation: (¬A) ∧ B = ¬(A ∧ B) ??bug closed user Anthony973
#890 arabic arabic question closed user rachidlitim
#323 The default case of switch statement vanish in decompiled resultThe default case of switch statement vanish in decompiled resultbug closed user freddie
#1015 cant save swf filecant save swf filebug closed user malik123
#1116 SWF (+other filetypes) info is not workingSWF (+other filetypes) info is not workingbug closed developer honfika
#1134 Compile preprocessor §§instructions while direct edit.Compile preprocessor §§instructions while direct edit.feature new admin JPEXS
#385 Search SWFs in browsers cache improvementsSearch SWFs in browsers cache improvementsfeature ignored user megalol
#923 Inline edit breaks code consistencyInline edit breaks code consistencybug closed user phantasm
#758 Allow zooming to bigger than the preview areaAllow zooming to bigger than the preview areafeature closed developer honfika
#751 Implement filters as shadersImplement filters as shadersfeature new developer honfika
#1152 Parameters for texts DefineText (11) disappear and x and y values are not correctly setParameters for texts DefineText (11) disappear and x and y values are not correctly setbug closed user joneleit
#1142 Installer localization files are not included in ffdex_xx_lang.zipInstaller localization files are not included in ffdex_xx_lang.zipbug closed developer honfika
#116 Can't decompile a class / Obfuscated codeCan't decompile a class / Obfuscated codebug closed user focus
#1157 Deobfuscation: evaluate arithmetic constantsDeobfuscation: evaluate arithmetic constantsfeature closed user thiht
#729 Cannot decompile obfuscated 'scripts\com\adobe\utils\'Cannot decompile obfuscated 'scripts\com\adobe\utils\'bug invalid user 1nd1g0
#418 FFDec can't deobfuscate some tricks used in SecureSWF 4.5FFDec can't deobfuscate some tricks used in SecureSWF 4.5bug closed user focus
#1161 decompile/deoobfus file faileddecompile/deoobfus file failedbug closed user uragan1987
#1172 Text content is wrong after decompilationText content is wrong after decompilationbug closed user c200210018
#1176 Cant add characterId to placeobjectCant add characterId to placeobjectbug closed user JhonSilver
#1177 Button parameters within JPEXS output?Button parameters within JPEXS output?question closed user joneleit
#1166 Can a DefineText character string be converted into a link (URL)?Can a DefineText character string be converted into a link (URL)?question closed user joneleit
#1171 Unable to set stroke scaling in the fla file decompiled from a file with swf version 5 Unable to set stroke scaling in the fla file decompiled from a file with swf version 5 bug closed user c200210018
#925 Add a link to nightly build page to email notificationAdd a link to nightly build page to email notificationfeature closed developer honfika
#1200 Previous search text should be selected when quick find toolbar opensPrevious search text should be selected when quick find toolbar opensfeature closed developer honfika
#1183 New AS2 decompilation problems, it was wokring in version 7.1.1New AS2 decompilation problems, it was wokring in version 7.1.1bug closed developer honfika
#1135 Missing offset label for try codeMissing offset label for try codebug closed user Suuper
#1133 Incorrect frame order for nested spriteIncorrect frame order for nested spritebug closed user tenmin
#1158 Missing sprite visualMissing sprite visualfeature closed user Brandon
#348 Obfuscated case operatorObfuscated case operatorbug closed user pepka
#1063 method_info array content becomes 0x00 after directly editing ac3method_info array content becomes 0x00 after directly editing ac3bug closed user jameswang
#934 problem when editingproblem when editingbug closed user BYakaS
#1096 Export to FLA "SEVERE Petty print error"Export to FLA "SEVERE Petty print error"bug closed user ViggyNash
#1070 Incorrect decompilation of switch statementIncorrect decompilation of switch statementbug closed user Brandon
#1052 Add object to existing frameAdd object to existing framefeature closed user koen
#1009 Wrong AS3 output in case of looping through ArrayCollection with 'for each' and 'for' with direct-index-accessWrong AS3 output in case of looping through ArrayCollection with 'for each' and 'for' with direct-index-accessbug closed user devbn
#1075 Lenght of DefineText is more larger than original when DefineText is savedLenght of DefineText is more larger than original when DefineText is savedquestion closed user gamuti
#522 Shape replacement - SVG ImportShape replacement - SVG Importfeature closed user strelokhalfer
#1111 Examples of CLI replace commandExamples of CLI replace commandquestion closed user anthony
#980 Export to Fla ProblemsExport to Fla Problemsbug closed user dbk
#1127 autoRenameIdentifiers is not supported in CLI modeautoRenameIdentifiers is not supported in CLI modebug closed user scheffield
#1125 Missing finally block when decompiling try{}finally{} blockMissing finally block when decompiling try{}finally{} blockbug closed user devbn
#1081 Text is not rendered with internal playerText is not rendered with internal playerbug closed developer honfika
#1131 §§dup left in the code§§dup left in the codebug closed user snowalice
#1132 Should exclude the code related to skinParts property of Flex classShould exclude the code related to skinParts property of Flex classbug closed user devbn
#1095 '§§dup' appearing on simple function'§§dup' appearing on simple functionbug closed user ilufang
#1119 AS3 Direct Edit does not support the addition of eventsAS3 Direct Edit does not support the addition of eventsquestion closed user icepegasus
#409 Skin Part of Flex is not decompiledSkin Part of Flex is not decompiledbug closed user freddie
#1097 /regexp/ compilation in AS3 direct editation/regexp/ compilation in AS3 direct editationbug closed user lyravega
#1018 Strange §§dup on 6.0.1 that didn't happen on 5.xStrange §§dup on 6.0.1 that didn't happen on 5.xbug closed user soywiz2
#792 Decompiled code cannot be ran because of RegExp.Decompiled code cannot be ran because of RegExp.bug closed user zhengdk
#1103 wrong code in AS3wrong code in AS3bug closed user refgd
#415 HaXe compiled SWF support.HaXe compiled SWF support.feature closed user yanrishatum
#1136 Gif Image are not workingGif Image are not workingquestion closed user Ricky
#1138 All exported videos are the same file which may be brokenAll exported videos are the same file which may be brokenbug closed user DarkDaskin
#1139 Broken link for install_flash_player_ax.exeBroken link for install_flash_player_ax.exebug closed user maijin
#930 Error on installError on installbug closed user sky
#1073 Static fields and const are often initialized in initializers, Editing value here is not enoughStatic fields and const are often initialized in initializers, Editing value here is not enoughquestion closed user sagar81
#1141 Change shape sizeChange shape sizequestion closed user RASMiranda
#1143 What is?.What is?.question closed user flashman
#1137 Cannot run program ""/usr/local/bin/flashplayer"": error=2, No such file or Cannot run program ""/usr/local/bin/flashplayer"": error=2, No such file or directorybug closed user coolspeedy6
#1147 XML Content of the shape data is exported twiceXML Content of the shape data is exported twicebug returned user Brandon
#1149 Replace in script commandline question.Replace in script commandline question.question closed user z4k
#1154 The Program Won't Start at AllThe Program Won't Start at Allbug closed user Mettaton
#1211 Internal SWF player enhancementsInternal SWF player enhancementsfeature new user megalol
#315 Translation: GermanTranslation: Germanother opened user krock
#1213 Changing tag typesChanging tag typesquestion closed user Nanasaki_Koko
#1173 How is P-code ofsXXX generated?How is P-code ofsXXX generated?question closed user capasha
#786 Decompiler errorsDecompiler errorsbug closed user kurzedmetal
