#1 |
good job,man | | other |
closed |
googleCode |
#2 |
Wrong code for chained assignments (AS3) | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#3 |
AS2 decompilation fails on these files | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#4 |
Stack overflow on large classes (decompile individual methods would be a nice feature) | | feature |
closed |
googleCode |
#5 |
FSCommand2 not supported | | feature |
closed |
googleCode |
#6 |
wrong code for uncertain function parameters | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#7 |
static variables, complex expressions, const initialization | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#8 |
Commandline Export | | feature |
closed |
googleCode |
#9 |
Caching for code positions while decompiling | | feature |
closed |
googleCode |
#10 |
Missing "default" code block when decompiling switch .. case sometimes | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#11 |
Zero jumps in finally blocks | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#12 |
logical computing & handling temporary variables generated by compiler & if-elsif-else statement & NEED_ARGUMENTS | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#13 |
for..in, for each..in difference | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#14 |
DoABC combobox sorting | | feature |
closed |
googleCode |
#15 |
Inline functions as AVM instructions | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#16 |
Decompiler hangs when a AS3 SWF contains a call to a method that does not exist | | bug |
ignored |
googleCode |
#17 |
Not saving | | bug |
ignored |
googleCode |
#18 |
On loading of file JPAD v.beta1 never completes loading | | bug |
ignored |
googleCode |
#19 |
error for export code with * package | | bug |
ignored |
googleCode |
#20 |
Static variables | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#21 |
Do-While and while loops inside if | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#22 |
dup, setlocal issue | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#23 |
Obfuscated package names don't get renamed | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#24 |
switch by string in anonymous function | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#25 |
Invalid imports | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#26 |
Merging DoABCTags | | feature |
ignored |
googleCode |
#27 |
"Cannot load SWF file" in the new 1.2.0 version | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#28 |
ifne is ifeq | | bug |
ignored |
googleCode |
#29 |
slot/const default value; syntax highlight problem | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#30 |
Unreachable opcode delete | | feature |
closed |
googleCode |
#31 |
i need help it wont let me open a file that ive used before in asdec | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#32 |
ParseException | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#33 |
calling constructor in static const initializer | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#34 |
instead of "while(_loc5_ < 65536)" we have " while(_loc5_ >= 65536)". | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#35 |
Japanese strings | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#36 |
Inserting multiname with non existing index | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#37 |
While conditions are incorrect, always opposite then the required. (Maybe only when the swf was obfuctated) | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#38 |
small indent problem | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#39 |
AS 1/2 New Method | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#40 |
AS1/2 No logging + For..in..return decompilation | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#41 |
Edit of public static constants don't work | | bug |
ignored |
googleCode |
#42 |
Showing flash opcodes in source code windows / edit window | | feature |
closed |
googleCode |
#43 |
Ternaty operator decompilation problem | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#44 |
Text decompile bug | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#45 |
Unicode character cannot save. | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#46 |
if then else with empty branches gets ignored | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#47 |
Decompiler do not produce AS script anymore | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#48 |
Decompile only specified class | | feature |
closed |
googleCode |
#49 |
ffdec.sh should have UNIX-style line endings | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#50 |
AS1/2 function body deobfuscation bug | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#51 |
AS1/2 decompilation defect | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#52 |
CP with a wrong action length | | bug |
closed |
googleCode |
#53 |
first ternary operator expression is always true | | feature |
closed |
googleCode |
#56 |
Some test output is left in this release | | other |
closed |
pepka |
#57 |
Unknown instruction exception (AS3) | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#58 |
ArrayIndexOutOfBound exception (AS3) | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#62 |
NullPointerException | | bug |
closed |
wrr |
#63 |
Possibility to globaly rename variable identifier after deobfuscation | | feature |
closed |
testic |
#64 |
Resolving registers for DefineFunction2 in AS 1/2 | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#65 |
Text Export | | feature |
closed |
#66 |
Decompress LZMA from commandline | | feature |
closed |
#67 |
Rename identifiers to something more meaningful; Skipping rename occasionally | | feature |
closed |
#68 |
DefineBinaryData & SymbolClass | | feature |
closed |
#69 |
RawABC tag for AS3 | | feature |
closed |
pepka |
#72 |
first ternary operator expression is always true | | bug |
closed |
removs |
#73 |
ParseException | | bug |
closed |
wrr |
#75 |
If ... return, Commands in while condition (comma operator) | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#79 |
DoInitAction decompilation problem | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#83 |
Transparent image broken after save modified swf file | | bug |
closed |
hungpq |
#84 |
Can't decompile some classes | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#85 |
Add capapbility to find in all classes as text | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#86 |
Open file dialog should accept filenames in quotes | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#89 |
Illegal field names leads to decompilation issues | | bug |
closed |
jduncanator |
#91 |
AVMgreaterthan | | bug |
invalid |
offyoufly |
#92 |
AVM greaterthan decompiles as "less than" | | bug |
closed |
offyoufly |
#93 |
Switch + return | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#94 |
AS2 ActionTry - register cast problem | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#95 |
AS2 while(true) | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#96 |
Exporting FLA not working with the attached swf | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#97 |
FFDec asks for Java 1.6.0 | | other |
closed |
kuro |
#98 |
Empty initializers causing empty lines in decompiled code | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#99 |
getLogger first parameter is wrong in 2 classes | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#100 |
StackOverflowError | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#101 |
AS 1/2 while + increment/decrement | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#103 |
Missing block | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#104 |
AS3: inc/dec loc NullpointerException, Multiple conditions in loops | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#105 |
Infinite loops | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#106 |
Remove static imports | | other |
closed |
honfika |
#107 |
Separate the gui classes from the other | | other |
closed |
honfika |
#109 |
Probably wrong parameter is passes to getASMSource function | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#110 |
Issues with [CLASS] Tags | | bug |
closed |
jduncanator |
#112 |
protected swf files | | question |
closed |
djtrelos |
#114 |
getPrecontinues(...) causes StackOverflowError | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#115 |
exits with exception on mac os | | bug |
closed |
makc |
#116 |
Can't decompile a class / Obfuscated code | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#117 |
Drag&Drop support | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#118 |
Site bug while subscribing to issue | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#119 |
What the file ffdec.bat is needed for? | | question |
closed |
focus |
#120 |
P-Cod | | feature |
invalid |
focus |
#121 |
Progress indication | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#122 |
More documentation! | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#123 |
Context menu integration | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#124 |
Flash Plyer not found after opening swf from the command line | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#125 |
Class fields position in the decompilation listing | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#126 |
Rename identifiers issues | | bug |
ignored |
focus |
#127 |
Drag-drop exportable item from tree | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#128 |
Missing import for getTimer() function | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#129 |
obfuscated as2 code, not refreshing decompiled after rename | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#130 |
Save to FLA after names renaming still use obfuscated name as a document class. | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#131 |
FFDec can't open obfuscated swf | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#132 |
Rename identifiers renames strings | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#133 |
FFDec can't open big obfuscated as3 swf | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#134 |
Find main (document) class | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#135 |
AS2 Decompilation error | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#136 |
Export to FLA issues | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#137 |
hasNext problem | | bug |
closed |
csganja |
#138 |
Searching in file with 6Mb most of the times crashes JPEXS | | bug |
closed |
yabapolido |
#139 |
Search only on selected class | | feature |
closed |
yabapolido |
#140 |
Missing function | | bug |
closed |
andy |
#141 |
AS2 Decompilation issue | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#143 |
Allow sorting in the issues table | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#145 |
Unicode symbols support needed | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#146 |
See the as2 classes (symbols) names in the structure tree | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#147 |
escape filenames during (obfuscated) as export | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#148 |
Tree contains incorrect, extra nodes | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#149 |
AS3 decompilation issue: empty if branches | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#150 |
AS3 decompilation "line too long" error | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#151 |
option for caching in memory instead of temp files | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#152 |
Empty "if" bracnhes | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#153 |
Infinite search -> Obfuscated code, OutOfMemoryError | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#154 |
AS3 Decompilation Issues / Obfuscated code | | bug |
invalid |
focus |
#155 |
Remember window and panels state between sessions | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#156 |
FFDec freeze after second search | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#157 |
method decomilation fails when deobfuscation is selected | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#158 |
graph repaint problem | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#159 |
AS3: Improper rest parameter handling on MethodInfo tab | | bug |
closed |
djtrelos |
#160 |
binaryData export from commandline | | bug |
closed |
liandry |
#161 |
Skip current file | | feature |
closed |
moonlightangel |
#163 |
swf file remains open afer loading it | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#165 |
direct lookupswitch / alchemy not supported - hidden | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#166 |
method is partially decompiled | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#167 |
sprite tag name appears twice in the foldernaem when exported | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#168 |
export command in the tree context menu | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#169 |
edit method body raw bytes | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#170 |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#171 |
Skipping invalid AS3 code - newobject, newarray | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#172 |
AS1/2 checkPrecoNextParts() emptyness checks; not resolving constants | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#173 |
No method body update after Globally rename identifier | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#174 |
Rename invalid identifiers issue | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#175 |
Incorrect decompilation (can't compile back) | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#176 |
Option to show main document class on swf open | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#177 |
Window maximized state saving | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#178 |
AS Subtract with negate problem | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#179 |
AS3 hasNext instead of foreach (wrong precontinue) | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#180 |
Exporting FLA... for ever | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#181 |
AS3 object field missing quotes | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#182 |
AS3 Decompilation issue - missing namespace import | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#183 |
Export FLA issues: wrong stage size | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#184 |
Export FLA issues: incorrect Linked Video object | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#185 |