#1222 Place local classes in separate nodes in the package explorerPlace local classes in separate nodes in the package explorerfeature new user henke37
#1214 Comparitors are Reversed!Comparitors are Reversed!other closed user C3Pex
#1228 §11§ left in the code§11§ left in the codequestion closed user ytwangli
#1218 Windows Defender detects the ffdec.exe contains malware/trojanWindows Defender detects the ffdec.exe contains malware/trojanbug closed user BradMichelle
#1237 Text search in AS working only if scripts tab is selectedText search in AS working only if scripts tab is selectedquestion closed user megalol
#1242 Resolve registersResolve registersfeature new user Owyn
#1244 Incorrect showing of NOP instructionsIncorrect showing of NOP instructionsbug closed user Owyn
#1249 Search pcode hex for byte array stringSearch pcode hex for byte array stringfeature new user ipb
#1256 Name symbol after ActionScript linkageName symbol after ActionScript linkagefeature new user turkeybaster5723
#1021 Translation: ItalianTranslation: Italianother opened user kalip
#468 Translation : FrenchTranslation : Frenchfeature opened user gamuti
#1267 Importing SVG creates empty fillStyles arrayImporting SVG creates empty fillStyles arrayquestion closed user fratti
#1250 not working  - firewall problemsnot working - firewall problemsquestion closed user Puki
#1259 CTRL Click on AS3 Functions do not work anymore + question.CTRL Click on AS3 Functions do not work anymore + question.bug closed user WindowsTV
#1268 Again problem with huge space between letters FONT replace/add/exportAgain problem with huge space between letters FONT replace/add/exportbug closed user michalss
#1281 SWF Fonts Space problemSWF Fonts Space problembug closed user michalss
#1264 Search SWFs in memory menu function is visible and enabled on non Windows systemSearch SWFs in memory menu function is visible and enabled on non Windows systembug closed user cnbeining
#907 Version info is wrong in fileVersion info is wrong in filebug closed developer honfika
#906 -dumpAS3 commandline option not working-dumpAS3 commandline option not workingbug closed user jml
#1272 JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler 9.0.0 Simplified Chinese language updateJPEXS Free Flash Decompiler 9.0.0 Simplified Chinese language updateother closed user dayanzai
#1219 Loading, Saving, Expoting not workingLoading, Saving, Expoting not workingbug closed user Sergio_D
#1288 Flash Player PathFlash Player Pathquestion closed user Gigabait
#1283 Unbounded Vector<*> direct editation problemUnbounded Vector<*> direct editation problembug closed user Marek.47
#1296 How can one see the fully qualified class and package names?How can one see the fully qualified class and package names?question closed user vorta4
#1307 Add support swf files with lzma compression.Add support swf files with lzma compression.feature closed user ra2fat
#1316 Create font picker dialog and use it in settings dialogCreate font picker dialog and use it in settings dialogfeature new developer honfika
#1319 Recompiled FFdec.deb Packacked Worked for Solve Dependency ProblemRecompiled FFdec.deb Packacked Worked for Solve Dependency Problemother closed user Random
#1320 shape transparency not preserved on export-reimportshape transparency not preserved on export-reimportfeature new user Owyn
#1311 actionScript source font sizeactionScript source font sizefeature closed user feipinxiang
#1314  user interface user interfacebug closed user shared_login
#591 Translation: CatalanTranslation: Catalanother opened user jbadiella
#988 Can't Save as exeCan't Save as exebug closed user capasha
#1239 Bug with font preview, after glyph insertBug with font preview, after glyph insertbug closed user strelokhalfer
#1224 Error "An error occurred while starting the application"Error "An error occurred while starting the application"bug closed user henke37
#1216 PNG files with transparencies are being exported with a background color.PNG files with transparencies are being exported with a background color.bug closed user robcob
#1215 i cant find advanced sttings on german version i cant find advanced sttings on german version bug closed user zealotta
#1230 Save session + internal viewer bugSave session + internal viewer bugbug closed user megalol
#1333 Exporting sprites as swf filesExporting sprites as swf filesfeature closed user realmaster42
#1348 Cannot properly export frame with cyrillic symbols to SVGCannot properly export frame with cyrillic symbols to SVGbug closed user dikelito
#1305 IGGY File Format - fonts, etc.IGGY File Format - fonts, etc.feature opened user michalss
#1329 Script filteringScript filteringquestion closed user r0b33
#1352 Better font importingBetter font importingfeature new user JoeH
#1368 How do you use -replace in commandline?How do you use -replace in commandline?question closed user Varq
#1367 How do I change an RGBA fill colour to just RGB? Images not showing, can't save file.How do I change an RGBA fill colour to just RGB? Images not showing, can't save file.bug closed user dunc001
#1377 Import/export <constant_string>Import/export <constant_string>feature new user SileNTViP
#1386 Guide/Bibliography/Documentation for SWF reverse engineeringGuide/Bibliography/Documentation for SWF reverse engineeringother new user muhbytes
#1384 Some links on debugging, for the website too?Some links on debugging, for the website too?other new user muhbytes
#1209 Debug SWF running in browserDebug SWF running in browserfeature new user focus
#1385 Tool: mitmproxy over the wire debug capability injection (request for comments)Tool: mitmproxy over the wire debug capability injection (request for comments)other new user muhbytes
#1390 Improved filter when exportingImproved filter when exportingfeature new user Lambda
#1391 Procrammatically accessible CLI interface  or otherwiseProcrammatically accessible CLI interface or otherwisefeature new user muhbytes
#325 Translation: SpanishTranslation: Spanishother opened user poxyran
#1401 SVG export: duplicate pattern IDsSVG export: duplicate pattern IDsbug closed user dev_zzo
#1405 "-selectclass" using the command line"-selectclass" using the command linequestion new user TCount
#1406 Output to the consoleOutput to the consolequestion new user TCount
#1416 Add Action Scripts to SWFAdd Action Scripts to SWFfeature closed user RadiatedFox
#1418 Ability to make jpex Always on topAbility to make jpex Always on topfeature new user RafatRifaie
#1419 Hide unnecessary script class filesHide unnecessary script class filesfeature new user RafatRifaie
#1420 Ignore specific packages when using the Text Search toolIgnore specific packages when using the Text Search toolfeature new user RafatRifaie
#1433 Edit multiple frames/PlaceObjects at onceEdit multiple frames/PlaceObjects at oncequestion new user plug_clock
#1436 Importing a scripts folder only imports scripts already in the SWF fileImporting a scripts folder only imports scripts already in the SWF filefeature new user DavidJCobb
#1443 A question regarding command line replacement for a scriptA question regarding command line replacement for a scriptquestion new user Madluv
#1447 How i can open this file?How i can open this file?question closed user danteg9
#1442 Can't load Iggy file.Can't load Iggy file.bug opened user masumi
#1440 3) PlayerGlobal (.swc) path  where do i find that??? ( 2. flash player projector content debugger path doesn't work)3) PlayerGlobal (.swc) path where do i find that??? ( 2. flash player projector content debugger path doesn't work)question closed user Nao
#1441 I have installed the JPEXS decompiler but it isn't working. I have installed the JPEXS decompiler but it isn't working. bug invalid user tayobalogun
#1439 can't edit the first line of actionscriptcan't edit the first line of actionscriptbug ignored user noname