Export FLA: no on-clip actions exported | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#186 |
AS2 Decompilation: show on-clip actions more user-friendly | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#189 |
SWF structure tree contains ... in names after Renаme invalid identifiers command | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#190 |
SWF works incorrectly after Rename invalid identifiers command | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#191 |
Can't view DefineShape4 Tag using Internal viewer | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#192 |
Rename invalid identifiers miss some invalid identifiers | | bug |
invalid |
focus |
#193 |
Rename all identifiers | | feature |
new |
focus |
#194 |
Extra line endings in the Issues descriptions | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#195 |
AS2 Decompilation error | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#196 |
AS3 switch issue / automatic deobfuscation | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#197 |
Switch with no breaks | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#198 |
DefineFont2Tag | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#201 |
Main window never shows on Linux because of call to Advapi32Util.registryKeyExists | | bug |
closed |
greghnz |
#202 |
Remove DefineText, DefineEditText tags | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#203 |
editing AS directly shows error when trying to save | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#204 |
Sorting issues list not working | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#205 |
new "quick select" issues: modified | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#206 |
AS3 switch problem | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#207 |
Update SWF preview after switching external to own Flash player view and vice versa. | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#208 |
Rename Invalid identifiers renames anonymous functions | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#209 |
Export to FLA: incorrect Static Fields Y position. | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#210 |
Translation: Ukrainian, Dutch | | other |
opened |
pepka |
#211 |
Automatic deobfuscation | | feature |
closed |
pepka |
#212 |
Some as files are not exported | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#213 |
decompilation errors | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#214 |
Uploading more than 100% | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#215 |
Wrong language in the downloadable translator pack | | question |
closed |
capasha |
#216 |
field order | | question |
closed |
honfika |
#217 |
Translation: Russian | | other |
opened |
focus |
#218 |
Bug in bugtracker: long links are not fill in text area | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#219 |
Translation: Hungarian | | other |
opened |
honfika |
#220 |
Add changing fonts functionality | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#221 |
Infinite search | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#222 |
#218 bug is not fixed yet (link not wrapped) | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#223 |
AS2 Detecting uninitialized class fields | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#224 |
Translation: Swedish | | other |
opened |
capasha |
#225 |
AS1/2 object literal does not permit quotes in names | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#226 |
AS2 onClipAction indentation is absent in the Exported FLA | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#227 |
gotoAndStop wrong frame index | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#228 |
 | | bug |
invalid |
focus |
#229 |
Export FLA issue with text field | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#230 |
Export FLA issue with vector graphics stroke | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#231 |
Https support in "Open via proxy" | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#232 |
Automatically add .swf to filename | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#233 |
Globally rename identifier deselects currently selected script in left tree | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#234 |
Should I report if Rename invalid identifiers breaks not obfuscated swf? | | question |
closed |
focus |
#235 |
Export FLA: incorrect Dynamic Text Fields coordinates. | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#236 |
Rename invalid identifiers breaks not obfuscated SWF | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#237 |
Parentheses in AS1/2 | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#238 |
if block contents are missing | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#239 |
Strange AS3 decompilation with obfuscated code. | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#240 |
wrong field initializers (all are "false") | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#241 |
Can't start the program. | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#242 |
decompiltion error: EmptyStackException | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#243 |
method is partially decompiled | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#244 |
decompilaton errors | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#245 |
double spaces before and after "as" keyword in decomplied code | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#246 |
encoding problem in issue notification email | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#247 |
Project tree is not scrolled to the selected Document Class position on start | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#248 |
100% CPU usage on building script tree phase longer and longerr | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#249 |
//Decompilation skipped | | question |
closed |
mepmep |
#250 |
Export FLA: Static text spacing and marigins are not restored. | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#251 |
Export FLA: drop shadow filter strength incorrect | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#252 |
Export FLA: incorrect position and width of the text field with blur filter | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#253 |
FFDec doesn't show any error message after writing to the file opened in another app | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#255 |
Stuck when creating window | | bug |
closed |
vemilyus |
#256 |
AS3 Object literal in return clause | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#257 |
Export AS2 swf to FLA: TextField export issues | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#258 |
AS1/2 chained assignments | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#259 |
Export FLA: exported image looks not same as original | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#260 |
Export FLA: labels issues | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#261 |
Export FLA: place on-frame scripts in first separate layer, not last one | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#262 |
Export FLA: dynamic text fields fonts not embedded | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#263 |
Infinite decompilation (AS3) | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#264 |
"true" statements (with automatic deobfuscation, too) | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#265 |
deobfuscation problem | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#266 |
decompiltion error: EmptyStackException | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#267 |
Start the program without choosing a file | | feature |
closed |
capasha |
#268 |
"register" parameter names instead "_loc*_" | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#269 |
command line parameters for switching on/off deobfuscation and paralellspeedup | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#270 |
P-Code deobfuscation progress | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#271 |
FFDEC 1.6.6u2 is faster than FFDEC 1.6.7 | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#272 |
Cannot edit class initializer / constants | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#273 |
open via proxy problem | | question |
closed |
malik |
#274 |
show the elapsed time during export in the output | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#275 |
returnvoid as last statement | | feature |
closed |
soywiz |
#276 |
Anonymous functions are being instantiated with "new function()" instead of "function()" | | bug |
closed |
soywiz |
#277 |
Decompiling FlasCC SWFs | | feature |
postponed |
paleozogt |
#278 |
help me | | question |
ignored |
serde |
#279 |
Could not view AS hide in BinaryData | | question |
closed |
hungpq |
#280 |
help me | | question |
invalid |
serde |
#281 |
Decompile .swf protected with secureSWF | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#282 |
FLA Export: Other formats than CS6 | | feature |
closed |
linajin |
#283 |
help pls | | question |
ignored |
serde |
#286 |
Saving file ended in 0 KB file | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#287 |
Typo in paralelSpeedUp config parameter | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#288 |
Memory (RAM) leak (by javaw.exe) after .fla exporting | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#289 |
Support for Aero Snap | | feature |
new |
focus |
#290 |
Default language selection dialog width is too small | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#291 |
Language selection dialog is not translatable | | question |
closed |
focus |
#292 |
Change background color in SWF preview | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#293 |
Extra line break on forums (again) | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#294 |
Cosmetic: labels are shifted in font parameters a bit | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#295 |
Export FLA: wrong font | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#296 |
Export save dialog goes upper and upper in the directory tree | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#297 |
Too bright color on Minimize, Maximize and close buttons | | feature |
closed |
capasha |
#298 |
Reading SWF progress bar is not working | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#299 |
Replacing DefineBits images | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#300 |
Font export (in FFDec and in .fla) | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#301 |
Clear errors log | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#302 |
Comfortable code navigation | | feature |
new |
focus |
#303 |
Open folder with exported FLA | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#304 |
editing AS directly: local variable names are lost | | bug |
postponed |
honfika |
#305 |
Export FLA: empty sound layers | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#306 |
editing AS directly bug | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#307 |
Export FLA: TextField's properties exported incorrectly | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#308 |
Export FLA: incorrect static text X coordinate | | question |
closed |
focus |
#309 |
Export FLA: static text letter spacing is incorrect | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#310 |
Export FLA: exported shapes thinner that original | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#311 |
Export FLA: bitmap usage exported incorrectly | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#312 |
Export FLA: shape tween not exported | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#313 |
command line parameter for ignore all errors | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#314 |
some obfuscated class names are not escaped correctly | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#315 |
Translation: German | | other |
opened |
krock |
#316 |
not editable panels accept ctrl-z (and ctrl-y) | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#317 |
Detailed log files | | feature |
closed |
end0re |
#319 |
AS3: Finally statement exit handling (switch) | | bug |
closed |
freddie |
#320 |
The while statement vanish after decompiling | | question |
closed |
freddie |
#321 |
Changing size of FFDec window and drop a file ends in crash | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#323 |
The default case of switch statement vanish in decompiled result | | bug |
closed |
freddie |
#324 |
Search and load SWF embedded files in OLE objects (Word, Excel files) | | feature |
closed |
poxyran |
#325 |
Translation: Spanish | | other |
opened |
poxyran |
#326 |
Automatic deobfuscasion malfunction | | bug |
closed |
freddie |
#327 |
AS1/2 disassembly error (readActionList) stops whole application | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#328 |
bugged behavior after replacing DefineBitsJPEGX images | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#329 |
paralellSpeedUp switch seems not working & decompilation is much slower in 1.7.0u1 than in 1.7.0 | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#330 |
protection against adding the same multiple cyrillic characters doesn't work | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#331 |
previewing fonts (that in import list) | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#332 |
show exporting execution times for AS2, too | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#333 |
Exporting is very slow, and generates a huge output file. | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#334 |
importing to fonts characters presets | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#335 |
last opened files list | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#336 |
Graph window is too small | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#337 |
search panel barely visible in same cases | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#338 |
Cosmetic: Errors log expand (+) icon doesn't switch back after expand->collapse (remains "-") | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#339 |
Deobsufcation: Fails | | bug |
closed |
macgeek |
#340 |
Class too large to decompile. | | question |
closed |
layola |
#341 |
Unnecessary removing setlocal (kill removes temporary registers) | | bug |
closed |
poxyran |
#343 |
P-code coding, I don't know what I does wrong. | | question |
closed |
capasha |
#344 |
Reload opened swf feature | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#345 |
Unity3D swf: infinite decompilation | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#346 |