#1434 [Request]Help with an swf feature[Request]Help with an swf featureother ignored user ScurySnek
#1431 Function Beginning being removed in Button's codeFunction Beginning being removed in Button's codequestion closed user obs1d1an
#1389 Multiple formats not working via command lineMultiple formats not working via command linequestion closed user Lambda
#1404 CANT OPEN FILECANT OPEN FILEbug invalid user dodge
#1456 JSyntaxPane editor not loading on Java 10JSyntaxPane editor not loading on Java 10bug closed user Help
#1472 Using Text Search results in large ram/power useUsing Text Search results in large ram/power usebug new user Help
#1475 A bit meta: This bug tracker page's filter and sort aren't workingA bit meta: This bug tracker page's filter and sort aren't workingbug closed user DoomTay
#1478 Reading header via command lineReading header via command linequestion closed user jtvjan
#1483 -replace commandline arguments question-replace commandline arguments questionquestion closed user mojtaba
#1530 CWS to FWSCWS to FWSquestion closed user yoog290048
#1529 -selectid does not work on sprites and buttons-selectid does not work on sprites and buttonsbug closed user yoog290048
#1545 Saving comments in the Actionscript editor does not workSaving comments in the Actionscript editor does not workquestion ignored user radzo73
#1549 swf to frame:canvas, the text cannot be copied, any chance to convert to html5 like sothink with editable text html5?swf to frame:canvas, the text cannot be copied, any chance to convert to html5 like sothink with editable text html5?feature new user nissansz
#1451 invalid swf file, wrong signature.invalid swf file, wrong signature.other closed user nus2ss
#1562 Black squares pop up everywhere on images and frames Black squares pop up everywhere on images and frames question closed user BecauseitsAitme
#1577 Replacing font without erasing dependancies?Replacing font without erasing dependancies?question new user toni_ssb
#1189 imports sortingimports sortingfeature closed user BeniBela
#1184 Invalid regular expression generatedInvalid regular expression generatedbug closed user BeniBela
#1187 named break in switch or try/catchnamed break in switch or try/catchquestion closed user BeniBela
#1191 assignment missingassignment missingbug closed user BeniBela
#974 Assignment in ifAssignment in ifbug closed user BeniBela
#975 Return traceReturn tracequestion closed user BeniBela
#987 assignment in for each lostassignment in for each lostbug closed user BeniBela
#1002 CASE / IF EILSE substitution on decomilation CASE / IF EILSE substitution on decomilation bug closed user RoverWhite
#986 wrong typewrong typebug closed user BeniBela
#376 Decompilation errorsDecompilation errorsbug closed user megalol
#572 Unsupported by decompiler:Empty stack;Unsupported by decompiler:Empty stack;bug closed user Player
#971 forgotten assignment for increment in first lineforgotten assignment for increment in first linebug closed user BeniBela
#1064 AS3 decompilation problemAS3 decompilation problembug closed developer honfika
#1083 P-code deobfuscation breaks SWFP-code deobfuscation breaks SWFbug closed user Suuper
#1150 Partial decompilation (in try catch?)Partial decompilation (in try catch?)bug closed user Brandon
#1324 P-code deobfuscation may yield incorrect decompilation(++ operator side effect overlooked)P-code deobfuscation may yield incorrect decompilation(++ operator side effect overlooked)bug closed user vonchun
#1582 Cannot load swfCannot load swfbug ignored user AidentheTechBoy
#888 Panel width problem in JSyntaxPane with chinese charactersPanel width problem in JSyntaxPane with chinese charactersbug closed developer honfika
#1013 Fail to save any SWF that was modified.Fail to save any SWF that was modified.bug closed user Djamana
#1093 wrong code in AS3wrong code in AS3bug closed user refgd
#1192 Multiple default case in switchMultiple default case in switchbug closed developer honfika
#1594 Disable padding in p-code, use oldstyle getlocal_xDisable padding in p-code, use oldstyle getlocal_xfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1229 Changing the script via P-Code/HEX not work correctlyChanging the script via P-Code/HEX not work correctlybug ignored user GAMELASTER
#1315 Icon sorting shows the wrong direction. Icon sorting shows the wrong direction. bug closed user shared_login
#1321 No obfuscation, Broken code?No obfuscation, Broken code?bug ignored user Xploit
#1334 For loops converts automatic to while loopsFor loops converts automatic to while loopsbug closed user capasha
#1344 Save session + internal viewer bug (again but now with scripts instead texts)Save session + internal viewer bug (again but now with scripts instead texts)bug closed user megalol
#1349 Why does FFDEC add -relaunched to the projector?Why does FFDEC add -relaunched to the projector?bug closed user capasha
#1358 Decompiling errorsDecompiling errorsbug invalid user Daniel
#1359 Update #1358 informationUpdate #1358 informationbug invalid user Daniel
#1364 Decompiling errorsDecompiling errorsbug closed user Daniel
#1375 Decompiling failsDecompiling failsbug invalid user froheweihnachten
#1376 Cannot access resources in some SWFCannot access resources in some SWFquestion closed user Zamasu
#1398 Keeps giving me the error massage "OutOfMemory error occurred. You are running 32bit Java on 64bit system. Please use 64bit Java." despite the fact that I do have a 64-bit java installedKeeps giving me the error massage "OutOfMemory error occurred. You are running 32bit Java on 64bit system. Please use 64bit Java." despite the fact that I do have a 64-bit java installedbug closed user JCrv
#1412 Transparent Image ExportingTransparent Image Exportingbug closed user Miroware
#1426 unicode class name, function name, variable nameunicode class name, function name, variable namebug ignored user pin
#1395 Debug not workingDebug not workingbug closed user castacio
#1387 -enabledebugging -injectas3 supplied debug information results in incorrect line numbers during debugging-enabledebugging -injectas3 supplied debug information results in incorrect line numbers during debuggingquestion closed user muhbytes
#1452 Can't Use (missing java?)Can't Use (missing java?)question closed user BrokenNotDaily
#1522 Invalid SWF, Wrong Signature Invalid SWF, Wrong Signature bug invalid user idah6
#1533 DefineSprite to Transparent PNGDefineSprite to Transparent PNGbug closed user Prozacs
#1499 ffdec fails to start: Could not initialize class com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.configuration.Configurationffdec fails to start: Could not initialize class com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.configuration.Configurationbug closed user nnyby
#1538 Obfuscated names in SWFObfuscated names in SWFquestion closed user VladD
#1539 Saving a SWF is buggedSaving a SWF is buggedbug invalid user AlienDrew
#1544 invalid swf file, wrong signature.invalid swf file, wrong signature.bug invalid user wtfiwinomgs
#1546 Swf list not showing in search in memory on chromeSwf list not showing in search in memory on chromebug closed user sunlol
#1559 Shape ReplaceShape Replacebug ignored user LorDograh
#1599 Swf preview not working in new versions ffdecSwf preview not working in new versions ffdecquestion closed user Kuroneko
#1586 "DefineVideoStream [2]" stuck on desktop after closing program mid-export."DefineVideoStream [2]" stuck on desktop after closing program mid-export.question closed user VEVEEVEVEE
#1604 Comments in p-codeComments in p-codequestion closed user Kuroneko
#1596 Searching not show results automatically - inifite loop in traits reorderingSearching not show results automatically - inifite loop in traits reorderingbug closed user Kuroneko
#1207 Help. Need to understand these instructionsHelp. Need to understand these instructionsquestion closed user Alexa
#1378 How to export pdf/gif/etc. with a transparent background?How to export pdf/gif/etc. with a transparent background?question closed user Bladescarr
#1388 helphelpquestion closed user TECHNIS
#1397 Import/add shapesImport/add shapesquestion closed user Katan025
#1510 Invalid SWF file, wrong signatureInvalid SWF file, wrong signaturequestion closed user prasmatnus
#1571 Ask for helpAsk for helpquestion closed user lb21
#1605 P-code stackP-code stackquestion closed user Kuroneko
#1602 Delete traits buttonDelete traits buttonfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1155 Remove trait property or methodRemove trait property or methodfeature closed user midius
#1366 Adding scripts to swf fileAdding scripts to swf filefeature closed user MasterWex
#1409 ability of adding actionscripts in a SWFability of adding actionscripts in a SWFfeature closed user GameHunter
#1573 can't add class!!!can't add class!!!question closed user jackma
#1609 First frame missing when exporting frames to PDF.First frame missing when exporting frames to PDF.bug closed user Do2
#1587 how to edit import if there is no pcode for ithow to edit import if there is no pcode for itquestion closed user shaun
#1583 Not a typeNot a typebug ignored user nttzx
#1578 Already complete chinese translationAlready complete chinese translationother closed user XiaozhiCar
#1554 I can't able to open the exported .bin file in raw formI can't able to open the exported .bin file in raw formquestion invalid user Amish2
#1613 Ffdec unclicked scripts bugFfdec unclicked scripts bugbug new user Kuroneko
#1153 Exported JPEG Images are invalidExported JPEG Images are invalidbug closed user MurphyRadio
#1148 Can this file be decompiled? I'm getting no luckCan this file be decompiled? I'm getting no luckbug closed user shyden
#1067 Possible bug with AS3 direct editPossible bug with AS3 direct editbug ignored user DV8FromTheWorld
#1614 Bug with "Find usage"Bug with "Find usage"bug new user Kuroneko
#1417 Edit actionScript needs fixingEdit actionScript needs fixingbug invalid user RadiatedFox
#1421 Internal error when trying to click 'Save' in the 'Edit Actionscript' panelInternal error when trying to click 'Save' in the 'Edit Actionscript' panelbug closed user NafrayuMiriyu
#1625 Log save in .txtLog save in .txtfeature new user Kuroneko
#1620 Old search styleOld search stylefeature closed user Kuroneko
#1623 Gray line in p-code edit windowGray line in p-code edit windowbug closed user Kuroneko
#1624 Ffdec saved only one search resultFfdec saved only one search resultbug closed user Kuroneko
#1638 RegExp doubleslash highlighting like commentRegExp doubleslash highlighting like commentquestion closed user Kuroneko
#1642 Multiname not found on index [only log of error]Multiname not found on index [only log of error]bug new user Kuroneko
#1285 JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler v.9.0.0 is removing flash.external.ExternalInterface; on saving the file. I want to communicate SWF through JS.JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler v.9.0.0 is removing flash.external.ExternalInterface; on saving the file. I want to communicate SWF through JS.bug ignored user Adee
#1517 ok now when i edit i get ah greyed out when starting gameok now when i edit i get ah greyed out when starting gamebug invalid user kinggully123
#938 parallel feature keeps setting to low number, not default 20parallel feature keeps setting to low number, not default 20bug closed user BeStPRoGiE
#917 CPU Spikes to 100% on This FileCPU Spikes to 100% on This Filebug closed user CraigP
#1160 Can not save after edit (experimental) - SEVERECan not save after edit (experimental) - SEVEREbug closed user bhfff
#1151 Text filters are not saved in exported FLAText filters are not saved in exported FLAbug closed user Brandon
#1174 Method/Getter/Setter Trait is in swedish after changing language to englishMethod/Getter/Setter Trait is in swedish after changing language to englishbug closed user capasha
#1175 Cannot edit/set/copy ActionScript name of symboldCannot edit/set/copy ActionScript name of symboldbug closed user JhonSilver
#1180 Save pcode edit, null pointer exception on decompiling, work lost.Save pcode edit, null pointer exception on decompiling, work lost.bug closed user Mgamerz
#1145 consecutive NOT(!)s are being merged, altering the code behavior at timesconsecutive NOT(!)s are being merged, altering the code behavior at timesbug closed user ilufang
#1167 Second parameter after -replace has to be a local fileSecond parameter after -replace has to be a local filebug closed user z4k
#1210 Frame Export - CANVAS mode showing Java Lang Null pointer Error for certain .swfsFrame Export - CANVAS mode showing Java Lang Null pointer Error for certain .swfsbug closed user yogicxl
#1233 Exported images with transparency look differentExported images with transparency look differentbug closed user eyal.katz
#1251 SWF is not the same after exporting to XML then importing back to SWFSWF is not the same after exporting to XML then importing back to SWFbug closed user Proweb
#1236 ffdec won't openffdec won't openbug closed user bluep1x
#1241 File content is different to what FFDEC shows in HEX view near instructionsFile content is different to what FFDEC shows in HEX view near instructionsbug closed user Owyn
#1238 Hi, is something going wrong when use the free flash decompiler,can you help me?Hi, is something going wrong when use the free flash decompiler,can you help me?bug closed user shirh19910112
#1275 The value of local variable not showing on debugging (v.9.0.0)The value of local variable not showing on debugging (v.9.0.0)bug closed user kenkoumine
#1278 replacing DefineBits issues errorreplacing DefineBits issues errorbug closed user gslater
#1265 MP3SOUNDDATA/MP3FRAME reading problemMP3SOUNDDATA/MP3FRAME reading problembug closed user Scrivener07
#1274 Deb package requires specifically Oracle's JREDeb package requires specifically Oracle's JREbug closed user Caagr98
#1284 Adding a DefineShapeTag and then replacing it with an already existing SVG file or PNG file results in a still empty shape (with a few changes in the tag info)Adding a DefineShapeTag and then replacing it with an already existing SVG file or PNG file results in a still empty shape (with a few changes in the tag info)bug closed user tigeros
#1289 Variables used in inner functions in local registersVariables used in inner functions in local registersbug closed user abbulssa
#1309 recent files not getting updatesrecent files not getting updatesbug closed user Owyn
#1312 about client.swf that release version can read it but nightly cant ..about client.swf that release version can read it but nightly cant ..bug closed user Djjom2x
#1303 garbled text when exporting frame with textgarbled text when exporting frame with textbug closed user babypandas
#1323 Audio playback failsAudio playback failsbug closed user henke37
#1326 Editing traits doesn't workEditing traits doesn't workbug closed user capasha
#1327 Can't use uppercase codeCan't use uppercase codebug closed user capasha
#1302 callpropvoid instruction docblock not correctcallpropvoid instruction docblock not correctbug closed user afraca
#1301 Cache files are still opened by java even after clearCache files are still opened by java even after clearbug closed user zorzo
#1243 clicking edit in P-code source 1st time makes it jump to line 1 thereclicking edit in P-code source 1st time makes it jump to line 1 therebug closed user Owyn
#1340 Recommended 64bit JRE on 32bit OSRecommended 64bit JRE on 32bit OSbug closed user StaSyaN
#1341 OutOfMemory error occurred. You are running 32bit Java on 64bit system. Please use 64bit Java.OutOfMemory error occurred. You are running 32bit Java on 64bit system. Please use 64bit Java.bug closed user Labo
#1343 AS 1/2 direct editation critical bugAS 1/2 direct editation critical bugbug closed user megalol