SWC support | | feature |
closed |
soywiz |
#347 |
AS3 for loop with return decompiled as while inversed | | question |
closed |
pepka |
#348 |
Obfuscated case operator | | bug |
closed |
pepka |
#349 |
Registers not properly declared | | bug |
closed |
pjwendy |
#350 |
Configuration setting for opening new swfs in the existing FFDec instance. | | feature |
closed |
poxyran |
#351 |
Too much text for the GUI to show? | | feature |
closed |
usroboticz |
#352 |
Deobfuscation rollback | | feature |
closed |
usroboticz |
#354 |
New Translations | | other |
opened |
#355 |
Translation: Chinese | | other |
opened |
rtsjx |
#356 |
Stackoverflow Exception. | | question |
closed |
arthur_dong |
#357 |
Play selected sound (DefineSound tag) | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#360 |
Export FLA: empty sound layers (2) | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#361 |
FFDec icon is not visible on application start | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#363 |
Translation: Portugese | | other |
opened |
cenadacoisa |
#365 |
Search in memory: Filter fake SWFs | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#366 |
Search in memory: sort found SWFs by size and by SWF version. | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#367 |
Search in memory: save selected SWFs in some folder | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#368 |
Deobfuscation: AS2 Decompilation issues | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#369 |
Shapes in internal viewer and SVG export | | bug |
closed |
psykauze |
#370 |
Decompilation error,for this swf ,has many erros, | | bug |
closed |
xuanhun |
#371 |
Search in memory : Seeing file names and folders | | feature |
ignored |
davidd3112 |
#372 |
Decompilation error Timeout (1 minute) was reached | | other |
closed |
zap |
#373 |
Save files from memory | | feature |
ignored |
raghu |
#374 |
Replace selected sound (DefineSound tag) | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#375 |
Replacing DefineBitLossless images bug | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#376 |
Decompilation errors | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#377 |
Upload file from link | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#378 |
FFDec reload doesn't applies translation to the context menu | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#379 |
Go to Definition | | feature |
ignored |
cenadacoisa |
#380 |
Displaying big .png images is very slow | | bug |
closed |
sydd |
#382 |
Create new functions | | feature |
closed |
null |
#383 |
Search browser cache is not working for me | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#384 |
Cannot stop sound playing | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#385 |
Search SWFs in browsers cache improvements | | feature |
ignored |
megalol |
#386 |
Whole SWF display bug | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#387 |
Frames preview bugged | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#388 |
AS3 Script editor | | bug |
invalid |
g200 |
#389 |
Importing from subFonts (choose from one of family Font) | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#390 |
Reload list of fonts to import | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#391 |
Native methods | | feature |
closed |
henke37 |
#394 |
Replacement of binary data (DefineBinaryData) | | feature |
closed |
cpupower |
#395 |
Decompile/Edit GFx fonts | | feature |
closed |
michalss |
#396 |
add class members | | feature |
closed |
agos |
#397 |
Long decompilation | | bug |
closed |
fusix |
#398 |
string expected at line 0 | | bug |
closed |
strldr1 |
#400 |
program stop working | | bug |
closed |
djtrelos |
#401 |
DComSoft SWF Protector 4: Error during tag reading | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#402 |
Can't decompile Flash Antidecompiler 6.9 obfuscated code | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#403 |
Deobfuscation: SWF Encrypt 7.0: SEVERE null | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#404 |
P-code and Hex | | feature |
closed |
cenadacoisa |
#405 |
Another Can't decompile a class / Obfuscated code | | bug |
closed |
pkedpker |
#406 |
cannot save file | | bug |
closed |
ise7845 |
#407 |
_loc1_ instead of register1 ? | | question |
closed |
ripper5555 |
#409 |
Skin Part of Flex is not decompiled | | bug |
closed |
freddie |
#410 |
Cannot save the edited code | | bug |
closed |
yhaki |
#412 |
Weird Text Bug after editing script. | | question |
closed |
justcallmelewis |
#413 |
secureSWF 4 | | feature |
invalid |
charles |
#414 |
exportActionScript but get starkoverflow error or null | | bug |
closed |
dingo |
#415 |
HaXe compiled SWF support. | | feature |
closed |
yanrishatum |
#416 |
Issues list: Show the attachment size next to the attachments | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#417 |
Deobfuscate: Exporting Fla Error | | bug |
closed |
jenyene |
#418 |
FFDec can't deobfuscate some tricks used in SecureSWF 4.5 | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#419 |
Cand open(decompile)SWF file | | question |
invalid |
solodarkban |
#420 |
Decompilation error, EmptyStackException | | bug |
closed |
freddie |
#421 |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and TimeoutException | | bug |
closed |
mpuels |
#422 |
help me please | | other |
closed |
chat |
#424 |
ActionScriptParser.treeFromString generates unnecessary GetMember action | | bug |
closed |
l12436 |
#425 |
loadVariables is compiled incorrectly | | bug |
closed |
svetlana |
#426 |
Possible to rename all identifiers in swf using command line? If no, i too much need this feature ;( | | feature |
closed |
devsaider |
#427 |
setLookAndFeel throws exception on linux | | bug |
closed |
devsaider |
#428 |
Save as .pdf | | feature |
closed |
tartas |
#429 |
Disable/Enable rename identifiers feature (checkbox? button?). | | feature |
closed |
solodarkban |
#430 |
v1.7.4 & WinXP: Export doesn't work | | bug |
closed |
rekrul2 |
#431 |
"Deobfuscating" time | | bug |
closed |
hojolo |
#433 |
EmptyStackException - Code may be obfuscated | | bug |
closed |
asd26 |
#435 |
sound cant be edited | | feature |
ignored |
ociebieda |
#436 |
saving modifications to action script does not work currently (ffdec_1.7.4u1) | | bug |
closed |
leancode |
#437 |
SWF unable to load 20mb file? | | bug |
closed |
super |
#438 |
Command line arguments renameInvalidIdentifiers and dumpSWF don't work anymore | | bug |
closed |
cattode |
#440 |
What would it take to decompile attached file without errors | | question |
closed |
leancode |
#441 |
Obfuscated code, can't decompile swf file | | bug |
closed |
hungpq |
#443 |
unable to move window under KDE linux | | bug |
new |
helmy |
#444 |
Add FFDec to SWF files context menu is not working under linux KDE | | feature |
new |
helmy |
#445 |
opening a SWF with binary data causes the application to freeze | | bug |
closed |
helmy |
#446 |
incorrect decompiled code | | bug |
closed |
helmy |
#447 |
standard non ribbon interface | | feature |
closed |
helmy |
#448 |
Go to document class is not working | | bug |
closed |
helmy |
#450 |
why jsyntaxpane causing so many build errors? | | question |
closed |
helmy |
#451 |
Dialogue windows are not showing on the center of the screen on a multi-monitor configuration | | bug |
closed |
helmy |
#453 |
refresh (edit+save action) all texts button | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#454 |
No syntax highlight since v1.8.0 in Texts section (Define*) | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#455 |
Classic interface issues | | bug |
closed |
helmy |
#456 |
gotoMainClassOnStartup = true advanced setting is not being applied when using the classic interface | | bug |
closed |
helmy |
#457 |
Clear all recent opened files | | feature |
closed |
capasha |
#458 |
Saving font settings to preserve font panel selection after program restart | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#459 |
Remember/save panel width for Text panels | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#460 |
Disable text horizontal autoscroll to the end | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#461 |
Shift left Font UI elements at parameters panel | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#462 |
Font embedding horizontal scrolling | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#464 |
Javaw and ffdec open and closes | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#465 |
Make editable font parameters (bold and italic) in DefineFont* | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#466 |
Source font preview (from DefineFont* parameters panel) | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#467 |
Lock parameters panel | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#468 |
Translation : French | | feature |
opened |
gamuti |
#469 |
DefineFont* parameters buttons problem since 8857665003a9 nightly | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#470 |
Keep original Define*Texts and DefineFonts panels size after resizing from full screen to windowed and back | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#471 |
Some texts are hardcoded, not localized | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#472 |
getlex vs getlex Qname isn't the same | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#473 |
Deobfuscation: doesn't works with lot of swf files | | bug |
closed |
gamuti |
#474 |
Changing language only available one time | | bug |
closed |
gamuti |
#475 |
Advanded settings and language buttons are not center | | feature |
postponed |
gamuti |
#477 |
Log window uses Russian localization file evein if I select English language. | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#479 |
No email notification from nonpublic (but accessible to me) issues | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#480 |
Define*texts export doesn't works in latest nightly | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#481 |
Exporting | | bug |
closed |
ishra |
#483 |
"printGraph max recursion level reached" exception | | bug |
invalid |
freddie |
#485 |
editing AS directly: unary minus sign | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#486 |
Impossible to search text in parameters under all DefineText | | feature |
ignored |
gamuti |
#487 |
Can I save a compressed file with decompressed data? | | question |
closed |
poxyran |
#489 |
Hex decode very large integers | | feature |
closed |
henke37 |
#491 |
Import a font | | feature |
closed |
gamuti |
#492 |
Add new Hotkeys (all can post here what they want to add) | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#494 |
"Check for updates" is not working with nighty build but is working with official release | | feature |
closed |
gamuti |
#495 |
When embed lots characters, ffdec crashed | | bug |
closed |
rendu2mai |
#496 |
French date format | | other |
closed |
gamuti |
#497 |
Tree is not visible - It's not enought large | | bug |
closed |
gamuti |
#498 |
Chinese language translation | | bug |
invalid |
rendu2mai |
#499 |
Cannot save via Proxy | | bug |
closed |
mybottt |
#502 |
[PATCH] font name encoding | | bug |
closed |
tamachan |
#503 |
Invalid shapes in .fla | | bug |
closed |
wewixosa |
#504 |
Script editor does not display Japanese characters | | bug |
closed |
strelokhalfer |
#505 |
How to export DefineBinaryData | | question |
closed |
rendu2mai |
#506 |
Alt-Tab - switching to another window | | bug |
closed |
FareakyTinkerton |
#507 |
editing AS directly: object literal problem | | bug |
closed |
karl |
#508 |
Logging exception on GUI-less OSeS / SSH sessions | | bug |
closed |
cattode |
#509 |
EmptyStackException at decompilation | | bug |
closed |
Requi |
#510 |
WrapAround in 'Find and Replace' Dialog is DisFunctional! 'Find' always WrapsAround | | bug |
closed |
1nd1g0 |
#512 |
Backslash before quote on commandline arguments | | question |
closed |
megalol |
#513 |
SWF extraction from ZIP/SWC/binary/EXE files with command line support | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#514 |
applicationg hangs after a simple click on the flashname in treeview | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#515 |
Edit AS3 directly | | feature |
closed |
Requi |
#516 |
AS3 p-code: Editing namespaces with null names (index 0) | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#517 |
AS1/2 direct editation: delete operator, etc. | | bug |
closed |
deleted-FjT5MDkkfQCbTmonyvIp |
#518 |
Direct editing AS1/2: Cast operator | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#520 |
Stuck at "Creating window..." | | bug |
closed |
Meelkor |
#521 |
ActionScript2 decompilation problem | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#522 |
Shape replacement - SVG Import | | feature |
closed |
strelokhalfer |
#523 |
Numerous decompilation errors for valid not obfuscated swf while exporting FLA | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#524 |
Export FLA: mask layer is not applied to the child layer | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#526 |
Add font to a swf | | question |
closed |
arsay |
#527 |
Pretty print error "linkageExportForAS" | | bug |
closed |
DrMefistO |
#529 |
Larger binaryData files slow or impossible to view (in order to replace) | | bug |
closed |
Kev |
#530 |
Parameters windows cannot display Chinese character after 1.8u1 | | bug |
closed |
rendu2mai |
#531 |
Still Chinese font adding problem | | bug |
closed |
rendu2mai |
#532 |
Timeline.getOutline throws IndexOutOfBoundsException | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#533 |
"ObjectUnderCursor" shows wrong tagnames | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#535 |
Decompilation error Code may be obfuscated | | bug |
closed |
acid0 |
#536 |
Asset handling - modifying sprites | | question |
closed |
James |
#537 |
IllegalOperationError is used without importing flash.errors.IllegalOperationError | | bug |
closed |
ether |
#538 |
Interface are sometimes dynamic | | bug |
closed |
ether |
#539 |
for each loops does not generates "var" declaration | | bug |
closed |
ether |
#540 |
Saving SWF changes very large static uint values | | bug |
closed |
koen |
#541 |
How to calculate GlyphAdvance | | question |
closed |
rendu2mai |
#542 |
Temporary variable is not declared in generated code | | bug |
ignored |
ether |
#543 |
parseInt() is sometimes assumed. toString() as well. | | bug |
closed |
ether |
#545 |
How to identify which fonts AS scripts is using | | question |
closed |
rendu2mai |
#546 |