#1354 An error occurred while attempting to convert swf to flv.An error occurred while attempting to convert swf to flv.bug closed user Daniel
#1357 SWC not loadableSWC not loadablebug closed user cacaod
#1369 PNG exporte with bad qualityPNG exporte with bad qualitybug closed user bob456
#1430 SWF File obfuscated with Leawo cannot be opened or deobfuscated.SWF File obfuscated with Leawo cannot be opened or deobfuscated.bug closed user bennh
#1415 JPEXS Freezes when i close the flash debugger from outside of JPEXSJPEXS Freezes when i close the flash debugger from outside of JPEXSbug closed user RafatRifaie
#1479 Invalid SWF Wrong Signature when try to open SWFInvalid SWF Wrong Signature when try to open SWFbug closed user Machow8
#1482 Invalid SWF Wrong SignatureInvalid SWF Wrong Signaturebug closed user yuno321
#1484 -replace commanline arg gives NullPointer on script problem-replace commanline arg gives NullPointer on script problembug closed user mojtaba
#1457 switch statement not detectedswitch statement not detectedbug closed user Tibi
#1337 The value of local variable not showing on debugging ((v.10.0.0))The value of local variable not showing on debugging ((v.10.0.0))bug closed user yyangcs
#1503 Simple cli swf to fla export fails with java.lang.NullPointerExceptionSimple cli swf to fla export fails with java.lang.NullPointerExceptionbug closed user inkl
#349 Registers not properly declaredRegisters not properly declaredbug closed user pjwendy
#1379 postincrement in parameter list confuses JPEXSpostincrement in parameter list confuses JPEXSbug closed user svdb
#1548 DefineFont3 tag cannot be dumpedDefineFont3 tag cannot be dumpedbug closed user nissansz
#1550 Font Missing name. Font Missing name. bug closed user nissansz
#341 Unnecessary removing setlocal (kill removes temporary registers)Unnecessary removing setlocal (kill removes temporary registers)bug closed user poxyran
#1190 §§nextName and §§nextValue§§nextName and §§nextValuebug closed user BeniBela
#973 Pointless §§dupPointless §§dupbug closed user BeniBela
#1126 AS3 decompiled with wrong setter and illegal break statementAS3 decompiled with wrong setter and illegal break statementbug closed user devbn
#402 Can't decompile Flash Antidecompiler 6.9 obfuscated codeCan't decompile Flash Antidecompiler 6.9 obfuscated codebug closed user focus
#211 Automatic deobfuscationAutomatic deobfuscationfeature closed user pepka
#1646 Scrolling only in fieldsScrolling only in fieldsbug new user Kuroneko
#1396 [BOUNTY] Add to FLA output[BOUNTY] Add to FLA outputfeature opened user wwmikes
#1332 Image not appearingImage not appearingbug closed user idk
#1652 Cursor bug in search windowCursor bug in search windowbug new user Kuroneko
#1225 Simplify expressions does not use +=Simplify expressions does not use +=feature closed user henke37
#1653 AS3 P-Code edit traits outside classesAS3 P-Code edit traits outside classesquestion closed user Kuroneko
#1654 IconsIconsfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1617 Recent search resultsRecent search resultsquestion closed user Kuroneko
#1601 Hide tips windowHide tips windowquestion closed user Kuroneko
#1588 DoAction tag for a frameDoAction tag for a framefeature closed user uranreactor
#1563 (2 issues) 1: White simple User Interface despite oceanic user interface skin | 2: definevideo and definevideostream(2 issues) 1: White simple User Interface despite oceanic user interface skin | 2: definevideo and definevideostreamquestion closed user BecauseitsAitme
#1536 How to import a font into an SWFHow to import a font into an SWFquestion closed user murkalurk2099
#1535 Interpreting XFLInterpreting XFLquestion closed user pongstylin
#1525 How do i edit scripts using playerglobal?How do i edit scripts using playerglobal?question closed user UppercutMan
#1508 Export PNG in fully qualityExport PNG in fully qualityquestion closed user SmashJosh
#1506 Add Flex SDK?Add Flex SDK?question closed user WindowsTV
#1505 Replacing Scripts in FramesReplacing Scripts in Framesquestion closed user radzo73
#1500 Cant find file swf version >37 in memoryCant find file swf version >37 in memoryquestion closed user kai
#1491 Save AS edit with a problem?Save AS edit with a problem?question closed user Hamrhed
#1471 Import Script not workingImport Script not workingquestion closed user Help
#1463 How do I replace shapes with PNG imagesHow do I replace shapes with PNG imagesquestion closed user yelehenabouk
#1394 Add new script packAdd new script packquestion closed user TECHNIS
#1350 How do I save modification to embedded binary dataHow do I save modification to embedded binary dataquestion closed user freiza
#1338 [Edit ActionScript] Vector.<uint> would be replaced with ApplyTypeAVM2Iteam[Edit ActionScript] Vector.<uint> would be replaced with ApplyTypeAVM2Iteamquestion closed user michaelpdu
#1331 Is there a easier way to set "Allow Smoothing" for bitmap (in Flash Library)?Is there a easier way to set "Allow Smoothing" for bitmap (in Flash Library)?question closed user RadarNyan
#1317 How to add an include directment in AS2?How to add an include directment in AS2?question closed user idk
#1448 Bad VirusTotal results - Hidden Malware?Bad VirusTotal results - Hidden Malware?other closed user AnApprenticeNot
#1027 pure image bytespure image bytesbug closed user PatrikNusszer
#422 help me pleasehelp me pleaseother closed user chat
#1032 swf frame to pdf problemswf frame to pdf problembug closed user Mutlu
#1287 Get rid of Unidentified Developer StatusGet rid of Unidentified Developer Statusfeature closed user MasterWex
#1266 Export frames to animated gif with transparent backgroundExport frames to animated gif with transparent backgroundfeature closed user 3KyNoX
#724 Import shapesImport shapesfeature closed user Zizi17
#1570 Bad shape rendering in previewBad shape rendering in previewbug closed user rBVDGAAXqC6y7fL7byoG
#1662 Adding own custom search list per swfAdding own custom search list per swffeature new user Kuroneko
#1647 Copying to Clipboard no longer supports transparencyCopying to Clipboard no longer supports transparencybug closed user radzo73
#1645 Scrolling search resultScrolling search resultfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1640 Bug with search results windowBug with search results windowbug closed user Kuroneko
#1639 Deleting recents search results in swfDeleting recents search results in swffeature closed user Kuroneko
#1634 Missed focus after edit button in varsMissed focus after edit button in varsbug closed user Kuroneko
#1631 Flash ActiveX won't install when installing latest releaseFlash ActiveX won't install when installing latest releasebug closed user LukePlays
#1627 Long search bugLong search bugbug closed user Kuroneko
#1622 Slowing scrolling in search results windowSlowing scrolling in search results windowbug closed user Kuroneko
#1616 Close and search buttonsClose and search buttonsfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1612 Hide search params to additional params sectionHide search params to additional params sectionfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1611 Checkbox to not show notification againCheckbox to not show notification againfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1606 Replace files from BinaryDataReplace files from BinaryDatabug closed user FuriousCreeper
#1598 Adding new scripts or folders in swfAdding new scripts or folders in swffeature closed user Kuroneko
#1597 Use oldstyle lookupswithUse oldstyle lookupswithfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1595 Save search resultsSave search resultsfeature closed user Kuroneko
#1584 Rotating SVG text problemRotating SVG text problembug closed user SyntaxTerror
#692 Search Tool has an Annoying FeatureSearch Tool has an Annoying Featurequestion closed user 1nd1g0
#1668 New context menu item (AS3 only)New context menu item (AS3 only)bug closed user STA20