Importing previously-exported PNG files | | feature |
closed |
ThomasSpeedrunner |
#547 |
stll Chinese text display error | | bug |
closed |
Moemoe |
#548 |
Can JPEXS show fully dis-assembled class files like rabcdasm does? | | question |
closed |
pmolson |
#549 |
lessequals instead of greaterequals p-code editing | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#551 |
Which parameter decide the xoffset of text in DefineText? | | question |
closed |
rendu2mai |
#552 |
TimeoutException, max recursion level reached | | bug |
closed |
end0re |
#553 |
Exporting slows down the closer it gets to finish | | bug |
invalid |
end0re |
#554 |
Critical bug - saving of edited AS has no effect since 2.0.0_6ab392f5ff25 | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#555 |
no effect after pressing OK button in new version available dialog in nigthly eed3d652178a | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#556 |
gotoMainClassOnSturtup bug | | bug |
closed |
Alexander |
#557 |
java.lang.NUllPointerException | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#558 |
Frames as SVG | | feature |
closed |
psykauze |
#562 |
Editing ActionScript 3 code | | feature |
closed |
ThomasSpeedrunner |
#563 |
Import DefineTexts (formatted [and plain if possible]) from exported .txt files | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#564 |
Export Define*Texts to one text file (with separator) | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#565 |
Trying to edit Image | | question |
closed |
Andrewb |
#566 |
#566 weird bug with external flash player window in latest nightly after FFDec closing | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#567 |
DefineText editing is not working with DefineFont | | bug |
closed |
francesco |
#568 |
dissappeared DefineText AS edit button in latest nightly + FlashPlayer.exe window after FFDec closing bug (again) | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#569 |
swf methods decompiled partially | | bug |
closed |
TheRabbitFlash |
#570 |
Direct AS3 Edition bug | | bug |
closed |
realmaster42 |
#571 |
Translation: Portuguese - Brasil | | other |
opened |
realmaster42 |
#572 |
Unsupported by decompiler:Empty stack; | | bug |
closed |
Player |
#574 |
Crash after editing scripts | | bug |
invalid |
realmaster42 |
#575 |
Rename assets based on linked class | | feature |
new |
henke37 |
#577 |
cant copy and paste when edit p-code | | bug |
closed |
medz |
#578 |
Search... | | other |
new |
ipb |
#581 |
Cannot save file | | bug |
closed |
PeroO |
#583 |
Conversion of FlashPaper SWF to PDF and/or ODT (libreoffice) documenr | | feature |
closed |
Fonzy |
#584 |
[commandLine] -export package | | feature |
closed |
cenadacoisa |
#585 |
Missed decompiled source when using expression: a && b(); | | bug |
closed |
Alexander |
#586 |
Filter rendering bug | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#587 |
Please add Swf->XML, XML->Swf convertor | | feature |
closed |
adrianchiq |
#590 |
Deobfuscation error : get what it was able to read | | question |
closed |
moonlightangel |
#591 |
Translation: Catalan | | other |
opened |
jbadiella |
#593 |
AS3 Return object newline problem | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#594 |
"Curly brace on new line" doesn't affect starting method brace | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#612 |
bgcolor and width & height | | feature |
closed |
ipb |
#613 |
Ribbon Preferred Width | | bug |
closed |
thekeydesign |
#614 |
Saving problems | | bug |
invalid |
FaceHunter |
#616 |
Export sprite as png | | bug |
closed |
Player |
#618 |
Zoom barre | | feature |
closed |
gamuti |
#619 |
Interactivity support | | feature |
postponed |
psykauze |
#620 |
Canvas export interractivity improvement | | feature |
postponed |
psykauze |
#622 |
Mac homebrew package? | | feature |
postponed |
iggyvolz |
#623 |
ffdec.sh should be executable and have UNIX line endings | | bug |
closed |
rvighne |
#624 |
Actionscript search restrictions | | feature |
closed |
redone |
#625 |
swf created by crossbridge | | other |
closed |
ddyer |
#626 |
swf after save doens't work | | question |
closed |
vinnitu |
#627 |
Filter swf not working | | bug |
closed |
bossfong |
#628 |
saved files bigger than original | | question |
closed |
tribalart |
#629 |
Program won't start under Windows or Linux | | bug |
closed |
Mateon1 |
#630 |
Translation: Polish | | other |
opened |
Mateon1 |
#631 |
Allow renaming parameters and locals. | | feature |
new |
Mateon1 |
#632 |
Cannot save file | | bug |
closed |
myztikrice |
#634 |
Cannot save file | | bug |
closed |
Kirbyofdeath |
#635 |
Cannot properly place text cursor with Japanese characters | | bug |
closed |
Varq |
#637 |
Compiling source code | | question |
closed |
myztikrice |
#639 |
Can't open anything except images | | bug |
closed |
Masocrate |
#641 |
Updated from old version to 2.1.2 and can't decompile file | | bug |
closed |
misiek |
#642 |
AS3 imported classes outside SWF (?) | | bug |
postponed |
marianux |
#643 |
remove or replace image,swf should be damaged | | bug |
closed |
xuanhun |
#644 |
Search only in subfolder/namespace | | feature |
closed |
bossfong |
#646 |
wildcard -selectas3class | | feature |
new |
bossfong |
#648 |
Exporting binary data in embedded swf | | bug |
closed |
bossfong |
#649 |
Freezing when opening .gfx files | | bug |
closed |
lostprophet |
#650 |
replace binaryData from command line | | feature |
closed |
loki |
#652 |
2.1.4 startup script broken | | bug |
closed |
physicist |
#653 |
Linux start script line endig problem | | bug |
closed |
loki |
#654 |
backslash-escaped file names on command line cause error in Linux | | bug |
closed |
loki |
#655 |
Compile error | | question |
closed |
coody |
#656 |
Load SWF from memory: 64 bit problems (Chrome) | | question |
closed |
cenadacoisa |
#657 |
Global string search | | question |
closed |
object |
#659 |
replacing multiple binaryData files in one command-line run | | feature |
closed |
loki |
#660 |
Switchable "Method/Getter/Setter Trait" Panel | | feature |
closed |
Troman |
#661 |
Scripts not showing | | bug |
closed |
anti91 |
#663 |
AS3: Missing imports from implemented interfaces | | question |
closed |
dexer |
#664 |
Cannot expand fillStyles in DefineShape tags in raw edit | | bug |
closed |
Varq |
#665 |
Missed decompiled source when using expression: <expression> && <expression>; | | bug |
closed |
Alexander |
#666 |
Can' | | other |
invalid |
jennagirl85 |
#667 |
Cant open file | | other |
invalid |
jennagirl85 |
#669 |
AS3 P-code command-line replacement of static class variables | | question |
closed |
loki |
#670 |
Replacing DefineBitsJPEG3 with DefineBitsLossless2 on PNG import | | bug |
closed |
blless |
#671 |
DefineSprite.PlaceObject linebreak | | question |
closed |
TomVerkerk |
#672 |
Transparent SWF background | | question |
closed |
Trevorgall |
#674 |
strange bug with AS2 DefineSprite(DoAction) view | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#677 |
Exporting Sprites, Higher Resolution | | feature |
closed |
Farsha |
#678 |
Windows .bat launcher errors out if started from a different dir | | bug |
closed |
loki |
#681 |
Linux quoted parameters from other script not parsed as single file | | bug |
closed |
loki |
#683 |
Linkage name for extracted images | | feature |
closed |
jdibbert |
#684 |
SoundStreams not showing when inside DefineSprite | | bug |
closed |
Dave_Word |
#685 |
Feature "Local variables and method parameters take name from debug" becomes a problem with some sources | | bug |
closed |
alvaromat |
#686 |
Rightclick on FlashPlayer preview disappearing | | bug |
closed |
Florin |
#687 |
P-code comments on separate line | | feature |
opened |
loki |
#689 |
Ignore Case not correctly toggled | | bug |
closed |
koen |
#690 |
jump addresses to use when adding if statements to P-code | | question |
closed |
loki |
#691 |
Problem with v3 when editing SWF already edited in prevs versions | | bug |
closed |
marianux |
#692 |
Search Tool has an Annoying Feature | | question |
closed |
1nd1g0 |
#694 |
Cant decompile SeafightMain.swf | | feature |
closed |
sinlyu |
#695 |
How to add new font to a swf file | | question |
closed |
drajwer86 |
#696 |
Publish FFDec library in Maven Central | | other |
new |
izstas |
#698 |
set,get,override fields unnecessarily debofuscated with § | | bug |
closed |
Berni11 |
#699 |
 | | bug |
invalid |
t.xiaoyaozi |
#700 |
Work with a large file GFX (Lag and Crashed) | | bug |
closed |
t.xiaoyaozi |
#701 |
Import/replace TTF | | feature |
closed |
michalss |
#703 |
Changes do not get saved | | bug |
invalid |
mentalist |
#705 |
Actionscript-decompilation external | | feature |
ignored |
KurtWagner |
#707 |
Debug Hook | | feature |
closed |
cenadacoisa |
#708 |
Add ability to auto load binary data as subtree if it looks like there is SWF inside | | feature |
closed |
unv_annihilator |
#711 |
Folder preview is slow when there are 21000 items in the folder | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#712 |
Edit DefineShape | | feature |
closed |
Tolkne |
#713 |
Installer for 4.0 fails to access Adobe Website | | bug |
closed |
1nd1g0 |
#714 |
Exporting frames as HTML Canvas throws error - "java.lang.NullPointerException: null " | | bug |
closed |
bradnyk |
#715 |
Force Save help | | question |
closed |
LayneBasom |
#716 |
Copy url of the swf caught by Proxy | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#717 |
Completely replace swf caught by Proxy | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#718 |
Show size of all captured swf files in Proxy | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#719 |
null swf name in Proxy after cancelling rename dialog | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#720 |
swf no save after i replace image png for DefineSharp | | bug |
closed |
dontlookbackds |
#722 |
Go to next/previous frame | | feature |
closed |
ondra |
#724 |
Import shapes | | feature |
closed |
Zizi17 |
#725 |
AS3 direct editation fails with as3.swf test file | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#726 |
Selection bag | | bug |
closed |
strelokhalfer |
#727 |
z-index value of "privacy policy" link is too high:) | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#728 |
Large fonts | | bug |
closed |
strelokhalfer |
#729 |
Cannot decompile obfuscated 'scripts\com\adobe\utils\DateUtil.as' | | bug |
invalid |
1nd1g0 |
#730 |
Doesn't work if Flash ActiveX not installed | | bug |
closed |
usroboticz |
#732 |
Random Freezing | | bug |
closed |
bls1999 |
#733 |
JavactiveX output not being captured? | | bug |
closed |
CyberFoxx |
#734 |
Support \xAB escape sequences in lexers | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#735 |
Decompilation errors | | bug |
closed |
bls1999 |
#736 |
Switching the nodes in the tag tree (e.g shapes) not wokring after external flash panel is clicked | | bug |
postponed |
honfika |
#737 |
Exporting Scripts | | feature |
closed |
ankilla |
#738 |
Frame export fails with EndOfStreamException: Premature end of the stream reached | | bug |
closed |
Peter |
#739 |
AS2 decompilation fails | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#740 |
debugConsole call fails when multiple parameter is passed to this function | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#742 |
Can't edit frames | | bug |
closed |
Zizi17 |
#744 |
Simple Error , Please help me. | | question |
closed |
djakman |
#745 |
Copy tag to | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#747 |
Move tag to adds extra frame | | bug |
closed |
focus |
#748 |
language | | question |
closed |
ahmadahmar |
#751 |
Implement filters as shaders | | feature |
new |
honfika |
#752 |
Sound is not stopped when you change the selectin in he tag tree from SWF to e.g any shape | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#753 |
Reload "saved as" swf | | feature |
closed |
focus |
#754 |
SWF Crashes at JPEXS Dec. | | bug |
postponed |
realmaster42 |
#755 |
Decompilation TimeOut Feature | | feature |
closed |
realmaster42 |
#756 |
Impossible to edit scripts after playing swf | | bug |
closed |
gamuti |
#757 |
SWF to EXE | | feature |
closed |
gamuti |
#758 |
Allow zooming to bigger than the preview area | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#759 |
AS3 direct editation: variable declaration is missing | | bug |
closed |
realmaster42 |
#760 |
Internal viewer line linear gradient fill is not working | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#761 |
switch bug | | bug |
closed |
andydufresne |
#762 |
Replace P-Code from command line | | feature |
closed |
163gal |
#763 |
FLEX MXML creation | | feature |
postponed |
Xavier |
#764 |
Save and Cancel Buttons appears again when save button is pressed | | bug |
closed |
gamuti |
#765 |
Cannot download ( for windows) | | other |
closed |
goel.suraj5 |
#766 |
[error] Can't extract all resources from the swf | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#767 |
[Error] Can't download PlayerGlobal.SWC | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#768 |
super calls not being correctly recognized | | bug |
closed |
Kodak |
#769 |
Extracting resources twice makes them different | | question |
closed |
capasha |
#770 |
Possible Incorrect Code? | | question |
closed |
calculuswhiz |
#772 |
JPEXs Crashes | | bug |
closed |
realmaster42 |
#773 |
scripts associated with ClipActions are not shown anymore | | bug |
closed |
JackB |
#774 |
Single file Action Script export | | question |
closed |
kurzedmetal |
#775 |
AS3 Direction Edit Bug: Getter/Setter Traits don't auto update after saving | | bug |
closed |
realmaster42 |
#776 |
FFDec stop working at all after setting "number of threads" to 0 | | bug |
closed |
kurzedmetal |
#777 |
Check for Nighty build update is no working | | bug |
closed |
gamuti |
#778 |
export ActionScript embeded with canvas | | question |
closed |
yogicxl |
#779 |
AS Variable name not being lost | | feature |
new |
realmaster42 |
#780 |
Edit Button | | feature |
new |
realmaster42 |
#781 |
AS3 Direct editation bug | | bug |
closed |
pdmit |
#782 |
I need to replace a shape with another shape from SWF without loosing quality of image, how to? | | question |
closed |
devsaider |
#783 |
No OK box when edited script or text was saved (show messages only if it was't saved or with errors) | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#784 |
Is it possible to disable spash screen at program start? | | question |
closed |
megalol |
#786 |
Decompiler errors | | bug |
closed |
kurzedmetal |
#789 |
Add links to the issues to the profile page | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#790 |
Impossible to change letters under a font | | bug |
closed |
gamuti |
#791 |
AS3 edit problem | | bug |
closed |
pdmit |
#792 |
Decompiled code cannot be ran because of RegExp. | | bug |
closed |
zhengdk |
#794 |
Font extraction fails sometimes | | bug |
closed |
Anon |
#795 |
The issue with the width of font chars which I want to import. | | question |
closed |
krovin |
#797 |
[Bug] Can't export files | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#798 |
ffdec doesn't show what it's exporting | | feature |
closed |
capasha |
#799 |
Who is the Danish translator ? | | bug |
closed |
gamuti |
#800 |
Unexpected deleted carrier return in DefineEditText | | bug |
closed |
gamuti |
#803 |
Align text (left, right, center) in Define*Text | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#804 |
To preview a full game scene(s) with selected Define*Text | | feature |
postponed |
megalol |
#805 |
Editor mode for Define*Texts | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#807 |
ActiveX and PlayerGlobal fail to download (during 4.1.0 install) | | bug |
closed |
#808 |
Installer downloads and installs Java 6, then it shows Old JRE found | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#809 |
Move left, right buttons for DefineTexts using translatex parameter | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#810 |
Make a new line in DefineTexts by pressing "Enter" button | | feature |
postponed |
megalol |
#811 |
Export ActionScript fail | | bug |
closed |
uragan1987 |
#812 |
decompile fail | | bug |
closed |
uragan1987 |
#813 |
Cannot edit public static const | | question |
closed |
negus |
#814 |
Exporting with scale problem | | bug |
closed |
kallavun |
#815 |
Re-enable Code coverage | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#816 |
P-code not shown after selecting "class initializer" trait | | bug |
closed |
JackB |
#817 |
AS1/2 for..in varible in expression | | bug |
closed |
Kodak |
#819 |
Documentation for FFDEC | | question |
new |
yogicxl |
#821 |
make bookmarks for DefineTexts (and maybe for scripts too) | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#822 |
warn (in log) for possible (Define)text cut off option | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#823 |
translatex buttons (FFDec freezes on large files when pressing these buttons) | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#824 |
Add OS X Application download | | feature |
returned |
Tyilo |
#825 |
hot keys (and maybe new buttons on new panel) to switch to next or previous DefineText | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#826 |
ffdec.sh should have UNIX-style line endings (again) | | bug |
closed |
loki |
#829 |
newbie question, SWF preview and wmode | | question |
closed |
tribal |
#830 |
Decompilation errors with certain nested if-then-else and logical operators | | bug |
closed |
JackB |
#832 |
AS3 Direct Edit - Other ABCs resolving | | bug |
closed |
realmaster42 |
#833 |
Sidebar doesn't expand | | bug |
closed |
jbzdarkid |
#834 |
Application crash when load swf file. | | bug |
closed |
nhattuanbl |
#835 |
static var value assign bug | | bug |
closed |
galok |
#836 |
swf file won't run after changing some text in main class | | bug |
closed |
eosdttve |
#838 |
Missing default case in switch statement | | bug |
closed |
devbn |
#840 |
Noticable audio decrease between .wav and .mp3 files exported | | bug |
closed |
latias1290 |
#841 |
Loop control for sound preview | | feature |
closed |
henke37 |
#842 |
Recover for loops | | feature |
opened |
henke37 |
#843 |
Recover += and friends (Compound assignments) | | feature |
closed |
henke37 |
#844 |
lowercase/uppercase convertion in DefineTexts (in right click menu of selected text at Parameters panel) | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#845 |
Import exported AS1/2 (DefineButton2&DefineSprite) button | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#846 |
Procedure to run in net beans | | question |
closed |
chinmayvb |
#848 |
Random Reversion to Unedited Code when Toggling the 3 switches (at Top Left) on the Right Hand Pane! | | bug |
closed |
1nd1g0 |
#849 |
Can't recompile (experimental function) | | bug |
closed |
Psychocrysma |
#850 |
AS3 static intializer wrong matching const multinames | | bug |
closed |
layola |
#851 |
[Site] Can't subscribe | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#853 |
Windows style line ends in ffdec.sh | | bug |
closed |
physicist |
#854 |
Windows style line ends in ffdec.sh follow up | | bug |
ignored |
physicist |
#855 |
AS3 Direct editation - For in variable declaration | | bug |
closed |
Psychocrysma |
#856 |
Can't load any SWFs | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#857 |
Please add scroll on DefineFont3 | | feature |
closed |
Jerky |
#858 |
Allowto edit header properties | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#859 |
This Programm Breaks Swfs on Winodows 8 and Higher! | | bug |
invalid |
satoshifurude |
#860 |
stuck at creating windows with 5.0 version | | bug |
closed |
Aikan |
#861 |
[ REQUEST ] Save as exe with more feature | | feature |
new |
StandbyPort4 |
#864 |
Export and Replace Shapes | | feature |
closed |
Pluckerpluck |
#865 |
TagTree font size problem on high resolution screens | | bug |
closed |
anhisme |
#868 |
AS exporting bug (?) | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#870 |
Editing shapeBounds | | bug |
closed |
yoburg |
#871 |
Show the needed character ids | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#872 |
Tutorial page | | feature |
new |
honfika |
#873 |
Brainstorming about tag tree context menu | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#874 |
Notifiactions about guestbook comments | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#876 |
update check bug (?) | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#877 |
A small glitch after search in AS | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#878 |
small glitch after saving P-code or swf file | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#881 |
Define*Texts parameters panel disappearing (in some cases) bug | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#882 |
Canvas export border size | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#883 |
-dumpSWF option does not work anymore | | bug |
closed |
DaveZero |
#885 |
Categories in issue tracker | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#886 |
Cancel button is disabled in editor mode. I'd like to reset the change. | | bug |
closed |
#888 |
Panel width problem in JSyntaxPane with chinese characters | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#889 |
Problem Opening the Application - Mac | | bug |
closed |
UiPE |
#890 |
arabic | | question |
closed |
rachidlitim |
#892 |
bug with nightlys update check | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#894 |
internal use of library | | question |
closed |
chinmayvb |
#895 |
CMYK JPEG image decoded wrongly | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#896 |
AS3 direct edit: Method info deletion fails | | bug |
closed |
IceDarkness |
#897 |
FFDec is not starting when classic (non-ribbon) UI is selected | | bug |
closed |
vs. |
#898 |
[Translation] new text to translate? | | question |
closed |
capasha |
#899 |
Show script after AS3 Direct editation | | bug |
closed |
#900 |
way of deobfuscation | | question |
closed |
galok |
#901 |
A lot of space after adding/replacing characters in fonts | | bug |
closed |
Solomon |
#902 |
Incorrect line on debugging | | question |
closed |
albfan |
#903 |
FLA export - null fontName, missing ShowFrameTag | | bug |
closed |
intidigital |
#904 |
I can't export images | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#905 |
Show codec details for sound items | | feature |
closed |
henke37 |
#906 |
-dumpAS3 commandline option not working | | bug |
closed |
jml |
#907 |
Version info is wrong in project.properties file | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#908 |
"Replacing" Image/Shape and then Saving SWF will corrupt SWF. | | bug |
closed |
leeuniverse |
#909 |
text editig problem | | question |
closed |
cspyder |
#913 |
Translations : Korean, Japanese | | other |
opened |
BaDaLim |
#914 |
External player can be closed with Alt-F4 | | bug |
postponed |
honfika |
#916 |
Replacing "Shape" will corrupt the SWF. | | bug |
closed |
leeuniverse |
#917 |
CPU Spikes to 100% on This File | | bug |
closed |
CraigP |
#918 |
Can't start FFDec | | bug |
postponed |
capasha |
#920 |
Export instance name to SVG use element | | feature |
closed |
lroos |
#921 |
Export of html DefineEditText to SVG | | feature |
closed |
lroos |
#922 |
Edit text rendering: position is wrong | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#923 |
Inline edit breaks code consistency | | bug |
closed |
phantasm |
#925 |
Add a link to nightly build page to email notification | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#927 |
JNA problems - Crash Does not start & UnsatisfiedLinkError with java V 1.8 | | bug |
closed |
codydbgt |
#928 |
Ability to edit linkage names | | feature |
closed |
Sandor |
#929 |
Import Script? | | question |
closed |
Sandor |
#930 |
Error on install | | bug |
closed |
sky |
#931 |
Direct editation: (¬A) ∧ B = ¬(A ∧ B) ?? | | bug |
closed |
Anthony973 |
#932 |
Logo Flash onscreen and then nothing | | question |
closed |
kevorkien |
#933 |
Error Upon Declaring Arrays | | bug |
closed |
Anthony973 |
#934 |
problem when editing | | bug |
closed |
BYakaS |
#935 |
Java files in git repository are not eol-normalized | | question |
closed |
JackB |
#936 |
Replace shapes with png image from the command line | | bug |
closed |
laforet |
#938 |
parallel feature keeps setting to low number, not default 20 | | bug |
closed |
BeStPRoGiE |
#939 |
Switch default clause causes NullpointerException | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#940 |
JPEXS Flash Decompiler on Mac OS X Yosemite not running | | bug |
closed |
Help |
#941 |
Decompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsException | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#942 |
AS3 Deobfsucation - Stack owerflow exception in visitCode | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#943 |
Export to CS4 and lower | | feature |
upgraded |
myztikrice |
#944 |
AS3 PCode reading problem (not deobfuscation) | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#945 |
Direct editation bug | | bug |
closed |
myztikrice |
#946 |
Decompilation error - Invalid jump | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#947 |
Decompiletion timeouts (not cmodule) | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#949 |
Replace alpha channel of JPEG images from the commandline | | feature |
closed |
laforet |
#950 |
Variables added using Add Trait don't save | | bug |
closed |
sdfsdf |
#951 |
Cancel script search is not working | | bug |
closed |
#952 |
FFDec not loading SWF without file extension | | bug |
closed |
poxyran |
#953 |
Cannot start FFDec.app | | bug |
returned |
goberlin |
#954 |
Decompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsException | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#955 |
AS2 decompilation problem - IllegalArgumentException | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#956 |
AS3 decompilation error - Invalid jump | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#957 |
AS2 decompilation error - IndexOutOfBoundsException | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#958 |
Remove and Replace character tag of items from CLI | | feature |
closed |
laforet |
#959 |
AS3 decompilation error - StackOverflowError | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#960 |
Consider changeing the decompile method timeout to a lower value | | feature |
new |
honfika |
#961 |
Invalid recursion in Graph.finalProcess | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#962 |
Code formatting issue | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#963 |
Decompilation timeouts | | bug |
opened |
honfika |
#964 |
as3 script decompiling is not deterministic | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#965 |
Typo in issue tracker | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#967 |
Replace DefineText content from CLI | | feature |
closed |
Tyilo |
#968 |
Sprites export with wrong coloring | | bug |
closed |
Topkek |
#969 |
how to decompile and recompile? | | question |
closed |
BeniBela |
#970 |
Imports of variables | | bug |
closed |
BeniBela |
#971 |
forgotten assignment for increment in first line | | bug |
closed |
BeniBela |
#972 |
wrong package name in static function call | | bug |
closed |
BeniBela |
#973 |
Pointless §§dup | | bug |
closed |
BeniBela |
#974 |
Assignment in if | | bug |
closed |
BeniBela |
#975 |
Return trace | | question |
closed |
BeniBela |
#976 |
Export frame with zoom by command | | question |
closed |
anhisme |
#978 |
Class names are case sensitive, but filenames are not, so they are overwritten sometimes during export | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#979 |
Unnecessary/missing fully qualified name | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#980 |
Export to Fla Problems | | bug |
closed |
dbk |
#983 |
Anti-aliasing in shape (+sprite) bitmap and html5 export | | feature |
new |
honfika |
#984 |
Replacement of shapes with images have issues in 6.0.1 | | bug |
closed |
laforet |
#985 |
Features request: Stretch shape to fit image. JPEG tags with transparency. | | feature |
closed |
laforet |
#986 |
wrong type | | bug |
closed |
BeniBela |
#987 |
assignment in for each lost | | bug |
closed |
BeniBela |
#988 |
Can't Save as exe | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#990 |
Incorrect colors after exporting image | | bug |
closed |
Serj |
#991 |
Serious Bug in Decompiler! | | bug |
closed |
1nd1g0 |
#992 |
Issue Tracker needs the ability to be reset. Label cannot be cleared except by clearing cookies! | | question |
closed |
1nd1g0 |
#993 |
Your app won't load | | bug |
invalid |
heartaz |
#994 |
Cannot replace alpha channel | | bug |
closed |
laforet |
#995 |
How to read that decompile result? | | bug |
closed |
Serj |
#996 |
"Go to document class" does nothing when the document class name is obfuscated | | bug |
closed |
der |
#997 |
read as2 code | | bug |
closed |
uragan1987 |
#998 |
-format argument is not working in commandline | | bug |
closed |
laforet |
#999 |
save as FLA | | bug |
closed |
uragan1987 |
#1000 |
Images export fails for malformed JPEG3 tags | | bug |