#1671 Different image display color between exported file as PDF and PNGDifferent image display color between exported file as PDF and PNGbug closed user ahsanx
#1669 Can't save the file after removing a bitmap that is part of a shapeCan't save the file after removing a bitmap that is part of a shapebug closed user STA20
#1672 bug when entering any value over 4 digitsbug when entering any value over 4 digitsbug closed user STA20
#1677 Get a "severe" error when opening a file.Get a "severe" error when opening a file.bug closed user STA20
#1600 Bug with switching keyboard languageBug with switching keyboard languagebug closed user Kuroneko
#1393 View ASCII in HEX modeView ASCII in HEX modebug closed user BiosNod
#1681 Creating packages after clicking on a subfolderCreating packages after clicking on a subfolderfeature closed user BiosNod
#1687 rough speed of SWF decompilingrough speed of SWF decompilingbug closed user SomeRandomONE
#1691 Does JPEXS provide a mappings service?Does JPEXS provide a mappings service?question new user Krystilize
#1693 No multiname found under cursorNo multiname found under cursorbug new user Krystilize
#1694 WARNING the SVG tag 'use' is not supported.WARNING the SVG tag 'use' is not supported.question closed user GeekyGami
#1696 How do I save an adjusted Matrix for a Placeobject2 tag?How do I save an adjusted Matrix for a Placeobject2 tag?question closed user epicsninja
#1707 Add frame to DefineSpriteAdd frame to DefineSpritequestion closed user BlasterGrim
#1710 How to add new traitHow to add new traitquestion closed user NicolasC
#1714 Text Search in AS OptimizationText Search in AS Optimizationfeature new user uzer0
#1716 Options to keep inacessible AS codeOptions to keep inacessible AS codefeature closed user uzer0
#1734 Resize the sprite using command line on windowsResize the sprite using command line on windowsquestion new user Alunais
#1742 Can't add more frames to a spriteCan't add more frames to a spritequestion closed user RatMann
#1748 DefineEditText renders wrong fontsDefineEditText renders wrong fontsbug closed user Akira896
#1667 error on save AS scripterror on save AS scriptbug closed user x29r
#1665 "Export selection" button is grayed out for AS2 classes"Export selection" button is grayed out for AS2 classesbug closed user idk
#1661 Slow Rendering Slow Rendering question closed user ayzick
#1580 Editing Import AssetsEditing Import Assetsquestion closed user Zonteak
#1574 How to add new files?How to add new files?question closed user alfredosojr
#1572 swf>svg problemswf>svg problembug closed user alefimov
#1569 java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException on actionscript editingjava.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException on actionscript editingbug closed user crit
#1568 Reset Everything to default settings Automatically In SettingsReset Everything to default settings Automatically In Settingsfeature closed user BecauseitsAitme
#1566 How do i change the name of a tag?How do i change the name of a tag?question closed user WrapperFan
#1565 Trying to edit a file, but it is not saving.Trying to edit a file, but it is not saving.bug closed user Big_Guy_Number_2312
#1561 Import font data (kerning, ascent, descent, etc.)Import font data (kerning, ascent, descent, etc.)feature closed user RadRussianRus
#1560 Error on compiling - $$goto is not availableError on compiling - $$goto is not availablebug closed user teliosmetonma
#1557 Screenshots appear everywhere on JPEXSScreenshots appear everywhere on JPEXSbug closed user ifyoudarethenpizzait
#1553 exported images could not be displayedexported images could not be displayedbug closed user nissansz
#1552 images in frame:canvas are all black, not showing correctly.images in frame:canvas are all black, not showing correctly.bug closed user nissansz
#1547 Changing image positionChanging image positionquestion closed user Chinomso
#1543 Import .as to a swfImport .as to a swfquestion closed user Shiro
#1519 How to change/add a sound name?How to change/add a sound name?question closed user KnightOfTigers
#1516 When trying to save after editsWhen trying to save after editsbug closed user kinggully123
#1514 [Stack Overflow] Big actionscript files fail to decompile[Stack Overflow] Big actionscript files fail to decompilebug closed user wkronfeld
#1507 "§§" symbols mess everything up"§§" symbols mess everything upbug closed user Evgen
#1297 I'd like to insert actionscript.I'd like to insert actionscript.question closed user abbulssa
#784 Is it possible to disable spash screen at program start?Is it possible to disable spash screen at program start?question closed user megalol
#644 Search only in subfolder/namespaceSearch only in subfolder/namespacefeature closed user bossfong
#694 Cant decompile SeafightMain.swfCant decompile SeafightMain.swffeature closed user sinlyu
#712 Edit DefineShapeEdit DefineShapefeature closed user Tolkne
#843 Recover += and friends (Compound assignments)Recover += and friends (Compound assignments)feature closed user henke37
#1122 Svg import problems / possible improvementsSvg import problems / possible improvementsfeature closed developer honfika
#1156 9-slice scaling support (DefineScalingGrid)9-slice scaling support (DefineScalingGrid)feature closed user Brandon
#1170 Extract from Memory in Command LineExtract from Memory in Command Linefeature closed user goodffdecnameok
#1202 Detect file change and ask the user to reloadDetect file change and ask the user to reloadfeature closed developer honfika
#1205 "-zoom" command line parameter for Frame export"-zoom" command line parameter for Frame exportfeature closed user alex
#1212 Export .pdf with fonts.Export .pdf with fonts.feature closed user Spr
#1221 Separate icons for different actionscript objectsSeparate icons for different actionscript objectsfeature closed user henke37
#1240 JPEXS does not use multiple threads for decompilation on Text SearchJPEXS does not use multiple threads for decompilation on Text Searchfeature closed user bossfong
#1254 Decoding AS3 timeline scripsDecoding AS3 timeline scripsfeature closed user turkeybaster5723
#1255 Recover instance metadata (AMF value in PlaceObject4)Recover instance metadata (AMF value in PlaceObject4)feature closed user henke37
#1279 Decompilation of traits (methods, fields) with same nameDecompilation of traits (methods, fields) with same namefeature closed admin JPEXS
#1308 Search by all P-code filesSearch by all P-code filesfeature closed user Strangster
#1313 Font Change Font Change feature closed user shared_login
#1322 Plugins for FFDECPlugins for FFDECfeature closed user capasha
#1365 Command -importScript should be able to pass Flex SDK path as another optional command line argumentCommand -importScript should be able to pass Flex SDK path as another optional command line argumentfeature closed user buckybacon
#1371 goto character idgoto character idfeature closed user Owyn
#1373 Export as searchable PDFExport as searchable PDFfeature closed user Bynari
#1410 ability of adding new tags in the SystemClass of a SWFability of adding new tags in the SystemClass of a SWFfeature closed user GameHunter
#1438 Support for editing BUTTONCOND - on(xx)Support for editing BUTTONCOND - on(xx)feature closed user noname
#1485 GUI Night modeGUI Night modefeature closed user Owyn
#535 Decompilation error Code may be obfuscatedDecompilation error Code may be obfuscatedbug closed user acid0
#735 Decompilation errorsDecompilation errorsbug closed user bls1999
#1074 AS3 Direct Edit Case-Switch not correctly togglingAS3 Direct Edit Case-Switch not correctly togglingbug closed user icepegasus
#1088 EcmaScript number to string conversion wrongEcmaScript number to string conversion wrongbug closed developer honfika
#1101 Failed to compile [BUG PROGRAM]Failed to compile [BUG PROGRAM]bug closed user joseckz
#1114 Search result dialog remains open after cloing the SWFsSearch result dialog remains open after cloing the SWFsbug closed developer honfika