closed |
laforet |
#1002 |
CASE / IF EILSE substitution on decomilation | | bug |
closed |
RoverWhite |
#1003 |
missing fields/methods? | | question |
closed |
BeniBela |
#1004 |
rename invalid identifiers renames "this", too | | bug |
closed |
uragan1987 |
#1005 |
AS2 code, first line with "§§push(false)" | | bug |
closed |
uragan1987 |
#1006 |
Warning: Function value used where type Boolean was expected. Possibly the parentheses () are missing after this function reference. | | feature |
closed |
BeniBela |
#1007 |
Allow to replace binary data (ByteArrayRange) in raw editing | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#1008 |
"Short" type is decompiled incorrectly. | | bug |
closed |
Michael |
#1009 |
Wrong AS3 output in case of looping through ArrayCollection with 'for each' and 'for' with direct-index-access | | bug |
closed |
devbn |
#1011 |
Graphical errors in the FLA file after decompiling | | bug |
returned |
Joeee |
#1012 |
Downloaded lastest version it says cannot read swf file. The file has not got the SWF extension (.swf) in its name | | bug |
closed |
lordbarby |
#1013 |
Fail to save any SWF that was modified. | | bug |
closed |
Djamana |
#1015 |
cant save swf file | | bug |
closed |
malik123 |
#1017 |
store alchemy opcodes have wrong order | | bug |
closed |
soywiz2 |
#1018 |
Strange §§dup on 6.0.1 that didn't happen on 5.x | | bug |
closed |
soywiz2 |
#1020 |
RTL - arabic | | feature |
postponed |
Mohammedhamdy |
#1021 |
Translation: Italian | | other |
opened |
kalip |
#1025 |
.swf.tmp | | question |
closed |
Midway |
#1026 |
Streams are not the same at pos 0000000a | | bug |
closed |
hotlynks |
#1027 |
pure image bytes | | bug |
closed |
PatrikNusszer |
#1029 |
FrameExporter not working correctly in library build | | feature |
closed |
PatrikNusszer |
#1030 |
AS3 decompilation error - StackOverflowError | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1031 |
Application Won't Run if JAVA 64bit is installed (alongside with 32bit) | | bug |
closed |
SandBird |
#1032 |
swf frame to pdf problem | | bug |
closed |
Mutlu |
#1033 |
AS3 deobfuscation removes useful codes | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1034 |
AVM2DeobfuscatorRegisters is slow | | feature |
new |
honfika |
#1035 |
Windows filename/-path case insensitivity | | feature |
closed |
bossfong |
#1037 |
ConstructIns: xmlMult.isXML called 2 times with the same parameter. Why? | | question |
closed |
honfika |
#1038 |
IDENTIFIER or THIS or SUPER or STRING_OP expected but LENGTH found on line 92 | | bug |
closed |
jstar88 |
#1039 |
h | | question |
invalid |
swfdc |
#1040 |
Probably a P-Code reading bug | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1041 |
FFDec (java) package names in decompiled AS code | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1042 |
Embed iframe to swf flash file | | feature |
closed |
nimeshramani |
#1043 |
PNG Images come out at lower resolution | | bug |
new |
SDragon |
#1044 |
Add Offset number to exported DoAction filenames | | feature |
closed |
kurzedmetal |
#1045 |
an error occured while starting the application | | bug |
closed |
hasnat |
#1046 |
I want to run two ffdec | | feature |
closed |
capasha |
#1047 |
6.0.2 open all scripts folders | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#1048 |
Move the classes in package com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.abc.avm2.instructions.other2 to the appropriate package | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#1050 |
Decompile ActionScript in "Export SWF XML" | | feature |
closed |
Pneumaticat |
#1051 |
Exporting multiple files | | question |
closed |
loert423 |
#1052 |
Add object to existing frame | | feature |
closed |
koen |
#1053 |
Error when save edit. | | bug |
closed |
nhattuan |
#1054 |
Something about traits - Problem with as3 direct eidt | | bug |
closed |
realmaster42 |
#1056 |
deltaY missing when adding a new StraightEdgeRecord | | bug |
closed |
koen |
#1057 |
Editing as in editor results in package name moving. | | bug |
closed |
Rymez2K |
#1058 |
Direct editing as results in corrupt abc code. | | bug |
closed |
Rymez2K |
#1059 |
Removing a label has a strange behavior. | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1060 |
Wrong and / or when compiled as push false / push true | | bug |
closed |
Brandon |
#1062 |
Static variables are not inititalized from script initializer | | bug |
closed |
Brandon |
#1063 |
method_info array content becomes 0x00 after directly editing ac3 | | bug |
closed |
jameswang |
#1064 |
AS3 decompilation problem | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1065 |
Not a type on line X error | | bug |
closed |
angrydweller |
#1066 |
Script tree parent folders | | question |
closed |
angrydweller |
#1067 |
Possible bug with AS3 direct edit | | bug |
ignored |
DV8FromTheWorld |
#1068 |
Export to Flash failed with message of java casting problem GRADIENT to FOCAL GRADIENT | | bug |
closed |
winxalex |
#1069 |
playerglobal.swc missing | | question |
closed |
BlossomStein |
#1070 |
Incorrect decompilation of switch statement | | bug |
closed |
Brandon |
#1071 |
Commandline doesn't work | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#1073 |
Static fields and const are often initialized in initializers, Editing value here is not enough | | question |
closed |
sagar81 |
#1074 |
AS3 Direct Edit Case-Switch not correctly toggling | | bug |
closed |
icepegasus |
#1075 |
Lenght of DefineText is more larger than original when DefineText is saved | | question |
closed |
gamuti |
#1076 |
Error during export java null pointer exception | | bug |
closed |
TheWatcher |
#1077 |
not a valid instance name after export to fla | | bug |
closed |
winxalex |
#1078 |
Use native file dialog in GUI | | feature |
postponed |
Tyilo |
#1079 |
How to Globally rename identifier? | | question |
opened |
Suuper |
#1080 |
Export movie not working | | bug |
closed |
jayaramu |
#1081 |
Text is not rendered with internal player | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1082 |
Export Frame as avi file | | bug |
closed |
jayaramu |
#1083 |
P-code deobfuscation breaks SWF | | bug |
closed |
Suuper |
#1084 |
Jpeg-XR support | | feature |
closed |
kks2003 |
#1085 |
Invalid SWF Wrong Signature | | question |
closed |
will123 |
#1087 |
Translation : Arabic | | other |
opened |
zLib |
#1088 |
EcmaScript number to string conversion wrong | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1090 |
SWF to Frames convertion | | bug |
invalid |
RamBala |
#1091 |
AS 1/2 direct editation saving changes bug | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#1093 |
wrong code in AS3 | | bug |
closed |
refgd |
#1095 |
'§§dup' appearing on simple function | | bug |
closed |
ilufang |
#1096 |
Export to FLA "SEVERE Petty print error" | | bug |
closed |
ViggyNash |
#1097 |
/regexp/ compilation in AS3 direct editation | | bug |
closed |
lyravega |
#1099 |
Extract swf that is inside a swf binary. | | question |
closed |
appleseed |
#1101 |
Failed to compile [BUG PROGRAM] | | bug |
closed |
joseckz |
#1102 |
right to left languages | | feature |
postponed |
soltanejam |
#1103 |
wrong code in AS3 | | bug |
closed |
refgd |
#1104 |
AS3 Script Importation shown false "not supported" message | | bug |
closed |
realmaster42 |
#1106 |
New Shapes added to SWF files do not have their images added properly when using the replace function. | | feature |
closed |
Necromunger |
#1107 |
Text Offset Incorrect | | bug |
closed |
realmaster42 |
#1108 |
Recover include statements | | feature |
new |
henke37 |
#1109 |
SVG Import functionality. | | feature |
closed |
Necromunger |
#1110 |
Failed to start JPEXS | | bug |
closed |
#1111 |
Examples of CLI replace command | | question |
closed |
anthony |
#1112 |
Blur when I replace a "DefineShape" with a PNG image | | feature |
closed |
Orsos |
#1114 |
Search result dialog remains open after cloing the SWFs | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1115 |
Issue tracker: text search is slow | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1116 |
SWF (+other filetypes) info is not working | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1119 |
AS3 Direct Edit does not support the addition of events | | question |
closed |
icepegasus |
#1120 |
Change shape size | | question |
closed |
peroncho |
#1121 |
Ability to save binary data by its name | | feature |
closed |
Brandon |
#1122 |
Svg import problems / possible improvements | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#1123 |
AS3 direct edit problem - 3rd argument of "for" statement stould support "," | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1125 |
Missing finally block when decompiling try{}finally{} block | | bug |
closed |
devbn |
#1126 |
AS3 decompiled with wrong setter and illegal break statement | | bug |
closed |
devbn |
#1127 |
autoRenameIdentifiers is not supported in CLI mode | | bug |
closed |
scheffield |
#1129 |
How do I enable ActionScript debugging? | | question |
closed |
capasha |
#1130 |
programm keeps opening on the wrong monitor/display | | question |
closed |
Rookie |
#1131 |
§§dup left in the code | | bug |
closed |
snowalice |
#1132 |
Should exclude the code related to skinParts property of Flex class | | bug |
closed |
devbn |
#1133 |
Incorrect frame order for nested sprite | | bug |
closed |
tenmin |
#1134 |
Compile preprocessor §§instructions while direct edit. | | feature |
new |
#1135 |
Missing offset label for try code | | bug |
closed |
Suuper |
#1136 |
Gif Image are not working | | question |
closed |
Ricky |
#1137 |
java.io.IOException: Cannot run program ""/usr/local/bin/flashplayer"": error=2, No such file or directory | | bug |
closed |
coolspeedy6 |
#1138 |
All exported videos are the same file which may be broken | | bug |
closed |
DarkDaskin |
#1139 |
Broken link for install_flash_player_ax.exe | | bug |
closed |
maijin |
#1141 |
Change shape size | | question |
closed |
RASMiranda |
#1142 |
Installer localization files are not included in ffdex_xx_lang.zip | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1143 |
What is?. | | question |
closed |
flashman |
#1145 |
consecutive NOT(!)s are being merged, altering the code behavior at times | | bug |
closed |
ilufang |
#1147 |
XML Content of the shape data is exported twice | | bug |
returned |
Brandon |
#1148 |
Can this file be decompiled? I'm getting no luck | | bug |
closed |
shyden |
#1149 |
Replace in script commandline question. | | question |
closed |
z4k |
#1150 |
Partial decompilation (in try catch?) | | bug |
closed |
Brandon |
#1151 |
Text filters are not saved in exported FLA | | bug |
closed |
Brandon |
#1152 |
Parameters for texts DefineText (11) disappear and x and y values are not correctly set | | bug |
closed |
joneleit |
#1153 |
Exported JPEG Images are invalid | | bug |
closed |
MurphyRadio |
#1154 |
The Program Won't Start at All | | bug |
closed |
Mettaton |
#1155 |
Remove trait property or method | | feature |
closed |
midius |
#1156 |
9-slice scaling support (DefineScalingGrid) | | feature |
closed |
Brandon |
#1157 |
Deobfuscation: evaluate arithmetic constants | | feature |
closed |
thiht |
#1158 |
Missing sprite visual | | feature |
closed |
Brandon |
#1159 |
regex syntax hiligthing for non regex expressions | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1160 |
Can not save after edit (experimental) - SEVERE | | bug |
closed |
bhfff |
#1161 |
decompile/deoobfus file failed | | bug |
closed |
uragan1987 |
#1162 |
Not showing all the swf contents | | bug |
closed |
digdug |
#1163 |
Clicking on Open > File will make the program buggy | | bug |
postponed |
capasha |
#1164 |
Import Assets withour ImportAssets tag. Check here how is it possible | | feature |
postponed |
Brandon |
#1166 |
Can a DefineText character string be converted into a link (URL)? | | question |
closed |
joneleit |
#1167 |
Second parameter after -replace has to be a local file | | bug |
closed |
z4k |
#1169 |
Not able to save swf file after edited update | | bug |
closed |
dazfaz |
#1170 |
Extract from Memory in Command Line | | feature |
closed |
goodffdecnameok |
#1171 |
Unable to set stroke scaling in the fla file decompiled from a file with swf version 5 | | bug |
closed |
c200210018 |
#1172 |
Text content is wrong after decompilation | | bug |
closed |
c200210018 |
#1173 |
How is P-code ofsXXX generated? | | question |
closed |
capasha |
#1174 |
Method/Getter/Setter Trait is in swedish after changing language to english | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#1175 |
Cannot edit/set/copy ActionScript name of symbold | | bug |
closed |
JhonSilver |
#1176 |
Cant add characterId to placeobject | | bug |
closed |
JhonSilver |
#1177 |
Button parameters within JPEXS output? | | question |
closed |
joneleit |
#1179 |
Button sound doesn't appear in the exported fla file | | bug |
closed |
c200210018 |
#1180 |
Save pcode edit, null pointer exception on decompiling, work lost. | | bug |
closed |
Mgamerz |
#1181 |
Remember the answer to the "Do you want the assets to be loaded" questoin when the FFDec session is reloaded | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#1182 |
Allow to execute the source code from not a git repository folder | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#1183 |
New AS2 decompilation problems, it was wokring in version 7.1.1 | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1184 |
Invalid regular expression generated | | bug |
closed |
BeniBela |
#1185 |
#970 Imports of variables | | bug |
closed |
BeniBela |
#1186 |
#972 missing import | | bug |
closed |
BeniBela |
#1187 |
named break in switch or try/catch | | question |
closed |
BeniBela |
#1188 |
order of static fields | | bug |
closed |
BeniBela |
#1189 |
imports sorting | | feature |
closed |
BeniBela |
#1190 |
§§nextName and §§nextValue | | bug |
closed |
BeniBela |
#1191 |
assignment missing | | bug |
closed |
BeniBela |
#1192 |
Multiple default case in switch | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1194 |
Wrong sound effects in fla | | bug |
closed |
c200210018 |
#1196 |
Since downloading new FFDEC, whenever I try to play a SWF by pressing the RUN icon, it says that the path for the projector cannot be found and says to configure a path in the Advanced Settings. Can anyone help me with this? | | question |
closed |
cilibekd |
#1197 |
Detect obfuscated files and show a warning to try deobfuscator | | feature |
closed |
raghu16 |
#1198 |
Making small modifications to script causes game to crash | | bug |
closed |
tgp1994 |
#1199 |