#1123 AS3 direct edit problem - 3rd argument of "for" statement stould support ","AS3 direct edit problem - 3rd argument of "for" statement stould support ","bug closed developer honfika
#1159 regex syntax hiligthing for non regex expressionsregex syntax hiligthing for non regex expressionsbug closed developer honfika
#1169 Not able to save swf file after edited updateNot able to save swf file after edited updatebug closed user dazfaz
#1179 Button sound doesn't appear in the exported fla fileButton sound doesn't appear in the exported fla filebug closed user c200210018
#1185 #970 Imports of variables#970 Imports of variablesbug closed user BeniBela
#1186 #972 missing import#972 missing importbug closed user BeniBela
#1188 order of static fieldsorder of static fieldsbug closed user BeniBela
#1196 Since downloading new FFDEC, whenever I try to play a SWF by pressing the RUN icon, it says that the path for the projector cannot be found and says to configure a path in the Advanced Settings. Can anyone help me with this?Since downloading new FFDEC, whenever I try to play a SWF by pressing the RUN icon, it says that the path for the projector cannot be found and says to configure a path in the Advanced Settings. Can anyone help me with this?question closed user cilibekd
#1198 Making small modifications to script causes game to crashMaking small modifications to script causes game to crashbug closed user tgp1994
#1201 Editing code with switch/case seems to corrupt the SWF.Editing code with switch/case seems to corrupt the SWF.bug closed user junebeetle
#1203 P-Code documentsP-Code documentsquestion closed user capasha
#1227 Stack overflow when decompiling large actionscriptStack overflow when decompiling large actionscriptbug closed user TheQueenOfBlades
#1235 Parent Close Comma ErrorParent Close Comma Errorbug closed user rhp1989
#1258 Open dual WindowsOpen dual Windowsquestion closed user Budgie
#1269 Chinese Translation error: Frame(s)Chinese Translation error: Frame(s)other closed user aprikyblue
#1270 convert_i: adding extra cast with each saveconvert_i: adding extra cast with each savebug closed user koen
#1271 AS3 Direct Edit breaks P-CodeAS3 Direct Edit breaks P-Codebug closed user realmaster42
#1277 Decompile&Edit bug - JPEXS v9.0.0Decompile&Edit bug - JPEXS v9.0.0bug closed user ultra_xerox
#1298 Issue With RecompilingIssue With Recompilingbug closed user vorta4
#1310 Modulo Order of Operations IncorrectModulo Order of Operations Incorrectbug closed user RobinHood70
#1328 CURLY_CLOSE expected but IDENTIFIER found in as3.swf test fileCURLY_CLOSE expected but IDENTIFIER found in as3.swf test filebug closed developer honfika
#1330 Issues with direct editing of Actionscript 3Issues with direct editing of Actionscript 3bug closed user StormReaper
#1336 regex, and too much int() unint()regex, and too much int() unint()bug closed user undifine0909
#1339 Unable to use targetPath functionUnable to use targetPath functionbug closed user idk
#1347 Exported JPG images can't be openedExported JPG images can't be openedbug closed user fancool
#1360 Local register postincrement, decrement precedenceLocal register postincrement, decrement precedencebug closed user Daniel
#1392 Corrupted compiled script after modifying or just saving.Corrupted compiled script after modifying or just saving.bug closed user jeff
#1400 SVG export: invalid JPEG dataSVG export: invalid JPEG databug closed user dev_zzo
#1407 Unable to save changes to an SWF when opened as subtreeUnable to save changes to an SWF when opened as subtreebug closed user Mist
#1423 Cant edit some action scripts in this swfCant edit some action scripts in this swfbug closed user RadiatedFox
#1435 Adding a DefineScalingGrid tag to a DefineSprite tag fails, and will corrupt the SWF when it is savedAdding a DefineScalingGrid tag to a DefineSprite tag fails, and will corrupt the SWF when it is savedbug closed user DavidJCobb
#1445 Export obscuration swf fail  when class path have spaceExport obscuration swf fail when class path have spacebug closed user xf5464
#1450 AS3 direct editation save ErrorAS3 direct editation save Errorbug closed user kevoting2
#1461 Cannot save actionscript code. SEVERE error in logCannot save actionscript code. SEVERE error in logbug closed user MasterWex
#1466  Problem when saving SWF file, all files are saved with extension .SWF.TMP Problem when saving SWF file, all files are saved with extension .SWF.TMPbug closed user BrunoMarin
#1467 Direct editing of AS2 doesn't save properlyDirect editing of AS2 doesn't save properlybug closed user SomebodyOnceToldMe
#1470 No register or slot setNo register or slot setbug closed user WesleySales3d
#1474 Decompiled output is somewhat confusingDecompiled output is somewhat confusingbug closed user DoomTay
#1476 On a hi-DPI monitor, any newly created windows will appear behind the main windowOn a hi-DPI monitor, any newly created windows will appear behind the main windowbug closed user DoomTay
#1488 java.util.EmptyStackException when trying to export a framejava.util.EmptyStackException when trying to export a framebug closed user alexv
#1489 Problems with negation and for each loops in the AS2 compilerProblems with negation and for each loops in the AS2 compilerbug closed user figStuff
#1490 PARENT_CLOSE EXPECTED but THIS found - Editing Cast opPARENT_CLOSE EXPECTED but THIS found - Editing Cast opbug closed user Owyn
#1493 Compile CastOp not being used problemCompile CastOp not being used problembug closed user Owyn
#1494 Compile GetURL2 not being used problemCompile GetURL2 not being used problembug closed user Owyn
#1513 .swf.tmp problem.swf.tmp problembug closed user Pikarizard
#1585 Import colored svg file after I exported it and changed the colorsImport colored svg file after I exported it and changed the colorsbug closed user LorenVidican
#1651 Incorrect merging of mask layers with content layersIncorrect merging of mask layers with content layersbug closed user henke37
#1660 thumbnail view context menu remove function not working thumbnail view context menu remove function not working bug returned user aiglove
#1670 Popup windows not visiblePopup windows not visiblequestion returned user CPU
#1750 An error occured while starting the application.An error occured while starting the application.bug closed user Grausamkeeit
#1751 change font letter sizechange font letter sizeother new user swfhacker
#1778 Failed to Install - Java requiredFailed to Install - Java requiredquestion opened user pippasoul2
#1780 Speed,Copy and Loop optionsSpeed,Copy and Loop optionsfeature new user AndrewAssassins
#1781 Pad the numbers in generated names, better searchPad the numbers in generated names, better searchfeature new user FareakyTinkerton
#1790 about actionscript editingabout actionscript editingquestion opened user utopissed
#1802 Option to optimize embedded files (jpg,png,mp3) and recompile/recompress backOption to optimize embedded files (jpg,png,mp3) and recompile/recompress backfeature new user necros2k7
#1815 Move classes or replace classesMove classes or replace classesfeature new user Colly
#1819 SWF To FLA not WorkingSWF To FLA not Workingbug new user samusmclain2
#1821 multiple DoAation Tag not applied to frame correctlymultiple DoAation Tag not applied to frame correctlybug opened user aiglove
#1824 CXT File With Models InsideCXT File With Models Insidequestion opened user BobJow
#1779 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap spacejava.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap spacebug new user ComediNyan
#1830 after editing the action script i saved it, but when i try to exit the program says there are unsaved changesafter editing the action script i saved it, but when i try to exit the program says there are unsaved changesquestion opened user deu
#1844 JPEXS won't load sprites/imagesJPEXS won't load sprites/imagesbug new user bobbilyking
#1720 How to import textHow to import textquestion opened user NicolasC
#270 P-Code deobfuscation progressP-Code deobfuscation progressfeature closed user focus
#210 Translation: Ukrainian, DutchTranslation: Ukrainian, Dutchother opened user pepka
#1850 Debugging SWF from browserDebugging SWF from browserquestion new user zzVertigo
#1848 Image is in needed characters list of shape, but shape isn't in dependent characters list of imageImage is in needed characters list of shape, but shape isn't in dependent characters list of imagequestion new user Chicken
#1847 pdf frame exported is not same as displayed in browser or ffdexpdf frame exported is not same as displayed in browser or ffdexbug closed user nissanjp
#1767 Frames and SpritesFrames and Spritesfeature new user AndrewAssassins
#1685 (AS3) Exception when removing any entry from DefineSceneAndFrameLabelData (AS3) Exception when removing any entry from DefineSceneAndFrameLabelData bug closed user STA20
#1839 Exporting a sprite as PNG does not generate expected resultExporting a sprite as PNG does not generate expected resultbug closed user TheIceCreamBear
#1814 Decompile a .as file from .swf command lineDecompile a .as file from .swf command linequestion opened user readix
#1764 Windows 11 compatibilityWindows 11 compatibilityquestion closed user KendallC68
#354 New TranslationsNew Translationsother opened admin JPEXS
#1859 Error when editing ActionScript 3 P-CodeError when editing ActionScript 3 P-Codebug closed user nosamu
#1860 Export to FLA not workingExport to FLA not workingbug closed user Puzzlecube
#1733 Combat Tournament Sprite 1808 Frame 1 first DoAction script breaks when editedCombat Tournament Sprite 1808 Frame 1 first DoAction script breaks when editedbug opened user CombatTournamentGod
#1730 Is there any way I can force save the actionscript editor?Is there any way I can force save the actionscript editor?bug opened user AzurBlue
#1713 Re: #1395 Debug not workingRe: #1395 Debug not workingbug opened user justin.espedal
#1232 Basic tag info improvementsBasic tag info improvementsfeature closed user megalol
#1363 Command line delete image with dependenciesCommand line delete image with dependenciesquestion opened user rdlsz24
#1846 Transparent objects sometimes don't blend correctlyTransparent objects sometimes don't blend correctlybug closed user Nomag9
#1870 extends class return Error #1014: Class xxxx could not be foundextends class return Error #1014: Class xxxx could not be foundbug closed user irajab
#125 Class fields position in the decompilation listingClass fields position in the decompilation listingfeature closed user focus
#444 Add FFDec to SWF files context menu is not working under linux KDEAdd FFDec to SWF files context menu is not working under linux KDEfeature new user helmy
#475 Advanded settings and language buttons are not centerAdvanded settings and language buttons are not centerfeature postponed user gamuti
#619 Interactivity supportInteractivity supportfeature postponed user psykauze
#620 Canvas export interractivity improvementCanvas export interractivity improvementfeature postponed user psykauze
#622 Mac homebrew package?Mac homebrew package?feature postponed user iggyvolz
#642 AS3 imported classes outside SWF (?)AS3 imported classes outside SWF (?)bug postponed user marianux
#736 Switching the nodes in the tag tree (e.g shapes) not wokring after external flash panel is clickedSwitching the nodes in the tag tree (e.g shapes) not wokring after external flash panel is clickedbug postponed developer honfika
#754 SWF Crashes at JPEXS Dec.SWF Crashes at JPEXS Dec.bug postponed user realmaster42
#763 FLEX MXML creationFLEX MXML creationfeature postponed user Xavier
#804 To preview a full game scene(s) with selected Define*TextTo preview a full game scene(s) with selected Define*Textfeature postponed user megalol
#810 Make a new line in DefineTexts by pressing "Enter" buttonMake a new line in DefineTexts by pressing "Enter" buttonfeature postponed user megalol
#822 warn (in log) for possible (Define)text cut off optionwarn (in log) for possible (Define)text cut off optionfeature closed user megalol
#889 Problem Opening the Application - MacProblem Opening the Application - Macbug closed user UiPE
#914 External player can be closed with Alt-F4External player can be closed with Alt-F4bug postponed developer honfika
#918 Can't start FFDecCan't start FFDecbug postponed user capasha
#940 JPEXS Flash Decompiler on Mac OS X Yosemite not runningJPEXS Flash Decompiler on Mac OS X Yosemite not runningbug closed user Help
#1020 RTL - arabicRTL - arabicfeature postponed user Mohammedhamdy
#1050 Decompile ActionScript in "Export SWF XML"Decompile ActionScript in "Export SWF XML"feature closed user Pneumaticat
#1078 Use native file dialog in GUIUse native file dialog in GUIfeature postponed user Tyilo
#1084 Jpeg-XR supportJpeg-XR supportfeature closed user kks2003
#1102 right to left languagesright to left languagesfeature postponed user soltanejam
#1163 Clicking on Open > File will make the program buggyClicking on Open > File will make the program buggybug postponed user capasha
#1164 Import Assets withour ImportAssets tag. Check here how is it possibleImport Assets withour ImportAssets tag. Check here how is it possiblefeature postponed user Brandon
#1226 Scrolling on Mac OS XScrolling on Mac OS Xfeature postponed user easyaspi314
#1248 Decompile the code using FlashCC will lead to incorrect result.Decompile the code using FlashCC will lead to incorrect result.bug postponed user aprikyblue
#1286 FFDEC not launching Mac OS 10.11. See this related thread on stackoverflow: not launching Mac OS 10.11. See this related thread on stackoverflow: closed user georgechamplin
#1295 IDENTIFIER or THIS or SUPER or STRING_OP expected but BRACKET_OPEN foundIDENTIFIER or THIS or SUPER or STRING_OP expected but BRACKET_OPEN foundbug postponed user babypandas
#1342 /usr/bin/ffdec: line 30: [: too many arguments/usr/bin/ffdec: line 30: [: too many argumentsbug closed user JOELwindows7
#1351 Replace pcode command line using method nameReplace pcode command line using method namefeature closed user sarcova
#1362 Export images from list of SWF files to single directoryExport images from list of SWF files to single directoryfeature closed user bochratoon12
#1374 I am trying to copy tag with dependencies to another swf file but it messes up the scroll bar.I am trying to copy tag with dependencies to another swf file but it messes up the scroll bar.bug closed user timmy01502
#1381 App Wont Open, Please HelpApp Wont Open, Please Helpbug closed user Kimchi
#1425 Support Opening FLA files.Support Opening FLA files.feature closed user wertercatt
#1427 Loading graphicsLoading graphicsbug postponed user CobraGamer
#1437 garbled text in GUIgarbled text in GUIbug closed user Pons
#1444 Tamil supported on Actionscript textTamil supported on Actionscript textfeature closed user shooterarm
#1446 Imported PNGs doesn't feature antialiasingImported PNGs doesn't feature antialiasingbug closed user Katan025
#1453 SWFMOVIE file saving supportSWFMOVIE file saving supportfeature postponed user oven59
#1464 JPEXS not starting anymore after installing Flash Pro CS6JPEXS not starting anymore after installing Flash Pro CS6bug closed user RobinPanfu
#1492 SWF preview does not preview after adding somethingSWF preview does not preview after adding somethingbug postponed user lucman27
#1495 decompilerdecompilerbug closed user Bestie
#1498 compiler, modify decompilercompiler, modify decompilerfeature closed user Bestie
#1502 Renamed class variable names are not savedRenamed class variable names are not savedbug closed user Robotex
#1504 Export to XFLExport to XFLfeature postponed user solodarkban
#1523 Can't type while editing frame dataCan't type while editing frame databug closed user BDslick
#1527 access violationaccess violationbug postponed