Automatically import alpha channel do JPEG3 and JPEG4 tags from PNG. | | feature |
closed |
Jinxed_K |
#1200 |
Previous search text should be selected when quick find toolbar opens | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#1201 |
Editing code with switch/case seems to corrupt the SWF. | | bug |
closed |
junebeetle |
#1202 |
Detect file change and ask the user to reload | | feature |
closed |
honfika |
#1203 |
P-Code documents | | question |
closed |
capasha |
#1205 |
"-zoom" command line parameter for Frame export | | feature |
closed |
alex |
#1207 |
Help. Need to understand these instructions | | question |
closed |
Alexa |
#1209 |
Debug SWF running in browser | | feature |
new |
focus |
#1210 |
Frame Export - CANVAS mode showing Java Lang Null pointer Error for certain .swfs | | bug |
closed |
yogicxl |
#1211 |
Internal SWF player enhancements | | feature |
new |
megalol |
#1212 |
Export .pdf with fonts. | | feature |
closed |
Spr |
#1213 |
Changing tag types | | question |
closed |
Nanasaki_Koko |
#1214 |
Comparitors are Reversed! | | other |
closed |
C3Pex |
#1215 |
i cant find advanced sttings on german version | | bug |
closed |
zealotta |
#1216 |
PNG files with transparencies are being exported with a background color. | | bug |
closed |
robcob |
#1218 |
Windows Defender detects the ffdec.exe contains malware/trojan | | bug |
closed |
BradMichelle |
#1219 |
Loading, Saving, Expoting not working | | bug |
closed |
Sergio_D |
#1220 |
OSX: Open and remember screen size on dual monitor | | bug |
closed |
hwde |
#1221 |
Separate icons for different actionscript objects | | feature |
closed |
henke37 |
#1222 |
Place local classes in separate nodes in the package explorer | | feature |
new |
henke37 |
#1224 |
Error "An error occurred while starting the application" | | bug |
closed |
henke37 |
#1225 |
Simplify expressions does not use += | | feature |
closed |
henke37 |
#1226 |
Scrolling on Mac OS X | | feature |
postponed |
easyaspi314 |
#1227 |
Stack overflow when decompiling large actionscript | | bug |
closed |
TheQueenOfBlades |
#1228 |
§11§ left in the code | | question |
closed |
ytwangli |
#1229 |
Changing the script via P-Code/HEX not work correctly | | bug |
ignored |
#1230 |
Save session + internal viewer bug | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#1231 |
Edit buttons size | | question |
closed |
megalol |
#1232 |
Basic tag info improvements | | feature |
closed |
megalol |
#1233 |
Exported images with transparency look different | | bug |
closed |
eyal.katz |
#1235 |
Parent Close Comma Error | | bug |
closed |
rhp1989 |
#1236 |
ffdec won't open | | bug |
closed |
bluep1x |
#1237 |
Text search in AS working only if scripts tab is selected | | question |
closed |
megalol |
#1238 |
Hi, is something going wrong when use the free flash decompiler,can you help me? | | bug |
closed |
shirh19910112 |
#1239 |
Bug with font preview, after glyph insert | | bug |
closed |
strelokhalfer |
#1240 |
JPEXS does not use multiple threads for decompilation on Text Search | | feature |
closed |
bossfong |
#1241 |
File content is different to what FFDEC shows in HEX view near instructions | | bug |
closed |
Owyn |
#1242 |
Resolve registers | | feature |
new |
Owyn |
#1243 |
clicking edit in P-code source 1st time makes it jump to line 1 there | | bug |
closed |
Owyn |
#1244 |
Incorrect showing of NOP instructions | | bug |
closed |
Owyn |
#1245 |
Replace multiple graphics at once | | feature |
closed |
glitterinablender |
#1246 |
Minimum gui-pane widths (since version 8) make FFDEC unusable on small monitors | | bug |
closed |
stan |
#1247 |
Modification on this GFX font [PS3] doesn't seem working as it should | | bug |
closed |
JoonX86 |
#1248 |
Decompile the code using FlashCC will lead to incorrect result. | | bug |
postponed |
aprikyblue |
#1249 |
Search pcode hex for byte array string | | feature |
new |
ipb |
#1250 |
not working - firewall problems | | question |
closed |
Puki |
#1251 |
SWF is not the same after exporting to XML then importing back to SWF | | bug |
closed |
Proweb |
#1252 |
Is it possible to create a new method? | | question |
closed |
rogal |
#1253 |
Possible to add a addEventListener? | | question |
closed |
capasha |
#1254 |
Decoding AS3 timeline scrips | | feature |
closed |
turkeybaster5723 |
#1255 |
Recover instance metadata (AMF value in PlaceObject4) | | feature |
closed |
henke37 |
#1256 |
Name symbol after ActionScript linkage | | feature |
new |
turkeybaster5723 |
#1257 |
When I decompile an SWF using FFDEC, some of the filling (colours of drawn objects) is removed | | bug |
closed |
Polearm22 |
#1258 |
Open dual Windows | | question |
closed |
Budgie |
#1259 |
CTRL Click on AS3 Functions do not work anymore + question. | | bug |
closed |
WindowsTV |
#1263 |
The Import Script button does not recognize scripts | | question |
closed |
MasterWex |
#1264 |
Search SWFs in memory menu function is visible and enabled on non Windows system | | bug |
closed |
cnbeining |
#1265 |
MP3SOUNDDATA/MP3FRAME reading problem | | bug |
closed |
Scrivener07 |
#1266 |
Export frames to animated gif with transparent background | | feature |
closed |
3KyNoX |
#1267 |
Importing SVG creates empty fillStyles array | | question |
closed |
fratti |
#1268 |
Again problem with huge space between letters FONT replace/add/export | | bug |
closed |
michalss |
#1269 |
Chinese Translation error: Frame(s) | | other |
closed |
aprikyblue |
#1270 |
convert_i: adding extra cast with each save | | bug |
closed |
koen |
#1271 |
AS3 Direct Edit breaks P-Code | | bug |
closed |
realmaster42 |
#1272 |
JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler 9.0.0 Simplified Chinese language update | | other |
closed |
dayanzai |
#1274 |
Deb package requires specifically Oracle's JRE | | bug |
closed |
Caagr98 |
#1275 |
The value of local variable not showing on debugging (v.9.0.0) | | bug |
closed |
kenkoumine |
#1276 |
Making local variables to toggle | | question |
closed |
capasha |
#1277 |
Decompile&Edit bug - JPEXS v9.0.0 | | bug |
closed |
ultra_xerox |
#1278 |
replacing DefineBits issues error | | bug |
closed |
gslater |
#1279 |
Decompilation of traits (methods, fields) with same name | | feature |
closed |
#1280 |
Direct editation of traits (methods, fields) with same name | | feature |
closed |
#1281 |
SWF Fonts Space problem | | bug |
closed |
michalss |
#1282 |
how to replace music and images in a flash? | | question |
closed |
cookiefonster |
#1283 |
Unbounded Vector<*> direct editation problem | | bug |
closed |
Marek.47 |
#1284 |
Adding a DefineShapeTag and then replacing it with an already existing SVG file or PNG file results in a still empty shape (with a few changes in the tag info) | | bug |
closed |
tigeros |
#1285 |
JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler v.9.0.0 is removing flash.external.ExternalInterface; on saving the file. I want to communicate SWF through JS. | | bug |
ignored |
Adee |
#1286 |
FFDEC not launching Mac OS 10.11. See this related thread on stackoverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32574790/java-app-no-longer-runs-under-os-x-10-11-el-capitan | | bug |
closed |
georgechamplin |
#1287 |
Get rid of Unidentified Developer Status | | feature |
closed |
MasterWex |
#1288 |
Flash Player Path | | question |
closed |
Gigabait |
#1289 |
Variables used in inner functions in local registers | | bug |
closed |
abbulssa |
#1290 |
Export source to Projects | | feature |
closed |
solodarkban |
#1291 |
Is it possible to move or rearrange image, button etc.? | | feature |
closed |
abbulssa |
#1292 |
How to add Your Own Variables to a class | | question |
closed |
Xploit |
#1293 |
Is it possible to replace movie clip? | | question |
closed |
abbulssa |
#1295 |
IDENTIFIER or THIS or SUPER or STRING_OP expected but BRACKET_OPEN found | | bug |
postponed |
babypandas |
#1296 |
How can one see the fully qualified class and package names? | | question |
closed |
vorta4 |
#1297 |
I'd like to insert actionscript. | | question |
closed |
abbulssa |
#1298 |
Issue With Recompiling | | bug |
closed |
vorta4 |
#1299 |
How can I add instance names to movieclips? | | question |
closed |
abbulssa |
#1301 |
Cache files are still opened by java even after clear | | bug |
closed |
zorzo |
#1302 |
callpropvoid instruction docblock not correct | | bug |
closed |
afraca |
#1303 |
garbled text when exporting frame with text | | bug |
closed |
babypandas |
#1304 |
CURLY_CLOSE expected but IF found on line 145 | | question |
closed |
mockingbird |
#1305 |
IGGY File Format - fonts, etc. | | feature |
opened |
michalss |
#1306 |
Unable to maximize window on secondary monitor | | bug |
closed |
Llednar |
#1307 |
Add support swf files with lzma compression. | | feature |
closed |
ra2fat |
#1308 |
Search by all P-code files | | feature |
closed |
Strangster |
#1309 |
recent files not getting updates | | bug |
closed |
Owyn |
#1310 |
Modulo Order of Operations Incorrect | | bug |
closed |
RobinHood70 |
#1311 |
actionScript source font size | | feature |
closed |
feipinxiang |
#1312 |
about client.swf that release version can read it but nightly cant .. | | bug |
closed |
Djjom2x |
#1313 |
Font Change | | feature |
closed |
shared_login |
#1314 |
user interface | | bug |
closed |
shared_login |
#1315 |
Icon sorting shows the wrong direction. | | bug |
closed |
shared_login |
#1316 |
Create font picker dialog and use it in settings dialog | | feature |
new |
honfika |
#1317 |
How to add an include directment in AS2? | | question |
closed |
idk |
#1319 |
Recompiled FFdec.deb Packacked Worked for Solve Dependency Problem | | other |
closed |
Random |
#1320 |
shape transparency not preserved on export-reimport | | feature |
new |
Owyn |
#1321 |
No obfuscation, Broken code? | | bug |
ignored |
Xploit |
#1322 |
Plugins for FFDEC | | feature |
closed |
capasha |
#1323 |
Audio playback fails | | bug |
closed |
henke37 |
#1324 |
P-code deobfuscation may yield incorrect decompilation(++ operator side effect overlooked) | | bug |
closed |
vonchun |
#1326 |
Editing traits doesn't work | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#1327 |
Can't use uppercase code | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#1328 |
CURLY_CLOSE expected but IDENTIFIER found in as3.swf test file | | bug |
closed |
honfika |
#1329 |
Script filtering | | question |
closed |
r0b33 |
#1330 |
Issues with direct editing of Actionscript 3 | | bug |
closed |
StormReaper |
#1331 |
Is there a easier way to set "Allow Smoothing" for bitmap (in Flash Library)? | | question |
closed |
RadarNyan |
#1332 |
Image not appearing | | bug |
closed |
idk |
#1333 |
Exporting sprites as swf files | | feature |
closed |
realmaster42 |
#1334 |
For loops converts automatic to while loops | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#1336 |
regex, and too much int() unint() | | bug |
closed |
undifine0909 |
#1337 |
The value of local variable not showing on debugging ((v.10.0.0)) | | bug |
closed |
yyangcs |
#1338 |
[Edit ActionScript] Vector.<uint> would be replaced with ApplyTypeAVM2Iteam | | question |
closed |
michaelpdu |
#1339 |
Unable to use targetPath function | | bug |
closed |
idk |
#1340 |
Recommended 64bit JRE on 32bit OS | | bug |
closed |
StaSyaN |
#1341 |
OutOfMemory error occurred. You are running 32bit Java on 64bit system. Please use 64bit Java. | | bug |
closed |
Labo |
#1342 |
/usr/bin/ffdec: line 30: [: too many arguments | | bug |
closed |
JOELwindows7 |
#1343 |
AS 1/2 direct editation critical bug | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#1344 |
Save session + internal viewer bug (again but now with scripts instead texts) | | bug |
closed |
megalol |
#1347 |
Exported JPG images can't be opened | | bug |
closed |
fancool |
#1348 |
Cannot properly export frame with cyrillic symbols to SVG | | bug |
closed |
dikelito |
#1349 |
Why does FFDEC add -relaunched to the projector? | | bug |
closed |
capasha |
#1350 |
How do I save modification to embedded binary data | | question |
closed |
freiza |
#1351 |
Replace pcode command line using method name | | feature |
closed |
sarcova |
#1352 |
Better font importing | | feature |
new |
JoeH |
#1353 |
Jump to definition | | feature |
closed |
henke37 |
#1354 |
An error occurred while attempting to convert swf to flv. | | bug |
closed |
Daniel |
#1355 |
Ribbon's menu does not fit into the screen (1280px) | | bug |
closed |
Nemo |
#1356 |
Debugger internet access | | question |
closed |
mrSWF |
#1357 |
SWC not loadable | | bug |
closed |
cacaod |
#1358 |
Decompiling errors | | bug |
invalid |
Daniel |
#1359 |
Update #1358 information | | bug |
invalid |
Daniel |
#1360 |
Local register postincrement, decrement precedence | | bug |
closed |
Daniel |
#1361 |
How do I get working .as files (AS3) from a 2009 game | | question |
new |
Daikenkini |
#1362 |
Export images from list of SWF files to single directory | | feature |
closed |
bochratoon12 |
#1363 |
Command line delete image with dependencies | | question |
opened |
rdlsz24 |
#1364 |
Decompiling errors | | bug |
closed |
Daniel |
#1365 |
Command -importScript should be able to pass Flex SDK path as another optional command line argument | | feature |
closed |
buckybacon |
#1366 |
Adding scripts to swf file | | feature |
closed |
MasterWex |
#1367 |
How do I change an RGBA fill colour to just RGB? Images not showing, can't save file. | | bug |
closed |
dunc001 |
#1368 |
How do you use -replace in commandline? | | question |
closed |
Varq |
#1369 |
PNG exporte with bad quality | | bug |
closed |
bob456 |
#1370 |
How to resize a sprite? | | question |
opened |
realmaster42 |
#1371 |
goto character id | | feature |
closed |
Owyn |
#1372 |
drag & drop moving characters | | feature |
closed |
Owyn |
#1373 |
Export as searchable PDF | | feature |
closed |
Bynari |
#1374 |
I am trying to copy tag with dependencies to another swf file but it messes up the scroll bar. | | bug |
closed |
timmy01502 |
#1375 |
Decompiling fails | | bug |
invalid |
froheweihnachten |
#1376 |
Cannot access resources in some SWF | | question |
closed |
Zamasu |
#1377 |
Import/export <constant_string> | | feature |
new |
SileNTViP |
#1378 |
How to export pdf/gif/etc. with a transparent background? | | question |
closed |
Bladescarr |
#1379 |
postincrement in parameter list confuses JPEXS | | bug |
closed |
svdb |
#1380 |
Leaving JPEXS running for more than 1 day crashes my PC | | bug |
closed |
Zamasu |
#1381 |
App Wont Open, Please Help | | bug |
closed |
Kimchi |
#1383 |
Debugging nested SWFs | | feature |
closed |
muhbytes |
#1384 |
Some links on debugging, for the website too? | | other |
new |
muhbytes |
#1385 |
Tool: mitmproxy over the wire debug capability injection (request for comments) | | other |
new |
muhbytes |
#1386 |
Guide/Bibliography/Documentation for SWF reverse engineering | | other |
new |
muhbytes |
#1387 |
-enabledebugging -injectas3 supplied debug information results in incorrect line numbers during debugging | | question |
closed |
muhbytes |
#1388 |
help | | question |
closed |
#1389 |
Multiple formats not working via command line | | question |
closed |
Lambda |
#1390 |
Improved filter when exporting | | feature |
new |
Lambda |
#1391 |
Procrammatically accessible CLI interface or otherwise | | feature |
new |
muhbytes |
#1392 |
Corrupted compiled script after modifying or just saving. | | bug |
closed |
jeff |
#1393 |
View ASCII in HEX mode | | bug |
closed |
BiosNod |
#1394 |
Add new script pack | | question |
closed |
#1395 |
Debug not working | | bug |
closed |
castacio |
#1396 |
[BOUNTY] Add to FLA output | | feature |
opened |
wwmikes |
#1397 |
Import/add shapes | | question |
closed |
Katan025 |
#1398 |
Keeps giving me the error massage "OutOfMemory error occurred. You are running 32bit Java on 64bit system. Please use 64bit Java." despite the fact that I do have a 64-bit java installed | | bug |
closed |
JCrv |
#1400 |
SVG export: invalid JPEG data | | bug |
closed |
dev_zzo |
#1401 |
SVG export: duplicate pattern IDs | | bug |
closed |
dev_zzo |
#1403 |
Can't import an exported pcodes using the -importScript command | | bug |
new |
kenma9123 |
#1404 |
CANT OPEN FILE | | bug |
invalid |
dodge |
#1405 |
"-selectclass" using the command line | | question |
new |
TCount |
#1406 |
Output to the console | | question |
new |
TCount |
#1407 |
Unable to save changes to an SWF when opened as subtree | | bug |
closed |
Mist |
#1408 |
Unable to save edited .SWF - Nullpointer on SaveAs | | bug |
closed |
vontreece |
#1409 |
ability of adding actionscripts in a SWF | | feature |
closed |
GameHunter |
#1410 |
ability of adding new tags in the SystemClass of a SWF | | feature |
closed |
GameHunter |
#1411 |
Ability to change images on sprites | | feature |
closed |
realmaster42 |
#1412 |
Transparent Image Exporting | | bug |
closed |
Miroware |
#1413 |
When exporting, images with the same character ID are overwritten | | feature |
new |
modico |
#1414 |
Way to stop in-progress exportation | | feature |
closed |
RafatRifaie |
#1415 |
JPEXS Freezes when i close the flash debugger from outside of JPEXS | | bug |
closed |
RafatRifaie |
#1416 |
Add Action Scripts to SWF | | feature |
closed |
RadiatedFox |
#1417 |
Edit actionScript needs fixing | | bug |
invalid |
RadiatedFox |
#1418 |
Ability to make jpex Always on top | | feature |
new |
RafatRifaie |
#1419 |
Hide unnecessary script class files | | feature |
new |
RafatRifaie |
#1420 |
Ignore specific packages when using the Text Search tool | | feature |
new |
RafatRifaie |
#1421 |
Internal error when trying to click 'Save' in the 'Edit Actionscript' panel | | bug |
closed |
NafrayuMiriyu |
#1422 |
change shape | | question |
closed |
ZeroX4 |
#1423 |
Cant edit some action scripts in this swf | | bug |
closed |
RadiatedFox |
#1424 |
Replace SoundStreamHead | | question |
closed |
Doopa |
#1425 |
Support Opening FLA files. | | feature |
closed |
wertercatt |
#1426 |
unicode class name, function name, variable name | | bug |
ignored |
pin |
#1427 |
Loading graphics | | bug |
postponed |
CobraGamer |
#1430 |
SWF File obfuscated with Leawo cannot be opened or deobfuscated. | | bug |
closed |
bennh |
#1431 |
Function Beginning being removed in Button's code | | question |
closed |
obs1d1an |
#1432 |
Save as Exe | Command Line | | feature |
closed |
MangaD_ |
#1433 |
Edit multiple frames/PlaceObjects at once | | question |
new |
plug_clock |
#1434 |
[Request]Help with an swf feature | | other |
ignored |
ScurySnek |
#1435 |
Adding a DefineScalingGrid tag to a DefineSprite tag fails, and will corrupt the SWF when it is saved | | bug |
closed |
DavidJCobb |
#1436 |
Importing a scripts folder only imports scripts already in the SWF file | | feature |
new |
DavidJCobb |
#1437 |
garbled text in GUI | | bug |
closed |
Pons |
#1438 |
Support for editing BUTTONCOND - on(xx) | | feature |
closed |
noname |
#1439 |
can't edit the first line of actionscript | | bug |
ignored |
noname |
#1440 |
3) PlayerGlobal (.swc) path where do i find that??? ( 2. flash player projector content debugger path doesn't work) | | question |
closed |
Nao |
#1441 |
I have installed the JPEXS decompiler but it isn't working. | | bug |
invalid |
tayobalogun |
#1442 |
Can't load Iggy file. | | bug |
opened |
masumi |
#1443 |
A question regarding command line replacement for a script | | question |
new |
Madluv |
#1444 |
Tamil supported on Actionscript text | | feature |
closed |
shooterarm |
#1445 |
Export obscuration swf fail when class path have space | | bug |
closed |
xf5464 |
#1446 |
Imported PNGs doesn't feature antialiasing | | bug |
closed |
Katan025 |
#1447 |
How i can open this file? | | question |
closed |
danteg9 |
#1448 |
Bad VirusTotal results - Hidden Malware? | | other |
closed |
AnApprenticeNot |
#1449 |
Translation: Turkish | | other |
opened |
osmanoz |
#1450 |
AS3 direct editation save Error | | bug |
closed |
kevoting2 |
#1451 |
invalid swf file, wrong signature. | | other |
closed |
nus2ss |
#1452 |
Can't Use (missing java?) | | question |
closed |
BrokenNotDaily |
#1453 |
SWFMOVIE file saving support | | feature |
postponed |
oven59 |
#1454 |
Export Sprites as SWF? | | bug |
closed |
Dokta_Whawee |
#1455 |
Editing SWF Made By SWF Players Like Instant Demo | | feature |
closed |
sasatefa2009 |
#1456 |
JSyntaxPane editor not loading on Java 10 | | bug |
closed |
Help |
#1457 |
switch statement not detected | | bug |
closed |
Tibi |
#1458 |
Find bar is overlaying horizontal scrollbar | | bug |
closed |
fwr11 |
#1459 |
closed |
Help |
#1460 |
Replace all images button/ Import Images button | | feature |
closed |
MasterWex |
#1461 |
Cannot save actionscript code. SEVERE error in log | | bug |
closed |
MasterWex |
#1462 |
Text Replace implemented? Also , cache warnings query | | question |
opened |
notapro |
#1463 |
How do I replace shapes with PNG images | | question |
closed |
yelehenabouk |
#1464 |
JPEXS not starting anymore after installing Flash Pro CS6 | | bug |
closed |
RobinPanfu |
#1465 |
Stop swf from autoplaying when opening with FFDEC | | feature |
closed |
Help |
#1466 |
Problem when saving SWF file, all files are saved with extension .SWF.TMP | | bug |
closed |
BrunoMarin |
#1467 |
Direct editing of AS2 doesn't save properly | | bug |
closed |
SomebodyOnceToldMe |
#1470 |
No register or slot set | | bug |
closed |
WesleySales3d |
#1471 |
Import Script not working | | question |
closed |
Help |
#1472 |
Using Text Search results in large ram/power use | | bug |
new |
Help |
#1473 |
Can you even replace SoundStreamHeads? | | feature |
closed |
BlueWonder |
#1474 |
Decompiled output is somewhat confusing | | bug |
closed |
DoomTay |
#1475 |
A bit meta: This bug tracker page's filter and sort aren't working | | bug |
closed |
DoomTay |
#1476 |
On a hi-DPI monitor, any newly created windows will appear behind the main window | | bug |
closed |
DoomTay |
#1477 |
FFDec won't open when trying to load a swf file which contains Japanese characters from context menu | | bug |
closed |
Berni11 |
#1478 |
Reading header via command line | | question |
closed |
jtvjan |
#1479 |
Invalid SWF Wrong Signature when try to open SWF | | bug |
closed |
Machow8 |
#1482 |
Invalid SWF Wrong Signature | | bug |
closed |
yuno321 |
#1483 |
-replace commandline arguments question | | question |
closed |
mojtaba |
#1484 |
-replace commanline arg gives NullPointer on script problem | | bug |
closed |
mojtaba |
#1485 |
GUI Night mode | | feature |
closed |
Owyn |
#1488 |
java.util.EmptyStackException when trying to export a frame | | bug |
closed |
alexv |
#1489 |
Problems with negation and for each loops in the AS2 compiler | | bug |
closed |
figStuff |
#1490 |
PARENT_CLOSE EXPECTED but THIS found - Editing Cast op | | bug |
closed |
Owyn |
#1491 |
Save AS edit with a problem? | | question |
closed |
Hamrhed |
#1492 |
SWF preview does not preview after adding something | | bug |
postponed |
lucman27 |
#1493 |
Compile CastOp not being used problem | | bug |
closed |
Owyn |
#1494 |
Compile GetURL2 not being used problem | | bug |
closed |
Owyn |
#1495 |
decompiler | | bug |
closed |
Bestie |
#1496 |
How can I get rid of the spaces in the identifier name? | | question |
closed |
LeoStitch |
#1497 |
Constant pool strings not being reused when editing swf | | bug |
closed |
wolf_haley |
#1498 |
compiler, modify decompiler | | feature |
closed |
Bestie |
#1499 |
ffdec fails to start: Could not initialize class com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.configuration.Configuration | | bug |
closed |
nnyby |
#1500 |
Cant find file swf version >37 in memory | | question |
closed |
kai |
#1501 |
A way to mass-import shapes, sprites, text, etc. | | feature |
closed |
bobus |
#1502 |
Renamed class variable names are not saved | | bug |
closed |
Robotex |
#1503 |
Simple cli swf to fla export fails with java.lang.NullPointerException | | bug |
closed |
inkl |
#1504 |
Export to XFL | | feature |
postponed |
solodarkban |
#1505 |
Replacing Scripts in Frames | | question |
closed |
radzo73 |
#1506 |
Add Flex SDK? | | question |
closed |
WindowsTV |
#1507 |
"§§" symbols mess everything up | | bug |
closed |
Evgen |
#1508 |
Export PNG in fully quality | | question |
closed |
SmashJosh |
#1509 |
removing multiple items at once in generic tag editor | | bug |
closed |
#1510 |
Invalid SWF file, wrong signature | | question |
closed |
prasmatnus |
#1511 |
CTRL + F search images and sounds | | feature |
closed |
kevoting2 |
#1512 |
miter limit < 1 error when exporting a sprite | | bug |
closed |
hbdfgbfdhgvcbcv |
#1513 |
.swf.tmp problem | | bug |
closed |
Pikarizard |
#1514 |
[Stack Overflow] Big actionscript files fail to decompile | | bug |
closed |
wkronfeld |
#1515 |
How can I change overall font size? | | question |
closed |
yotajac |
#1516 |
When trying to save after edits | | bug |
closed |
kinggully123 |
#1517 |
ok now when i edit i get ah greyed out when starting game | | bug |
invalid |
kinggully123 |
#1519 |
How to change/add a sound name? | | question |
closed |
KnightOfTigers |
#1521 |
SWF to SVG with filename | | question |
closed |
ceznov |
#1522 |
Invalid SWF, Wrong Signature | | bug |
invalid |
idah6 |
#1523 |
Can't type while editing frame data | | bug |
closed |
BDslick |
#1524 |
I want to change font but I don't have knowledge about gfx at all :( | | question |
closed |
wnsip |
#1525 |
How do i edit scripts using playerglobal? | | question |
closed |
UppercutMan |
#1526 |
closed |
Timetraveler_1 |
#1527 |
access violation | | bug |
postponed |
14362578 |
#1528 |
Commanline -zoom option not working | | bug |
closed |
JPEXSuser |
#1529 |
-selectid does not work on sprites and buttons | | bug |
closed |
yoog290048 |
#1530 |
CWS to FWS | | question |
closed |
yoog290048 |
#1531 |
proxy doesnt work on this site on firefox | | bug |
closed |
Djjom2x |
#1533 |
DefineSprite to Transparent PNG | | bug |
closed |
Prozacs |
#1534 |
Problem with FFDEC XML import for DefineButton/DefineButton2 tags | | bug |
closed |
#1535 |
Interpreting XFL | | question |
closed |
pongstylin |
#1536 |
How to import a font into an SWF | | question |
closed |
murkalurk2099 |
#1537 |
Alternate JREs not working | | bug |
closed |
PlayJoy |
#1538 |
Obfuscated names in SWF | | question |
closed |
VladD |
#1539 |
Saving a SWF is bugged | | bug |
invalid |
AlienDrew |
#1541 |
Unknown tags XML import/export, deobfuscate whole AS1/2 file | | question |
closed |
pongstylin |
#1542 |
using the command line to export, sound items cannot be generated. | | bug |
closed |
alexchiang |
#1543 |
Import .as to a swf | | question |
closed |
Shiro |
#1544 |
invalid swf file, wrong signature. | | bug |
invalid |
wtfiwinomgs |
#1545 |
Saving comments in the Actionscript editor does not work | | question |
ignored |
radzo73 |
#1546 |
Swf list not showing in search in memory on chrome | | bug |
closed |
sunlol |
#1547 |
Changing image position | | question |
closed |
Chinomso |
#1548 |
DefineFont3 tag cannot be dumped | | bug |
closed |
nissansz |
#1549 |
swf to frame:canvas, the text cannot be copied, any chance to convert to html5 like sothink with editable text html5? | | feature |
new |
nissansz |
#1550 |
Font Missing name. | | bug |
closed |
nissansz |
#1551 |
text cannot be copied under extracted Font for English letters etc. except Chinese characters | | bug |
closed |
nissansz |
#1552 |
images in frame:canvas are all black, not showing correctly. | | bug |
closed |
nissansz |
#1553 |
exported images could not be displayed | | bug |
closed |
nissansz |
#1554 |
I can't able to open the exported .bin file in raw form | | question |
invalid |
Amish2 |
#1555 |
App/.jar is not running | | bug |
closed |
radzo73 |
#1556 |
How can I replace a lot of Shape files with .png's? | | question |
opened |
espvolt |
#1557 |
Screenshots appear everywhere on JPEXS | | bug |
closed |
ifyoudarethenpizzait |
#1559 |
Shape Replace | | bug |
ignored |
LorDograh |
#1560 |
Error on compiling - $$goto is not available | | bug |
closed |
teliosmetonma |
#1561 |
Import font data (kerning, ascent, descent, etc.) | | feature |
closed |
RadRussianRus |
#1562 |
Black squares pop up everywhere on images and frames | | question |
closed |
BecauseitsAitme |
#1563 |
(2 issues) 1: White simple User Interface despite oceanic user interface skin | 2: definevideo and definevideostream | | question |
closed |
BecauseitsAitme |
#1564 |
DefineVideoStream Issue | | bug |
closed |
BecauseitsAitme |
#1565 |
Trying to edit a file, but it is not saving. | | bug |
closed |
Big_Guy_Number_2312 |
#1566 |
How do i change the name of a tag? | | question |
closed |
WrapperFan |
#1567 |
Actionscript Refuses to Save | | question |
closed |
BecauseitsAitme |
#1568 |
Reset Everything to default settings Automatically In Settings | | feature |
closed |
BecauseitsAitme |
#1569 |
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException on actionscript editing | | bug |
closed |
crit |
#1570 |
Bad shape rendering in preview | | bug |
closed |
rBVDGAAXqC6y7fL7byoG |
#1571 |
Ask for help | | question |
closed |
lb21 |
#1572 |
swf>svg problem | | bug |
closed |
alefimov |
#1573 |
can't add class!!! | | question |
closed |
jackma |
#1574 |
How to add new files? | | question |
closed |
![]() |